HELPLIB.HLB  —  SHOW  Description
    The following table lists all the SHOW command options.

    Option                      Displays

    ACCOUNTING                  Resources the current accounting file is

    AUDIT                       Security auditing characteristics in effect
                                on the system

    BROADCAST                   Message classes for which broadcast is

    CLUSTER                     OpenVMS Cluster activity and performance

    CPU                         Current state of the attached processor

    DEFAULT                     Current default device and directory

    DEVICES                     Status of devices in the system

    DEVICES/SERVED              Status of devices served by the MSCP server
                                on an OpenVMS Cluster system

    DISPLAY                     Node where the output from a DECwindows
                                application running on the current node
                                will be displayed

    ENTRY                       Information about a user's batch and print
                                jobs or about specific job entries

    ERROR                       Error count for the CPU, memory, and
                                physical devices

    FASTPATH                    Displays fastpath port assignment and
    (Alpha/Integrity            usage.
    servers only)

    IMAGE (Alpha/Integrity      Displays information about an ELF format
    servers only)               image file.

    INTRUSION                   Contents of the intrusion database

    KEY                         Key definitions created by the DEFINE/KEY

    LICENSE                     Software product licenses active on the
                                current node as well as list of the names
                                attached to a license (known as the RESERVE

    LOGICAL                     Current logical name assignments

    MEMORY                      Availability and usage of memory resources

    NETWORK                     Information about network services
                                registered on a node

    PRINTER                     Printer characteristics

    PROCESS                     Attributes of the current process,
                                including privileges, resource quotas,
                                memory usage, priority, and accounting

    PROTECTION                  Current default protection applied to files

    QUEUE                       Names and types of queues that are
                                available on the system as well as any
                                current jobs belonging to your process

    QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS       Characteristic names and numbers that have
                                been defined for system queues

    QUEUE/FORM                  Form names and numbers that have been
                                defined for system queues

    QUEUE/MANAGERS              Information about the queue manager(s) on
                                the system or OpenVMS Cluster

    QUOTA                       Current disk quota authorized for and used
                                by a specific user on a specific disk

    RMS_DEFAULT                 Current default multiblock and multibuffer
                                counts used by OpenVMS Record Management
                                Services (RMS) for file operations

    SECURITY                    Name, class, and profile of a security

    SERVER ACME                 Information about the ACME server
    servers only)

    SERVER REGISTRY             Information about the Registry server
    servers only)

    SHADOW (Alpha/Integrity     Status of a specified shadow set on the
    servers only)               system.

    STATUS                      Status of the current job, including
                                accumulated CPU time, open file count, and
                                count of I/O operations

    SYMBOL                      Current symbol definitions

    SYSTEM                      List of all processes in the system

    TERMINAL                    Device characteristics of a terminal

    [DAY]TIME                   Current date and time

    TRANSLATION                 Current logical name assignment

    USERS                       Information about users currently on the

    WORKING_SET                 CURRENT working set size limit and quota

    ZONE                        Current state of a VAXft system
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