VMS Help  —  KILL  Description
    KILL is a generalized version of the STOP/ID command. The
    processes to be killed can be selected by using one of two
    available selection criteria:

    Process ID   Specified in the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. One of
                 the major differences between KILL/ID and STOP/ID is
                 that, with KILL/ID, you can list multiple PIDs.
    Username     Specified in the command's only parameter. As with
                 /ID, you can list multiple usernames from which to
                 select processes. Also, like the SHOW USERS command,
                 partial usernames can be used.

    Like STOP/ID, KILL will allow anyone to kill a process with
    the same UIC; GROUP privilege is required to kill a process in
    the same UIC group; and WORLD privilege is required to kill any
    process on the system.

    If you are running in a VAXcluster environment, processes from
    other cluster nodes can also be killed. When killing by username,
    the desired node is specified in the /NODE qualifier. The node
    does not need to be specified when killing by PID, since the node
    is part of the PID.

    Unlike STOP/ID, KILL also gives you the option to force image
    exit for the selected processes by using the /FORCEX qualifier.


       KILL will not let you kill (or force exit for) the process
       that is running KILL.
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