VMS Help  —  PEEK  Watching  Qualifiers

1    /APPEND


   This qualifier controls whether a new log file is created or whether
   an existing log file is appended to. The logical WATCHER$APPEND
   specifies the default value for a PEEK, SPY or WATCH command.



   In this example, a process named JONES will be watched, and a log
   file called JONES.LOG will be created if nonexistent, or appended
   to if already extant.



   It is possible on AXP to watch an RTA which has not done a
   PEEK/SAVE_SCREEN. This is accomplished by using the earlier,
   version-4.4 RTA feature.

   This feature is invoked for watching an unconverted RTA by using
   the /AXPRTA_WATCHONLY qualifier (or making /AXPRTA_WATCHONLY
   the default in PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM, or one of the default logical-
   name tables defined by PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM).

   You must first also enable use of this feature in PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM
   by setting ALLOW_EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE to TRUE. (See the warnings
   in PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM before enabling this feature.)

   When using this EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE, you will not get an
   initial-screen display.

   With this EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE you can only watch the RTA, you
   cannot take over the keyboard. Bypass-output, chat-mode, etc, also
   do not work when watching RTAs with the EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE.

   Because of the interface used by the EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE, you
   will not see input characters typed by the user being watched until he
   completes his input with a carriage return or other input terminator.

   The tracking of the victim's screen is not always perfect with this
   EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE. In particular, when the victim interrupts
   output with Ctrl-Y, the watcher's screen is liable have a somewhat
   different amount of interrupted output displayed than the victim's did.

   The watcher may also sometimes get more or less linefeed characters
   displayed than the victim, especially on broadcast messages.

   Because of the interface used by the EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE, the
   victim's End-Watch hot-key must be a function-key, keypad-key or
   escape sequence. Control characters other than Escape (such as Ctrl-P)
   are not recognized for an RTA victim when that victim is being watched
   with the EARLIER_AXP_RTA_INTERFACE (the VMS RTA interface filters out
   control characters on the remote system before Peek/Spy gets to see them.)




   /BACKGROUND is synonymous with the /SINGLE_WINDOW and /WINDOW
   qualifiers. See the PEEK Watching Subtopic: /SINGLE_WINDOW.


   /BEEP_TERMINAL = "hot-key-defintion"

   Defines a hot-key sequence which when pressed will cause both the
   watcher's and watchee's terminals to ring their bells. This may be
   used to get the other user's attention while watching him.

   The default value is defined in the logical WATCHER$BEEP_TERMINAL.

   With PEEK, the user being watched can also beep both terminals if he
   has input control. With SPY, only the watcher can beep both terminals.


         $ PEEK/BEEP_TERMINAL="<F6>" USER1
         $ PEEK USER1

   In either case, pressing the F6 function key will cause the bell to
   be rung on both terminals.


   /BYPASS_OUTPUT_TOGGLE = "hot-key-defintion"

   Defines a hot-key sequence which, when pressed by the watcher, causes
   output going to the terminal being watched to cease being displayed
   on that terminal. The output does, however, continue to go to the
   watcher's terminal, only.

   This allows one to watch output to a terminal despite it having gone
   into an XOFF state due to being put on hold-screen. This is particu-
   larly useful for watching disconnected sessions on a terminal server,
   which would otherwise be hung, waiting to be reconnected to a
   physical terminal.

   It can also be useful when watching a terminal on a slow modem line as
   one does not have to wait while the output goes out over the modem.

   The logical WATCHER$BYPASS_OUTPUT defines the default hot-key value.

   A user can disable this feature when he issues a PEEK/ALLOW command
   to allow a non-privileged user to watch him. See the top-level PEEK
   Subtopic: Commands ALLOW /BP_OUTPUT.

   Caution should be used when enabling BYPASS_OUTPUT as it may violate
   the security standards at your installation. However, BYPASS_OUTPUT
   may be turned off on a per-user or system-wide basis by defining
   the logical WATCHER$BP_OUTPUT as FALSE in the appropriate logical
   name table. See the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Defaults.


         $ PEEK USER1

   In either case when the watcher presses Control-K, Peek/Spy will cause
   output to the terminal of the person being watched to cease going to
   that terminal, but to go only to the watcher's terminal instead. This
   cessation of output to the watched terminal continues until Control-K
   is pressed a second time.

   For a complete description of the syntax used for specifying hot-key
   definitions, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Hot-Keys.

   When the BYPASS_OUTPUT feature is used while watching a MultiSessions
   terminal (or a terminal on which the PEEK_ONLY screen-saver has been
   activated), output which has been sent to the terminal prior to
   invoking BYPASS_OUTPUT will not be seen until some new non-broadcast
   output is sent to the terminal. This may be done by the watcher if he
   has keyboard control of the user's process (see the PEEK Watching


   /CHAT_TOGGLE = "hot-key-defintion"

   Allows the watcher and user to enter a chat, where they can type back
   and forth to each other, but the keystrokes typed are not entered as
   input to whatever program the user process is running.

   Specify a sequence which when pressed by the watcher will cause
   Peek/Spy to enter a mode which is similar to "local mode" on a
   standard terminal. In other words, what the watcher types while
   watching a user will be echoed on both terminals, but will NOT
   be placed into the typeahead buffer or passed to any other program.
   This prevents this type of activity from causing program or command

   The logical WATCHER$CHAT_TOGGLE defines the default hot-key value.


         $ PEEK JONESIE /CHAT="<F14>"
         $ PEEK JONESIE

   Whenever the watcher presses F14, both terminals will go into chat
   mode. You may at this point type whatever you wish, and it will be
   displayed on both screens.

   If it appears not to work and your terminal just beeps when you type,
   this is because you do not have keyboard input control (see the PEEK
   Watching Subtopic: /TOGGLE_INPUT, which is still active during chat
   mode unless /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT is in effect).

   The keys which are useful while in chat mode are the alphanumeric
   keys, carriage-return, delete and the arrow keys.

   You should press carriage-return to end a line, since if the other
   terminal is not in auto-wrap mode, the other user may not be able to
   see what you are typing after you reach the margin and your terminal
   does do an autowrap.

   If your terminal displays "hieroglyphics" in chat mode, it is likely
   that the terminal has the line-drawing character set selected. In this
   case, pressing the shift lock key will cause subsequent characters to
   be displayed normally.

7    /CLEAR


   The /CLEAR qualifier clears the watcher's screen just after the
   STARTWATCH message is displayed, and /NOCLEAR specifies that the
   screen should not be cleared. The logical WATCHER$CLEAR specifies
   the default value.

   AXP Only -

   If the user being watched has the PEEK/SAVE_SCREEN feature enabled
   then this qualifier is ignored as the watcher's screen is always
   cleared prior to displaying what is currently on the user's screen.

   VAX Only -

   If the user being watched has MultiSessions enabled (with or without
   the PEEK_ONLY option) then the watcher's screen will be cleared
   regardless of the /NOCLEAR option, before the user's initial-screen
   contents are displayed on the watcher's terminal.

   Example: $ PEEK/CLEAR */CONFIRM


   /NOCONFIRM (default)

   This qualifier causes PEEK or SPY to ask the watcher for a confirmation
   before it starts watching a user.

   This allows the watcher to decide, after reviewing the initial-data
   screen displayed by PEEK, if he really wants to watch that user.
   (The initial-data screen shows the user's name, process, image name
   and the number of open files.)

   The default value is defined in the logical WATCHER$CONFIRM.



     PEEK Version 2.2.00 Demo.
     Copyright (c) 1988-1993. An unpublished and proprietary
     software product of Networking Dynamics Corporation (NDC).
     All rights reserved.

     In a moment you will begin watching:      19-FEB-1992 15:59:48.95
       Username:   JJONES
       Process:    JJONES__LTA2341
       Terminal:   LTA2341:       (VT300_Series)
       Image name: DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE]TPU.EXE;1
       Open files: 1
     END_WATCH sequence to stop watching:                 "<CTRL-P>X"
     TOGGLE_INPUT sequence to take over keyboard control: "<BS>"
     Begin watching user? (Yes/No/Quit) [N] _

   This qualifier is most useful with Peek/Spy's wildcard options, as
   it will allow you to skip watching users you do not want to watch.

   CTRL-Z is equivalent to the Quit answer, and will return you to
   the DCL or PEEK> prompt.



   Used with /INPUT_ONLY to chose the format in which control characters
   are displayed on the watcher's screen, or in the input-keystroke log

   CHARACTER   - Displays control-characters as-is.
   DISPLAY     - Displays control characters in a reverse-video character
                 format. 8-bit control characters are displayed in
                 reverse-video and underlined. The Delete character is
                 displayed as a bold, reverse-video lower-case d.
   HEXIDECIMAL - Displays control characters in a reverse video <xx>
   PLAIN_HEX   - Displays control characters in <xx> format. (Default).

   A default keyword-value may be specified in the logical


   The above command watches process J_DOE but displays only the input
   keystrokes entered at the terminal. Any control characters produced
   by a keystroke are displayed in reverse video on the watcher's screen.

   For more information, see the PEEK Watching Subtopic: /INPUT_ONLY.

10    /END_WATCH

   /END_WATCH = "hot-key-defintion"

   Defines a hot-key sequence which when pressed by the watcher will
   cause Peek/Spy to stop watching and exit back to the prompt.

   The default value for the END_WATCH hot-key is taken from the
   logical name WATCHER$END_WATCH, usually defined system-wide by

   An END_WATCH hot-key must be defined before Peek/Spy will begin


         $ PEEK/END_WATCH="<CTRL-]>" USER1
         $ PEEK USER1

   In either case when the watcher presses Control-], the PEEK session
   will be terminated.

   (For information on the user being watched (with PEEK) also using
   END_WATCH, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Commands ALLOW /END_WATCH.)

   For a complete description of the syntax used for specifying hot-key
   definitions, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Hot-Keys.


   /EXCLUDE_LIST = (terminal-name [,terminal-name ,... ,terminal_name])

   Used to specify terminals which should be skipped over during a
   wildcard operation.

   The default is specified via the logical WATCHER$EXCLUDE_LIST.

   You can override the defaults by specifying /NOEXCLUDE.


   AXP Only...

   /NOEXCLUDE is used mainly to allow watching MS30 NDC terminals,
   which are skipped by default during wildcard operations so that
   only the MS30 Server, which tracks the current session, is watched.

   Note that /SINGLE_WINDOW acts as an implicit, temporary /NOEXCLUDE
   for _NDC*: terminals.



   Used to specify terminal-control sequences which will be sent to the
   watcher's terminal when he has finished watching someone.

   This can be used to reset the watcher's terminal to some particular
   state after he has finished watching someone.

   The default value is taken from the logical WATCHER$FINISH_SEQUENCE.
   This logical name may be specified in any of the logical-name tables
   specified in LNM$PEEK_TABLE_SEARCH_LIST which is defined by
   PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM. See the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Defaults. The
   PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM file contains an example of specifying a default

   For more information, see the PEEK Watching Subtopic:




   When using wildcards in nodenames, PEEK will skip accessing
   the network to watch processes on the current node.

   (An exception to skipping network access for the local node is when
   there is an access control string in the wildcarded nodename
   specification which does not match the current username. In this
   case, because the access requests a different username to do the
   watching, PEEK will use network access to PEEK on the local node.)

   One can force access across the network for the local node
   during a wildcarded nodename operation by specifying
   /FORCE_NETWORK_ACCESS on the command line or by specifying the
   logical name WATCHER$FORCE_NETWORK_ACCESS as TRUE. This logical
   may be defined system-wide by PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM, or may be locally
   defined in any of the logical-name tables specified by
   See the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Defaults.


14    /HANGUP

   /[NO]HANGUP   (Spy-Only WATCH command qualifier)

   /NOHANGUP has been discontinued in PEEK 5.1. Most of the equivalent
   functionality can be achieved by invoking PEEK_LOGIN.COM from

   /HANGUP remains the default and causes SPY to stop watching when
   the user being watched logs off the system.

   The /NOHANGUP qualifier caused SPY to continue watching a terminal
   even after it had been logged off (or after there were no more
   channels opened to it). One could then view or log the next
   login which occurs on the terminal.

   /NOHANGUP had no effect on terminals which are deleted at logout
   such as LTAs or FTAs, etc.



   /IDENTIFICATION = (process-ID [,process-ID ,... ,process-ID])

   This qualifier is used to specify processes to watch by their process
   identifications (PIDs). If more than one PID is specified, parentheses
   must be used.

   When more than one process is specified, either in a list or by
   wildcards, the processes are watched one at a time in sequence, by
   using the /NEXT and /PREVIOUS hot-keys.

   A DECnet nodename may also be prefixed to each process-ID using the
   :: syntax.

   Different nodenames can be used for different process-IDs in the list,
   and standard VMS * and % wildcards are supported in nodenames. Node
   names apply only to the single PID in a list to which they are
   prepended. (See the PEEK Watching Subtopic: Node_Names.)


         $ PEEK/ID=6A

   In this example, the watcher will watch the terminal connected to the
   process whose PID is 0000006A.

         $ PEEK/ID=BOSTON::6A

   The above command attempts to watch a process on DECnet node BOSTON
   which has a PID of 6A.

         $ PEEK/ID=(BOSTON::6A,71B, ... ,PHOENIX::9AC)

   In this example the watcher would watch the processes, in sequence,
   based on the list of PIDs. First PID 6A on node BOSTON, then PID 71B
   on the current node, and finally PID 9AC on DECnet node PHOENIX would
   be watched.

   The process ID of any process may be obtained using the PEEK/SHOW USERS
   command. PID's of processes on other nodes can be gotten using a node
   name in the PEEK/SHOW USERS command.


   You can omit any leading zeros in specifying a PID.

   Note: On Alpha with MS30 you can (by watching the MS Server process
   for a user) track with the user as he switches NDC sessions, or you
   can watch an individual NDC session by using the Peek/Spy
   /SINGLE_WINDOW qualifier.



   Used (when the initial-screen-display feature is not in use) to
   specify terminal-control sequences which will be sent to the
   watcher's terminal before he starts watching someone.

   A default value may be specified in the logical WATCHER$INIT_SEQUENCE.
   This logical may be defined in any of the logical-name tables specified

   PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM contains an example of specifying a default value

   /INIT_SEQUENCE is really only useful when the Peek/Spy initial-screen-
   display feature is not in use.

   When initial-screen-display is in use, the terminal-control
   sequences output by most of the keywords have little effect since
   they are immediately superceded by the control sequences which put
   the watcher's terminal into a state matching that of the terminal
   being watched.

   For more information, see the PEEK Watching Subtopic:




   Used with SPY to skip watching terminal output and instead watch only
   the user's input keystrokes, E.g.


   The default value is taken from the logical WATCHER$INPUT_ONLY.

   Your site must be licensed for Input-Only. Any watcher and any user
   being watched or logged must have been authorized by the system
   manager for input-only watching or logging since passwords and other
   non-echoed input are displayed during input watching or logging.

   You can specify the format in which control characters are
   displayed by using the /DISPLAY_TYPE qualifier.

   For more information, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic:

18    /LOG_FILE

   /LOG_FILE [= file_spec]

   This a synonymous with the /OUTPUT_LOG_FILE qualifier.

   See the PEEK Watching Subtopic: /OUTPUT_LOG_FILE.

19    /NEXT


   This qualifier is used to define a hot-key sequence which causes PEEK
   to stop watching the current target and start watching the next target
   (if there is another target which matches the specification(s) given).

   If there is no next targets to watch, the NEXT hot-key performs an

   The default hot-key value is taken from the logical WATCHER$NEXT.


         $ PEEK/NEXT="<CTRL-P>N" GROUP1*
         $ PEEK GROUP1*

   In either case when the watcher presses Control-P followed by the
   letter N, PEEK will stop watching the current user and try to watch
   a next user, if any.

20    /NOBEEP

   Normally if a user being watched tries to type when he does not have
   keyboard control, Peek/Spy will ring his terminal bell to inform
   him that the watcher currently has control of his keyboard.

   /NOBEEP keeps this warning bell from ringing on the terminal being

   A default value can be specified in the logical WATCHER$NOBEEP.

   With NOBEEP, when the user being watched does not have keyboard
   control, his keyboard will just appear to "go dead" instead of
   beeping when he tries to type.


   /OUTPUT_LOG_FILE [ = file_spec ]  (WATCH and SAVE_SCREEN qualifier)

   This qualifier creates a log file of the Peek/Spy session. It can
   be used with the PEEK, SPY and WATCH verbs.

   It can also be used with the SAVE_SCREEN command to start terminal
   logging. See the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Commands SAVE_SCREEN

   When used with the WATCH subcommand, this qualifier specifies that
   Peek/Spy should create an output log file containing everything which
   is output during the period of time in which the watcher is
   observing the user's screen.

   The default file spec is taken from the logical WATCHER$OUTPUT_LOG_FILE.
   If nothing is specified by this default and if /OUTPUT_LOG_FILE is
   specified without the optional file_spec, then PEEK will generate
   a log file in the current default directory using a default
   log-file name in one of the following formats:


   The first of these is used when you begin watching a terminal which
   is owned by some process. The second format is used by SPY only
   when watching an unowned terminal.

   Logging is continued until watching is terminated by one of the
   END_WATCH, NEXT or PREVIOUS sequences.

   /LOG and /OUTPUT_LOG are synonymous.

     - or -



   Hot-key used to permit a watcher (who is not normally able to have
   keyboard control) to acquire temporary keyboard control through
   use of his REQUEST_INPUT hot-key.

   PERMIT_INPUT can be issued by the user being watched, or by a primary
   watcher who currently has keyboard control.

   To successfully grant PERMIT_INPUT, the user granting it must
   currently have keyboard control (via either SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT

   If a PERMIT_INPUT request is rejected (due to not currently having
   control of the keyboard) then the terminal bell will beep.

   Once PERMIT_INPUT has been enabled and a watcher then accepts it (by
   using his REQUEST_INPUT hot-key), the watcher and the user who
   permitted him may either toggle input between themselves using their
   TOGGLE_INPUT hot-keys, or may both type simultanously if the PSIMUL
   qualifier (or default) is in effect for the permitted watcher. (See
   also PNOBEEP.)

   Once granted, PERMIT_INPUT can be revoked again at any time by
   issuing another PERMIT_INPUT. (The PERMIT_INPUT key toggles
   PERMIT_INPUT on and back off.)

   A PERMIT_INPUT granted by the user being watched is also revoked
   whenever the primary watcher (if any) toggles input.

   Likewise, a PERMIT_INPUT granted by a primary watcher is revoked
   whenever the user being watched toggles input.

   Thus input-ability gained through PERMIT_INPUT/REQUEST_INPUT is very

   The logical WATCHER$PERMIT_INPUT specifies the default hot-key value
   for a primary watcher, and the logical USER$PERMIT_INPUT specifies
   the default hot-key value for use when being watched.

   Note that PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT may be used to temporarily
   grant input-ability to a watcher who otherwise would not be able to
   gain keyboard control due to keyboard-control licensing-option
   or ALLOW-command restrictions.

23    /PNOBEEP

   This qualifier is for use with the PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT
   hot-keys which temporarily grant keyboard control to a watcher who
   would not otherwise be able to have it. (See the PEEK Watching
   Subtopics: /PERMIT_INPUT and /REQUEST_INPUT.)

   When a watcher has been permitted temporary keyboard control, this
   qualifier determines whether or not the bell is rung on the terminal
   of the person being watched when he tries to type after control of his
   keyboard has been taken over (and PSIMUL_INPUT has not been specified).

   As with NOBEEP, when the user being watched does not have keyboard
   control, his keyboard will just appear to "go dead" instead of
   beeping when he tries to type.

   The logical WATCHER$PNOBEEP specifies the default value for this

   /PNOBEEP is provided in addition to /NOBEEP to make it possible to
   have a different nobeep value which applies only when one is a
   permitted-input watcher.



   This qualifier is used to define a hot-key sequence which causes PEEK
   to stop watching the current target and start watching the previous

   If there is no previous, matching target specification then PREVIOUS
   is equivalent to END_WATCH.

   The default hot-key value is taken from the logical WATCHER$PREVIOUS.


         $ PEEK GROUP1*

   In either case when the watcher presses Control-P followed by the
   letter P, PEEK will stop watching the current user and try to watch
   a previous user.

   For a complete description of the syntax used for specifying hot-key
   definitions, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Hot-Keys.


   /PROCESS_NAME=(process_name [,process_name ,... ,proccess_name])

   This parameter specifies targets to watch by their process names.

   Parentheses are required if more than one process name is specified.

   If a list is given or wildcards are used then the NEXT and PREVIOUS
   hot-keys are used to end watching the current process and start
   watching the next or previous one.

   The standard VMS * and % wildcard characters may be used in the
   process name(s).

   Standard VMS DECnet nodenames may also be prefixed to the process
   names for watching processes on other nodes. (See the PEEK Watching
   Subtopic: Node_Names.)

   Different nodenames can be used with different process names in the
   list. Standard VMS * and % wildcards are supported in nodenames.

   A prepended nodename applies only to the one process-name in the list
   to which it is prepended. For example the command:


   causes PEEK to attempt to watch the process J_DOE on node BOSTON,
   then the process B_SMITH on node PHOENIX, and then the process
   M_JONES on the current node.

   Note that the following two syntaxes will produce identical results:

         $ PEEK USER1

         In either case USER1 will be watched.

   In this example a list of users is specified:

         $ PEEK USER1,USER2,USER3

   Note: On Alpha with MS30 you can (by watching the "MS Server*" process
   for a user) track with the user as he switches NDC sessions, or you
   can watch an individual NDC session by using the Peek/Spy
   /SINGLE_WINDOW qualifier.



   This qualifier is for use with the PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT
   hot-keys which temporarily grant keyboard control to a watcher who
   would not otherwise have it. (See the PEEK Watching Subtopics:

   When a watcher has been permitted temporary keyboard control,
   the /PSIMUL_INPUT qualifier specifies whether or not both the
   watcher and watchee will be able to enter keyboard input to the
   user's process simultaneously, without having to use the
   TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key.

   The logical WATCHER$PSIMUL_INPUT specifies the default value.

   When simultaneous input is allowed, the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key will
   have no effect on the user being watched. TOGGLE_INPUT's by the
   watcher will just enable/disable his own keyboard input.

   The watcher starts with keyboard input enabled when simultaneous
   input is in effect.

   The logical WATCHER$PSIMUL specifies the default value for this

   For examples see /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT.

   /PSIMUL_INPUT is provided in addition to /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT to make
   it possible to have a different simultaneous value which applies only
   when one is a permitted-input watcher.

27    /QUOTE

   /QUOTE = "hot-key-defintion"

   /QUOTE is used to specify a hot-key which when recognized tells
   Peek/Spy that the following keystroke is NOT to be interpreted as part
   of a hot-key sequence, but is to be passed through to the terminal as
   normal input.

   This allows the user to enter this hot-key and follow it with some
   other Peek/Spy hot-key keystroke which he wishes to pass to the program
   as input. (Of course whether or not it is passed to the user's program
   is still controlled by TOGGLE_INPUT, if input is not simultaneous.)

   The QUOTE hot-key should be entered by the watcher immediately before
   the hot-key keystroke which he wishes to pass to the user's process.

   The default hot-key value is taken from the logical WATCHER$QUOTE.


         $ PEEK/QUOTE="<F7>"/BEEP_TERMINAL="<F6>" USER1
         $ DEFINE WATCHER$QUOTE "<F7>"
         $ PEEK/BEEP_TERMINAL="<F6>" USER1

   In either case, if the watcher presses F6, the bell will be rung
   on the user's terminal. However, if he presses F7 followed by F6,
   then the F6 sequence will be passed to the user's process (if
   watcher keyboard input is enabled, see the PEEK Watching
   Subtopics: /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT and /TOGGLE_INPUT, and the
   top-level PEEK Subtopic: Commands ALLOW /NOKB_CONTROL).

   For a complete description of the syntax used for specifying
   hot-key definitions, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Hot-Keys.



   Hot-key used to gain temporary ability to control the keyboard of
   the user being watched when the watcher wouldn't normally be able to
   gain keyboard control due to licensing or ALLOW-command restrictions.

   Use of the REQUEST_INPUT hot-key by a watcher only succeeds if the user
   being watched (or primary watcher) has first successfully issued a
   PERMIT_INPUT by using his PERMIT_INPUT hot-key.

   A second REQUEST_INPUT issued by the watcher after his REQUEST_INPUT
   has been granted, toggles his REQUEST_INPUT back off again.

   A REQUEST_INPUT request will fail if another watcher has already
   accepted the PERMIT_INPUT, or if REQUEST_INPUT hasn't first been
   permitted by a successful PERMIT_INPUT issued by the user being
   watched or primary watcher.

   If a REQUEST_INPUT is unsuccessful, the terminal will just beep.

   When a REQUEST_INPUT is successful, the watcher who did the successful
   REQUEST_INPUT may temporarily provide input. The TOGGLE_INPUT key may
   need to be used, unless the PSIMUL qualifier (or default) is in effect.

   The user (or primary watcher) who issued the PERMIT_INPUT may revoke it
   again at any time by again typing his PERMIT_INPUT hot-key sequence.

   A PERMIT_INPUT by the user being watched is also revoked if a primary
   watcher does a TOGGLE_INPUT to take keyboard control from the user.

   Likewise, a PERMIT_INPUT by the primary watcher is revoked if the user
   being watched does a TOGGLE_INPUT to take keyboard control back from
   the primary watcher.

   Thus input-ability gain through REQUEST_INPUT is very temporary.

   Note that PERMIT_INPUT and REQUEST_INPUT may be used to temporarily
   grant input-ability to a watcher who otherwise would not be able to
   gain keyboard control due to licensing option or ALLOW-command

   The logical WATCHER$REQUEST_INPUT specifies the default hot-key value.



   Specifying /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT allows both the watcher and the
   watchee to enter keyboard input to the watchee's process at the same
   time without having to switch back and forth by using the
   TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key.

   The logical WATCHER$SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT specifies the default value.

   When simultaneous input is in effect, the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key will
   have no effect on the user being watched. TOGGLE_INPUT's by the
   watcher will just enable/disable his own keyboard input.

   The watcher starts with keyboard input enabled when simultaneous
   input is in effect.

     NOTE:  There is a licensing option which will prevent the
     watcher from ever providing input to the user's terminal,
     for use in banking and other high-security environments.

     Thus if the SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT feature appears not to work
     for your site, you should check to see if your license
     specifies NOKB_CONTROL.

   Example 1:

         $ PEEK JONES

   This will allow both the watcher and the user being watched (JONES)
   to be able to do keyboard input at the same time.

   Example 2:

         $ PEEK JONES

   This will allow only one of either the watcher or the user being
   watched (JONES) to be able to do keyboard input. They must take
   turns typing by using the TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key sequence.




   Determines whether an MS Server process or individual MultiSessions
   NDC-terminal windows will be watched.

   The default for a PEEK, SPY or WATCH command is determined by the
   logical WATCHER$BACKGROUND usually defined by PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM. You
   can override the default by using this command qualifier.

   Note that the default behavior without /SINGLE_WINDOW is to see the
   screen of the MS Server process, whether or not wildcards are used.


   $ PEEK/TERM=-NDC21 /SINGLE_WINDOW ! Watch terminal NDC21:
   $ PEEK/TERM=NDC* /SINGLE_WINDOW   ! Watch all NDC terminals.
   $ PEEK * /NOSINGLE_WINDOW         ! Only watch MS Servers, don't
                                     ! watch any NDC terminals.


   /TERMINAL=(terminal_name [,terminal_name ,... ,terminal_name])

   This qualifier is used to specify targets to be watched by using their
   terminal names.

   If more than one terminal name is specified then the list must be
   enclosed in parenthesis.

   The standard VMS wildcards (* and %) may be specified for any part of
   the terminal name, if desired.

   Standard DECnet nodenames may also be prefixed to the terminal names
   for watching terminals on other nodes. (See the PEEK Watching
   Subtopic: Node_Names.)

   Different nodenames can be used for different terminal names in the
   list, and standard VMS * and % wildcards are supported in nodenames.
   A nodename prepended to a terminal name applies only to that one
   terminal name in the list.

   The /NEXT and /PREVIOUS hot-keys are used to end watching one target
   and start watching the next or previous one.

   The terminal names used may be any of the names which are associated
   with the physical terminal: the physical terminal name (e.g. LTA3451:
   or TXA5:) or the virtual terminal name (e.g., VTA127:).

   If MultiSessions is in use, then the terminal name may be any of the
   MultiSessions pseudo-terminal units (e.g., NDC22:) which are currently
   active on that terminal, or the physical terminal being used by

   Examples:  $ PEEK/TERMINAL=LTA*.

   In the above example, the lowest numbered terminal with the name LTA
   will be watched. When the /NEXT hot-key sequence is entered, then
   the next LTA terminal unit will be watched, etc.

              $ PEEK/TERMINAL=TXA5

   In the above example, the watcher will watch the process which is
   connected with terminal TXA5.

   Note: On Alpha with MS30 you can (by watching the physical terminal
   associated with the MS Server process) track with the user as he
   switches NDC sessions, or you can watch individual NDC sessions by
   using the Peek/Spy /SINGLE_WINDOW qualifier.



   Using this qualifier causes the NEXT hot-key sequence to
   be simulated when the specified time duration expires.

   The "nnn" time value is specified in seconds.

   The default value is taken from the logical WATCHER$TIME_LIMIT.


   /TOGGLE_INPUT = "hot-key-defintion"

   Defines a hot-key sequence which will toggle control of the keyboard
   of the user being watched between the user and the watcher.

   If this command qualifier is NOT specified (either on the command
   line or as a WATCHER$TOGGLE_INPUT logical), then the watcher will
   not be able to enter any input for the user unless /SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT
   is in effect.

   If SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT has been specified, pressing the TOGGLE_INPUT
   hot-key will have no effect on the user being watched, but will toggle
   on and off the watcher's ability to type for the user.

     NOTE:  There is a licensing option which will prevent the
     watcher from ever providing input to the user's terminal,
     for use in banking and other high-security environments.

     Thus if the TOGGLE_INPUT feature appears not to work
     for your site, you should check to see if your license
     specifies NOKB_CONTROL.

   The rest of this section will assume that SIMULTANEOUS_INPUT has not
   been specified.

   When PEEK is run, at first the watcher is not allowed to enter input
   to the user's process. If he types anything other than one of his
   hot-key sequences, then PEEK will throw the watcher's attempted input
   away and just ring the bell on his terminal instead.

   The watcher may press TOGGLE_INPUT to switch keyboard control,
   taking it away from the user being watched. At this point, the bell
   on the terminal of the user being watched will ring if he attempts
   to type anything other his defined hot-key sequences. (For defining
   hot-keys for use when being watched, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic:
   Commands ALLOW.)


         $ PEEK/TOGGLE_INPUT="<F10>" USER1
         $ PEEK USER1

   In this case, if the watcher presses F10 while watching, then he will
   take over keyboard control from USER1 (or give it back, if he already
   has control of the USER1's keyboard).

   For a complete description of the syntax used for specifying hot-key
   definitions, see the top-level PEEK Subtopic: Hot-Keys.

   If you don't want a TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key defined then /NOTOGGLE_INPUT
   may be used to override the existence of a default TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key.

   NOTE:  Use of the /NOTOGGLE_INPUT qualifier means there will be no
          TOGGLE_INPUT hot-key defined for whoever issues the command
          containing the /NOTOGGLE_INPUT. The PEEK ALLOW-command's
          /NOKB_CONTROL qualifier refers to whether an ALLOWed watcher
          will be able to have keyboard control.


   /USERNAME=(user_name [,user_name ,... ,user_name])

   This qualifier is used to specify targets to be watched by username.

   If more than one username is specified, the list must be enclosed in

   Usernames may contain the standard VMS * and % wildcard characters.

   Standard DECnet nodenames may also be prefixed to the usernames, for
   watching users on other nodes. (See the PEEK Watching Subtopic:

   Different nodenames can be used for each different username in the
   list, and standard VMS * and % wildcards are supported in nodenames.

   A nodename applies only to the one username in the list to which it
   is prepended.

   The NEXT and PREVIOUS hot-keys are used to end watching one process and
   start watching the next or previous one matching the specifications.



   In this example, a process belonging to the first user in the list
   will be watched first. When the /NEXT hot-key sequence is entered,
   watching will begin on the next process belonging to that user (if
   any). After all the first user's processes have been watched, PEEK
   will begin watching the first process for the next user in the list,
   in this case on DECnet node NODEA. When all of SMITH's processes on
   NODEA have been watched, the first process for user BROWN on the
   current node will be watched.

         $ PEEK /USERNAME=D*

   In this example, a process will be watched whose username starts with
   the letter "D". When the /NEXT hot-key sequence is entered, watching
   will begin on the next process beginning with the letter "D", if any,

   Note: On Alpha with MS30 you can (by watching the MS Server process
   for a user) track with the user as he switches NDC sessions, or you
   can watch an individual NDC session by using the Peek/Spy
   /SINGLE_WINDOW qualifier.

35    /WAIT_TIME


   This qualifier specifies the time in seconds which will elapse before
   starting to watch a user. This allows time for one to read the
   "In a moment you will begin watching...." message.

   The "nn.n" time value is specified in seconds, and can contain a
   decimal point.

   Interactive control over how long this message displays may be achieved
   by using the /CONFIRM qualifier instead of /WAIT_TIME.

   The default value is taken from the logical WATCHER$WAIT_TIME.

36    /WINDOW



   /WINDOW is synonymous with the /BACKGROUND and /SINGLE_WINDOW
   qualifiers. See the PEEK Watching Subtopic: /SINGLE_WINDOW.
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