VMS Help  —  RMU72  Repair  Command Qualifiers, Spams

    Reconstructs the SPAM pages for the areas you specify with the
    Areas qualifier. If you specify the Nospams qualifier, the SPAM
    pages are not reconstructed. The default is the Spam qualifier
    if you do not specify any of the following qualifiers for the RMU
    Repair command:

    o  ABM

    o  Initialize=Free_Pages

    o  Initialize=Snapshots

    o  Initialize=Snapshots=Confirm

    If you use any of these qualifiers, the NoSpam qualifier is the

    When columns are deleted from or added to a table, the record
    length stored in the logical area inventory entry is not updated.
    Therefore the search for space needed to store a new record may
    be inefficient, and the SPAM thresholds will not be set properly.
    You can solve this problem by first correcting the length in
    the logical area inventory entry, then generating corrected SPAM
    pages using the RMU Repair command. See Example 2 in the Examples
    help entry under this command.
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