Returns attribute information for a specified symbolic link

    Note that F$SYMLINK_ATTRIBUTES returns information for a
    specified symbolic link file, and not the target of
    the symbolic link. For information about the target file of
    a symbolic link, use F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES.



1  –  Return Value

    Either an integer or a character string, depending on the item
    you request.

2  –  Arguments


    Specifies the name of the symlink file for which you
    are requesting information. You must specify the file name
    as a character string expression.

    Only one file name can be specified at a time and wildcard
    characters are not allowed.


    Indicates the attribute of the symlink file that must be
    returned. The item argument must be specified as a character
    string expression, and can be any one of the OpenVMS RMS
    field names listed in the following table:

    Item       Type     Information Returned

    AI         String   TRUE if after-image (AI) journaling is
                        enabled; FALSE if disabled.

    ALQ        Integer  Allocation quantity.

    BDT        String   Backup date/time.

    BI         String   TRUE if before-image (BI) journaling is
                        enabled; FALSE if disabled.

    BKS        Integer  Bucket size.

    BLS        Integer  Block size.

    CBT        String   TRUE if contiguous-best-try; otherwise FALSE.

    CDT        String   Creation date/time.

    CTG        String   TRUE if contiguous; otherwise FALSE.

    DEQ        Integer  Default extension quantity.

    DID        String   Directory ID string.

    DIRECTORY  String   Returns TRUE or FALSE. Returns TRUE if it is
                        a directory.

    DVI        String   Device name string.

    EDT        String   Expiration date/time.

    EOF        Integer  Number of blocks used.

    ERASE      String   TRUE if a file's contents are erased before a
                        file is deleted; otherwise FALSE.

    FFB        Integer  First free byte.

    FID        String   File ID string.

    FILE_      String   Record count and data byte count in the form
    LENGTH_             (n,m), where n is the record count and m is
    HINT                the data byte count. An invalidated count is
                        specified by a -1 for n or m.

    FSZ        Integer  Fixed control area size.

    GBC        Integer  Global buffer count.

    GBC32      Integer  Enhanced longword version of global buffer
                        count with a per-file maximum size of about
                        2.1 billion for indexed files.

    GBCFLAGS   String   Per-file management flags for sizing of
                        global buffer cache. Returns PERCENT if
                        global buffer count is expresses as a
                        percent, DEFAULT if global buffer size is
                        determined at runtime by an algorithm using
                        two global buffer SYSGEN parameters (GB_
                        CACHEALLMAX and GB_DEFPERCENT); or NONE if no
                        per-file management flags are enabled for the
    GRP        Integer  Owner group number.

    JOURNAL_   String   TRUE if the file is a journal; otherwise
    FILE                FALSE.

    KNOWN      String   Known file; returns TRUE or FALSE to
                        indicate whether file is installed with the
                        Install utility (INSTALL). However, returns
                        NOSUCHFILE if a file does not exist (for
                        example, the file has been installed but
                        subsequently deleted).

    LOCKED     String   TRUE if a file is deaccessed-locked;
                        otherwise FALSE.

    LRL        Integer  Longest record length.

    MBM        Integer  Owner member number.

    MOVE       String   TRUE if movefile operations are enabled;
                        otherwise FALSE.

    MRN        Integer  This is not applicable.

    MRS        Integer  Maximum record size.

    NOA        Integer  This is not applicable.

    NOBACKUP   String   FALSE if the file is marked for backup; TRUE
                        if the file is marked NOBACKUP.

    NOK        Integer  This is not applicable.

    ORG        String   File organization; returns SEQ, REL, IDX.

    PRESHELVED String   TRUE if the file is preshelved; otherwise
    (Alpha/Integrity    FALSE.

    PRO        String   File protection string.

    PVN        Integer  This is not applicable.

    RAT        String   Record attributes; returns CR, PRN, FTN, "".

    RCK        String   TRUE if read check; otherwise FALSE.

    RDT        String   Revision date/time.

    RFM        String   Record format string; returns the values VAR,
                        FIX, VFC, UDF, STM, STMLF, STMCR.

    RU         String   TRUE if recovery unit (RU) journaling is
                        enabled; returns TRUE or FALSE.

    RVN        Integer  Revision number.

    SHELVABLE  String   TRUE if the file is shelvable; otherwise

    SHELVED    String   TRUE if the file is shelved; otherwise FALSE.

    STORED_    String   ASCII string that represents stored
    SEMANTICS           semantics.

    UIC        String   Owner user identification code (UIC) string.

    VERLIMIT   Integer  Version limit number. The value 32767
                        indicates that no version limit was set.

    WCK        String   TRUE if write check; otherwise FALSE.

3  –  Example


     TARGET.TXT;1                (5601,12,0)
     FOO.LNK;1 -> TARGET.TXT     (5600,12,0)
     Total of 2 files.


     FID_FILE = "(5601,12,0)"

     FID_SYM = "(5600,12,0)"

     This example uses the F$SYMLINK_ATTRIBUTES function to
     return information about the symbolic link file FOO.LNK.
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