1    /BELL

    Sounds an audible signal when the requested recording operation
    completes successfully.

2    /FORMAT

       /NOFORMAT (default)

    Requests that rewritable (RW) media be formatted or reformatted
    prior to use. This qualifier is required for writing to blank
    rewritable media or rewriting rewritable media.

    If the target media cannot be formatted, this command qualifier
    is ignored.

    If not specified, the appropriate keyword is automatically
    selected for the fastest formatting speed available for the
    target recording media.

    Keywords for the /FORMAT Qualifier lists available keywords.

    Table 1-1 Keywords for the /FORMAT Qualifier

    Keyword  Function, Comments

    WAIT     Applies to DVD+RW. The default for the /FORMAT qualifier
             is not to wait for the formatting to complete because
             waiting is usually unnecessary and far slower.

             Selecting WAIT causes the entire format to run
             synchronously to completion before beginning the
             recording operation.

             The default is to:

             o  Operate asynchronously

             o  Perform background formatting

             o  Run both the media format operation and the recording
                operations concurrently

    ERASE    Applies to CD-RW.

             The default for the /FORMAT qualifier is to perform a
             quick erasure because a full erasure is usually both
             unnecessary and far slower.

             Selecting ERASE causes the CD-RW rewritable disk to
             be entirely erased as part of the format operation.
             This erasure is performed and is completed before the
             recording operation begins.

             The default is to perform a quick erasure.

3    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Shows basic device information and the progress of the recording
    operation. Use /NOLOG to disable the normal output from the

4    /SPEED

    If you must use the lower-speed or poor-quality CD recording
    media, the /SPEED qualifier is often required for successful
    completion of the recording process. You might need to select
    a recording speed below the rated speed of the CD drive itself.
    Specifically, you might need to select a recording speed that
    is compatible with both the CD drive and the CD recording media
    loaded in the drive.

    The /SPEED qualifier accepts a single keyword for a requested
    device speed:


    The CDDVD utility attempts to match the requested speed to a
    speed that the device supports. (Not all devices support all
    speeds, including the lowest speed, 1X, or the highest speed
    available.) The default speed is the maximum speed that the
    target device supports. DVD+R/RW drives select the maximum
    recording speed based on information encoded on the media.

    You need to specify this qualifier only under one of the
    following circumstances:

    o  When incompatibilities or recording errors are reported during
       a previous failed recording operation.

    o  If the CD media in use has a rated recording speed below the
       drive default recording settings.

    o  If CDDVD application, processor, or system I/O performance
       constraints exist.

    CD drives can select speeds faster than those supported by the
    particular media loaded in the drive. VSI recommends that you
    select only media that match the recording capabilities of the
    drive. In other words, do not attempt to exceed the recording
    speed limits of the particular CD media. Selecting faster media
    will not make a slow drive record any faster, and selecting
    faster speeds with slow media can trigger recording errors and
    corrupt media.

    If the recording process fails during the recording operation,
    discard the write-once media and try a slower recording speed.
    (Note that you can attempt to reformat and rerecord on rewritable

5    /VERIFY

    Specifies that the contents of the output media be compared to
    the contents of the input source after the recording operation.
    Any data comparison errors detected are displayed.

6    /WRITE

       /WRITE (default)

    Allows you to test the system and device I/O throughput and the
    command syntax without recording on the target media.

    If you specify /NOWRITE and if the target drive supports the
    underlying test-write hardware capability, all I/O operates as
    usual although /NOWRITE disables writing to the media.

    /WRITE is the default, and causes the target optical media to be
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