Displays the directory specification of the benchmark directory used by this collection.
Displays the collection name. The default is /INTERMEDIATE.
/CLASS=(keyword=class-name,...) Specifies the optional CMS class for benchmark files and template files stored in CMS libraries. The keywords, BENCHMARK and TEMPLATE, designate the name of the specific set of generations of elements. If you do not specify a class and the file is stored in a CMS library, the latest generation on the main line of descent is used. You can specify the same class names for your benchmark and template files. If you specify both keywords, separate them with a comma and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one keyword, omit the parentheses.
Displays the following output: Collections in the Digital Test Manager Library library-name COLLECTION_NAME NUMBER tests DATE TIME "remark" Command: COMMAND-LINE Status: RUN, COMPARISON, AND REVIEW STATUS Successful count: NUMBER Unsuccessful count: NUMBER New test count: NUMBER Updated test count: NUMBER Test not run count: NUMBER Comparisons aborted: NUMBER Default template directory: DIRECTORY_SPECIFICATION Template class: CLASS_NAME Default benchmark directory: DIRECTORY_SPECIFICATION Benchmark class: CLASS_NAME Prologue: FILE_SPECIFICATION Epilogue: FILE_SPECIFICATION Last Review: DATE TIME Result Description COLLECTION_NAME Comparison Status: Successful Benchmark file is device:[username]COLLECTION_NAME.BMK Result file does not exist Difference file does not exist A result description for each test in the collection follows this display. A result description lists the test name and its comparison status and the file specifications for the benchmark, result, and difference files. The default is /INTERMEDIATE.
Displays the following output: Collections in the Digital Test Manager Library library-name COLLECTION NAME NUMBER tests DATE TIME "remark" Command: COMMAND-LINE Status: RUN, COMPARISON, AND REVIEW STATUS Successful count: NUMBER Unsuccessful count: NUMBER New test count: NUMBER Updated test count: NUMBER Test not run count: NUMBER Comparisons aborted: NUMBER
/OUTPUT[=file-specification] Sends the SHOW COLLECTION information to the specified file. If you specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.
Displays the directory specification of the template directory used by this collection. Displays the directory specification of the default directory for the current library.