1 FIX Use the FIX command to repair damaged dictionary files. FIX describes any errors it finds and places this output in a listing file. FIX also modifies the dictionary to repair the damage in the following ways: o By reconstructing corrupt dictionary directories and restoring their children to them o By preserving internally consistent dictionary directories and objects whose parents are irreparably damaged o By pruning off inconsistent dictionary objects, history lists, and directories that cannot be repaired o By rebuilding the free page list To fix the main dictionary file, you need VMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. To fix a subdictionary file, you need only be the owner of the subdictionary file. The default dictionary file is SYS$DISK:CDD.DIC. Command Syntax: FIX [qualifiers] file-specification 2 parameters file-specification Names the dictionary file you want to fix. It is a standard VMS file specification. Wildcards are not permitted. The default file extension is .DIC. 2 qualifiers /BITMAP Syntax: /[NO]BITMAP Use /BITMAP to tally all of the pages in the directory hierarchy, and to modify the dictionary's free page list by marking all untallied pages as free. /BITMAP also reconstructs a corrupt free page list. /NOBITMAP prevents the modification of the free page list. /COMPLETE Syntax: /[NO]COMPLETE Use /COMPLETE to scan a dictionary file for corrupt dictionary directories and to make the following repairs: o When possible, rebuild corrupt directories. The CDDV can do this when the parent and children of a corrupt directory are intact in the dictionary. o Reinsert internally consistent directories and objects into repaired parent directories. o Insert internally consistent directories and objects whose parents cannot be repaired into a special directory named CDD$TOP.CDD$LOST_NODES. Corrupt dictionary objects and history lists cannot be repaired, so the CDDV deletes them from the dictionary. If you have also specified /BITMAP, the CDDV modifies the free page list after it completes the repair of the hierarchy. You cannot specify /COMPLETE and /FAST in the same command line. /NOCOMPLETE prevents the scanning and repair of dictionary files. /FAST Syntax: /[NO]FAST Use /FAST to locate corrupt directories, objects, or history lists and to delete them from a dictionary file. With /FAST, you can also generate a listing of the corrupt directories, objects, and history lists, and of the action taken. If you have also specified /BITMAP, the CDDV modifies the free page list after it finishes pruning the hierarchy. You cannot specify /COMPLETE and /FAST in the same command line. /NOFAST prevents the deletion of corrupt directories, objects, and history lists from a dictionary file. /LISTING Syntax: /LISTING [= file-specification] /NOLISTING Use /LISTING to specify a file into which the results of the scan are written. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification. The default file type is .LIS. If you do not include a file specification, the results are written to SYS$OUTPUT. /NOLISTING suppresses the report of the results. The default is /NOLISTING. /OUTPUT Syntax: /OUTPUT [=file-specification] /NOOUTPUT DMU accepts /OUTPUT as a synonym for /LISTING.