/DISPLAY_TYPE=keyword Used with /INPUT_ONLY to chose the format in which control characters are displayed on the watcher's screen, or in the input-keystroke log file. CHARACTER - Displays control-characters as-is. DISPLAY - Displays control characters in a reverse-video character format. 8-bit control characters are displayed in reverse-video and underlined. The Delete character is displayed as a bold, reverse-video lower-case d. HEXIDECIMAL - Displays control characters in a reverse video <xx> format. PLAIN_HEX - Displays control characters in <xx> format. (Default). A default keyword-value may be specified in the logical WATCHER$DISPLAY_TYPE. Example: $ SPY/INPUT_ONLY/DISPLAY_TYPE=DISPLAY J_DOE The above command watches process J_DOE but displays only the input keystrokes entered at the terminal. Any control characters produced by a keystroke are displayed in reverse video on the watcher's screen. For more information, see the PEEK Watching Subtopic: /INPUT_ONLY.