Library /sys$common/syshlp/CDO$HELP.HLB  —  CDO Edit Strings
    If a CDO field element contains an edit string, CDO performs an
    automatic translation of the CDO edit string characters for the
    following languages that support edit strings:

    o  COBOL


    o  PL/I

    o  RPG

    Translation of CDO Edit Strings for Languages and Products shows
    how CDO translates edit string characters for COBOL picture
    clause characters, DIGITAL DATATRIEVE edit string characters,
    PL/I picture clause characters, and RPG edit word characters.

    The following four symbols are used in Translation of CDO Edit
    Strings for Languages and Products:

    o  <n>-Not supported; if the CDO character appears in a CDO edit
       string, no picture clause or edit string is generated for the

    o  <i>-Ignored; the CDO character is ignored for the language.
       However, if the CDO character appears in an edit string with
       other characters that can be translated, CDO will perform the
       appropriate translation for the other edit string characters.

    o  <pc>-The CDO character has the same value as the previous
       character in the edit string.

    o  <**>-Characters appearing after the CDO character in the edit
       string are not translated for the language.

    Table 6-1 Translation of CDO Edit Strings for Languages and

                 CDO                                         RPG
    Character    Character   COBOL      DTR        PL/I      EDIT
    Type         or String   PICTURE    EDIT       PICTURE   WORD

    Alphabetic   A           A          A          <n>       <n>

    Alphanumeric T           X          T          <n>       <n>

                 X           X          X          <n>       <n>

    Comma        ,           ,          ,          ,         ,

    Date, Day,   D           <n>        D          <n>       <n>
    and Time

                 H           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

                 J           <n>        J          <n>       <n>

                 M           <n>        M          <n>       <n>

                 N           <n>        N          <n>       <n>

                 P           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

                 Q           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

                 R           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

                 W           <n>        W          <n>       <n>

                 Y           <n>        Y          <n>       <n>

                 %           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

                 *           <n>        <i>        <n>       <n>

    Decimal      .           .          .          .         .

    Digit        F           <n>        <n>        <n>       <n>

                 7           <n>        <n>        <n>       <n>

                 9           9          9          9         blank

    Encoded      C           -9         -9         R         <n>

                 G           +9         +9         T         <n>

                 K           +9         +9         I         <n>

    Exponent     E           <n>        E          <n>       <n>

    Floating     S           +          +          S         -

                 Z"string"   See        See        See       See
                             the        the        the       the
                             Floating_  Floating_  Floating_ Floating_
                             Character  Character  Character Character
                             help       help       help      help
                             topic.     topic.     topic.    topic.

                 -           -          -          -         -

                 +           +          +          +         blank

                 $           $          $          $         $

                 \           <pc>       <pc>       <pc>      <pc>

    Literal      "string"    See the    See the    See the   See the
                             Literal_   Literal_   Literal_  Literal_
                             Characters Characters Characters Characters
                             help       help       help      help
                             topic.     topic.     topic.    topic.

    Logical      B           9          9          9         blank

    Lowercase    L           <i>        <i>        <i>       <n>

    Minus        &"string"   See the    See the    See the   See the
    literal                  Minus_     Minus_     Minus_    Minus_
                             Literal_   Literal_   Literal_  Literal_
                             Character  Character  Character Character
                             help       help       help      help
                             topic.     topic.     topic.    topic.

    Minus        (( ))       -          (( ))      -         -

    Missing      ?           <i><**>    ?          <i><**>   <i><**>

    Repeat       x(n)        x(n)       x(n)       (n)x      x
    count                                                    repeats
                                                             n times.

    Uppercase    U           <i>        <i>        <i>       <n>
Additional Information: explode extract
Alphabetic Character Alphanumeric Character Comma Character Date Day and Time Characters Decimal Point Character Digit Characters Encoded Sign Characters Exponent Character Floating Characters Literal Characters Logical Character Lowercase Character Minus Literal Character Minus Parentheses Character Missing Separator Character Repeat Count Character Uppercase Character Japanese Edit Strings
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