Stops the current jobs on the specified queue and requeues them
    for later processing. The queue does not stop; processing of
    the first pending job in the queue begins. The /QUEUE qualifier
    is optional, but the /REQUEUE qualifier is required. The /ENTRY
    qualifier is required to requeue batch jobs.

    Requires delete (D) access to the current or specified job.


      STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name] queue-name[:]

      STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name] /ENTRY=(entry-number[,...])


1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of the queue that contains the jobs that you
    want to stop. When you specify a queue name as a parameter for
    the /REQUEUE qualifier, the jobs are requeued to that queue;
    otherwise, the jobs are requeued in the current queue.


    Specifies the entry number (or a list of entry numbers) of the
    jobs you want to requeue. If you specify only one entry number,
    you can omit the parentheses.

    The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
    or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
    commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
    a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
    local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
    recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
    SHOW ENTRY or SHOW QUEUE command.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ENTRY


    Specifies the entry number of one or more jobs you want to
    abort. If you specify only one entry number, you can omit the

    The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
    or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
    commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
    a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
    local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
    recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
    SHOW ENTRY or the SHOW QUEUE command.

    You must use the /ENTRY qualifier when you enter the
    STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command for a batch queue. Entry numbers
    specified must match entry numbers of executing jobs.

2.2    /HOLD

    Places the aborted job or jobs in a hold state for later release
    with the SET ENTRY/RELEASE or SET ENTRY/NOHOLD command.

2.3    /PRIORITY


    Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter privilege) privilege to
    raise the priority value above the value of the system parameter

    Changes the priority of the requeued job or jobs. The parameter
    n can be from 0 to 255; the default value of the n parameter is
    the same as the priority value that the job or jobs had when they
    were stopped.

    Generally, the /PRIORITY qualifier is used to lower the priority
    of a job or jobs, which ensures that the job or jobs runs when
    the queue contains no other jobs. No privilege is needed to set
    the priority lower than the MAXQUEPRI value.

2.4    /REQUEUE


    Specifies a queue where current jobs are to be requeued. If you
    do not specify the queue-name parameter, the jobs are requeued in
    the current queue.

3  –  Examples


      In this example, the current print job on queue LPA0 is
      stopped and requeued to queue LPB0. If the print symbiont
      sent checkpoint information about the print job to the job
      controller, printing resumes on LPB0 at the last checkpoint


      In this example, the current print job on LPA0 is suspended
      and placed in the hold state. Later, when you enter the SET
      ENTRY command with the /RELEASE qualifier, the job is released
      from the hold state and is rescheduled to print on queue LPA0.
      If the print symbiont sent checkpoint information about the
      print job to the job controller, printing resumes at the last


      In this example, batch job number 758 is stopped and requeued
      for later processing on SYS$BATCH. If the batch job has been
      programmed with appropriate SET RESTART_VALUE commands, those
      portions of the job that have completed successfully are not
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