VMS Help  —  SQL72  Linking Programs
    When users link programs, they must somehow specify the SQL
    interface user library SQL$USER.OLB. If you define the logical
    name LNK$LIBRARY as the user library, you save users from having
    to explicitly specify that library each time they link their
    embedded SQL programs.

    To define LNK$LIBRARY, issue this command:


    To make sure LNK$LIBRARY is defined each time the system starts
    up, add the previous command to the SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTART.COM
    command file.

    You must also check to see that the system logical name
    LNK$LIBRARY is not already being used. Your site or other
    products may have already defined the LNK$LIBRARY logical
    name. If so, you should add a numeric suffix to the LNK$LIBRARY
    definition you create and to the definition in RMONSTART.COM.
    See the Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for more
    information about adding a suffix.

    If you do not define LNK$LIBRARY to specify the SQL user library,
    users must explicitly name it when they link programs with
    embedded SQL statements. For example:

    $ LINK my_prog, SQL$USER/LIBRARY

    See the OpenVMS documentation set for more information about the
    LINK command.
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