Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  EXIT
    Ends a debugging session, or terminates one or more processes of
    a multiprocess program, allowing any application-declared exit
    handlers to run. If used within a command procedure or DO clause
    and no process is specified, it exits the command procedure or DO
    clause at that point.


      EXIT  [process-spec[, . . . ]]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
    the following forms:

    [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
    name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                              The process name can include the
                              asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
    [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
    "process-name "           spaces or lowercase characters. You
                              can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                              quotation marks (").
    %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                              hexadecimal number).
    [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
    process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
    (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
    number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                              a process is terminated with the EXIT
                              or QUIT command, the number can be
                              assigned again during the debugging
                              session. Process numbers appear in a
                              SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                              ordered in a circular list so they can
                              be indexed with the built-in symbols
                              %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
    process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                              DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                              a group of processes.
    %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                              process in the debugger's circular
                              process list.
    %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                              process in the debugger's circular
                              process list.
    %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                              and images are the current context for
                              looking up symbols, register values,
                              routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

    You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify
    all processes.

2  –  Description

    The EXIT command is one of the four debugger commands that can be
    used to execute your program (the others are CALL, GO, and STEP).

    Ending a Debugging Session:

    To end a debugging session, enter the EXIT command at the
    debugger prompt without specifying any parameters. This causes
    orderly termination of the session: the program's application-
    declared exit handlers (if any) are executed, the debugger exit
    handler is executed (closing log files, restoring the screen and
    keypad states, and so on), and control is returned to the command
    interpreter. You cannot then continue to debug your program by
    entering the DCL command DEBUG or CONTINUE (you must restart the

    Because EXIT runs any application-declared exit handlers, you can
    set breakpoints in such exit handlers, and the breakpoints are
    triggered upon typing EXIT. Thus, you can use EXIT to debug your
    exit handlers.

    To end a debugging session without running any application-
    declared exit handlers, use the QUIT command instead of EXIT.

    Using the EXIT Command in Command Procedures and DO Clauses:

    When the debugger executes an EXIT command (without any
    parameters) in a command procedure, control returns to the
    command stream that invoked the command procedure. A command
    stream can be the terminal, an outer (containing) command
    procedure, or a DO clause in a command or screen display
    definition. For example, if the command procedure was invoked
    from within a DO clause, control returns to that DO clause, where
    the debugger executes the next command (if any remain in the
    command sequence).

    When the debugger executes an EXIT command (without any
    parameters) in a DO clause, it ignores any remaining commands
    in that clause and displays its prompt.

3  –  Description, Continued...

    Terminating Specified Processes:

    If you are debugging a multiprocess program you can use the
    EXIT command to terminate specified processes without ending
    the debugging session. The same techniques and behavior apply,
    whether you enter the EXIT command at the prompt or use it within
    a command procedure or DO clause.

    To terminate one or more processes, enter the EXIT command,
    specifying these processes as parameters. This causes orderly
    termination of the images in these processes, executing any
    application-declared exit handlers associated with these images.
    Subsequently, the specified processes are no longer identified
    in a SHOW PROCESS/ALL display. If any specified processes were on
    hold as the result of a SET PROCESS command, the hold condition
    is ignored.

    When the specified processes begin to exit, any unspecified
    process that is not on hold begins execution. After execution
    is started, the way in which it continues depends on whether you
    entered a SET MODE [NO]INTERRUPT command. By default (SET MODE
    INTERRUPT), execution continues until it is suspended in any
    process. At that point, execution is interrupted in any other
    processes that were executing images, and the debugger prompts
    for input.

    To terminate specified processes without running any application-
    declared exit handlers or otherwise starting execution, use the
    QUIT command instead of EXIT.

    Related commands:

       @ (Execute Procedure)

4  –  Examples

    1.DBG> EXIT

      This command ends the debugging session and returns you to DCL


      This command causes orderly termination of three processes of
      a multiprocess program: the process after the visible process
      on the process list, process JONES_3, and process 5. Control
      is returned to the debugger after the specified processes have
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