Ignore=Old_Version[=table-list] Specifies optional conditions or items to ignore. The RMU Unload After_Journal command treats non-current record versions in the AIJ file as a fatal error condition. That is, attempting to extract a record that has a record version not the same as the table's current maximum version results in a fatal error. There are, however, some very rare cases where a verb rollback of a modification of a record may result in an old version of a record being written to the after-image journal even though the transaction did not actually complete a successful modification to the record. The RMU Unload After_Journal command detects the old record version and aborts with a fatal error in this unlikely case. When the Ignore=Old_Version qualifier is present, the RMU Unload After_Journal command displays a warning message for each record that has a non-current record version and the record is not written to the output stream. The Old_Version qualifier accepts an optional list of table names to indicate that only the specified tables are permitted to have non-current record version errors ignored.