VMS Help  —  RMU72  Show  Logical Names
    Displays logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb.

1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Logical_Names command displays the definitions of
    logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb. You
    can specify all logical names or just one. The output format is
    similar to that of the DCL SHOW LOGICALS command.

2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Logical_Names [logical-name]

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /Output=file-name                       x SYS$OUTPUT
      /Undefined                              x None

3  –  Parameters

3.1  –  logical-name

    Use this option to display the definition of one logical name. If
    you omit the logical name, the definitions of all logical names
    known to Oracle Rdb are displayed.

4  –  Command Qualifiers

4.1  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.

4.2  –  Undefined

    Use the Undefined qualifier to display a list of both defined and
    undefined logicals.

5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example displays defined logical names known to
    Oracle Rdb.

    $ rmu/sho log

    Example 2

    This example displays both defined and undefined logical names.

    $ rmu/sho log /undefined ! Display them all
      "RDMS$AUTO_READY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_PRIORITY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABW_ENABLED" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_AIJ_ARB_COUNT" = Undefined
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