Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= (EXTERNAL_GLOBALS) SQLOPTIONS= (NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS) Specifies whether or not alias references are coerced into alias definitions. An alias definition is an alias declared with the GLOBAL keyword (the default) in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. An alias reference is an alias declared with the EXTERNAL keyword in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. The EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias definitions. This qualifier provides compatibility with versions prior to V7.0. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias references. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier may be useful on OpenVMS if your application shares an alias between multiple shareable images. The default on OpenVMS is the SQLOPTIONS=(EXTERNAL_GLOBALS) qualifier. For information on using aliases and shareable images, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.