HELPLIB.HLB  —  SQL72  Information Tables, RDB$STORAGE_AREAS
    Displays information about the database storage areas.

    Column Name                 Type      Description

    RDB$LAST_BACKUP             date vms  Date of last backup
    RDB$LAST_INCREMENT_         date vms  Date of last restore
    RDB$INITIAL_ALLOCATION      integer   Allocation
    RDB$CURRENT_ALLOCATION      integer   Maximum page number
    RDB$AREA_ACCESS_MODE        integer   Access mode
    RDB$THRESHOLD1_BYTES        integer   First threshold value
    RDB$THRESHOLD2_BYTES        integer   Second threshold value
    RDB$THRESHOLD3_BYTES        integer   Third threshold value
    RDB$PAGE_SIZE               integer   Page size
    RDB$AREA_MIN_EXTENT         integer   Minimum page extent
    RDB$AREA_MAX_EXTENT         integer   Maximum page extent
    RDB$AREA_PERCENT_EXTENT     integer   Percent growth
    RDB$EXTEND_COUNT            integer   Number of times area has
                                          been extended
    RDB$SPAM_INTERVAL           integer   Number of pages per SPAM
    RDB$JOURNAL_SEQUENCE        integer   AIJ recovery version number
    RDB$MAX_PAGE_FREE_SPACE     integer   Maximum free space on new
    RDB$MAX_ROW_LENGTH          integer   Largest segment that can be
                                          stored on a page
    RDB$SEQUENCE                integer   Sequence number
    RDB$AREA_ID                 integer   Area ID
    RDB$LINKED_AREA_ID          integer   For live storage area,
                                          ID of snapshot area. For
                                          snapshot area, ID of live
                                          storage area
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags
    RDB$THRESHOLD1_PERCENT      integer   First threshold percent
    RDB$THRESHOLD2_PERCENT      integer   Second threshold percent
    RDB$THRESHOLD3_PERCENT      integer   Third threshold percent
    RDB$AREA_FILE               char(255) Storage area file name
    RDB$CACHE_ID                integer   Row cache ID
    RDB$AREA_NAME               char(31)  Storage area name
    RDB$CLUMP_PAGE_COUNT        integer   The number of pages per
                                          logical area clump (UNIFORM
    RDB$PAGE_LENGTH             integer   Page length in bytes
    RDB$PAGES_PER_SPAM_PAGE_    integer   Number of data pages per
    P1                                    SPAM page + 1
    RDB$SPAM_PAGE_VECTOR_       integer   SPAM page vector length in
    LENGTH                                bytes
    RDB$PAGE_PAD_LENGTH         integer   Page padding length in
    RDB$MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH      integer   Largest length to which an
                                          existing segment can grow
    RDB$BACKUP_STATISTICS       bigint    Backup-specific statistics
    RDB$SNAPS_ENABLED_TSN       bigint    TSN of oldest snapshots. If
                                          this is a live storage area
                                          that has snapshots allowed,
                                          this field contains the
                                          TSN of the most recent
                                          transaction that enabled
                                          snapshots for or performed
                                          exclusive updates to this
    RDB$COMMIT_TSN              bigint    TSN to which this area is
                                          consistent. If the area
                                          is marked inconsistent,
                                          this is the TSN level to
                                          which the area is currently
    RDB$BACKUP_TSN              bigint    TSN of last full area
                                          backup. If this field
                                          contains zero, this area
                                          has not been backed up
    RDB$INCR_BACKUP_TSN         bigint    TSN of last incremental
                                          area backup. If this field
                                          contains zero, this area
                                          has not been incrementally
                                          backed up
    RDB$LAST_EXTEND             date vms  Date of last area extend
Additional Information: explode extract
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