SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  Literals  Date Time Literals
    When you refer to a date-time data type with a literal in an
    SQL statement, you must precede the literal with the data type
    name and enclose the literal in single quotation marks. You must
    provide values for all fields, and values must be within the
    valid range for the field.

    The following syntax shows the format of date-time literals:

  date-time-literal =

  --+-> TIME --> ' --> time-body --> ' ------------------------+-->
    +-> DATE -+---------+-> ' --> date-body --> ' -------------+
    |         +-> ANSI -+                                      |
    +-> TIMESTAMP --> ' --+-> date-body   time-body -+-->  ' --+
                          +-> date-body : time-body -+

  time-body =

  ---> <hours> : <minutes> :  <seconds> ---+
      +-> . <fractional-seconds> -+

  date-body =

  ---> <year> - <month> - <day> -->


       In the following syntax descriptions, y, d, h, and s stand
       for single digits in fields representing years, days, hours,
       and seconds, respectively. The letter m stands for 1 digit
       of the month number when it follows a y, and 1 digit of the
       minutes number when it does not. Fractions of a second are
       represented by digits after the decimal point.

    The syntax for date-time literals is as follows:

    o  DATE literals

       DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd'
       DATE 'dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss'

       Examples: DATE ANSI '1993-05-27'
                 DATE VMS '27-MAY-1993 15:25:00.00'

       SQL includes leap year validation for the 29th of February.

    o  TIME literals

       TIME 'h:m:s'
       TIME 'h:m:s.s'

       Example: TIME '14:23:45.19'

       TIME represents 24-hour time.

    o  TIMESTAMP literals

       TIMESTAMP 'y-m-d h:m:s'
       TIMESTAMP 'y-m-d:h:m:s'

       Example: TIMESTAMP '1993-1-4 14:12:01.00'
                TIMESTAMP '1993-1-4:14:12:01.00'

       There are two formats allowed for the TIMESTAMP literal. The
       SQL92 format allows a separating space character between the
       date-body and the time-body as shown in the previous example.
       The nonstandard format allows a separating colon character
       between the date-body and the time-body. For example:

       SQL> --
       SQL> -- Create a table and insert several rows using the SQL92 format and
       SQL> -- the nonstandard format for the TIMESTAMP literal.
       SQL> --
       cont>                             DEFAULT TIMESTAMP '1995-1-1 12:34:10.01');
       SQL> INSERT INTO t (a) VALUE (0);
       1 row inserted
       SQL> --
       SQL> -- Insert a row using the nonstandard format for the TIMESTAMP
       SQL> -- literal.
       SQL> --
       SQL> INSERT INTO t (a,b) VALUE (1, TIMESTAMP '1995-1-1:12:34:10.01');
       1 row inserted
       SQL> --
       SQL> -- Insert a row using the SQL92 format for the TIMESTAMP literal.
       SQL> --
       SQL> INSERT INTO t (a,b) VALUE (2, TIMESTAMP '1995-1-1 12:34:10.01');
       1 row inserted
       SQL> --
       SQL> -- Select the rows.  SQL uses the SQL92 format to display the
       SQL> -- TIMESTAMP literal for all selected rows.
       SQL> --
       SQL> SELECT a, b, CAST (b AS CHAR(30)) FROM t ORDER BY a;
                  A   B
                  0   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01
                  1   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01
                  2   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01   1995-01-01 12:34:10.01
       3 rows selected

    o  INTERVAL literals

       INTERVAL '±d:h:m:s.s' DAY TO SECOND

       Examples: INTERVAL '-1-2' YEAR TO MONTH
                 INTERVAL '1:4:30:0.0' DAY TO SECOND
                 INTERVAL '1:10' DAY TO HOUR
                 INTERVAL '235' MONTH(3)

       The following syntax shows the format of interval literals:

  interval-literal =

  --> INTERVAL --> ' --> <interval-body> --> ' --> interval-qualifier -->

  interval-body =

  +----++-> years -+---------------+
  +> + ||          +> - +          |
  +> - ++---------------+> months -+-------------------------------------+>
        +> days +--------------+                                         |
        |       +> : +         |                                         |
        +------------+> hours ++-----------+                             |
        |                     +> : +       |                             |
        +--------------------------+> min ++-----------+                 |
        |                                 +> : +       |                 |
        +--------------------------------------+> sec ++-----------------+
        |                                             +> : +             |
        +--------------------------------------------------+> . frac-sec +

  interval-qualifier =

  --+-> YEAR ---> prec --+-------------+-----------------+->
    |                    +-> TO MONTH -+                 |
    +-> MONTH --> prec ----------------------------------+
    +-> DAY ----> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO -+-> HOUR ---------------+
    |                            +-> MINUTE -------------+
    |                            +-> SECOND -> frac -----+
    +-> HOUR ---> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO -+-> MINUTE -------------+
    |                            +-> SECOND -> frac -----+
    +-> MINUTE -> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO SECOND ------> frac -----+
    +-> SECOND -> seconds-prec --------------------------+

  frac =

    +--> ( <numeric-literal> ) -+

  prec =

    +--> ( <numeric-literal> ) -+

  seconds-prec =

    +-> ( <numeric-literal-1> ---+         |
       +-------------------------+         |
       ++--------------------------+-> ) --+
        +> , <numeric-literal-2> --+

       Because intervals can be signed quantities, a leading addition
       or subtraction operator can precede the literal to indicate
       positive (+)  or negative (-) intervals.

    o  DBKEY string literals

       THE DBKEY literal is used primarily by database administrators
       who have database keys which were displayed in error messages,
       or shown on an RMU/SHOW STATISTICS display and wish to display
       the associated row.

       The dbkey string literal is prefixed by _DBKEY, or _ROWID to
       identify it as a special DBKEY literal. Some examples of valid
       DBKEY literals are as follows:

       o  _DBKEY'23:5628:0'

          An Oracle Rdb table dbkey has three parts, a logical area
          (in this example 23), a page number (in this example 5628),
          and a line number (in this example 0). All three parts must
          be specified.

       o  _ROWID'23:5628:0, 45:345:15'

          The DBKEY string literal may include several comma
          separated dbkeys if this is used to reference a view
          table. Each DBKEY references a row from the view made up
          of component rows from a table.

          The ROWID keyword is a synonym for DBKEY.

       Leading and trailing spaces are ignored, however, spaces may
       not be embedded within the numeric values in the DBKEY.

       Errors will be reported if the DBKEY is for a different table,
       is incorrectly formatted, or does not reference a row. The
       reported errors are shown in the following example. A question
       mark is placed within the string to highlight the syntax

       SQL> select * from employees where dbkey = _dbkey'1,2,3';
       %RDB-F-CONVERT_ERROR, invalid or unsupported data conversion
       -RDMS-E-DBKFORMAT, database key format incorrect "1,?2,3" - unexpected
       SQL> select * from employees where dbkey = _dbkey'-1:+2:0';
       %RDB-F-CONVERT_ERROR, invalid or unsupported data conversion
       -RDMS-E-DBKFORMAT, database key format incorrect "-1:+?2:0" - unexpected
       SQL> select * from employees where dbkey = _dbkey'23:1:1';
       %RDB-E-NO_RECORD, access by dbkey failed because dbkey is no longer associated
       with a record
       -RDMS-F-INVDBK, 23:1:1 is not a valid dbkey
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