/VALUE=(NAME=property-name,action[=data]) (Alpha/Integrity
       servers only)

    Sets, deletes, or modifies a named property value associated with
    the display device. Named property values are intended to store
    configuration information associated with the display device,
    such as the network address of a session manager.

    Use the following options to specify the type of action to

    o  DELETE - Deletes the specified property value.

    o  SET=data - Sets the specified property to the supplied value.

    o  APPEND=data - If the property exists, adds the supplied value
       to the end of list of values associated with the property.
       If the property does not exist, it is created and set to the
       supplied value.

    Use the SHOW DISPLAY/VALUES command to display all existing
    named properties and their current values. Property names are
    restricted to 31 characters. Names that include a dollar sign ($)
    are reserved by VSI for use with OpenVMS products and facilities.
    For example, names starting with the string DECW$ are reserved
    for DECwindows Motif.
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