VMS Help  —  CDDX
  CDDX is the repository translation utility.  Use the REPOSITORY EXPORT
  and REPOSITORY IMPORT facilities of CDDX to perform a major upgrade (to
  upgrade a VAX CDD/Plus Version 4.n dictionary to an Oracle
  CDD/Repository Version 5.n or higher repository).

  Use the REPOSITORY EXPORT command to create an export file of your
  repository metadata.  After you export the repository, you delete the
  contents of the anchor, and use the REPOSITORY IMPORT command to import
  the repository metadata from the export file.

  Do not use the CDDX utility to back up, verify, or move a dictionary or
  repository; instructions for performing those operations are in the
  Oracle CDD/Repository User's Guide.

1  –  EXPORT

  The CDDX utility creates an export file using the filename supplied in
  the REPOSITORY EXPORT command with a default extension of CDDX.

  Before issuing the REPOSITORY EXPORT command, make sure you have
  performed the steps necessary to prepare for an upgrade.  See the
  CDD_REPOSITORY Upgrade_Procedure help topic or the Oracle
  CDD/Repository User's Guide for instructions.

  If your repository is corrupt and you issue the REPOSITORY EXPORT
  command, EXPORT displays warning messages.  Oracle CDD/Repository
  attempts to export accessible portions of corrupt elements or to skip
  over elements that are too incomplete to be exported.

  The REPOSITORY EXPORT command creates an intermediate export file of
  your repository using the file name you specify.  If you have delta
  files, it also creates a CDD$UPGRADE.BAK backup file.  It places the
  .CDDX file and the .BAK file (if one was created) in your current
  directory by default, or you can specify another device and directory.

  Be sure you do not delete the .CDDX export file or the .BAK file (if
  one was created).

  $ REPOSITORY EXPORT [qualifiers] [parameters]

1.1  –  Qualifiers

   o  /[NO]LOG

      Produces a line of text for every element in the repository.  Use
      the /LOG qualifier only when you suspect a problem, because a large
      repository produces a large amount of output.  The default is

   o  /VERSION=n

      Specifies the version of the repository you are exporting.  See the
      table below for the versions supported on each OpenVMS platform.

      Version   OpenVMS Platform
                VAX   AXP   I64
      V4         X
      V5         X
      V51        X
      V52              X
      V53        X     X
      V61        X     X
      V70        X     X
      V72              X     X

   o  /[NO]SCHEMA

      Specifies the repository metadata or types to be exported.  This
      qualifier allows user extensions or other product-supplied
      extensions to the metadata to be exported.  The default is /SCHEMA;
      however, if you are performing a major upgrade you cannot override
      the default.

      If you specify the /NOSCHEMA qualifier, no repository types
      (protocols) are exported.  This means that no user or other product
      extensions to the metadata will be exported.  The speeds up the
      export process, especially for small repositories.

      If you use the /SCHEMA qualifer (required when you specify
      /VERSION=V4), CDDX preallocates disk space of 2,000 blocks for VAX
      CDD/Plus Version 4.n and 10,000 blocks for Oracle CDD/Repository
      Version 5.0 and higher.  If you use the /NOSCHEMA qualifier, it
      preallocates disk space of 150 blocks for VAX CDD/Plus Version 4.n
      and 750 blocks for Oracle CDD/Repository Version 5.0 and higher.

      You may require more disk space depending on the size of your
      repository.  If you have many directories, or large directories,
      increase your paging file quota (PGFLQUOTA) to at least 80,000.
      You may also need to increase your enqueue quota limit (ENQLM) and
      channel counts.

   o  /[NO]CONVERT

      You must use the /CONVERT qualifier when you are exporting
      pre-Version 4.3 dictionaries.  When you specify /CONVERT, CDDX
      first converts the Version 4.0, 4.1, or 4.2 dictionary to Version
      4.3 before exporting it.  The conversion will be committed,
      regardless of whether the export succeeds.  A repository that
      cannot be converted will not be exported.  The default is

      If you specify the /CONVERT qualifier, the following informational
      message will be displayed when the conversion is completed and
      before the actual export operation starts:

      %CDDX-I-CVT_SUCCESS, repository device:[directory] converted

1.2  –  Parameters

   o  repository

      The OpenVMS anchor of the repository to be exported.

   o  export-filename

      The name of the export file to be created.  The default file
      extension is CDDX.

2  –  IMPORT

  $ REPOSITORY IMPORT [/[NO]LOG] export-filename anchor

  The REPOSITORY IMPORT command of CDDX reloads the exported repository
  data from a repository export file into a new, empty repository.
  IMPORT assumes that the location you specify to import the export file
  into contains either an empty directory, or a directory with a new
  empty repository at the current version.  If you specify an empty
  directory, IMPORT creates a new repository and imports your metadata
  into it.

  After importing the repository, reduce the size of the snapshot file by
  issuing the following command:


2.1    /[NO]LOG

  Produces a line of text for every element in the repository.  Use the
  /LOG qualifier only when you suspect a problem, because a large
  repository produces a large amount of output.  The only qualifier for
  REPOSITORY IMPORT is /[NO]LOG, which is optional.  The default is

2.2  –  export-filename

  Specifies the name of the exported file that you want to import.

2.3  –  anchor

  Specify the name of the anchor directory where the new repository will
  reside.  The anchor must be the same OpenVMS anchor directory as the
  original dictionary).
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