VMS Help  —  PEEK  Permit-Input|Request-Input
   It is now possible to temporarily permit a watcher to control your
   keyboard while you are being watched, even when the watcher would
   not normally be allowed keyboard control due to licensing or ALLOW
   command restrictions.

   Keyboard control can also be temporary permitted in this same way for
   a secondary watcher (who normally isn't permitted keyboard control).

   A primary watcher may also temporarily permit keyboard control by
   a secondary watcher.

   Several new hot-keys and qualifiers have been added which support
   this new feature.

   1. A PERMIT_INPUT hot-key for permitting a watcher to temporarily
      provide input when that watcher wouldn't otherwise be allowed to
      control the watched-user's keyboard. See the top-level PEEK
      Subtopics: Commands ALLOW /PERMIT_INPUT and Watching /PERMIT_INPUT.

   2. A REQUEST_INPUT hot-key for use by a watcher to request this
      ability to provide input. See the top-level PEEK Subtopic:
      Watching /REQUEST_INPUT.

   3. Special permitted-input versions of the WATCH-command qualifiers
      qualifiers (and their defaults) control the simultaneous-input
      and nobeep settings which apply as a permitted watcher. These
      qualifiers were added so the behaviors of simultaneous-input and
      nobeep can be specified as different when one is a permitted watcher
      vs when one is a full watcher. See the top-level PEEK Subtopics:
      Watching /PNOBEEP and Watching /PSIMUL_INPUT.

   These new hot-keys and qualifiers are usually assigned system-wide
   default values by PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM. The Peek/Spy command
   SHOW KEYS displays all of the currently-defined hot-key values.

   The guidelines to follow when temporarily permitting keyboard
   control are listed separately below for a user being watched
   and for a primary watcher.
Additional Information: explode extract
User-being-watched Primary-watcher
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