Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  EXAMINE  Qualifiers

1    /ASCIC


    Interprets each examined entity as a counted ASCII string
    preceded by a 1-byte count field that gives the length of the
    string. The string is then displayed.

2    /ASCID


    Interprets each examined entity as the address of a string
    descriptor pointing to an ASCII string. The CLASS and DTYPE
    fields of the descriptor are not checked, but the LENGTH and
    POINTER fields provide the character length and address of the
    ASCII string. The string is then displayed.

3    /ASCII


    Interprets and displays each examined entity as an ASCII string
    of length n bytes (n characters). If you omit n, the debugger
    attempts to determine a length from the type of the address

4    /ASCIW


    Interprets each examined entity as a counted ASCII string
    preceded by a 2-byte count field that gives the length of the
    string. The string is then displayed.

5    /ASCIZ


    Interprets each examined entity as a zero-terminated ASCII
    string. The ending zero byte indicates the end of the string.
    The string is then displayed.

6    /BINARY

    Displays each examined entity as a binary integer.

7    /BYTE

    Displays each examined entity in the byte integer type (length 1


    Interprets each examined entity as a condition-value return
    status and displays the message associated with that return

9    /D_FLOAT

    Displays each examined entity in the D_floating type (length 8

10    /DATE_TIME

    Interprets each examined entity as a quadword integer (length 8
    bytes) containing the internal representation of date and time.
    Displays the value in the format dd-mmm-yyyy

11    /DECIMAL

    Displays each examined entity as a decimal integer.

12    /DEFAULT

    Displays each examined entity in the default radix.

    The minimum abbreviation is /DEFA.



    (Alpha only, Integrity servers when optimized code is supported)
    When the code is optimized, displays n definition points for a
    split-lifetime variable. A definition point is a location in
    the program where the variable could have received its value.
    By default, up to five definition points are displayed. If more
    than the given number of definitions (explicit or default) are
    available, then the number of additional definitions is reported
    as well. (For more information on split-lifetime variables, see
    the VSI OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

    The minimum abbreviation is /DEFI.

14    /EXPAND

    Helps to expand complex unions or structures which have an
    embedded structure containing a pointer to the top level structure.



    (Alpha and Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity
    in the IEEE X_floating type (length 16 bytes).

16    /FLOAT

    On VAX processors, same as /F_FLOAT. Displays each examined
    entity in the F_floating type (length 4 bytes).

    On Alpha processors, same as T_FLOAT. Displays each examined
    entity in the IEEE T_floating type (double precision, length 8

17    /FPCR

    (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in FPCR (floating-
    point control register) format.

18    /G_FLOAT

    Displays each examined entity in the G_floating type (length 8


    Displays each examined entity as a hexadecimal integer.


    Displays each examined entity as an assembly-language instruction
    (variable length, depending on the number of instruction operands
    and the kind of addressing modes used). See also the /OPERANDS

    In screen mode, the output of an EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION command is
    directed at the current instruction display, if any, not at an
    output or DO display. The arrow in the instruction display points
    to the examined instruction.

    On Alpha processors, the command EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION procedure-
    name displays the first instruction at the code address of a
    specified routine, entry point, or Ada package.

21    /LINE

       /LINE (default)

    Controls whether program locations are displayed in terms of line
    numbers (%LINE x) or as routine-name + byte-offset. By default
    (/LINE), the debugger symbolizes program locations in terms of
    line numbers.



    (Alpha and Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity
    in the IEEE S_floating type (single precision, length 4 bytes).



    (Alpha and Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity
    in the IEEE T_floating type (double precision, length 8 bytes).


    Displays each examined entity in the longword integer type
    (length 4 bytes). This is the default type for program locations
    that do not have a compiler-generated type.

25    /OCTAL

    Displays each examined entity as an octal integer.


    Displays each examined entity in the octaword integer type
    (length 16 bytes).

27    /PACKED


    Interprets each examined entity as a packed decimal number. The
    value of n is the number of decimal digits. Each digit occupies
    one nibble (4 bits).

28    /PS

    (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in PS (processor
    status register) format.

29    /PSR

    (Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity in PSR
    (processor status register) format.

30    /PSR

    (Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity in PSR
    (processor status register) format.


    Displays each examined entity in the quadword integer type
    (length 8 bytes).

32    /S_FLOAT

    (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE S_floating
    type (single precision, length 4 bytes).

33    /SFPCR

    (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in SFPCR (software
    floating-point control register) format.

34    /SOURCE


       This qualifier is not available in the VSI DECwindows Motif
       for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

    Displays the source line corresponding to the location of each
    examined entity. The examined entity must be associated with a
    machine code instruction and, therefore, must be a line number, a
    label, a routine name, or the memory address of an instruction.
    The examined entity cannot be a variable name or any other
    address expression that is associated with data.

    In screen mode, the output of an EXAMINE/SOURCE command is
    directed at the current source display, if any, not at an output
    or DO display. The arrow in the source display points to the
    source line associated with the last entity specified (or the
    last one specified in a list of entities).

    On Alpha processors, the command EXAMINE/SOURCE procedure-name
    displays the source code at the code address of a specified
    routine, entry point, or Ada package.


       /SYMBOLIC (default)

    Controls whether symbolization occurs. By default (/SYMBOLIC),
    the debugger symbolizes all addresses, if possible; that is, it
    converts numeric addresses into their symbolic representation.
    If you specify /NOSYMBOLIC, the debugger suppresses symbolization
    of entities you specify as absolute addresses. If you specify
    entities as variable names, symbolization still occurs. The
    /NOSYMBOLIC qualifier is useful if you are interested in
    identifying numeric addresses rather than their symbolic names
    (if symbolic names exist for those addresses). Using /NOSYMBOLIC
    may speed up command processing because the debugger does not
    need to convert numbers to names.

36    /TASK

    Applies to tasking (multithread) programs. Interprets each
    examined entity as a task (thread) object and displays the task
    value (the name or task ID) of that task object. When examining a
    task object, use /TASK only if the programming language does not
    have built-in tasking services.

37    /TYPE


    Interprets and displays each examined entity according to the
    type specified by name (which must be the name of a variable or
    data type declared in the program). This enables you to specify
    a user-declared type. You must use parentheses around the type

38    /VARIANT

       /VARIANT=variant-selector address-expression
       /VARIANT=(variant-selector,...) address-expression

    Enables the debugger to display the correct item when it
    encounters an anonymous variant.

    In a C program, a union contains members, only one of which is
    valid at any one time. When displaying a union, the debugger does
    not know which member is currently valid.

    In a PASCAL program, a record with a variant part contains
    variants, only one of which is valid at any one time. When
    displaying a record with an anonymous variant part, the debugger
    does not know which variant is currently valid, and displays all
    variants by default.

    You can use the /VARIANT qualifier of the EXAMINE command to
    select which member of a union (C) or anonymous variant (PASCAL)
    to display.

39    /WCHAR_T


    Interprets and displays each examined entity as a multibyte file
    code sequence of length n longwords (n characters). The default
    is 1 longword.

    When converting the examined string, the debugger uses the locale
    database of the process in which the debugger runs. The default
    is C locale.

40    /WORD

    Displays each examined entity in the word integer type (length 2

41    /X_FLOAT

    (Alpha and Integrity servers only) Displays each examined entity
    in the IEEE X_floating type (length 16 bytes).
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