VMS Help  —  SCA  SCA Topics, Quick Reference Card
       The following page contains a reference of the SCA query language.  It
       is intended to be printed out and used as a Quick Reference Card.

       Name Class:                            |Short form:
       ----------                             |-----------
       <name-expression>                      |CALLED_BY(<caller>,<callee>,<depth>)
       NAME=<name-expression>                 |CALLING(<callee>,<caller>,<depth>)
       NAME=(<name-expression>,...)           |
       Symbol Class:                          |             <depth>)
       -------------                          |CONTAINING(<containee>,<container>,
       SYMBOL=<symbol-class-keyword>          |           <depth>)
       SYMBOL=(<symbol-class-keyword>,...)    |
       Symbol Class keywords:                 |TYPING(<typee>,<type>,<depth>)
       Argument, Component, Constant,         |Long form:
       Exception, File, Field, Function,      |----------
       Generic, Keyword, Label, Literal,      |<rel-func>(END=<query-expression>,
       Macro, Module, Package, Placeholder,   |           BEGIN=<query-expression>,
       Procedure, Program, Psect, Routine,    |           DEPTH={<number> | ALL },
       Subroutine, Tag ,Task, Type, Unbound,  |           RESULT=<result-keyword>,
       Variable, Other, All, None             |           TRACE=<query-expression>)
       Occurrence Class:                      |Result keywords:
       -----------------                      |
       OCCURRENCE=<occ-class-keyword>         |Begin, End, [No]Structure, Any_path
       OCCURRENCE=(<occ-class-keyword>,...)   |
                                              |OTHER FUNCTIONS:
       Occurrence Class keywords:             |----------
       Declaration, Primary, Associated,      |IN (END=<query-expression>,
       Reference, Address, Call,              |    BEGIN=<query-expression>)
       Command_line, Fetch, Include,          |
       Pointer, Precompiled, Read, Store,     |EXPAND (<query-expression>)
       Write, Other, All, None                |
       Domain Class:                          |
       -------------                          |INDICATED()    (NOTE: LSE required)
       DOMAIN=<domain-class-keyword>          |
       DOMAIN=(<domain-class-keyword>,...)    |NOT(<query-expression>)
       Domain Class keywords:                 |
       Global, Inheritable, Module_specific,  |
       Multi_module, Predefined, All, None    |
       File Class:                            |
       ----------                             |
       FILE=<filename-expression>             |
       FILE=(<filename-expression>,...)       |
       OPERATORS:                             |
       ----------                             |
       AND, OR, XOR, Pathname (\ or \\)       |
       <attri-select> [<op> <attri-select>]...|
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