When you issue the RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command, after-image journal (AIJ) backup operations are temporarily suspended. However, the suspended state is not stored in the database root file. Thus, if the node from which the AIJ backup operations were suspended fails, then AIJ backup operations by the AIJ Backup Server (ABS) are automatically resumed (assuming the ABS was running prior to the suspension). The purpose of RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command is to temporarily suspend AIJ backup operations during a period of time when backing up .aij files would prevent subsequent commands from operating properly. For example, if you have a Hot Standby database, the time from when the master database is backed up to the time that database replication could commence might be long. During this period, .aij backup operations would prevent the replication from starting. (See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL DBMS: Guide to Hot Standby Databases for information on Hot Standby databases.) The solution to this problem is to use the RMU Server Backup_ Journal Suspend command to suspend AIJ backups from the time just prior to beginning the database backup until after database replication commences. AIJ backup operations are suspended until any of the following events occur: o The database is closed on the node from which AIJ backup operations were suspended. o The node fails from which AIJ backup operations were suspended. o Database replication is started on the node from which AIJ backup operations were suspended, as a master database. o AIJ backup operations are explicitly resumed on the node from which AIJ backup operations were suspended. (This occurs when you issue the RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command. See the Server_Backup_Journal help entry for details.)