VMS Help  —  SQLMOD72  Arguments

1  –  ALIAS

    Specifies the default alias for the module. If you do not specify
    a module alias, the default alias is the authorization identifier
    for the module.

    When the FIPS flagger is enabled, the ALIAS clause (by itself
    or used with the AUTHORIZATION clause) is flagged as nonstandard

    If the application needs to refer to only one database across
    multiple modules, it is good practice to use the same alias
    for the default database in all modules that will be linked
    to make up an executable image. If that image will include
    modules processed with the SQL precompiler, you should specify
    RDB$DBHANDLE in the AUTHORIZATION clause of all SQL modules in
    the image because the alias RDB$DBHANDLE always designates the
    default database in precompiled SQL programs.


    Specifies the authorization identifier for the module. If you do
    not specify a schema authorization, the authorization identifier
    is the user name of the user compiling the module.

    If you want to comply with the ANSI/ISO SQL89 standard, specify
    the AUTHORIZATION clause without the schema-name. Specify both
    the AUTHORIZATION clause and the schema name to comply with the
    ANSI/ISO SQL99 Standard.

    When you attach to a multischema database, the authorization
    identifier for each schema is the user name of the user compiling
    the module. This authorization identifier defines the default
    alias and schema. You can use the ALIAS and SCHEMA clauses to
    override the defaults.

    If you attach to a single-schema database or specify that
    and you specify both an AUTHORIZATION clause and an ALIAS clause,
    the authorization identifier is ignored by SQL unless you specify
    the RIGHTS clause in the module file. The RIGHTS clause causes
    SQL to use the authorization identifier specified in the module
    AUTHORIZATION clause for privilege checking.

    If procedures in the SQL module always qualify table names with
    an authorization identifier, the AUTHORIZATION clause has no
    effect on SQL statements in the procedures.

    When the FIPS flagger is enabled, the omission of an
    AUTHORIZATION clause is flagged as nonstandard ANSI syntax.


    Specifies that the formal parameter will be passed to the calling
    program module by descriptor. The BY DESCRIPTOR clause is useful

    o  You specify the GENERAL keyword in the LANGUAGE clause of
       an SQL module, but the default for the language is to pass
       parameters by descriptor. The default for GENERAL is to pass
       parameters by reference, but you can override that default
       passing mechanism by specifying BY DESCRIPTOR.

    o  You want to take advantage of the CHECK option for parameter
       declarations. That option is available only for parameters
       declared with the BY DESCRIPTOR clause.

    o  You need to override the default parameter passing mechanism
       for languages that pass parameters by reference.

    The BY DESCRIPTOR clause supports only OpenVMS static
    descriptors, which are fixed-length fields.

    For any language, the passing mechanism for SQL module formal
    parameters must be the same as the actual parameters in the host
    language module.

    Ada, BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Pascal, and PL/I do not support passing
    records by descriptor. You may construct a descriptor from
    elements in all these languages and pass the constructed
    descriptor to the SQL module language by reference.

    o  When you construct a descriptor for a host language record
       when the module language is Ada, BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Pascal,
       PL/I, or GENERAL, use a fixed-length descriptor (CLASS_S)
       with a character string data type, and pass the length of the
       entire record.

    o  If the language is Ada, BASIC, FORTRAN, or Pascal, pass
       indicator arrays using an array descriptor (CLASS_A) and the
       data type of all of the array elements.

    o  If the language is COBOL, pass arrays using fixed-length
       (CLASS_S) descriptors and character string data types,
       regardless of the data types of the array elements.

    o  If the language is C, the SQL module processor interprets
       CHAR fields one way when the data type is defined in the
       module, and another way when the definition is read from
       the dictionary. When the data type is defined in the module,
       the SQL module processor interprets character strings within
       records as null-terminated strings. In other words, if you
       declare a field specified as CHAR(9), the C module language
       interprets this as a field that is actually 10 characters
       long, with the tenth character being the null terminator.

       However, if you include a record in a C module from the data
       dictionary, you can specify any of three options for CHAR
       field interpretation.


    Specifies the default catalog for the module. Catalogs are groups
    of schemas within a multischema database. If you omit the catalog
    name when specifying an object in a multischema database, SQL
    uses the default catalog name RDB$CATALOG. Databases created
    without the multischema attribute do not have catalogs. You
    can use the SET CATALOG statement to change the current default
    catalog name in dynamic or interactive SQL.


    Specifies whether the length of character string parameters,
    columns, and domains are interpreted as characters or octets. If
    the dialect is set to SQL89, SQL92, SQL99 or MIA, the default is
    CHARACTERS. Otherwise, the default is OCTETS.

6  –  char-data-types

    Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information
    about the character data types that SQL supports.

7  –  CHECK

    Specifies that SQL compares at run time the data type, length,
    and scale of the descriptor for an actual parameter to what was
    declared for the procedure parameter in the SQL module. If the
    two do not match, SQL returns an error. The CHECK clause works
    only with parameters passed by descriptor from the calling host
    language module.

    Because there is no connection between an SQL module and a
    calling host language program module when they are compiled,
    there is no way for SQL to check for agreement between formal
    parameter declarations and actual parameters in calls to the
    module. The CHECK clause provides a way to do such checking when
    the program runs.

    If a formal parameter declaration does not specify the CHECK
    clause, SQL assumes that procedure and calling parameters agree.
    If they do not, programs can give unpredictable results. However,
    you may choose not to use the CHECK clause because:

    o  The CHECK clause is not part of ANSI-standard SQL.

    o  There is a minor performance penalty for SQL to check
       parameters at run time.

    o  Using CHECK can make host programs more complicated.

    The CHECK clause follows these rules in comparing formal
    parameters with call parameters:

    o  If a formal parameter is TIMESTAMP data type, the CHECK clause
       accepts any corresponding actual parameter that is 8 bytes

    o  If the language is C and the formal parameter is CHAR
       data type, the CHECK clause expects the descriptor to be
       1 byte longer than the number of characters in the formal
       parameter. This occurs because character strings in C include
       a terminator character (they are in ASCIZ format) that is not
       included in the length of the formal parameter declaration.

       When you retrieve data definitions from the dictionary,
       however, you can change the default interpretation of
       character data by specifying FIXED or NULL TERMINATED
       CHARACTERS in the record-type clause of the FROM path-name

    o  The CHECK clause supports dynamic string descriptors (CLASS_D)
       in BASIC for procedure parameters declared with the CHARACTER
       data type. However, the CHECK clause does not compare the
       length of the descriptor with the length of the procedure
       parameter because the buffer to receive the data is allocated
       at run time.

    o  If the formal parameter is VARCHAR data type, the descriptor
       that the CHECK clause accepts depends on the language.

       -  If the language is PL/I or Pascal (languages that support
          varying character data type), the descriptor must be a
          varying string (CLASS_VS) descriptor, the data type must be
          varying text, and the length must be the same as the length
          of the formal parameter declaration.

       -  If the language is not PL/I or Pascal, the CHECK clause
          accepts a varying string descriptor as in the preceding
          paragraph, or a fixed-length (CLASS_S) or unspecified
          (DTYPE_Z) descriptor with data type of text and a length
          2 bytes longer than the length of the formal parameter

    For more detail on the different types of OpenVMS argument
    descriptors, see the OpenVMS programming documentation.

8  –  compound-statement

    Most commonly, includes multiple executable SQL statements,
    associated variable declarations, and control statements within
    a BEGIN . . . END block; however, each of these arguments is
    optional. For instance, you can create an empty BEGIN . . . END
    block (BEGIN END;).

    SQL executes the compound statement when the procedure in which
    it is embedded is called by a host language module. See the
    Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more complete information
    about a compound statement.


    Syntax options:


 Allows you to specify whether SQL should start a transaction before
 executing a compound statement or stored procedure.

    start a transaction before executing a procedure. The COMPOUND
    TRANSACTIONS INTERNAL clause instructs SQL to allow a procedure
    to start a transaction as required by the procedure execution.

    By default, SQL starts a transaction before executing a compound
    statement if there is no current transaction

10  –  data-type

    You can specify the character set of parameters that are defined
    as character data types. SQL assumes the character set of
    parameters based on the following rules:

    o  If a parameter is not qualified by a character set or defined
       as a national character data type, SQL considers the parameter
       to be of the default character set as specified in the DEFAULT
       CHARACTER SET clause.

    o  If a parameter is defined as a national character data type
       (NCHAR, NCHAR VARYING), SQL considers the parameter to be
       of the national character set as specified in the NATIONAL
       CHARACTER SET clause.

    o  If a parameter is defined as a data type qualified by a
       character set, SQL considers the parameter to be of that
       character set.

    See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about
    data types and qualifying a data type with a character set.
    The Argument INTEGER topic describes the INTEGER data type with
    regard to the SQL module language.

    The SQL data type specified for the formal parameter in a module
    must be equivalent to the data type of the host language variable
    declaration for the actual parameter. If the formal parameter and
    actual parameter are not declared with equivalent data types, SQL
    can give unpredictable results.

    The data type for a database key is CHAR(n),  where n equals
    the number of bytes of the database key. See the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for more information on database keys.

11  –  declare-statement

    Any of the following statements:






    You must place all DECLARE statements in an SQL module together
    after the LANGUAGE clause of the module. All such DECLARE
    statements are optional.

    All the DECLARE statements except DECLARE TRANSACTION can be
    repeated. For each DECLARE CURSOR statement, however, there must
    be only one procedure in the SQL module that contains an OPEN
    statement that corresponds to the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

    Do not use any punctuation to separate DECLARE statements or
    to separate the declare-statement section from the procedure


    Specifies the character set for parameters that are not qualified
    by a character set and are not defined as a national character
    data type. If you do not specify a character set in this clause
    or in the NAMES ARE clause, the default is DEC_MCS. This clause
    overrides the character set specified in the NAMES ARE clause.
    See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of the
    allowable character sets.


    Controls the default interpretation for columns with the DATE or
    types can be either VMS or SQL format.

    If you specify VMS, both data types are interpreted as VMS
    format. The VMS format DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP contain YEAR
    to SECOND fields, like a TIMESTAMP.

    If you specify an SQL standard such as SQL99, both data types are
    interpreted as SQL format. The SQL format DATE contains only the
    YEAR to DAY fields.

    The default is VMS.

    Use the DEFAULT DATE FORMAT clause, rather than the ANSI_DATE
    qualifier, because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future

14  –  DIALECT

    Controls the following settings for the current connection:

    o  Whether the length of character string parameters, columns,
       and domains are interpreted as characters or octets

    o  Whether double quotation marks are interpreted as string
       literals or delimited identifiers

    o  Whether or not identifiers may be keywords

    o  Which views are read-only

    o  Whether columns with the DATE or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP data type
       are interpreted as VMS or SQL99 format

    o  Whether or not parameter names begin with a colon

    o  Whether or not the session character sets change depending on
       the dialect specified

    The DIALECT clause lets you specify the settings with one clause,
    instead of specifying each setting individually. Because the
    module processor processes the module clauses sequentially, the
    DIALECT clause can override the settings of clauses (for example,
    QUOTING RULES) specified before it or be overridden by clauses
    specified after it.

    The following statements are specific to the SQL92 and SQL99

    o  The default constraint evaluation time setting changes from

    o  Conversions between character data types when storing data
       or retrieving data raise exceptions or warnings in certain

    o  You can specify DECIMAL or NUMERIC for formal parameters
       in SQL modules, and declare host language parameters with
       packed decimal or signed numeric storage format. SQL generates
       an error message if you attempt to exceed the precision

    o  The USER keyword specifies the current active user name for a

    o  A warning is generated when a null value is eliminated from a
       SET function.

    o  The WITH CHECK OPTION clause on views returns a discrete error
       code from an integrity constraint failure.

    o  An exception is generated with non-null terminated C strings.

    See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information on
    the settings for each option of the DIALECT clause.


    Specifies the character set used for automatic translation
    between applications and SQL. If you do not specify a character
    set the default is DEC_MCS. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference
    Manual for a list of allowable character sets.

16  –  domain-name

    You can specify an SQL data type directly or name a domain. If
    you name a domain, the parameter inherits the data type of the

17  –  FIXED

    clauses tell the module processor how to interpret C language
    text fields. Example 3 shows how the size of the text field you
    declare varies according to which of the three interpretation
    options you select.

    If you specify FIXED, the module processor interprets CHAR fields
    from the dictionary as fixed-length character strings.

18  –  FROM path name

    Specifies the data dictionary path name of a data dictionary
    record definition. You can use this clause to retrieve data
    definitions from the dictionary.

    The data dictionary record definition that you specify cannot
    contain any OCCURS clauses or arrays. You must specify a data
    dictionary record definition that contains only valid SQL or
    Oracle Rdb data types.

    The FROM path-name clause cannot be used in a second-level record
    specification (a record-type that you specify within record-


    Specifies the character set used for object names such as cursor
    names and table names. If you do not specify a character set in
    this clause or in the NAMES ARE clause, the default is DEC_MCS.
    This clause overrides the character set specified in the NAMES
    ARE clause.

    The specified character set must contain ASCII.


       If the dialect or character sets are not specified in the
       module header, SQL uses the RDB$CHARACTER_SET logical name
       to determine the character sets to be used by the database.
       See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more detail
       regarding the RDB$CHARACTER_SET logical name.

       The RDB$CHARACTER_SET logical name is deprecated and will
       not be supported in a future release.


    Specifies a one-dimensional array of elements with one of
    the data types shown in the exact-numeric-type diagram. An
    indicator array provides indicator parameters for fields in the
    host structure. The indicator array must have at least as many
    elements in it as the record definition has.

    You cannot use an indicator array as a record or contain it
    within a record. In other words, the INDICATOR ARRAY OF clause
    cannot be used in a second-level record specification (a record-
    type that you specify within record-type).

    You cannot explicitly refer to individual elements in an
    indicator array. For this reason, you cannot use indicator arrays
    in UPDATE statements or WHERE clauses.

21  –  item-name

    Specifies the name of an item in a record. Do not give the same
    name for two record items at the same level in the same record

    When SQL statements within a procedure refer to an item name
    within a subrecord in the same procedure as a parameter
    declaration, they must fully qualify the item name with the
    record name and all intervening subrecord names. Separate record
    names from item names with periods.


    Controls whether or not identifiers can be keywords. If you
    specify SQL92, SQL99, SQL89, or MIA, you cannot use keywords as
    identifiers, unless you enclose them in double quotation marks.
    If you specify SQLV40, you can use keywords as identifiers. The
    default is SQLV40.

    Use the KEYWORD RULES clause, rather than the ANSI_IDENTIFIER
    qualifier, because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future


    A keyword that specifies the name of the host language in which
    the program is written. This program calls the procedures in
    the module. Specify GENERAL for languages that do not have a
    corresponding keyword in the LANGUAGE clause.

    The language identifier determines:

    o  The kinds of data types that the SQL module processor
       considers valid in the module's formal parameter declarations.
       If a language does not support a data type equivalent to
       some SQL data type, the SQL module processor generates a
       warning message when it encounters the data type in a formal
       parameter. (A formal parameter is the name in an SQL module
       procedure declaration that represents the corresponding
       actual parameter in a host language call to the SQL module

       For example, SQL supports the BIGINT data type, but PL/I does
       not. The module processor generates a warning message when
       it encounters a BIGINT formal parameter in an SQL module that
       specifies the PL/I language in the LANGUAGE section.

    o  The default mechanism for passing parameters to and from a
       host language source file. Parameters are always passed by the
       default passing mechanism for the language specified in the
       language clause. The following table shows those defaults.

    Table 3 Default Passing Mechanism for Host Languages to SQL

    Language   Passing Mechanism

    Ada        By reference
    BASIC      CHAR by descriptor; all others by reference
    C          By reference
    COBOL      By reference
    FORTRAN    CHAR, SQLCA, SQLDA by descriptor; all others by
    Pascal     By reference
    PL/I       By reference
    GENERAL    By reference

    o  The default data type that SQL expects for certain actual

       In COBOL, for example, if a DOUBLE PRECISION formal parameter
       is declared in an SQL module procedure, the procedure expects
       the parameter to be passed from the calling module as D_FLOAT
       rather than G_FLOAT because COBOL does not support G_FLOAT.
       Similarly, in C, if a CHAR(n)  formal parameter is declared in
       an SQL module procedure, the procedure expects the parameter
       to be passed from the calling module as an ASCIZ string with a
       length of (n+1).


    Specifies the character set for literals that are not qualified
    by a character set or national character set. If you do not
    specify a character set in this clause or in the NAMES ARE
    clause, the default is DEC_MCS. This clause overrides the
    character set for unqualified literals specified in the NAMES
    ARE clause. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of
    the allowable character sets.

25  –  MODULE

    An optional name for the module. If you do not supply a module
    name, the default name is SQL_MODULE.

    Use any valid operating system name. (See the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for more information on user-supplied names.)
    However, the name must be unique among the modules that are
    linked together to form an executable image.

26  –  NAMES_ARE

    Specifies the character set used for the default, identifier, and
    literal character sets for the module. This clause also specifies
    the character string parameters that are not qualified by a
    character set or national character set. If you do not specify
    a character set, the default is DEC_MCS.

    The character set specified in this clause must contain ASCII.


    Specifies the character set for literals qualified by the
    national character set and for parameters defined as a national
    character data type (NCHAR, NCHAR VARYING). If you do not specify
    a character set in this clause, the default is DEC_MCS. See
    the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of the allowable
    character sets.


    Specifies that text fields from the dictionary are null-
    terminated. The module processor interprets the length field
    in the dictionary as the number of bytes in the string. If n is
    the length in the dictionary, then the number of data bytes is
    n-1  and the length of the string is n bytes.

    In other words, the module processor assumes that the last
    character of the string is for the null terminator. Thus, a field
    that the dictionary lists as 10 characters can hold only a 9-
    character SQL field from the C module language. (Other module
    languages could fit a 10-character SQL field into it.)

    If you do not specify a character interpretation option, NULL
    TERMINATED BYTES is the default.


    Specifies that CHAR fields from the dictionary are null-
    terminated, but the module processor interprets the length field
    as a character count. If n is the length in the dictionary, then
    the number of data bytes is n, and the length of the string is
    n+1  bytes.

30  –  parameter-name

    The name for a formal parameter. Use any valid SQL name. See the
    Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information on user-
    supplied names.

    Formal parameter names do not have to be the same as the host
    language variables for the actual parameters to which they
    correspond. However, making the names the same is a useful
    convention for keeping track of which parameter corresponds to
    which host language variable.

    SQLCA, SQLCODE, SQLDA, SQLDA2, and SQLSTATE are special-purpose
    parameters and do not require user-supplied names (although you
    can optionally specify a parameter name with SQLDA or SQLDA2).

    There are three ways to specify a valid SQL data type for the
    formal parameter:

    o  data-type

    o  domain-name

    o  record-type


    If you use the PARAMETER COLONS clause, all parameter names must
    begin with a colon (:).  This rule applies to both declarations
    and references of module language procedure parameters. If you do
    not use this clause, no parameter name can begin with a colon.

    The current default behavior is no colons are used. However, this
    default is deprecated syntax. In the future, colons will be the
    default because it allows processing of ANSI-standard modules.

    Use the PARAMETER COLONS clause, rather than the ANSI_PARAMETERS
    qualifier, because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future


    Specifies the name of a procedure. Use any valid OpenVMS name.)
    (See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information on
    user-supplied names.)

    The procedure name is used in host language calls to specify
    a particular procedure. In addition to a procedure name, a
    procedure in an SQL module must contain one or more parameter
    declarations and an SQL statement.


    Syntax options:


    The QUIET COMMIT ON clause disables error reporting for the
    COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements if either statement is executed
    when no transaction is active. The QUIET COMMIT OFF clause
    enables error reporting for the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
    if either statement is executed when no transaction is active:



    The QUIET COMMIT OFF clause is the default.


    Controls whether double quotation marks are interpreted as
    string literals or delimited identifiers. If you specify SQL99,
    SQL92, SQL89, or MIA, SQL interprets double quotation marks as
    delimited identifiers. If you specify SQLV40, SQL interprets
    double quotation marks as literals. The default is SQLV40.

    Use the QUOTING RULES clause, rather than the ANSI_QUOTING
    qualifier, because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future


    Specifies the beginning and end of the record that you are
    supplying in a module language parameter declaration.

    A record definition cannot contain an SQLDA, an SQLDA2, an

36  –  record-type

    You can pass records and indicator arrays to SQL module language
    procedures using the record-type clause.

    You can also pass records and indicator arrays to SQL module
    language procedures and retrieve data dictionary record
    declarations using the record-type clause.

    If a record reference has an indicator, it must be an indicator
    array. Specify the INDICATOR ARRAY OF clause instead of an item
    name or path name.

    The following example shows the use of record structures and
    indicator arrays in an SQL module language program. Because
    parameters in the module are preceded by colons, you must include
    the PARAMETER COLONS clause in the module header.

    MODULE          employee_module
    LANGUAGE        pascal

    DECLARE pers ALIAS FOR FILENAME mf_personnel

        SELECT *





            status_code PERS.work_status.STATUS_CODE_DOM
            status_name PERS.work_status.STATUS_NAME_DOM
            status_type PERS.work_status.STATUS_DESC_DOM
            end record
            indicator array of 3 SMALLINT
            end record
        INTO :work_status_rec INDICATOR :ind_array;

37  –  RIGHTS

    Specifies whether or not a module must be executed by a user
    whose authorization identifier matches the module authorization

    If you specify RESTRICT, SQL bases privilege checking on the
    default authorization identifier. The default authorization
    identifier is the authorization identifier of the user who
    compiles a module unless you specify a different authorization
    identifier using an AUTHORIZATION clause in the module. The
    RESTRICT option causes SQL to compare the user name of the
    person who executes a module with the default authorization
    identifier and prevent any user other than one with the
    correct authorization identifier from invoking that module. All
    applications that use multischema will be the invoker by default.

    If you specify INVOKER, SQL bases the privilege on the
    authorization identifier of the user running the module.

    The default is INVOKER.

    Use the RIGHTS clause, rather than the ANSI_AUTHORIZATION
    qualifier, because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future

38  –  SCHEMA

    Specifies the default schema name for the module. The default
    schema is the schema to which SQL statements refer if those
    statements do not qualify table and other schema names with an
    authorization identifier. If you do not specify a default schema
    name for a module, the default schema name is the same as the
    authorization identifier.

    Using the SCHEMA clause, separate SQL modules can each declare
    different schemas as default schemas. This can be convenient for
    an application that needs to refer to more than one schema. By
    putting SQL statements that refer to a schema in the appropriate
    module's procedures, you can minimize tedious qualification of
    schema element names in those statements.

    When you specify SCHEMA schema-name AUTHORIZATION authorization-
    name, you specify the schema name and the schema authorization
    identifier for the module. The schema authorization identifier is
    considered the owner and creator of the schema and everything in

    When the FIPS flagger is enabled for entry-level SQL92 or lower,
    the SCHEMA clause (by itself or used with the AUTHORIZATION
    clause) is flagged as nonstandard ANSI syntax.

    If procedures in the SQL module always qualify table names with
    an authorization identifier, the SCHEMA clause has no effect on
    SQL statements in the procedures.

39  –  SQLCA

    A formal parameter for the SQLCA (see the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for more information on the SQLCA). The calling
    program module must declare a record that corresponds to the
    structure of the SQLCA and specify that record declaration as the
    calling parameter for the SQLCA formal parameter.

    Specifying SQLCA as a formal parameter is an alternative to
    specifying SQLCODE. Using SQLCA instead of SQLCODE lets the
    calling program module take advantage of the information SQL puts
    in the third element of the SQLERRD array in the SQLCA. Future
    versions of SQL may use the SQLCA for additional information.

40  –  SQLCODE

    A formal parameter that SQL uses to indicate the execution
    status of the SQL statement in the procedure. The SQLCODE
    formal parameter does not require a data type declaration;
    SQL automatically declares SQLCODE with an INTEGER data type.
    However, the calling program module must still declare an integer
    variable for the actual parameter that corresponds to SQLCODE.
    The SQLCODE parameter must be passed by reference.

    Oracle Rdb recommends that you use the SQLSTATE status parameter
    rather than SQLCODE. SQLSTATE complies with ANSI/ISO SQL standard
    and SQLCODE may be deprecated in a future release of Oracle Rdb.

    See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information
    about SQLCODE.


    A formal parameter for the SQLDA or SQLDA2 (see the Oracle Rdb
    SQL Reference Manual for more information on the SQLDA and
    SQLDA2). The calling program module must declare a record that
    corresponds to the structure of the SQLDA or SQLDA2 and specify
    that record declaration as the calling parameter for the SQLDA
    or SQLDA2 formal parameter. You can optionally precede SQLDA or
    SQLDA2 in the parameter declaration with another name the SQL
    statement in the module procedure can use to refer to the SQLDA
    or SQLDA2.


    A formal parameter that SQL uses to indicate the execution
    status of the SQL statement in the procedure. The SQLSTATE
    formal parameter does not require a data type declaration;
    SQL automatically declares SQLSTATE with a CHAR(5) data type.
    However, the calling program module must still declare a
    character variable for the actual parameter that corresponds
    to SQLSTATE. The SQLSTATE parameter must be passed by reference.

    Oracle Rdb recommends that you use the SQLSTATE status parameter
    rather than SQLCODE. SQLSTATE complies with the ANSI/ISO SQL
    standard and SQLCODE may be deprecated in a future release of
    Oracle Rdb.


    Specifies whether or not the SQL module processor applies the
    ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views to all views created during

    If you specify SQL92, SQL99, SQL89, or MIA, the SQL module
    processor applies the ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views to
    all views created during compilation. Views that do not comply
    with the ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views cannot be updated.
    The default is SQLV40.

    The ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views requires the following
    conditions to be met in the SELECT statement:

    o  The DISTINCT keyword is not specified.

    o  Only column names can appear in the select list. Each column
       name can appear only once. Functions and expressions such as
       max(column_name) or column_name +1 cannot appear in the select

    o  The FROM clause refers to only one table. This table must be
       either a base table or a derived table that can be updated.

    o  The WHERE clause does not contain a subquery.

    o  The GROUP BY clause is not specified.

    o  The HAVING clause is not specified.

    If you specify SQLV40, SQL does not apply the ANSI/ISO standard
    for updatable views. Instead, SQL considers views that meet the
    following conditions to be updatable:

    o  The DISTINCT keyword is not specified.

    o  The FROM clause refers to only one table. This table must be
       either a base table or a view that can be updated.

    o  The GROUP BY clause is not specified.

    o  The HAVING clause is not specified.
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