VMS Help  —  RMU72  Hot Standby, Replicate After Journal Commands, Configure  Command Qualifiers, Standby Root

    Identifies the name of the standby database root file to which
    the replication servers on the master database send replication

    Applicable to:     Master database
    Required or        Required the first time you enter the
    Optional:          Replicate After_Journal Start command and
                       any time you specify other Replication Startup
                       qualifiers. Optional on all other invocations.
    Default Value:     None

    You must include the Standby_Root qualifier the first time you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command (unless you have
    preconfigured the Standby_Root qualifier using the Replication
    After_Journal Configure command). This ensures that the master
    database communicates with the standby database you specify
    as the recipient of replication operations. If you omit the
    Standby_Root qualifier on subsequent Replicate After_Journal
    Start commands, the Hot Standby software retrieves the standby
    database name from the header information in the database root

    Whenever you specify the Standby_Root qualifier, you must do the
    following to ensure the command executes successfully:

    o  Specify the name of the standby database root file.

    o  Include a node name and directory path for remote network
       communications. (You can define a logical name to identify the
       master node.)


          When the standby database is configured in a VMScluster
          system, the node name you specify with the Standby_Root
          qualifier cannot be a cluster alias.

    o  Be able to access the standby database.

    o  Ensure that the standby database is opened for access prior to
       starting replication operations on the master database.

       You must open the standby database manually unless you
       preconfigured the standby database. If you preconfigured the
       database, you can start replication on both the master and
       standby databases by entering a single Replicate After_Journal
       Start command on the master database. The master database
       automatically opens the standby database, if necessary.

    The master and standby databases communicate using network
    communications (for remote database access) or interprocess
    communications (for local database access) according to how you
    specify the database name. The following table describes how the
    Hot Standby software chooses the method of communication:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    You specify a node     The Hot Standby software uses remote
    name (for access to a  network communications to ship the after-
    standby database on a  image journal log changes, unless the
    remote node)           specified node is the current node

    You do not specify a   The Hot Standby software uses the
    node name              following communications to ship the
                           after-image journal log changes:

                           o  Local interprocess communications on
                              the local node

                           o  Remote network communications on all
                              other nodes and across the cluster

    The Hot Standby software compares and verifies the master
    database (that you specify with the Master_Root qualifier)
    against the standby database (that you specify with the Standby_
    Root qualifier). The purpose of this verification is to ensure
    that both databases are identical transactionally.
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