Invokes the RdbALTER utility for Oracle Rdb. NOTE Oracle Corporation recommends that the RdbALTER utility be used only as a last resort to provide a temporary patch to a corrupt database. The RdbALTER utility should not be used as a routine database management tool. Use the RdbALTER utility only after you fully understand the internal data structure, know the information the database should contain, and know the full effects of the command. Because of the power of the RdbALTER utility and the cascading effects it can have, Oracle Corporation recommends that you experiment on a copy of the damaged database before applying the RdbALTER utility to a production database. To invoke the RdbALTER utility, enter the RMU Alter command in the following format: $ RMU/ALTER [root-file-spec] The optional root file parameter identifies the database you want to alter. If you specify this parameter, you automatically attach to the specified database. If you do not specify this parameter, you must use the RdbALTER ATTACH command. See the RdbALTER Help for more information on the ATTACH command. The RMU Alter command responds with the following prompt: RdbALTER> This prompt indicates that the system expects RdbALTER command input. To access the RdbALTER Help file, enter the following: RdbALTER> HELP To use the RMU Alter command for a database, you must have the RMU$ALTER privilege in the root file ACL for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. You must have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege if you are using an RMU Alter command to change a file name.