VMS Help  —  FMS
  Invokes  FMS  functions  through  an  FMS  DCL  command. Each command
  consists  of  the  FMS  verb followed immediately by a qualifier that
  completes the command  name. If no qualifier is given, the command is
  assumed to be FMS/EDIT.

  See the VAX FMS Utilities Reference Manual for more information.

  Format:  FMS[/qualifier][/subqualifier][/option[=argument]] -
           parameter_1 [parameter_2]

  For  all  FMS  commands  except FMS/LIBRARY, parameter_1 is the input
  file or  form specification.  For the FMS/LIBRARY command parameter_1
  is the  library that will be generated  or  modified.  Parameter_2 is
  only  used  with the FMS/LIBRARY command and specifies the input form
  list.  The options  cover logging, output  redirection or suppression
  and other miscellaneous  functions.  Syntax examples are provided for
  each command.

1  –  Parameters

  FMS  parameters  are  either standard VMS file specifications or form
  specifications.     Form   specifications   consist   of   the   file
  specification  for  a  valid   FMS   form  library  followed  by  the
  /FORM_NAME  qualifier  and a list  of  form names.   If more than one
  name  is provided they must be enclosed in  parentheses and separated
  by commas.   Forms  may  also  be  specified  as form  files with the
  default file type FRM.





  The  FMS/CONVERT  command will convert a  TDMS form that is stored in
  the CDD to an FMS form file.  Warning messages will be issued for any
  TDMS features that cannot be converted to FMS. Informational messages
  will be issued for any TDMS features that FMS does not support.


      The TDMS form HELP_FORM is extracted from the CDD
      and output into the FMS HELP_FORM.FRM form file.

2.1  –  Parameter

  The FMS/CONVERT command requires one parameter: the CDD path name for
  the TDMS form.  The  normal  CDD  defaulting rules will apply  (e.g.,
  CDD$DEFAULT, if defined, can be used).  If the CDD path name contains
  a hyphen or a CDD password, the path name must be enclosed in quotes.

2.2  –  Qualifiers

2.2.1    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  The  /LOG  qualifier  produces two messages on the SYS$OUTPUT device:
  the first shows the the  name of the form  being  extracted   and the
  second  shows  the  name of the  output form file.   If the /NOOUTPUT
  qualifier is specified along  with  /LOG,  the  second message is not
  printed.  The /NOLOG qualifier will disable both messages.

2.2.2    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT[=file_spec] (D)

  The /OUTPUT  qualifier allows you to assign a name to the output form
  file. The default output file name is the CDD object name of the TDMS
  form.  The default output file type is .FRM.  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier
  can be used to suppress output.


  The  FMS/DESCRIPTION command creates printable versions of FMS forms.
  The  form descriptions  are  created  in various formats depending on
  the qualifier used.  The qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


      A  full  form  description  is  created  giving  the  form data
      structures in the syntax of the FMS Form Language for the  form
      FORMA in the file LIBNAME.FLB. The output file can be used with
      the  FMS/TRANSLATE  command.   The  output  goes  to  the  file
      LIBNAME.FLG by default.

3.1    /BRIEF

  Outputs  only  essential  information about the specified form (field
  names, Named Data, essential attributes).   Does  not output the form
  image. The default input file type is FRM and the  default  output is
  sent to the device SYS$OUTPUT.

3.1.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Output  descriptions  for  the  forms specified after the  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier.  The qualifier applies  only to the  immediately preceding
  form library.  If the /FORM_NAME  qualifier  is  omitted,  the entire
  library is output.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  The  /LOG qualifier causes a log of all forms for which  descriptions
  are generated  to  be  output  to the device  SYS$OUTPUT.  The /NOLOG
  form which is the default disables logging.    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you to supply a name for the  output
  description file.  If the file specification  is  omitted  the output
  defaults to SYS$OUTPUT.  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier  causes output to be


  Outputs  a  data   structure  declaration  template   for  the  forms
  specified.  These declarations  are used by applications to provide a
  convenient  data interface with the  FMS  Form  Driver.    Forms with
  irregular  use  of  indexed  fields  or  with  scrolled areas are not
  directly  supported.  The default input file type is FRM. The default
  output  goes to a file  with the same name as the input file with the
  file type TXT.


      In  this  example a  series of data declarations are produced for
      each of the  forms in the form library LIBNAME.FLB. The output is
      directed to the file FILENAME.TXT.  The  file must be edited into
      the proper format for use by  COBOL or DATATRIEVE.

3.2.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Output  descriptions  for  the  forms specified after the  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier.  The qualifier applies  only to the  immediately preceding
  form library.  If the /FORM_NAME  qualifier  is  omitted,  the entire
  library is output.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  The  /LOG qualifier causes a log of all forms for which  descriptions
  are  generated  to  be  output to the device  SYS$OUTPUT.  The /NOLOG
  form which is the default disables logging.    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you to supply a name for the  output
  description file.  If the file specification  is  omitted  the output
  defaults to the same name as the input file with the  file  type TXT.
  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier form causes output to be discarded.


  Outputs  an  image  of  a form as it would appear when displayed. The
  argument  specifies  the  type  of  output device.  The  legal values
  LN03_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE. NOESCAPE_SEQUENCE, the default, produces output
  for  ordinary  printers.  ESCAPE_SEQUENCE produces output for devices
  that  support  VT100  ANSI  Escape Sequences.   VT100_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE
  produces output for devices that support VT100 ANSI Escape Sequences.
  LN03_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE produces output for  devices  that support  LN03
  Escape Sequences. The default input file type is FRM, and the default
  output file type is LIS.



      The output image file will contain escape sequences so that when
      the  form  is displayed on a VT100 or VT100 compatible terminal,
      the video attributes can be seen as defined.

3.3.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Output  descriptions  for  the  forms specified after the  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier.  The qualifier applies  only to the  immediately preceding
  form library.   If the /FORM_NAME  qualifier  is omitted,  the entire
  library is output.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  The  /LOG qualifier causes a log of all forms for which  descriptions
  are generated  to  be  output  to the device  SYS$OUTPUT.  The /NOLOG
  form which is the default disables logging.    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you to supply a name for the  output
  description file.   If  the file specification is omitted  the output
  file name defaults to the same  as the input file with  the type LIS.
  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier causes output to be discarded.

3.4    /FULL (D)

  Outputs  a  complete description of the specified form in the  syntax
  of the FMS Form  Language.   The default input file type is  FRM. The
  default output file type is FLG.  This  is the default  qualifier for
  the FMS/DESCRIPTION Command.

3.4.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Output  descriptions  for  the  forms specified after the  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier.  The  qualifier applies only to the  immediately preceding
  form library.   If  the  /FORM_NAME  qualifier is omitted, the entire
  library is output.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  The  /LOG qualifier causes a log of all forms for which  descriptions
  are generated to be  output  to  the  device  SYS$OUTPUT.  The /NOLOG
  form which is the default disables  logging.    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you to supply a name for the  output
  description file.  If the file specification  is  omitted  the output
  defaults to the same name as the input file with the  file  type FLG.
  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier causes output to  be discarded.

3.5    /IMAGE



  The  FMS/DIRECTORY  command  produces  a  directory listing of one or
  more form libraries or form files.


      A  directory  is output on the device SYS$OUTPUT of the contents
      of the form libraries LIB1 and LIB2 and of directory information
      on the contents  of  the form file FORM3. The default input file
      type is FLB, and the default output file type is LIS.

4.1  –  Qualifiers

4.1.1    /BRIEF (D)

  Displays  the brief form of a directory listing.  Includes date  time
  of creation and last  modification  and  a  list  of the form  names.
  This is the default qualifier for the FMS/DIRECTORY Command.

4.1.2    /FULL

  Displays  the  full form of a directory listing. The output  includes
  date and time of creation and last modification of the  library and a
  list of the form  names  with  the  form  size and  creation date and

4.1.3    /FORM_NAME


  Output  directory  information  for  the  forms  specified  after the
  /FORM_NAME qualifier.  The qualifier applies only to the  immediately
  preceding form library.  If the /FORM_NAME qualifier  is omitted, the
  entire library is output.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.

4.1.4    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you  to supply a name for the output
  directory listing file.  If the file  specification  is omitted,  the
  output   is  directed  to  the  device  SYS$OUTPUT.    The  /NOOUTPUT
  qualifier causes the output to be discarded.

5    /EDIT

  The  FMS/EDIT  command invokes an interactive utility that allows the
  user  to create  and  edit  a  form  on  a  VT100-compatible terminal
  screen. The Form  Editor is similar in semantics to the Form Language
  and produces an  equivalent output file.  The  command takes a single
  parameter, the form  specification. The default  input  file  type is
  FRM, and  the  default  output  file  type  is FRM.   The  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier switches the default input file  type to FLB.


     The  form  AFORM is taken from the library FORMLIB.FLB to be

5.1  –  Form specification

  A  form  specification  consists  either of  a form file containing a
  single FMS form or a library file with the /FORM_NAME qualifier which
  is used to name a form from the library.

5.2  –  Qualifiers

5.2.1    /FORM_NAME


  Specifies  a  form  from  a  library.  The qualifier must immediately
  follow  the  library name. You specify the name of the form that  you
  wish  to  edit  after  an  equals  sign.   The presence of /FORM_NAME
  changes the default input file type to FLB.

5.2.2    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows you to specify a name for the  output
  file from the editing session. If the file specification  is omitted,
  the  output  file  name  is  the same as the input file  name, if the
  input is from a form file.  If the input is from a  form library, the
  output file  name is  the same as the name of the  form being edited,
  with the file type FRM.  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier  causes output to be


  The  FMS/LIBRARY  command  performs operations on form files and form
  libraries.  The  FMS/LIBRARY  command  has  subcommands.  The default
  subcommand  is  FMS/LIBRARY/REPLACE, which is used to add forms to an
  existing library.

6.1    /CREATE

  The   FMS/LIBRARY/CREATE   command  creates  a  new  library  from  a
  collection  of  form  specifications.  The default input file type is
  FRM, and the default output file type is FLB.



      A form library  NEWLIB.FLB  is  created from the form FORM1 found
      in the existing library LIB1, the individual form file FORM2, and
      the  entire  contents of LIB2. If forms names are duplicated, the
      first form named is included in the library.

6.1.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Extract  from  the  input  library  those  forms  specified after the
  /FORM_NAME qualifier.  The qualifier applies only to the  immediately
  preceding form library.  If the /FORM_NAME qualifier  is omitted, the
  entire library is used.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a  log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the forms input  to
  the new library - especially useful if an entire existing  library is
  input.  The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.

6.2    /DELETE

  The  FMS/LIBRARY/DELETE  command  removes  the  specified form from a
  form  library. Use the /FORM_NAME qualifier to specify the form to be
  deleted.  The default input file type is FLB. There is no output. (To
  delete the entire library use the the DCL DELETE verb.)



      The  forms  FORM1,  FORM2  and  FORM3  are  deleted  from  the
      library  LIBNAME  and  a  log  of  the  operation is output to
      the device SYS$OUTPUT.

6.2.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Specifies  a  form  to be deleted from the library.  To specify  more
  than one form enclose  the  list  in parentheses.  This  qualifier is
  required for the FMS/LIBRARY/DELETE command.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a  log  of  forms  deleted on the device  SYS$OUTPUT.   The
  /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.

6.3    /EXTRACT

  The  FMS/LIBRARY/EXTRACT  command extracts the specified form from  a
  form library. Use the /FORM_NAME qualifier to specify the form  to be
  extracted.  The form file will have the same name as the  form unless
  the /OUTPUT qualifier is used to change the name.  Default file types
  are FLB for the library and FRM for the output  form.   Only one form
  can be extracted at a time.



      The  form  AFORM  is  extracted from the form library
      LIBNAME.FLB and placed in the form file THATFORM.FRM.

6.3.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Specifies a form to be extracted.   Only one form may be extracted at
  a time.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the form  extracted.
  The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you to specify a name for the output
  form file. If the file specification is omitted, the output file name
  is  the  same as the form name, with the file type FRM. The /NOOUTPUT
  qualifier can be used to discard output.

6.4    /INSERT

  The  FMS/LIBRARY/INSERT  command  places  the  specified  form in the
  output form library. Input forms do not replace forms that  have  the
  same  name in the form library. If any of the input files contain the
  same name,  the  first form specified is inserted in the library. The
  default input file  type is FRM,  and the default output file type is

6.4.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Extract  from  the  input  library  those  forms  specified after the
  /FORM_NAME qualifier.  The qualifier applies only to the  immediately
  preceding form library.  If the /FORM_NAME qualifier  is omitted, the
  entire library is used.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the forms  copied to
  the output library - especially useful if an entire  existing library
  is input.  The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.

6.5    /REPLACE (D)

  The  FMS/LIBRARY/REPLACE  command  places  the  specified  form in an
  output  form  library.  Input  forms replace forms that have the same
  name  in the form library. If any of the input files contain the same
  name,   the  last  form  specified  is  inserted  in the library. The
  default  input  file  type is FRM and the default output file type is

6.5.1  –  Qualifiers    /FORM_NAME


  Extract  from  the  input  library  those  forms  specified after the
  /FORM_NAME qualifier.  The qualifier applies only to the  immediately
  preceding form library. If the  /FORM_NAME qualifier  is omitted, the
  entire library is used.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the forms  copied to
  the output library - especially useful if an entire  existing library
  is input.  The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.



8    /OBJECT

  The  FMS/OBJECT  command generates  object format files of  specified
  forms.   If more  than  one form is specified, a concatenated  object
  format file is created.  The output of the FMS/OBJECT  command can be
  linked with the application program to create  memory-resident forms.
  The default input file type is FRM, and  the default output file type
  is OBJ.



      All forms in the form library LIBNAME.FLB are placed in a
      concatenated  object  format  file  called   LIBNAME.OBJ.

8.1  –  Qualifiers

8.1.1    /FORM_NAME


  Output   objects   for  the  forms  specified  after  the  /FORM_NAME
  qualifier.   The qualifier applies only to the immediately  preceding
  form library.   If  the  /FORM_NAME qualifier is omitted,  the entire
  library is used.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.

8.1.2    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the forms  placed in
  the output file  -  especially useful if an entire  library is input.
  The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.

8.1.3    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows you to specify a name for the  output
  file.   If the file specification is omitted the output file  name is
  the same as  the  name  of  the first input file, with the  file type
  OBJ.  The /NOOUTPUT qualifier causes output to be  discarded.

9    /TEST

  The  FMS/TEST  command  invokes the FMS Form Tester, which allows the
  user  to  test  the  form  as  though  it  had  been  displayed by an
  application  program.   The  output  device  must  be a VT52 or VT100
  compatible  terminal.   The default input file type is FRM.  There is
  no output from this command.

9.1  –  Qualifiers

9.1.1    /FORM_NAME


  Specifies  the  form  to  be  tested  if  the form resides  in a form

9.1.2    /QUIET


  The  /QUIET  qualifier  invokes  the  Form  Driver's  quiet signaling
  mode.  Input  errors  cause  the  screen background to reverse rather
  than  ringing  the terminal bell. The /NOQUIET qualifier can be  used
  to specify that signaling is to use the terminal bell.


  The  FMS/TRANSLATE  command converts a Form Language source file to a
  binary file.   The  Form Language is similar in semantics to the Form
  Editor    and    produces    an    equivalent   output   file.    The
  FMS/DESCRIPTION/FULL  command  performs  the  reverse  operation  and
  generates a  Form Language  source file from a form file. The default
  input  file  type  is  FLG, and  the default output file type is FRM.


      The output form file SOMEFORM.FRM and a listing file
      SOMEFORM.LIS are produced.

10.1  –  Qualifiers

10.1.1    /ERROR_LIMIT


  Specifies  the  number  of  errors  at  which  translation  should be
  stopped.   Legal  values  are between 0 and 255. The default value is

10.1.2    /LIST


  Creates   an  output  listing  showing  the  input  file,  coordinate
  positions,  and compilation statistics. If the file specification  is
  not  provided, the output file name is the input file name,  with the
  file type LIS.  The  /NOLIST qualifier disables listing  output.  The
  default  depends  on the current mode of the process.  If the mode is
  interactive,  the  default  is  /NOLIST;   if the mode  is batch, the
  default is /LIST.

10.1.3    /MESSAGE


10.1.4    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows you to specify a name for the  output
  form  file.   The /NOOUTPUT qualifier causes output to be  discarded.

10.1.5    /WARNINGS


  Specifies  the  severity  level of messages to be output by the  Form
  Language  Translator.   Possible  values  are:  ALL,   INFORMATIONAL,
  WARNING,  and  ERROR in that order. Each message  level includes that
  level and higher levels.   The  value  ALL  can   be used in place of



      The Form Language file SOMEFORM.FRM is translated, no WARNING or
      INFORMATIONAL messages are output. ERROR and SEVERE messages are

11    /UPGRADE

  The  FMS/UPGRADE command converts FMS V1 form files or form libraries
  to  FMS  V2  data structures. Entire libraries or single forms can be
  converted.  Valid FMS V2 forms are created, but, the names may not be
  compatible  with  the  FMS  V2  utility  functions.   Names  are  not
  restricted  to compatible Common  Data Dictionary format. The default
  input file type is FLB  and the default  output file type is the same
  as the input file type.


      The entire form library V1LIBRARY.FLB is converted
      to the Version 2 form library V2LIBRARY.FLB.

11.1  –  Qualifiers

11.1.1    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a  log  on  the  device  SYS$OUTPUT showing the names of V1
  forms  converted  and  placed  in  the  output  library.   The /NOLOG
  qualifier  disables logging.

11.1.2    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows  you  to  rename  a form file or form
  library.   Renaming  V1  files  and  libraries is recommended. If the
  specification  omitted  the name is the same as the input file  name,
  with  the next higher version number. The /NOOUTPUT  qualifier can be
  used to discard output.

12    /VECTOR

  The  FMS/VECTOR  command  generates  an  output  file  that  contains
  references  to  all user action routines in the specified form files.
  The  output file is in object format for linking with the application
  program  and Form Driver. The default input file type is FLB, and the
  default output file type is OBJ.


      The  input  file  is  THISLIB.FLB and THISLIB.OBJ is the output
      file. The output file  contains  data structures to provide the
      Form Driver with information to access the user action routines
      referenced in the library.

12.1  –  Qualifiers

12.1.1    /FORM_NAME


  Output  vector  information  for  those  forms  specified  after  the
  /FORM_NAME qualifier.  The qualifier applies only to the  immediately
  preceding form library.  If the /FORM_NAME qualifier  is omitted, the
  entire library is used.

  To name more than one form, enclose the list in parentheses.

12.1.2    /LOG

  /NOLOG (D)

  Produces  a  log  on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the forms  used to
  create the output. The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.

12.1.3    /OUTPUT

  /OUTPUT=file_spec (D)

  The  /OUTPUT  qualifier  allows you to specify a name for the  output
  form file.   If the file specification is omitted  the output file is
  the  name of the first  input  file  with   the  file  type OBJ.  The
  /NOOUTPUT qualifier causes output to  be discarded.


   Release notes for VAX FMS are contained in the file:


   You can type or print this file to read the release note information.
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