The SQL precompiler provides special keywords and syntax that allow you to include (embed) simple and compound statements directly into host language programs. Then you can use the SQL precompiler to process the combined embedded statements and host language code to produce an object file for linking and execution.
1 – Environment
You can use SQL precompiler syntax only in Ada, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, and PL/I host language source files. The SQL precompiler supports no other host languages. If you use a host language other than the ones mentioned for embedded SQL and you want to use the SQL interface with it, you must use the SQL module processor.
2 – Format
(B)0[m[1;4mEXEC[m[1m [1;4mSQL[m[1m qqwqq> simple-statement qqqqwqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq>[m [1m mqq> compound-statement qqj mqq> ending-symbol qqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mending-symbol = [m [1m [m [1mqqqqqwq> ; qqqqqqqqwq> [m [1m mq> END-EXEC qj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1msimple-statement = [m [1m [m [1mqqqq> SQL statement qqqq> [m (B)0[m[1mcompound-statement = [m [1m [m [1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [1;4mBEGIN[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqk[m [1m mq> <beginning-label>:[m [1mqj mq> pragma-clauses[m [1mqqj x [m [1m lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m mqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqk [m [1m mwqq> variable-declaration qwj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m mqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [1;4mEND[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq>[m [1m mwq> [m [1mcompound-use-statement qwj[m [1mmq>[m [1m<ending-label>:[m [1mqj [m [1mmqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m (B)0[m[1mpragma-clauses =[m [1mqqwqwq> pragma-option qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq>[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mPRAGMA[m[1m ( qwq> pragma-option qwq> )[m [1mqj[m [1mmqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqj[m (B)0[m[1mpragma-option =[m [1mqqwq> [1;4mATOMIC[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq>[m [1mtq> [1;4mNOT[m [1;4mATOMIC[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mtq> [1;4mON[m[1m [1;4mALIAS[m[1m <alias-name> qqqqqqqu[m [1mtq> with-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mmq> optimize-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mwith-clause = [m [1m [m [1mqqq> [1;4mWITH[m[1m qq> [1;4mHOLD[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1m mq> [1;4mPRESERVE[m[1m qqwq> [1;4mON[m[1m [1;4mCOMMIT[m[1m qqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mON[m[1m [1;4mROLLBACK[m[1m qu [m [1m tq> [1;4mALL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mq> [1;4mNONE[m[1m qqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1moptimize-clause = [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1mqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq> [m [1m mq> [1;4mOPTIMIZE[m[1m qqwqwq> [1;4mFOR[m[1m qwq> [1;4mFAST[m[1m [1;4mFIRST[m[1m qqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqwqwqj [m [1m x x tq> [1;4mTOTAL[m[1m [1;4mTIME[m[1m qqqqqqqqu[m [1m [m [1mx x [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mSEQUENTIAL[m [1;4mACCESS[m [1mqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1m x tq> [1;4mUSING[m[1m <outline-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mWITH[m[1m qwq> [1;4mDEFAULT[m [1mqqwq> [1;4mSELECTIVITY[m [1mqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mSAMPLED[m [1mqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mAGGRESSIVE[m[1m j[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1m x mq> [1;4mAS[m[1m <query-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m
3 – Arguments
3.1 – compound-statement
A statement that can contain multiple SQL statements in an SQL module procedure or in an embedded SQL procedure. An embedded procedure that contains a compound statement is called an embedded multistatement procedure. SQL supports a restricted subset of SQL statements in a compound statement embedded in a host langauge program. Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of valid SQL statements allowed in a compound statement. Compound statements can also include program-like, flow- of-control statements (IF, LOOP, CASE, LEAVE), transaction management statements (COMMIT and ROLLBACK), a variable declaration statement (SET assignment), a cursor-processing statement (FOR), and a procedure-debugging statement (TRACE). See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a complete description of a compound statement.
3.2 – ending-symbol
Ends an embedded simple or an embedded compound statement. To end an embedded statement, follow the host language requirements listed in the following table. Table 5 Ending Embedded SQL Statements Language Symbols to End EXEC SQL Statements Ada Semicolon (;) C Semicolon (;) COBOL END-EXEC FORTRAN Ending symbol not required Pascal Semicolon (;) PL/I Semicolon (;)
3.3 – EXEC_SQL
Prefixes each simple or compound statement. Converting interactive statements to precompiled statements requires the added step of starting each simple or compound statement with the keywords EXEC SQL. SQL cannot process these statements otherwise. Also, both keywords EXEC and SQL must be on the same line, and you cannot insert comments between them.
3.4 – simple-statement
A statement that can contain a single SQL statement only. For a list of SQL statements that are valid within a simple statement and for a complete description of a simple statement, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual.
4 – Example
Example 1: Embedding a compound statement in a host language program The following example shows how to embed a multistatement procedure in a program. The keyword PROCEDURE does not appear in an embedded SQL application. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION ; int x ; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION ; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE :y INTEGER ; SET :y = 2 * :x ; -- :x is a host variable UPDATE employees SET salary = :y ; WHERE . . . ; BEGIN DECLARE :x INTEGER ; SET :x = 100 ; -- :x is a local variable UPDATE employees SET salary = :x ; WHERE . . . ; END ; END ;
5 – SQLPRE Command Line
You can define a symbol to help you invoke the SQL precompiler: $ SQLPRE == "$SQL$PRE" Because the SQL precompiler requires a language qualifier, you might want to define a particular language so that you can invoke the command on one line: $ SADA == "$SQL$PRE/ADA" $ SADA SQL_DYNAMIC By defining symbols, you can invoke the SQL precompiler with or without a file specification for a host language program file: o If you invoke the SQL precompiler without an input file specification for a host language program file, the precompiler prompts you for it. For example: $ SQLPRE INPUT FILE> pre-host-file-spec o If you invoke the SQL precompiler with a host language program file as part of the DCL command line, SQL starts processing your file immediately after you press the Return key. For example: $ SADA pre-host-file-spec pre-qualifiers Whichever method you choose to invoke the precompiler, you have the option to specify a wide range of qualifiers that control how the SQL precompiler processes the module file. The syntax diagrams show the format for the qualifiers that you can include with the host language program file specification.
5.1 – Format
(B)0[m[1mpre-host-file-qual = [m [1m [m [1;4mSQLPRE[m[1m qq> pre-host-file-spec qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk [m [1m mq> <context-file-name> qj x [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmq> pre-lang-qualifiers qqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqq> [m [1m mqq> pre-qualifiers qqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mpre-lang-qualifiers = [m [1m [m [1mqqq> / qwq> [1;4mADA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m tq> [1;4mCC[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqu [m [1m x tq> [1;4m=VAXC[m[1m qqqqqqqu x [m [1m x mq> [1;4m=DECC[m[1m qqqqqqqj x [m [1m tq> [1;4mCOBOL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mFORTRAN[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mPASCAL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mq> [1;4mPLI[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mpre-qualifiers = [m [1mqqqwwq> / [1;4mARCHITECTURE[m[1m= architecture_options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwqq> [m [1m xtq> / qwqqqqqqwqqwq> [1;4mANSI_FORMAT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux[m [1m [m [1m xx mq [1;4mNO[m[1m qj tq> [1;4mEXTEND_SOURCE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx tq> [1;4mG_FLOAT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx tq> [1;4mLIST[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqux [m [1mxx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> = <file-spec> qj[m [1mxx[m [1m xx tq> [1;4mMACHINE_CODE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx mq> [1;4mOBJECT[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqux [m [1m xx[m [1m mq> = <file-spec> qj xx [m [1mxtq>[m [1m/ [1;4mFLOAT[m[1m= qwq> D_FLOAT[m [1mqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux[m [1mxx[m [1mtq> G_FLOAT[m [1mqqqqu[m [1mxx[m [1mxx[m [1mmq> IEEE_FLOAT[m [1mqqj[m [1mxx[m [1mxx[m [1mxx[m [1m xmq> / [1;4mSQLOPTIONS[m[1m= ( qwwq> opt-no-qualifiers qwwq> ) qqqjx [m [1m x xmq> opt-qualifiers qqqqjx x [m [1m x mqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m [1marchitecture_options =[m [1m [m [1mqwq> [1;4mGENERIC[m [1mqwqq>[m [1m tq> [1;4mHOST[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV4[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV5[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV56[m[1m qqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mPCA56[m[1m qqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV6[m[1m [m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV67[m[1m qqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV68[m[1m qqu[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mEV7[m[1m qqj[m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mopt-no-qualifiers = [m [1m [m [1mqwqqqqqqqqwqwq> [1;4mCONNECT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m mq> [1;4mNO[m[1m qqj tq> [1;4mDECLARE_MESSAGE_VECTOR[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEXTERNAL_GLOBALS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mFLAG_NONSTANDARD[m[1m qqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqu [m [1m x tqq> = [1;4mSQL92_ENTRY[m[1m qu x [m [1m x tqq> = [1;4mSQL89[m[1m qqqqqqqu x [m [1m x mqq> = [1;4mMIA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m tq> [1;4mINITIALIZE_HANDLES[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mPRAGMA[m[1m = ( qq> [1;4mIDENT[m[1m = string-literal q> ) qu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mQUERY_EXTIMATES[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m tq> [1;4mQUIET_COMMIT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mTRANSACTION_DEFAULT[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqu [m [1m x tq> = [1;4mIMPLICIT[m[1m qqqqu x [m [1m x mq> = [1;4mDISTRIBUTED[m[1m qj x [m [1m mq> [1;4mWARN[m[1m wqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqj [m [1m [m [1m m> = ( qwq> warning-option qwq> ) qj [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m mqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mwarning-option = [m [1m [m [1mqqqwqqqwq> [1;4mWARNING[m[1m qqqqqqwqqwq> [m [1m x tq> [1;4mNOWARNING[m[1m qqqqu x [m [1m x tq> [1;4mDEPRECATE[m[1m qqqu x [m [1m x mq> [1;4mNODEPRECATE[m[1m qj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqj [m (B)0[m[1mopt-qualifiers = [m [1m [m [1mqqwq> [1;4mC_STRING[m[1m = c-string-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m tq> constraint-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> database-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> optimization-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mQUERY_TIME_LIMIT[m[1m = <total-seconds> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mQUERY_MAX_ROWS[m[1m = <total-rows> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mQUERY_CPU_TIME_LIMIT[m[1m = <total-seconds> qqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mUSER_DEFAULT[m[1m = <username> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mPASSWORD_DEFAULT[m[1m = <password> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mq> [1;4mROLLBACK_ON_EXIT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mc-string-options = [m [1m [m [1mqwwqqwqqqqqqw> [1;4mBLANK_FILL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqw>[m [1m xx m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj x [m [1m xmqqwqqqqqqw> [1;4mFIXED_CDD_STRINGS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m x m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj x [m [1m m> ( wqqqqqw> [1;4mBLANK_FILL[m[1m q> , wqqqqqqw> [1;4mFIXED_CDD_STRINGS[m[1m q> ) j [m [1m m> [1;4mNO[m[1m j m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mconstraint-options = [m [1m [m [1mqqqqq> [1;4mCONSTRAINT_MODE[m[1m = qwq> [1;4mIMMEDIATE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1m tq> [1;4mDEFERRED[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mON[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mq> [1;4mOFF[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mdatabase-options = [m [1m [m [1mqqwqq> [1;4mELN[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m tqq> [1;4mNSDS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> rdb-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V1[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V2[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V2N[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mNOVIDA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mDBIV1[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mDBIV31[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mqq> [1;4mDBIV70[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m [1mrdb-options = [m [1m [m [1mqwq> [1;4mRDBVMS[m[1m qqwqq>[m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB030[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB031[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB040[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB041[m[1m qqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB042[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB050[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB051[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB060[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB061[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB070[m [1mqqu[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mRDB071[m [1mqqj[m (B)0[m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1moptimization-options= [m [1mqqqq> [1;4mOPTIMIZATION_LEVEL[m[1m= qwqqqq> [1;4mDEFAULT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1mmqq> ([m [1mqwwq> [1;4mAGGRESSIVE[m[4m_[1;4mSELECTIVITY[m[1m qqwqqwq[m [1m)[m [1mqj[m [1m [m [1mxtq> [1;4mFAST[m[4m_[1;4mFIRST[m[1m [m [1mqqu[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mxtq> [1;4mSAMPLED[m[4m_[1;4mSELECTIVITY[m [1mqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mxmq> [1;4mTOTAL[m[4m_[1;4mTIME[m[1m [m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1mmqqqqqq[m [1m, <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1m [m [1m [m
5.2 – Arguments
Syntax options: ANSI_FORMAT NOANSI_FORMAT Specifies whether the SQL precompiler accepts terminal-format COBOL or ANSI-format COBOL. The default is the terminal format COBOL NOANSI_FORMAT qualifier.
Syntax options: ARCHITECTURE=GENERIC ARCHITECTURE=HOST ARCHITECTURE=EV4 ARCHITECTURE=EV5 ARCHITECTURE=EV56 ARCHITECTURE=PCA56 ARCHITECTURE=EV6 ARCHITECTURE=EV67 ARCHITECTURE=EV68 ARCHITECTURE=EV7 For improved performance of generated code, the ARCHITECTURE command line qualifier can be used on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The ARCHITECTURE qualifier is ignored on Itanium systems. The ARCHITECTURE qualifier specifies the lowest version of the Alpha architecture where this code will run. This allows the compiler to generate more efficient code, with the tradeoff that code may not run on older systems. All Alpha processors implement a core set of instructions and, in some cases, the following extensions: o Byte/word extension (BWX) - The instructions that comprise the BWX extension are LDBU, LDWU, SEXTB, SEXTW, STB, and STW. o Square-root and floating-point convert extension (FIX) - The instructions that comprise the FIX extension are FTOIS, FTOIT, ITOFF, ITOFS, ITOFT, SQRTF, SQRTG, SQRTS, and SQRTT. o Count extension (CIX) - The instructions that comprise the CIX extension are CTLZ, CTPOP, and CTTZ. o Multimedia extension (MVI) - The instructions that comprise the MVI extension are MAXSB8, MAXSW4, MAXUB8, MAXUW4, MINSB8, MINSW4, MINUB8, MINUW4, PERR, PKLB, PKWB, UNPKBL, and UNPKBW. The Alpha Architecture Reference Manual describes the extensions in detail. The keyword specified with the ARCHITECTURE qualifier determines which instructions the compiler can generate and which coding rules it must follow. o GENERIC - Generate instructions that are appropriate for all Alpha processors. This option is the default and is equivalent to /ARCH=EV4. o HOST - Generate instructions for the processor that the compiler is running on (for example, EV56 instructions on an EV56 processor, EV7 instructions on an EV7 processor, and so on). o EV4 - Generate instructions for the EV4 processor (21064, 20164A, 21066, and 21068 chips). Applications compiled with this option will not incur any emulation overhead on any Alpha processor. o EV5 - Generate instructions for the EV5 processor (some 21164 chips). (Note that the EV5 and EV56 processors both have the same chip number - 21164.) Applications compiled with this option will not incur any emulation overhead on any Alpha processor. o EV56 - Generate instructions for EV56 processors (some 21164 chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction plus any instructions contained in the BWX extension. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4 and EV5 processors. o PCA56 - Generate instructions for PCA56 processors (21164PC chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction plus any instructions contained in the BWX and MVI extensions. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4 and EV5 processors. o EV6 - Generate instructions for EV6 processors (21264 chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction, any instruction contained in the BWX and MVI extensions, plus any instructions added for the EV6 chip. These new instructions include a floating-point square root instruction (SQRT), integer/floating-point register transfer instructions, and additional instructions to identify extensions and processor groups. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. o EV67 or EV68 - Generate instructions for EV67 and EV68 processors (21264A chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV6 instruction plus the new bit count instructions (CTLZ, CTPOP, and CTTZ). However, the precompilers do not currently generate any of the new bit count instructions and the EV67 and EV68 have identical instruction scheduling models so the EV67 and EV68 are essentially identical to the EV6. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. o EV7 - Generate instructions for the EV7 processor (21364 chip). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV67 instruction. There are no additional instructions available on the EV7 processor but the compiler does have different instruction scheduling and prefetch rules for tuning code for the EV7. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. The OpenVMS Alpha operating system includes an instruction emulator. This capability allows any Alpha chip to execute and produce correct results from Alpha instructions even if some of the instructions are not implemented on the chip. Applications using emulated instructions will run correctly but may incur significant emulation overhead at run time. Of the available extension types, the Byte/word extension (BWX) will often be beneficial for increased performance of Rdb-based applications. In addition, for those Alpha implementations that support quad-issue of instructions (the EV6 and later processors), the compiler does have different instruction scheduling and prefetch rules for tuning code. For highest levels of performance of generated code, Oracle recommends that the ARCHITECTURE qualifier be specified with the keyword that most closely matches the lowest processor type of the machine where the program will execute. LANGUAGE COMPILER SUPPORT FOR ARCHITECTURE If specified, the ARCHITECTURE qualifier is passed on the command line to the specified language compiler by the SQL Precompiler. The language compiler being used must support the ARCHITECTURE qualifier and the architecture keyword value when the ARCHITECTURE qualifier is specified.
5.2.3 – c-string-options
Controls how SQL handles C host language character strings. Use either or both of the [NO]BLANK_FILL and [NO]FIXED_CDD_ STRINGS options with the C_STRING keyword to control C string characteristics.
5.2.4 – C_STRING
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (C_STRING=[NO]BLANK_FILL) SQLOPTIONS= (C_STRING=[NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS) SQLOPTIONS= (C_STRING=([NO]BLANK_FILL, [NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS)) Specifies how to handle C host language character strings: o [NO]BLANK_FILL (default: BLANK_FILL) Controls whether or not C character strings are filled with blanks as required by the SQL89 and ANSI/ISO SQL standards or if the null terminator is placed after the last data byte of the source string. o [NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS (default: NOFIXED_CDD_STRINGS) Controls whether or not SQL treats C character strings from CDD/Repository record definitions as fixed-length character strings or C null-terminated strings.
5.2.5 – CONNECT
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (CONNECT) SQLOPTIONS= (NOCONNECT) Specifies whether or not SQL allows multiple user connections and access to global databases across modules. All SQL modules in an application must be compiled with connections enabled or disabled. The SQLOPTIONS=NOCONNECT qualifier is the default.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (CONSTRAINT_MODE=IMMEDIATE) SQLOPTIONS= (CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED) SQLOPTIONS= (CONSTRAINT_MODE=ON) SQLOPTIONS= (CONSTRAINT_MODE=OFF) You can optionally specify either the SQLOPTIONS=(CONSTRAINT_ MODE=IMMEDIATE) or SQLOPTIONS=(CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED) qualifier on the SQL precompiler command line to set the default constraint evaluation mode for commit-time constraints. (This qualifier does not affect the evaluation of verb-time constraints.) The default is DEFERRED; that is, commit-time constraints are evaluated at commit time. Setting constraints IMMEDIATE causes each affected constraint to be evaluated immediately, as well as at the end of each statement, until the SET ALL CONSTRAINTS DEFERRED statement is issued, or until the transaction completes with a commit or rollback operation. The SET ALL CONSTRAINTS statement overrides the constraint evaluation mode specified in the SQLOPTIONS qualifier. For more information about the default constraint mode, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. SQL users who require ANSI-standard SQL compatibility should set constraints as IMMEDIATE. The default (CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED) is acceptable for most other users. The qualifiers CONSTRAINT_MODE=ON and CONSTRAINT_MODE=OFF duplicate the behavior of the qualifiers CONSTRAINT_ MODE=IMMEDIATE and CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED, respectively.
5.2.7 – context-file-name
An SQL command procedure containing DECLARE statements that you want to apply when your program compiles and executes. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about context- file-name.
5.2.8 – database-options
Specifies that the SQL precompiler correctly processes a program for access to the specified database type. For more information regarding database options, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. The precompiler database option can in turn be overridden by an attach to a database at run time. On the DECLARE statement, SQL sets the database options of the specified database. By default, the SQL precompiler determines the valid database from the database used to compile the program. If no database is used to compile the program, the precompiler processes the program for a database created with the most recent version of Oracle Rdb.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (DECLARE_MESSAGE_VECTOR) SQLOPTIONS= (NODECLARE_MESSAGE_VECTOR) Specifies that the RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR structure be declared in the host language as part of the SQLCA during SQLPRE processing. You can use this switch with language compilers that support the '$' special character. The default is the SQLOPTIONS=(DECLARE_MESSAGE_VECTOR) qualifier.
Syntax options: EXTEND_SOURCE NOEXTEND_SOURCE Allows the SQL precompiler to view 132 columns of FORTRAN source rather than the default of 72 columns.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (EXTERNAL_GLOBALS) SQLOPTIONS= (NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS) Specifies whether or not alias references are coerced into alias definitions. An alias definition is an alias declared with the GLOBAL keyword (the default) in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. An alias reference is an alias declared with the EXTERNAL keyword in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. The EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias definitions. This qualifier provides compatibility with versions prior to V7.0. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias references. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier may be useful on OpenVMS if your application shares an alias between multiple shareable images. The default on OpenVMS is the SQLOPTIONS=(EXTERNAL_GLOBALS) qualifier. For information on using aliases and shareable images, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (FLAG_NONSTANDARD) SQLOPTIONS= (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL92_ENTRY) SQLOPTIONS= (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL89) SQLOPTIONS= (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=MIA) SQLOPTIONS= (NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD) Specifies whether or not SQL identifies nonstandard syntax. Nonstandard syntax, called an extension, refers to syntax that is not part of the ANSI/ISO SQL standard or the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) standard. You can specify the following options: o (FLAG_NONSTANDARD) Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. o (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL92_ENTRY) Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. This qualifier has the same effect on flagging as does the (FLAG_NONSTANDARD) qualifier. o (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL89) Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO 1989 standard. o (FLAG_NONSTANDARD=MIA) Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the MIA standard. o (NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD) Prevents notification of extensions. The default is the SQLOPTIONS=(NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD) qualifier.
5.2.13 – FLOAT
Syntax options: FLOAT=D_FLOAT FLOAT=G_FLOAT FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT Specifies the floating point representation that the SQL precompiler uses for floating point data types in a formal parameter list and specifies the floating point qualifier passed to the language compiler. The SQL Precompiler translates embedded SQL into host language declarations and procedure calls. In addition it generates the procedures behind the procedure calls. The /FLOAT qualifier for SQL$PRE determines the floating point format that SQL$PRE assumes for host language variables and, hence, determines the conversions that will be made internal to the generated SQL procedures. When SQL$PRE calls the host language compiler to process the precompiled program it passes an equivalent qualifier to its /FLOAT qualifer that is supported by the host language. This means that to the extent that the floating point format of host language variables is determined by a /FLOAT qualifier, the floating point formats of the host language variables and the parameters of procedure calls generated by SQL$PRE are guaranteed to be compatible. When the host language provides a type which explicitly declares the floating point format of the an individual variable, SQL$PRE uses that information to determine the conversion needed regardless of the setting of the /FLOAT qualifier. The SQL Precompiler's default floating point format for single or double precision floating point types is F-Floating and G- Floating format, respectively. This is equivalent to using a qualifier of /FLOAT=G_FLOAT with the SQL$PRE command. If a host language variable is a record or structure (for example a qualified parameter in the INTO clause of a singleton SELECT statement), any fields in the record or structure that are of a floating point type follow the same rules as described above. NOTE The Common Data Dictionary supports floating point types. However when the /FLOAT qualifier specifies IEEE_FLOAT, these types may not be used.
5.2.14 – G_FLOAT
Syntax options: G_FLOAT NOG_FLOAT The /G_FLOAT and /NOG_FLOAT qualifiers are for backwards compatibility. They are equivalent to /FLOAT=G_FLOAT and /FLOAT=D_FLOAT, respectively. You should not specify both /FLOAT and /[NO]G_FLOAT qualifiers.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (INITIALIZE_HANDLES) SQLOPTIONS= (NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES) Specifies whether or not alias definitions are coerced into alias references. The NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier causes all alias declarations to be treated as alias references. An alias definition is an alias declared with the GLOBAL keyword (the default) in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. An alias reference is an alias declared with the EXTERNAL keyword in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. The NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier may be useful for existing source code on OpenVMS in coercing alias definitions into alias references. Because there is usually no distinction between a definition and a reference on OpenVMS, your application might declare an alias definition where an alias reference is needed. If you reorganize your application into multiple images that share aliases, you must distinguish the alias definition from the alias reference. In this case, use the NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier to coerce a definition into a reference without changing your source code. If your application correctly declares alias references with the EXTERNAL keyword, use the NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier, instead of [NO]INITIALIZE_HANDLES to override the default on OpenVMS and cause SQL to treat alias references properly as references. The default is the SQLOPTIONS=INITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier. This qualifier overrides the [NO]EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier. The SQLOPTIONS=[NO]INITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier is maintained for compatibility with previous versions of Oracle Rdb. For V7.0 and higher, use the [NO]EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier, which provides more precise control over alias definition. For information on using aliases and shareable images, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.
5.2.16 – LIST
Syntax options: LIST NOLIST Oracle Rdb determines whether or not the SQL precompiler generates a list file (default file extension .lis) that contains information about the SQL compilation and the host language compilation. In addition, if the logical name SQL$KEEP_PREP_FILES is defined, the SQL precompiler retains an intermediate module list file (file extension .mli), which contains information about the SQL compilation only. If you specify the LIST qualifier and do not include a file specification, the SQL precompiler creates a list file with the same file name as your source file with the file extension .lis. The NOLIST qualifier is the default.
Syntax options: MACHINE_CODE NOMACHINE_CODE Oracle Rdb specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler includes machine code in the list file; however, to generate the list file with the machine code in it, you must also specify the LIST qualifier. The NOMACHINE_CODE qualifier is the default.
5.2.18 – OBJECT
Syntax options: OBJECT NOOBJECT Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler creates an object file when compiling the source file if the compilation does not generate fatal errors; and, if an object file is produced, what the file is named. If you specify the OBJECT qualifier and do not include a file specification, the precompiler creates an object file with the same file name as the source file and the file extension .obj. You can specify the OBJECT qualifier for any language except Ada. The OBJECT qualifier is the default.
Specifies the optimizer strategy to be used to process all queries within your SQL module language program. Select the: o AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY option if you expect a small number of rows to be selected. o DEFAULT option to accept the Oracle Rdb defaults: FAST_FIRST and DEFAULT SELECTIVITY. o FAST_FIRST option if you want your program to return data to the user as quickly as possible, even at the expense of total throughput. o SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY option to use literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices. o TOTAL_TIME option if you want your program to run at the fastest possible rate, returning all the data as quickly as possible. If your application runs in batch, accesses all the records in a query, and performs updates or writes reports, you should specify TOTAL_TIME. You can select either the TOTAL_TIME or the FAST_FIRST option in conjunction with either the AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY or SAMPLED_ SELECTIVITY option. Use a comma to separate the keywords and enclosed the list in parentheses. The following example shows how to use the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier: $ SQL$PRE/SQLOPTIONS=OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=(TOTAL_TIME,SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY) APPCODE.SC Any query that explicitly includes an OPTIMIZE WITH, or OPTIMIZE_ FOR clause is not affected by the settings established using the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier. You affect the optimizer strategy of static SQL queries with the optimization level qualifier; however, the default optimizer strategy set by the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL option can be overridden by the default optimizer strategy set in a top-level SELECT statement. In contrast, the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement specifies the query optimization level for dynamic SQL query compilation only; the statement does not affect the SQL compile-time environment nor does it affect the run-time environment of static queries.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (PASSWORD_DEFAULT=password) Specifies the user's password at compile time. If you use the USING DEFAULT clause of the DECLARE ALIAS statement, you use this qualifier to pass the compile-time user's password to the program.
5.2.21 – pre-host-file-spec
The file specification for a host language source file that contains embedded SQL statements. The default file extension for the source file depends on the host language specified in the language qualifier. Language Default File Extension Ada .sqlada C .sc COBOL .sco FORTRAN .sfo Pascal .spa PL/I .spl If the host language is Ada or COBOL, the file name (without the file extension) cannot be longer than 27 characters. The precompiler command line allows a list of host language source files in this argument, but only processes the first file specification it encounters. If you specify a list of files, the precompiler: o Gives a warning message that only the first file on the line will be precompiled o Ignores the other file specifications and passes them along to the host language compiler in the same order as they appeared on the precompiler command line For instance, the following command lines are valid, but only the MY_FILE host language file is precompiled: $ SQLPRE/PLI/LIS/DEB MY_FILE+MY_TLB_1/LIB+MY_TLB_2/LIB $ SQLPRE/PASCAL MY_FILE,MY_OTHER_FILE $ SQLPRE/COB/DEB MY_FILE,MY_NODB_FILE $ SQLPRE/CC MY_FILE+REST_OF_APPL+APPL_TLB/LIB For the previous command lines, the precompiler passes the following corresponding command lines to the host language compiler: $ PLI/LIS/DEB MY_FILE.PLI;n+MY_TLB_1/LIB+MY_TLB_2/LIB/NOG_FLOAT $ PAS MY_FILE.PAS;n,MY_OTHER_FILE $ COB/DEB MY_FILE.COB;n,MY_NODB_FILE $ CC MY_FILE.C;n+REST_OF_APPL+APPL_TLB/LIB/NOG_FLOAT The ;n notation signifies the version number of the host language file generated by the SQL precompiler.
5.2.22 – pre-lang-qualifiers
Refers to the host language in which the program containing embedded SQL procedures is written. You must supply a language qualifier. The host language qualifier values are ADA, CC, CC=VAXC, CC=DECC, COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, and PLI. The following statements apply to the CC SQL precompiler switch: o The CC=VAXC switch instructs the precompiler to compile the source as a VAXC source. If the VAXC compiler is not installed, the DECC compiler is used with the /STANDARD=VAXC host language compiler switch. o The CC=DECC switch instructs the precompiler to compile the source as a DECC source. If the DECC compiler is not installed, you will get a DCL error. o The default keyword, either VAXC or DECC, is based on your system configuration. If the VAXC compiler is installed on your system, VAXC is the default keyword. If the DECC compiler is installed, DECC is the default keyword. If both compilers are installed, the default is based on whichever C compiler your system manager has specified.
5.2.23 – pre-qualifiers
Refers to the optional qualifiers allowed on the SQL precompiler command line.
5.2.24 – PRAGMA
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (PRAGMA = IDENT = string-literal) SQLOPTIONS= (NOPRAGMA) Using the IDENT keyword with the PRAGMA qualifier allows the user to pass a text string to the SQL Precompiler to be written to the Object Module Header. This is a way to note the generation of the compiler module. If the PRAGMA (IDENT ...) clause is used as part of the DECLARE MODULE statement, then that value will override any value used on the command line. The ANALYZE/OBJECT and LIBRARY command can be used to display this ident string, and the value will be displayed in LINKER map files. OpenVMS limits the IDENT string to a 15 octet string. If the string is longer than this (even with trailing spaces) then an error will be reported by the SQL precompiler. The following example demonstrates the use of the qualifier to establish the generation of the compiler module. $ SQL$PRE/CC TEST/SQLOPTION=(PRAGMA=IDENT="v1.2-32")
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (QUERY_CPU_TIME_LIMIT=total-seconds) Limits the amount of CPU time used to optimize a query for execution. If the query is not optimized and prepared for execution before the CPU time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited time for the query to compile. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (QUERY_ESTIMATES) SQLOPTIONS= (NOQUERY_ESTIMATES) Specifies whether or not SQL returns the estimated number of rows and estimated number of disk I/O operations in the SQLCA structure. If you specify the QUERY_ESTIMATES keyword, SQL returns the estimated number of rows in the field SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] and the estimated number of disk I/O operations in the field SQLCA.SQLERRD[3]. The value of SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] and SQLCA.SQLERRD[3] is normally 0 after you execute an OPEN statement for a table. The SQLOPTIONS=QUERY_ESTIMATES qualifier is the default.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (QUERY_MAX_ROWS=total-rows) Limits the number of records returned during query processing by counting the number of rows returned by the query and returning an error message if the query exceeds the total number of rows specified. The default is an unlimited number of record fetches. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (QUERY_TIME_LIMIT=total-seconds) Limits the number of records returned during query processing by counting the number of seconds used to process the query and returning an error message if the query exceeds the total number of seconds specified. The default is unlimited time for the query to compile. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (QUIET_COMMIT) SQLOPTIONS= (NOQUIET_COMMIT) QUIET COMMIT disables error reporting for the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements if either statement is executed when no transaction is active. By default, if there is no active transaction, SQL will raise an error when COMMIT or ROLLBACK is executed. This default, (NOQUIET_COMMIT), is retained for backward compatibility for applications that wish to detect the situation. If QUIET_COMMIT is specified, a COMMIT or ROLLBACK executes successfully when there is no active transaction. NOTE Within a compound statement, the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are always ignored if no transaction is active.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (ROLLBACK_ON_EXIT) Rolls back outstanding transactions when a program exits from SQL. On OpenVMS, outstanding transactions are committed when a program exits from SQL by default. Therefore, if you want to roll back changes, specify this qualifier on the command line.
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (TRANSACTION_DEFAULT = IMPLICIT) SQLOPTIONS= (TRANSACTION_DEFAULT = DISTRIBUTED) SQLOPTIONS= (NOTRANSACTION_DEFAULT) Specifies when SQL starts a transaction and how SQL handles default distributed transactions. You can specify the following options: o SQLOPTIONS = (TRANSACTION_DEFAULT = IMPLICIT) Causes SQL to start a transaction when you issue either a SET TRANSACTION statement or the first executable SQL statement in a session. o SQLOPTIONS = (TRANSACTION_DEFAULT = DISTRIBUTED) Causes SQL to use the distributed transaction identifier (TID) for the default distributed transaction established by the DECdtm system service SYS$START_TRANS. Using this option eliminates the need to declare context structures in SQL precompiled programs and to use the USING CONTEXT clause in embedded SQL statements. Because it closes all cursors, it also eliminates the need to call the SQL_CLOSE_CURSORS routine. You must explicitly call the DECdtm system services when you use this option. This option provides support for the Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL) of the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) standard. If you specify the USING CONTEXT clause in embedded SQL statements, you must declare a context structure. o SQLOPTIONS=(NOTRANSACTION_DEFAULT) Causes SQL not to start a transaction unless you execute a SET TRANSACTION statement. If you use this qualifier and issue an executable statement without first issuing a SET TRANSACTION statement, SQL returns an error. The default is SQLOPTIONS = (TRANSACTION_DEFAULT = IMPLICIT).
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (USER_DEFAULT=username) Specifies the user name at compile time. If you use the USER DEFAULT clause of the DECLARE ALIAS statement, you use this qualifier to pass the compile-time user name to the program.
5.2.33 – WARN
Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= WARN SQLOPTIONS= NOWARN Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes informational and warning messages to the preprocessed host language source file and to SYS$ERROR and SYS$OUTPUT (if different from SYS$ERROR). The WARN qualifier accepts the following options: o [NO]WARNING Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes informational and warning messages to your terminal, a list file, or both. o [NO]DEPRECATE Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes diagnostic messages about deprecated features. Deprecated features are features that are currently allowed but will not be allowed in future versions of SQL; that is, they will be obsolete. For example, one deprecated feature is the use of obsolete keywords such as VERB_TIME instead of VERB TIME. A complete list of deprecated features appears on line in the interactive SQL Help utility. The SQLOPTIONS=WARN qualifier is equivalent to the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(WARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier. The SQLOPTIONS=NOWARN qualifier is equivalent to the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(NOWARNING, NODEPRECATE) qualifier. You can specify the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=WARNING qualifier if you prefer to have all warning messages except those about deprecated features. You can specify the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(NOWARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier if you prefer the deprecated feature messages only.
5.2.34 – warning-option
Specifies whether the SQL precompiler writes warning or diagnostic messages to your terminal, a list file, or both. Use either or both the [NO]WARNING or [NO]DEPRECATE options with the WARN qualifier. If you specify only a single warning option, you do not need to use parentheses.
6 – Host Language Variable Declarations
The SQL precompiler recognizes only a subset of valid host language variable declarations. If you refer to a variable declaration that SQL does not recognize in an embedded SQL statement, the precompiler generates a fatal error when it encounters that reference. Oracle Rdb databases and the various host languages supported by the SQL precompiler do not necessarily support the same set of data types. The precompiler recognizes host language variable declarations that are equivalent to SQL data types plus a subset of other host language variable declarations. o For host language variable declarations of data types that are equivalent to SQL data types, the precompiler passes values directly between the database and the host language variable. o Host language floating point data types will be interpreted as having representations as determined by the /FLOAT qualifier on the precompiler command line and individual language rules. These rules are discussed in the host language-specific sections that follow. In these sections, selects will be shown from a table defined as follows: CREATE TABLE TESTTBL ( KEYFIELD CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY, FLOAT1 REAL, FLOAT2 DOUBLE PRECISION); o For each host language, the precompiler also supports a limited number of host language variable declarations that do not correspond to SQL data types. SQL converts database values to the host language data type and host language values to the supported data type. SQL makes this conversion only for a subset of valid host language declarations. The following table shows the date-time data types that the precompiler supplies. Table 6 Precompiler Date-Time Data Mapping Module Language and Interactive SQL Precompiler DATE SQL_DATE DATE_ANSI SQL_DATE_ANSI DATE_VMS SQL_DATE_VMS TIME SQL_TIME TIMESTAMP SQL_TIMESTAMP INTERVAL YEAR SQL_INTERVAL (YEAR) INTERVAL YEAR TO SQL_INTERVAL (YEAR TO MONTH) MONTH INTERVAL MONTH SQL_INTERVAL (MONTH) INTERVAL DAY SQL_INTERVAL (DAY) INTERVAL DAY TO SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO HOUR) HOUR INTERVAL DAY TO SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO MINUTE) MINUTE INTERVAL DAY TO SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO SECOND) SECOND INTERVAL HOUR SQL_INTERVAL (HOUR) INTERVAL HOUR TO SQL_INTERVAL (HOUR TO MINUTE) MINUTE INTERVAL HOUR TO SQL_INTERVAL (HOUR TO SECOND) SECOND INTERVAL MINUTE SQL_INTERVAL (MINUTE) INTERVAL MINUTE SQL_INTERVAL (MINUTE TO SECOND) TO SECOND INTERVAL SECOND SQL_INTERVAL (SECOND) o For all other host language variable declarations, the precompiler generates an error when it encounters a reference to them in embedded SQL statements. NOTE The ANSI/ISO SQL standard specifies that variables used in embedded SQL statements must be declared within a pair of embedded SQL BEGIN DECLARE . . . END DECLARE statements. The Oracle Rdb SQL precompiler does not enforce this restriction. If you use the BEGIN DECLARE . . . END DECLARE statements, SQL generates a warning message when it encounters a variable declared outside of a BEGIN DECLARE . . . END DECLARE block. If ANSI/ISO SQL compliance is important for your application, you should include all declarations for variables used in embedded SQL statements within a BEGIN DECLARE . . . END DECLARE block. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual on the SQL module language for more information on the BEGIN DECLARE statement. If you do not declare character variables using syntax that specifies a character set or by defining the RDB$CHARACTER_SET logical name, the SQL precompiler uses the UNSPECIFIED character set. When you use the UNSPECIFIED character set, the precompiler does not check to see if the character set of the variables matches the character sets of the database. For more information regarding the logical name, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. The RDB$CHARACTER_SET logical name is deprecated and will not be supported in a future release.
6.1 – Character Parameters
To ensure that you specify the length of character variables correctly, use the following guidelines: o For the C language, any character variables that correspond to character data type columns must be defined as the length of the longest valid column value in octets, plus 1 octet to allow for the null terminator. o For other languages supported by the SQL precompiler, any character variables that correspond to character data type columns must be defined as the length of the longest valid column value in octets. o When calculating the length of the longest valid column value, you must take into consideration whether the SQL precompiler interprets the length of columns in characters or octets. A program can control how the SQL precompiler interprets the length of columns in the following ways: - The CHARACTER LENGTH clause of the DECLARE MODULE statement - The DIALECT clause of the DECLARE MODULE statement - For dynamic SQL, the SET CHARACTER LENGTH statement
6.2 – Ada Variables
SQL lets you declare host language variables directly or by calling the Ada package, SQL_STANDARD. You must use the SQL_STANDARD package if you want to conform to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. This package defines the data types that are supported by the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. To use the package, first copy the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]SQL$STANDARD.ADA to your own Ada library, and then compile the package. The package SQL_STANDARD declares the following ANSI-standard data types: o CHAR o SMALLINT The data type SMALLINT contains one subtype: INDICATOR_TYPE. o INT o REAL o DOUBLE_PRECISION o SQLCODE_TYPE The data type SQLCODE_TYPE contains two subtypes: NOT_FOUND and SQL_ERROR. o SQLSTATE_TYPE If ANSI/ISO SQL compliance is not important for your application, you can declare host language variables directly. The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in Ada: o Standard package data types - STRING - CHARACTER - SHORT_SHORT_INTEGER - SHORT_INTEGER - INTEGER - FLOAT By default, Ada recognizes the FLOAT data type as an F- floating representation of floating-point data. However, Ada also allows you to override the default and specify that FLOAT denotes an IEEE S-Floating representation by using the FLOAT_REPRESENTATION(IEEE_FLOAT) pragma or using ACS CREATE LIBRARY or SET PRAGMA commands. This default can also be overridden at installation time. SQL does not recognize whether or not you override the F-floating default for the FLOAT data type. If you do override the FLOAT default, you will get Ada compile-time errors. These compile-time errors can be overcome by using a /FLOAT=IEEE_ FLOAT qualifier with the SQL$PRE command. To avoid problems with the ambiguity in the FLOAT data type, use the SYSTEM package F_FLOAT and IEEE_SINGLE_FLOAT data types. - LONG_FLOAT By default, Ada recognizes the LONG_FLOAT data type as a G-floating representation of floating-point data. However, Ada also allows you to override the default and specify that LONG_FLOAT denotes an IEEE S-Floating representation by using the FLOAT_REPRESENTATION(IEEE_FLOAT) pragma or using ACS CREATE LIBRARY or SET PRAGMA commands. This default can also be overridden at installation time. In addition, if the FLOAT_REPRESENTATION is VAX_FLOAT (the default), Ada allows you to specify that the LONG_ FLOAT data type be represented by a D-Floating format by specifying the LONG_FLOAT(D_FLOAT) pragma. SQL does not recognize whether or not you override the G-floating default for the LONG_FLOAT data type. If you do override the LONG_FLOAT default, you will get Ada compile-time errors. These compile-time errors can be overcome by using a /FLOAT qualifier with the SQL$PRE command to specify either D_FLOATING or IEEE_FLOATING as appropriate. To avoid problems with the ambiguity in the LONG_FLOAT data type, use the SYSTEM package G_FLOAT, D_FLOAT, and IEEE_ DOUBLE_FLOAT data types. NOTE SQL$PRE will issue a warning (%SQL-W-NOFLOAT) if you use a /FLOAT qualifier with an /ADA qualifier because the ADA command does not have a /FLOAT qualifier. But if you use a pragma FLOAT REPRESENTATION to override the default floating point formats you must use the /FLOAT qualifier to let SQL$PRE know about this floating point format since it does not recognize the pragma. Simply ignore the warning. In addition to supporting IEEE formats, SQL$PRE allows the default G_FLOAT format for 64-bit floating point types to be overridden using a combination of the pragma FLOAT REPRESENTATION specifying VAX_FLOAT and the pragma LONG FLOAT specifying D_FLOAT. To use this combination, specify an SQL$PRE qualifier of /FLOAT=D_ FLOAT. The following example shows an Ada program with embedded SQL that will work correctly with SQL$PRE/ADA/FLOAT=IEEE: PRAGMA FLOAT REPRESENTATION IEEE_FLOAT; WITH SYSTEM; USE SYSTEM; WITH STANDARD; USE STANDARD; WITH SQL_STANDARD; USE SQL_STANDARD; . . . PROCEDURE TESTIT IS EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; KEYFIELD : STRING(1..10); FLOATER : LONG_FLOAT; -- package STANDARD SQLFLOATER : REAL; -- package SQL_STANDARD GFLOATER : G_FLOAT; -- package SYSTEM SFLOATER : IEEE_SINGLE_FLOAT; -- package SYSTEM TFLOATER : IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT; -- package SYSTEM EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; . . . BEGIN . . . KEYFIELD := "1.0 "; EXEC SQL SELECT FLOAT1, FLOAT2 INTO :SQLFLOATER, :GFLOATER WHERE KEYFIELD = :KEYFIELD; . . . KEYFIELD := "2.0 "; EXEC SQL SELECT FLOAT1, FLOAT2 INTO :SFLOATER, :TFLOATER WHERE KEYFIELD = "KEYFIELD; . . . KEYFIELD := "3.0 "; EXEC SQL SELECT FLOAT1, FLOAT2 INTO :FLOATER, TFLOATER WHERE KEYFIELD = KEYFIELD; o Date-time data types The precompiler translates lines in a precompiled program that contain any of the date-time data types. NOTE Oracle Rdb reserves the right to change the code generated in translation of date-time data types at any time, without prior notice. - SQL_DATE, SQL_DATE_ANSI, SQL_DATE_VMS - SQL_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP - SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO SECOND) Use this data type for variables that represent the difference between two dates or times. (Precompiler Date- Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types.) o SQL definition package The precompiler generates a package that includes definitions for the following data types if Ada object declarations refer to them: - SQL_VARCHAR_n Use this data type for variables that correspond to VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR columns in a database, where n is the length specified in the definition of the columns (always 16,383 characters for LONG VARCHAR columns). SQL declares a two-field Ada record when it encounters SQL_VARCHAR_n, with one field, t, containing the character string, and the second field, l, containing an integer denoting the length of the string. You can refer to the l field to determine the actual length of a varying character string, and refer to the t field to refer to the string itself. This excerpt from the online sample program sql_all_datatypes.sqlada refers to the l field to see if the value in an SQL_VARCHAR_n field is null. . . . -- Variables for main program use type ALL_DATATYPES_RECORD_TYPE IS record . . . VARCHAR_VAR : sql_varchar_40; end record; . . . -- The following if statements evaluate the contents of main variables -- and then set indicators as appropriate. . . . if all_datatypes_record.varchar_var.l = 0 then indicator_group(7) := -1; end if; - SQLDA_ACCESS Specifying this data type declares an SQLDA structure. It offers an advantage over an embedded INCLUDE SQLDA statement because you can use it in more than one declaration to declare multiple SQLDA structures. o CDD_TYPES package data types (must specify WITH CDD_TYPES) - DATE_TIME_DATATYPE (Oracle Rdb recommends that you use SQL_TIMESTAMP) - SHORT_INTEGER_ARRAY (for indicator arrays only) o SYSTEM package data types (must specify WITH SYSTEM) - D_FLOAT - G_FLOAT - F_FLOAT - IEEE_SINGLE_FLOAT - IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT o Arrays Single-dimension arrays are supported to declare an indicator array to refer to a structure in SQL statements. The elements of the array must be declared as word integers (SHORT_ INTEGER). Character arrays are supported as types or subtypes but cannot refer to derived types. SQL does not allow references to unconstrained arrays. o Types The precompiler recognizes types for all the preceding data types plus records, derived types, and arrays. - Records can refer to any recognized type. - Derived types (NEW keyword) can refer to any recognized type. SQL allows but ignores range constraints in derived types. SQL does not allow references to types that use discriminants in any way or to access types. SQL does not allow references to integer (RANGE keyword), floating-point (DIGITS keyword), or fixed-point (DELTA keyword) types. o Subtypes Subtypes can refer to any recognized type. SQL allows but ignores range constraints in subtypes. o Assignments from expressions in declarations o Context structure types When you write applications for the Ada precompiler, you should declare a context structure by declaring a variable of data type SQLCONTEXT_REC instead of declaring a structure. When you declare a variable with the data type SQLCONTEXT_REC, the Ada precompiler generates a context structure for you. For example, you declare the variable using the following code: context_struc.sqlcontext_ver := 1; context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_type := 1 context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_len := 16; context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_value(1) := 0; context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_value(2) := 0; context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_value(3) := 0; context_struc.sqlcontext_tid.sqlcontext_tid_value(4) := 0; context_struc.sqlcontext_end := 0;
6.3 – C Variables
NOTE C is a case-sensitive language. The names of objects declared in a C program are case sensitive, but the names of SQL tables and other names are not case sensitive. Therefore, you must be careful about C constructs that you specify in SQL statements. These constructs include variable names and labels of program sections. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming for more information about declaring C variables. The following list describes the variable declaration syntax for character data types that the SQL precompiler supports in C: o char x[n] o char *x, assumes LONG VARCHAR type (that is, char x[16383]) o char CHARACTER SET character-set-name clause The CHARACTER SET character-set-name clause is optional. o $SQL_VARCHAR (n) o $SQL_VARCHAR (n) CHARACTER SET character-set-name The CHARACTER SET clause is optional. For information about the supported character sets, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in C: o Data type keywords o Storage class identifiers and modifiers o struct o union o typedef o Initial value assignments o Arrays Only single-dimension arrays are supported and only to declare an indicator array for use with a reference to a structure in SQL statements. Furthermore, the size of the array must be specified explicitly. Although you can use any data type for indicator array elements, Oracle Rdb recommends that you use variables of the data type integer, such as int or short. o Pointers Only a single level of pointer variables are supported and only those that point to elementary data types. Because C pointer variables cannot specify length attributes, SQL sometimes must allocate the largest possible piece of memory to process statements that refer to char pointer variables. SQL cannot determine the length of char pointer variables and allocates 16,383 bytes of memory for each variable in the following cases: - The SQL statement contains a concatenated value expression or a substring. - The SQL statement refers to the char pointer variable in a predicate, such as WHERE EMP_ID = :POINTER_VAR. - The SQL statement converts the contents of the char pointer variable to a numeric data type in the database. Avoid the use of char pointer variables in these cases because such a large memory allocation for char pointer variables wastes memory and degrades performance, especially for remote database access. o Valid declaration syntax The following are examples of valid declaration syntax: a_var[10]; $SQL_VARCHAR(10) x,y,z; int SQLCODE; struct { char b_var[5]; short int c_var; } a_record; union { char string_date[17]; struct { char year_var1[2]; char year_var2[2]; char month_var[2]; char day_var[2]; char hour_var[2]; char minute_var[2]; char second_var[2]; char hundredth_var[2]; } date_group; } date_union; int indicator_item[2]; globaldef double c_var; static d_var; char *x; o Invalid declaration syntax Table 7 Supported C Datatypes C type or typedefSQL type Comments and Restrictions char CHARACTER char LONG VARCHAR Assumed to be VARCHAR (16383) * char CHARACTER n must be be an integer literal; [n] #define names or expressions are not supported. int INTEGER Cannot be specified as unsigned. short SMALLINT Cannot be specified as unsigned. short INTEGER Cannot be specified as unsigned. int long INTEGER Cannot be specified as unsigned. int float REAL double DOUBLE PRECISION enum INTEGER long INTEGER On OpenVMS the data type long is 32 bits int8 TINYINT Requires #include <ints.h> int16 SMALLINT Requires #include <ints.h> __int16SMALLINT int32 INTEGER Requires #include <ints.h> __int32INTEGER int64 BIGINT Requires #include <ints.h> __int64BIGINT $SQL_VARCHAR (n) The CHARACTER SET clause is optional. SQL_DATE The SQL precompiler will transform the SQL_DATE_ANSI pseudo types in natvie C datatypes SQL_DATE_VMS SQL_TIME SQL_TIMESTAMP SQL_INTERVAL (DAY Use this data type for variables that TO SECOND) represent the difference between two dates or times. Precompiler Date-Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types.
6.4 – COBOL Variables
The following list describes the variable declaration syntax for character data types that the SQL precompiler supports in COBOL: o PICTURE IS can be abbreviated as PICTURE or PIC. o CHARACTER SET character-set-name PICTURE IS. o PICTURE clauses for numeric variables must begin with S (must be signed) and cannot include P characters. o PICTURE clauses cannot include editing characters. For information about the supported character sets, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in COBOL: o PICTURE IS clause - PICTURE IS can be abbreviated as PICTURE or PIC. - PICTURE clauses for numeric variables must begin with S (must be signed) and cannot include P characters. - PICTURE clauses cannot include editing characters. o USAGE IS clause - USAGE IS must immediately follow a PICTURE clause. - USAGE IS can be abbreviated as USAGE or omitted completely. - USAGE IS must have as an argument BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL, COMPUTATIONAL-1, COMPUTATIONAL-2, or COMPUTATIONAL-3. COMPUTATIONAL can be abbreviated as COMP in all USAGE IS or DISPLAY declarations. BINARY is a synonym for COMPUTATIONAL or COMP. o VALUE IS clause VALUE IS can be abbreviated as VALUE and is allowed without restriction. o IS EXTERNAL clause IS EXTERNAL can be abbreviated as EXTERNAL and is allowed without restriction. o IS GLOBAL clause IS GLOBAL can be abbreviated as GLOBAL and is allowed without restriction. o SIGN clause SIGN is allowed but must immediately follow a PICTURE clause or a USAGE IS clause. o Group data items - Group data items are allowed without restriction. - Variables associated with the SQL VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR data types must be declared as group data items with two elementary items at level 49. The first elementary item must be a small integer to contain the actual length of the character string. The second elementary item must be a character string long enough to contain the string itself. * Declaration for an SQL column * defined as VARCHAR (80): * 01 VARYING_STRING. 49 STRING_LENGTH PIC S9(4) USAGE IS COMP. 49 STRING_TEXT PIC X(80). o OCCURS n TIMES clause - OCCURS clauses are permitted only for declarations of indicator arrays. Although you can use any data type for indicator array elements, Oracle Rdb recommends that you declare them as integers (PIC S9(9) COMP). - Multidimension tables (nested OCCURS clauses) and variable- occurrence data items (OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause) are not supported. o REDEFINES clauses You can refer to host language variables that have a REDEFINES clause or that are subordinate to a REDEFINES clause. o SQL date-time data types - SQL_DATE, SQL_DATE_ANSI, SQL_DATE_VMS - SQL_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP - SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO SECOND) Use this data type for variables that represent the difference between two dates or times. (Precompiler Date- Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types.) The precompiler replaces these data types with host language data declarations that are supported in the compilers themselves.
6.5 – FORTRAN Variables
The following list describes the variable declaration syntax for character data types that the SQL precompiler supports in FORTRAN: o CHARACTER o CHARACTER character-set-name For information about the supported character sets, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in FORTRAN: o Declarations - See the following table o Initial values assigned in the declaration o STRUCTURE declarations o UNION declarations within structures o RECORD statements o DIMENSION statements - DIMENSION statements are permitted only for declarations of indicator arrays. Although you can use any data type for indicator array elements, Oracle Rdb recommends that you use variables of the INTEGER data type. - Multidimension arrays and dynamic-sized arrays are not supported. Table 8 Supported FORTRAN Datatypes FORTRAN type SQL type Comments and Restrictions BYTE TINYINT CHARACTER*n CHAR The n represents a positive integer literal INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER*1 TINYINT INTEGER*2 SMALLINT INTEGER*4 INTEGER INTEGER*8 BIGINT LOGICAL INTEGER LOGICAL*1 TINYINT LOGICAL*2 SMALLINT LOGICAL*4 INTEGER LOGICAL*8 BIGINT REAL REAL REAL*4 REAL REAL*8 DOUBLE PRECISION STRUCTURE VARCHAR The named structure can be used /name/ to define other FORTRAN host integer*2 variables. The len component of len the structure must be set to the character*n correct length of the string before body use as a parameter to SQL. The END n represents a positive integer STRUCTURE literal SQL_DATE The SQL precompiler will transform SQL_DATE_ the pseudo types in native FORTRAN ANSI datatypes. SQL_DATE_VMS SQL_TIME SQL_ TIMESTAMP SQL_INTERVAL Use this data type for variables (DAY TO that represent the difference SECOND) between two dates or times. Precompiler Date-Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types. Implicit declarations are not supported. SQL generates a "host variable was not declared" error when it encounters an implicitly declared variable in an SQL statement.
6.6 – Pascal Variables
The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in Pascal: o Data type keywords Declarations can include only the following Pascal data types: - INTEGER8, INTEGER16, INTEGER32, and INTEGER64 - REAL - SINGLE - DOUBLE - F_FLOAT - D_FLOAT - G_FLOAT - S_FLOAT - T_FLOAT - CHAR - PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR; - VARYING [u] OF CHAR - [BYTE] -128..127; - [WORD] -32768..32767; - Date-time data types (Precompiler Date-Time Data Mapping lists these data types.) In addition, the SQL Pascal precompiler provides the following data types: - SQL_LONG_VARCHAR - SQL_DATE - SQL_SMALLINT - SQL_INDICATOR - SQL_BIGINT - SQL_QUAD - SQL_DATE, SQL_DATE_ANSI, SQL_DATE_VMS - SQL_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP - SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO SECOND) Use this data type for variables that represent the difference between two dates or times. (Precompiler Date- Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types.) o Records The SQL precompiler supports Pascal record definitions. It also supports nested records such as the following: type_record_type = record employee_id : employee_id_str; last_name : last_name_str; first_name : first_name_str; middle_init : middle_init_str; address_dat1: address_str; address_dat2: address_str; city : city_str; state : state_str; postal_code : postal_code_str; sex : sex_str; status_code : status_code_str; end; name_rec = record last_name : last_name_str; first_name : first_name_str; middle_init : middle_init_str; end; address_rec = record address_dat1 : address_str; address_dat2 : address_str; city : city_str; state : state_str; postal_code : postal_code_str; end; rec_in_rec = record employee_id : employee_id_str; emp_name : name_rec; emp_addr : address_rec; sex : sex_str; status_code : status_code_str; end; rec_in_rec_in_rec = record nested_again : rec_in_rec; end; A record that is used in an SQL statement cannot contain a pointer to another record. The SQL precompiler does not support variant records. o Initial value assignments The SQL precompiler supports initial values assigned in the declaration: dateind : SQL_INDICATOR:=0; o Arrays Packed arrays are supported to declare SQL character strings. Single-dimension arrays are supported to declare an indicator array to refer to a structure in SQL statements. The elements of the array must be declared as word integers [WORD]- 32768..32767 or SQL_INDICATOR. o Pointers The SQL precompiler for Pascal supports one level of pointers. type a = ^integer; var b : a; (* the use of the variable b is supported *) c : ^a; (* do not use any form of variable c in an SQL statement) NOTE The Pascal precompiler for SQL gives an incorrect %SQL-I- UNMATEND error when it parses a declaration of an array of records. It does not associate the END with the record definition, and the resulting confusion in host variable scoping causes a fatal error. To avoid the problem, declare the record as a type and then define your array of that type. For example: program main (input,output); type exec sql include ''; !gives error exec sql include ''; !ok var a : char; begin end. --------------------------------------------------------------- x_record = record y : char; variable_a: array [1..50] of record a_fld1 : char; b_fld2 : record; t : record v : integer; end; end; end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------- good_rec = record a_fld1 : char; b_fld2 : record t : record v: integer; end; end; end; x_record = record y : char variable_a : array [1..50] of good_rec; end;
6.7 – PLI Variables
The following list describes the variable declaration syntax that the SQL precompiler supports in PL/I: o Declarations Declarations can include only the following PL/I data types: - CHARACTER CHARACTER can be abbreviated as CHAR. - CHARACTER VARYING CHARACTER VARYING can be abbreviated as CHAR VAR. - Date-time data types (Precompiler Date-Time Data Mapping lists these data types.) - TINYINT TINYINT is FIXED BINARY(7). - FIXED BINARY, FIXED DECIMAL BINARY can be abbreviated as BIN, and DECIMAL can be abbreviated as DEC. Scale factors are not allowed on FIXED BINARY declarations. - FLOAT BINARY, FLOAT DECIMAL - SQL_DATE, SQL_DATE_ANSI, SQL_DATE_VMS - SQL_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP - SQL_INTERVAL (DAY TO SECOND) Use this data type for variables that represent the difference between two dates or times. (Precompiler Date- Time Data Mapping lists all the supported INTERVAL data types.) - DECIMAL data type is converted to FIXED - NUMERIC data type is converted to PACKED o Storage class attributes Any of the storage class attributes (BASED, AUTOMATIC, DEFINED, STATIC, variable, EXTERNAL, and INTERNAL) is allowed. The BASED attribute declarations must include a location reference. o INITIAL attribute o Structures Structures are allowed without restriction. o Arrays Arrays are permitted only for declarations of indicator arrays. Although you can use any data type for indicator array elements, Oracle Rdb recommends that you declare them as INTEGER variables. Multidimension array items are not supported. Arrays of structures are not supported. Arrays that are in a group that is itself an array are not supported. Dynamic-sized arrays are not supported.