NAME dce_cf_same_cell_name - Indicates whether or not two cell names refer to the same cell SYNOPSIS #include <dce/dce_cf.h> void dce_cf_same_cell_name( char *cell_name1, char *cell_name2, boolean result, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS INPUT cell_name1 - A character string that specifies the name of a cell. cell_name2 - A character string that specifies the name of a cell to compare with cell_name1. If this value is NULL, the routine determines whether or not the cell name specified in cell_name1 is the name of the local cell. OUTPUT result - A boolean value that indicates whether or not the specified cell names match, when two cell names are given, and indicates whether or not the specified cell name is the name of the local cell, when only one cell name is given. A value of TRUE indicates that the cell names refer to the same cell. status - Returns the status code from this operation. The status code is a value that indicates whether the routine completed successfully and if not, why not. Possible status codes are as follows: dce_cf_st_ok Operation completed successfully. dce_cf_e_no_match No hostname entry in the DCE configuration file. DESCRIPTION The dce_cf_same_cell_name () routine, when given the names of two cells as input parameters, compares the cell names to determine whether or not they refer to the same call. The result parameter is set to TRUE if they do, and to FALSE if they do not. If only one cell name is specified as an input parameter, the dce_cf_same_cell_name() routine determines whether or not the specified cell name is the same as the local cell's primary name (which it retrieves by calling dce_cf_get_cell_name()). You can use the routine in this way to determine whether a given cell name is the primary name of your local cell. RETURN VALUES No value is returned. RELATED INFORMATION FUNCTIONS: dce_cf_free_cell_aliases dce_cf_get_cell_aliases dce_cf_get_cell_name BOOKS: OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components OSF DCE Command Reference