HELPLIB.HLB  —  RDO72  Sample Databases
    To help you learn and test Oracle Rdb features, online files
    are provided that you can execute to create the following sample

    o  personnel

       The personnel database is a single-file database.

    o  mf_personnel

       The mf_personnel database is a multifile database.

    o  corporate_data

       The corporate_data database is a single-file database that
       demonstrates the use of the multischema feature of SQL.

    The personnel and mf_personnel databases contain the same
    domains, tables, and columns. The corporate_data database
    contains slightly different domains, tables, and columns.

    You use a single command procedure provided by Oracle Rdb to
    create the various forms of the sample databases.

    By default, the command procedure builds the single-file
    personnel database using SQL data definitions. Use the following
    command to build this database:


    You can specify parameters when you invoke the command procedure
    to create alternative versions of the sample databases. The
    following shows the format of the command you enter to create
    a sample database:

    $ @RDM$DEMO:PERSONNEL interface-lang database-form reposit multischema dir

    The parameters specify the following choices:

    1. Interface-lang: Enter SQL or RDO.

       Specifies SQL or RDO as the data definition language. SQL is
       the default.

       There are slight differences between the SQL and the RDO
       definitions of personnel and mf_personnel.

    2. Database-form: Enter S or M.

       Specifies the creation of either a single-file (S) or
       multifile (M) database. A single-file database is the default.

    3. Reposit: Enter CDD or NOCDD.

       Specifies whether or not to store data definitions in the
       repository. The default is not to store data definitions in
       the repository.

    4. Multischema: Enter MSDB or omit parameter.

       Specifies the creation of the multischema database, corporate_
       data. Note that for the first three parameters you must
       specify the SQL interface, the single-file database form,
       and that data definitions not be stored in the repository. The
       following example demonstrates how to create the (corporate_
       date) multischema database:


    5. Dir: Enter a directory specification where you want the
       database created.

       If you do not specify this parameter, this procedure will
       prompt you for a directory specification. If you do not
       provide a directory specification at the prompt, your default
       directory will be used.

       If you run this procedure in batch and this parameter is
       empty, your default directory will be used.

    To specify the second, third, fourth, or fifth parameters, you
    must include any previous parameters. You can use uppercase or
    lowercase to specify the parameters.

    For example, to build the multifile version using RDO data
    definitions and store the data definitions in the repository,
    enter the following command:


    When you build the single-file personnel database, the command
    procedure builds a database called personnel.rdb, regardless
    of the interface language used. When you build the multifile
    mf_personnel database, the command procedure builds a database
    called mf_personnel.rdb (plus related storage area files),
    regardless of the interface language used. Note that you can
    use either the SQL or RDO interface to work with the resulting
    database, regardless of whether the database was created using
    SQL or RDO command files.

    When you build the multischema corporate_data database, the
    command procedure builds a database called corporate_data.rdb.
    You can use only SQL to build the database. Although you can use
    RDO to work with the database, RDO does not allow you to take
    advantage of the multischema feature.


       When you create the personnel or mf_personnel database, a
       log of the database definition statements used in creating
       the database is placed in a file called personnel.log in the
       same directory as the database.

       When you create the corporate_data database, a log of the
       database definition statements used in creating the database
       is placed in a file called corporate_data.log in the same
       directory as the database.

    The personnel command procedure consists of several smaller
    command files, executable files, and data files. These files are
    located in the directory RDM$DEMO. You might want to use these
    files as models in creating your databases.

    For additional information about creating the sample databases,
    read the online file about_sample_databases.txt. This file is
    located in the Samples directory.
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