
    Defines for a batch job the working set quota, the amount of
    physical memory that is available to the job. The value set
    by this qualifier overrides the value defined in the user
    authorization file (UAF) of any user submitting a job to the

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
    systems. Note that the OpenVMS system rounds up this value to
    the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount of physical
    memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set quota value
    defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT
    command (if included).

    A working set default size and a working set quota (maximum size)
    are included in each user record in the system user authorization
    file (UAF). You can specify a working set default and a working
    set quota for both individual jobs and for all jobs in a given
    queue. The following table shows the action taken for different
    combinations of specifications that involve working set size and
    working set quota values.

    Specified       Value
    by              Specified
    the SUBMIT      for the
    Command?        Queue?        Action Taken

    No              No            Use the UAF value.

    No              Yes           Use the value for the queue.

    Yes             Yes           Use the smaller of the two values.

    Yes             No            Compare the specified value with
                                  the UAF value; use the smaller.
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