VMS Help  —  ORACLE_RDB72, System Tables, RDB$SEQUENCES
    The RDB$SEQUENCES system table contains information about each
    sequence. The following table provides information on the columns
    of the RDB$SEQUENCES system table.

    Column Name                 Type      Summary Description

    RDB$CREATED                 date vms  Time sequence was created.
    RDB$LAST_ALTERED            date vms  Last time sequence was
    RDB$ACCESS_CONTROL          list      Access control list for
                                of byte   this sequence.
    RDB$DESCRIPTION             list      Description provided for
                                of byte   this sequence.
    RDB$START_VALUE             bigint    Starting value for the
    RDB$MINIMUM_SEQUENCE        bigint    Minimum value for the
    RDB$MAXIMUM_SEQUENCE        bigint    Maximum value for the
    RDB$NEXT_SEQUENCE_          bigint    Next value available for
    VALUE                                 use for the sequence.
                                          This column is a read
                                          only COMPUTED BY column.
                                          When the sequence is first
                                          defined this column returns
    RDB$INCREMENT_VALUE         integer   Increment value for the
                                          sequence. A positive
                                          value indicates an
                                          ascending sequence, and
                                          a negative value indicates
                                          a descending sequence.
    RDB$CACHE_SIZE              integer   Number of sequence numbers
                                          to allocate and hold in
                                          memory. If one (1), then
                                          NOCACHE was specified
                                          and the values will be
                                          allocated one at a time.
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags.
    RDB$SEQUENCE_ID             integer   Unique number assigned to
                                          this sequence object. This
                                          value is for internal use
    RDB$SEQUENCE_NAME           char(31)  Unique name of the
    RDB$SEQUENCE_CREATOR        char(31)  Creator of this sequence.


    Represents flags for RDB$SEQUENCES system table.

    Position   Description

    0          Sequence will cycle.
    1          Sequence is ordered.
    2          Sequence is random.
    3          Indicates that this is a system sequence and may not be
    4          Indicates that there was no minimum value specified.
    5          Indicates that there was no maximum value specified.
    6          Indicates that this is a column IDENTITY sequence.
    7          Indicates that this sequence will wait for locks.
    8          Indicates that this sequence will not wait for locks.
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