Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  Messages
    To get help about a debugger message, use the following general
    command format:

    DBG> HELP Messages message-identifier

    where message-identifier is the keyword displayed to the left
    of the message text. The additional topics list all message
    identifiers alphabetically.

    The following information is provided for each message
    identifier: message text, explanation, and user action.

1  –  Example

    For example, suppose the debugger displays the following message:

    %DEBUG-I-INITIAL, language is BASIC, module set to TEST

    In this example, the message identifier is INITIAL. To get
    information about this message, enter the following command:

    DBG> HELP Messages INITIAL

2  –  Message Format

    The following example shows the elements of a debugger diagnostic

    %DEBUG-W-NOSYMBOL, symbol 'X' is not in the symbol table
      1   2    3                        4

    1  The facility name (DEBUG).

    2  The severity level (W, in this example).

    3  The message identifier (NOSYMBOL, in this example). The
       message identifier is an abbreviation of the message text.

    4  The message text.

    The identifier enables you to find the explanation for a
    diagnostic message from the debugger's online help (and the
    action you need to take, if any).

3  –  Severity Levels

    The possible severity levels for diagnostic messages are as

       S (success)
       I (informational)
       W (warning)
       E (error)
       F (fatal, or severe error)

    Success and informational messages inform you that the debugger
    has performed your request.

    Warning messages indicate that the debugger might have performed
    some, but not all, of your request and that you should verify the

    Error messages indicate that the debugger could not perform your
    request, but that the state of the debugging session was not
    changed. The only exceptions are if the message identifier was
    DBGERR or INTERR. These identifiers signify an internal debugger
    error, and you should submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)
    in such cases.

    Fatal messages indicate that the debugger could not perform your
    request and that the debugging session is in an indeterminate
    state from which you cannot recover reliably. Typically, the
    error ends the debugging session.


 Aborting command due to kernel debugger termination.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The kernel debugger terminated so the current
    command was aborted.

    User Action: Check the reason the kernel debugger terminated.


 command aborted by user request

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command being executed was stopped when you
    typed CTRL-C.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 absolute date-time syntax error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The date-time value could not be converted because
    it is not in the proper VMS format.

    User Action: Re-enter the date-time value using the correct VMS
    date-time format.


 access violation in address computation for address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The address computation for the specified variable
    resulted in an access violation. This normally means that a
    register value or a descriptor needed in the address computation
    is uninitialized or corrupted.

    User Action: If the necessary register or descriptor is not yet
    initialized, the variable is not available at this point in the
    code. If the register or descriptor is corrupted, the cause of
    this error should be located and corrected.


 program is activating

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The process process-specification has just
    activated, and is now connected to the main debugger. Any SET

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 address range covers more than one module address_value is in path_
 name address_value is in path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The address range specified in a debugger
    EXAMINE/SOURCE command covers more than a single module. This
    is not allowed. The start address CZ is in module mod1 and the
    end address yyy is in module mod2.

    User Action: Re-enter the command with a valid address range.


 instruction uses illegal or undefined addressing modes

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

11  –  ADDRMBZ

 a must-be-zero field in an address was not zero

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.

12  –  ADDRREG

 & not allowed on register variables: operand bound to register_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The C language & operator could not be applied to
    the given operand because the operand is a register variable.
    This is not allowed in the C language definition.

    User Action: Do not use the & operator on a register variable.


 the debugger detected an error when trying to allocate memory for an
 object in routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when allocating

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 static watchpoints may cause memory probes to fail.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger implements static watchpoints by write-
    protecting the page containing the variable being watched. A
    system service that writes to user memory will probe for write
    access before executing the write. With static watchpoints set,
    if such a system service probes a write-protected page, the
    system service will return SS$_ACCVIO instead of successfully
    completing. This also holds for user written routines that
    probe memory for write access. On VAX, the debugger could work
    around the problem with system services via system service
    interception. On Alpha AXP this system service interception is
    not yet implemented.

    User Action: If this potential behavior change is not acceptable,
    reset the watchpoint without the /STATIC qualifier.


 a debugger has already connected to the desired process.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The process you are trying to connect to is already
    connected to a debugger. There can only be one connection at a

    User Action: Disconnect the other debugger from the desired
    process before attempting to reconnect your session. If the
    problem cannot be solved, submit a Software Performance Report.


 field_name is an ambiguous field name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The reference to the given field cannot be resolved
    because there is more than one field with the given name.

    User Action: Fully qualify the reference with a complete name for
    the desired field.


 qualifier qualifier_name is ambiguous

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The qualifier cannot be resolved to a single option.
    There is more than one option to the command that starts with
    these characters.

    User Action: Add more of the characters to the qualifier
    string to make the option unambiguous. The qualifier should be
    unambiguous when it has at least four characters.


 operand of ampersand must be lvalue

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The C language & operator cannot be applied to the
    result of an expression. This is not allowed in the C language

    User Action: Do not use the & operator in this context.


 argument list for frame frame-addr is not readable at address arg-

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
    that part or all of the argument list for the frame at frame-addr
    is not accessible for reading. This argument list lies at arg-
    addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but could also
    indicate that the program has protected part of memory in which
    the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 a VMS command must be specified in order to pass arguments in a RUN
 or RERUN command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: In order to specify arguments on a VMS run command,
    the command must be specified using a foreign command, or set
    using SET COMMAND. This VMS definition must be supplied to the
    Debugger RUN command using the /COMMAND qualifier.

    User Action: Supply the proper /COMMAND qualifier along with the
    /ARGUMENT switch.


 AST arguments for AST frame frame-addr at astarg-addr is not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
    that part or all of the AST argument array for the AST frame at
    frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies at
    astarg-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
    could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
    in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 ASTs were disabled, are still disabled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The delivery of asynchronous system traps ASTs were
    already turned off in your program when the DISABLE AST command
    was issued.

    User Action: None


 ASTs were enabled, are still enabled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The delivery of asynchronous system traps ASTs were
    already turned on in your program when the ENABLE AST command was

    User Action: None


 the /AT qualifier was specified, /ENABLE was not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The /AT qualifier is only appropriate with the
    /ENABLE qualifier.

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying /ENABLE.


 terminal now attached to process process_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The control of your terminal is being passed from
    the current process to another process by means of the ATTACH

    User Action: None


 attach request refused

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified process could not be attached to.
    Either it was not detached or it did not belong to the caller's

    User Action: Ensure that the specified process is detached and
    belongs to the caller's job.


 attempted to compare addresses in different address spaces

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 attempted to compare addresses with different address states, error
 occurred comparing address with address

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 incorrect package spec name in body-spec spec-name, module mod-name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
    Table information.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report against
    the compiler.


 descriptor for 'symbol_name' is bad or is not set up yet

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The descriptor for the given symbol points into
    memory that cannot be read by the Debugger.

    User Action: Correct the descriptor.


 incorrect value of tag_value in discriminant field tag_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The discriminate value you gave was out of range.

    User Action: Supply a discriminate value that is within the
    correct range.

32  –  BADDST

 bad debugger symbol table (compiler error)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Debug
    Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
    either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.


 invalid version info for module !AC (generated by !AC)!/!_Expected
 V!UW.!UW, got V!UW.!UW

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The compiler-generated Debug Symbol Table for
    the specified module does not contain a valid version number

    User Action: Submit an SPR to the compiler or assembler that was
    used to compile the module. Include the compiler version number
    and a sample source program which reproduces the error.


 parameter does not have permitted data type for this event

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The event you specified cannot be used with the
    specified symbol. For example, you cannot specify the RUN event
    except on TASK type symbols. Please see the documentation for
    details on which events can be specified with which symbol types.

    User Action: Specify the correct symbol type for this event.

35  –  BADEXH

 the user-mode exit handler list is corrupt

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While walking the list of user-mode exit handlers,
    the debugger detected a forward link which pointed to an
    inaccessible exit control block.

    User Action: Check for a call to the SYS$DCLEXH system service
    that specifies an illegal exit control block argument. Also
    verify that exit control blocks are not getting corrupted later
    in the program.


 bad FP or bad saved FP at pointer-addr in call stack, can't read
 frame near frame-addr

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The FP register (if pointer-
    addr is "FFFFFFFF") or the saved frame pointer at location
    pointer-addr points to a frame at least part of which is not
    read accessible near location frame-addr.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 non-existent object handle passed to routine

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger uses object handles for passing
    information around within itself. The debugger has used a non-
    existent or corrupt handle for an operation. The user should
    never see this message.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)


 the target system has the wrong incarnation.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: After a network failure, the debugger has attempted
    to re-connect to the target system. However, the target systems
    incarnation value does not match the last known incarnation,
    therefore this debug session is no longer valid. This is most
    likely due to the target system rebooting.

    User Action: Start up the debugger and target system again from


 opcode opcode_name is unknown

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The opcode opcode_name specified as a command
    parameter is unknown to the debugger. It may be the case that
    an opcode synonym has been specified which is not recognized by
    the debugger.

    User Action: Specify a valid opcode or specify an opcode synonym
    that the debugger recognizes.


 bad parameter value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 invalid pathname path_name, SCOPE not changed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The scope path_name specified in the SET SCOPE
    command contained a pathname that does not exist.

    User Action: Specify a valid scope.


 bad sigarg pointer at pointer-addr or bad sigarg vector, can't read
 sigarg vector near sigarg-addr

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers, and has encountered an exception
    handler. The signal argument pointer at location pointer-addr
    points to a signal argument vector at least part of which is not
    read accessible near location sigarg-addr.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is overwriting
    the stored signal argument pointer on the call stack, or part
    of the signal argument vector itself, and correct it. Since the
    debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you may
    suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET MODE


 stack corrupted - no further data available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While displaying part of the call stack, the
    debugger has determined that the stack is corrupted and cannot
    continue executing the command.

    User Action: See the secondary message for more information.


 cannot access start PC = address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Location address_value is not an accessible address
    and therefore cannot be executed. This is often caused when
    a GO command with no address specification is entered after
    the program has terminated. The debugger tries to execute an
    instruction at location 0, which is not accessible.

    User Action: Specify a different address specification in the GO
    command or, if the program has terminated, you can exit from the
    debugger and initiate the program with the DCL command RUN.


 bad status returned from routine-name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected error status from the
    system service or RTL routine routine-name.

    User Action: Examine the error message and consider if the
    problem is related to a lack of quota or otherwise related to
    your program's behavior. If so, then take corrective action. If,
    after this evaluation, you believe that the problem lies in the
    debugger, then submit a Software Performance Report.


 incorrect parent name in subunit sym-name, in module mod-name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
    Table information.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report against
    the compiler.


 incorrect value of tag_value in tag field tag_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The tag value you gave was out of range.

    User Action: Supply a tag that is within the correct range.


 target location protected, cannot perform deposit

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The target address of the DEPOSIT command cannot be
    made writeable. The DEPOSIT command cannot be performed.

    User Action: None.


 incorrect package name in use clause use-name, module module-name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
    Table information.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report against
    the compiler.


 bad user-specified event table or event entry in user RTL

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has detected an internal inconsistency
    in the event tables of the Run Time Library. This indicates an
    internal error in either the debugger or the Run Time Library.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.


 cannot watch protect address address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A SET WATCH command specified a protected address.
    Note that you cannot place a watchpoint on a dynamically
    allocated variable because these variables are stored on the

    User Action: Do not use watchpoint on this address.


 the debugger can not write to the command dialog box, is not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying to
    write to the command dialog box. This prevents the debugger from
    continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 base variable not set up yet

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The pointer to the based variable has not been
    set up by an ALLOCATE statement. Without a valid pointer, the
    reference cannot be made.

    User Action: Execute the ALLOCATE statement that defines the
    pointer for this based variable and then use the pointer to
    dereference the desired variable.


 bit range out of limits

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The EVALUATE command specified a bit field that is
    too wide.

    User Action: The low limit of the bit field is 0 and the high
    limit is 31; the maximum range is 31:0.


 the debugger detected an error searching for this breakpoint.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected and error when searching for
    the existence of the breakpoint in the list current breakpoints.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 breakpoint or tracepoint being set in a different module.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified line number was not found in the
    current module. Consequently, Debug is setting the breakpoint
    or tracepoint in a module later in the call stack or in a set
    module not on the call stack.

    User Action: If the breakpoint or tracepoint was intended to be
    set in the current module, cancel the breakpoint or tracepoint
    and specify a line number in the current module.


 execution breakpoint or tracepoint set on data item

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command requested a breakpoint or tracepoint
    for a data item. Typically breakpoints are set only on code

    User Action: See the following message.


 the breakpoint at !XL (hex) will cause the STx_C at !XL to fail; the
 LDx_L is at !XL

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has limited support for debugging of
    critical sections delimited by memory locking/unlocking (e.g.
    LDx_L/STx_C (load-locked/store-conditional) instructions. The
    exception mechanisms used by the debugger causes the lock-flag
    set by the locking instruction to be cleared. This action affects
    the behavior of subsequent instructions that rely on memory being
    locked. Such critical sections are (or should be) coded to retry
    when the LDx_L or STx_C fail.

    User Action: Cancel or deactivate all breakpoint events that
    might trigger while the application being debugged is executing
    the critical section; a breakpoint at the LDx_L is permissible
    (will not effect the the lock-flag); a STEP issued from the load_
    lock instruction without interfering breakpoints or watchpoints
    will completely step over the critical section.


 buffer overflow

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 An internal buffer overflow has been detected

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The size of an internal buffer is insufficient to
    perform this operation

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 Button !AC already exists in the button list.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 Button !AC not found in the internal button list

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 Too many buttons can not generate unique button name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 B, W, L, G, I, or S must precede ^ for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You must specify the type of offset as either B
    (byte), W (word), or L (longword). You must specify the type of
    literal as either I (immediate) or S (short). You may specify the
    addressing mode as G (general).

    User Action: Enter the instruction again, specifying the operand
    using one of the above modes.


 Call to user program complete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
    after a called routine returns.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 cancel it and set a watchpoint if that is what was intended

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: If you intended to get notified when the specified
    location was modified rather than executed, then a watchpoint
    should have been set rather than a breakpoint.

    User Action: If a watchpoint was intended, then cancel the
    breakpoint and set a watchpoint.


 cannot access the main debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The kernel debugger cannot access the main debugger.
    The reason is given in the message following this message.

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
    Performance Report.


 Cannot build an ACA Services attribute list.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug could not build the attribute list needed to
    invoke an ACA Services function. The ACA Services function will
    not be executed.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 could not create the debugger subprocess

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a
    subprocess to run the sharable main debugger image. The reason
    is given in the message following this message.

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
    Performance Report.


 Debug cannot retrieve optional arguments to the DEBUG message.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Optional arguments were specified to the DEBUG
    message however Debug cannot retrieve these arguments from ACA

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 Cannot deallocate an ACA Services attribute list.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug could not deallocate the attribute list needed
    to invoke an ACA Services function.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 cannot get file-id for image file opened on channel channel-number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get the file-id
    of the image file opened on channel channel-number. The reason is
    given in the message following this message.

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
    Performance Report.


 Debug cannot retrieve the list count on an item list.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An item list was secified in an ACA Services message
    to Debug, however, in the course of processing the message, Debug
    could not retrieve the count of the number of items in the list
    from ACA Services.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 cannot interrupt process !AC

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not interrupt the specified
    process because it was deleted. This message usually indicates
    that the specified process terminated abnormally-either via the
    DCL STOP command or via a call to $DELPRC.

    User Action: The debugger failed to interrupt the process. Unless
    the reason for this is apparent, submit a Software Performance
    Report (SPR).


 cannot open image image_name (File: device_name:(file_id,file_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The information the debugger needs to allow you to
    debug this section of code is in an image file that could not be

    User Action: Check for the existence of the specified file and/or
    its associated file protection attributes.


 cannot paste to read-only window.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The window which has the input focus is a read-only
    window. You cannot paste to a read-only window.

    User Action: Assign the input focus to a writeable window and, if
    applicable, to the appropriate text-entry field.


 Could not register Debug as ACA Services server.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug could not register itself as an ACA Services

    User Action: Verify that ACA Services is installed and that the
    Control Server is running on the current system. If ACA Services
    is installed and the Control Server is running on the current
    system and this problem still exist, submit a Software Performace
    Report, otherwise install ACA Services and start the Control


 Could not unregister Debug as ACA Services server.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug could not unregister itself as an ACA Services

    User Action: Use ACA Services command, STOP SERVER, to unregister
    Debug as an ACA Services server.

79  –  CIRCSTK

 circular stack at frame address frame-addr

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined that
    the linked frames loop back on themselves at frame-addr.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 command aborted after number_of_handlers exit handlers displayed
 circular exit handler list suspected

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: After displaying information about 100 exit
    handlers, the debugger suspects a circular exit handler list.

    User Action: If there is a circular exit handler list, then
    identify and correct the error in the user program.


 clipboard operation failure

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: One of the DECtoolkit clipboard routines has failed.
    The attempt to write to the clipboard may not have completed

    User Action: Verify that the clipboard contains the data that you
    wrote to it. If it does not, attempt the operation again.


 clipboard locked

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Some other DECWINDOWS application has locked the

    User Action: Wait until the other application has released the


 the debugger detected an error in the size of the command buffer

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to
    process the input command. Debug determined that the command
    buffer size was to small to store the command buffer.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the !AC command has failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command has failed. The command has had no
    effect on the current debugging session.

    User Action: Reenter the command after correcting the problem.


 the correct command is command_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The previous message shows the obsolete command. The
    command replacing it is shown in this message.

    User Action: Use the correct command as shown. The obsolete
    command will not be available in a future release of the


 command command_name is obsolete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This command is obsolete.

    User Action: Do not use this command, it will not be available in
    a future release of the debugger.


 the command command_name is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command, although available in
    some debug implementations, is not available in this one. One
    reason why is that the qualifier just doesn't make sense on the
    platform. For example, the /JSB qualifier on a STEP command
    doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
    instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

    User Action: Choose another command.


 The !AC command is not allowed in the DECWindows debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command may not be used with the
    DECWindows debugger.

    User Action: Do not use the command with the DECWindows debugger.


 The !AC command is not allowed in the one process debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command may not be used with the
    single process debugger.

    User Action: Do not use the command with the one process


 command syntax error at or near 'the debugger_command_segment'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is a syntax error in the Debug command
    somewhere near the string shown in the message.

    User Action: Correct the syntax error and re-enter the command.


 specified component not found in this type

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The enumeration component named in this operation
    could not be found in the list of components defined for this

    User Action: Correct the name of the enumeration component or
    correct the expression.


 the vector control word is not accessible

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not have direct access to the
    vector control word. Therefore the operands of this instruction
    cannot be displayed correctly.

    User Action: Do not attempt to display the operands of vector
    instructions whose control word is not accessible to the


 the debugger detected an error when generating a compound string.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not generate a compound string
    that is utilized by the Xtoolkit.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 the window configuration is saved. Configuration will be preserved
 next time you bring up the debugger.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 illegal combination of command elements - check documentation

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Command line elements conflict in their operations.
    The command will not be performed.

    User Action: Do not specify conflicting command line elements.


 warning: you are continuing from a severe error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has encountered a severe error and is
    continuing. The validity of this debugging session can no longer
    be guaranteed.

    User Action: Determine and correct the cause of the severe error.
    If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software Performance
    Report (SPR).


 illegal deposit to a constrained record component

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger cannot DEPOSIT into a constrained
    record component.

    User Action: Do not attempt to deposit into a constrained record


 The RUN or RERUN command did not succeed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a
    subprocess for the program to run. The error status returned
    from the RUN or RERUN command is appended to this message.

    User Action: If the error is correctable, correct the problem
    and reenter the command. If not, the RUN and RERUN commands are


 side effect on post-decrement operation not performed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
    post-decrement expression.

    User Action: None


 side effect on post-increment operation not performed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
    post-increment expression.

    User Action: None

101  –  CPREDECR

 side effect on pre-decrement operation not performed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
    pre-decrement expression.

    User Action: None

102  –  CPREINCR

 side effect on pre-increment operation not performed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
    pre-increment expression.

    User Action: None


 failed to map-in the debugger Symbol Table (DST)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There will always be a secondary message describing
    why the debugger failed to map-in the debugger symbol table (DST)
    or global symbol table (GST).

    User Action: Please refer to the secondary message to take the
    appropriate action.


 cannot convert negative value to unsigned value at or near opcode_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command is attempting to assign a negative value
    to an unsigned type. This is not allowed.

    User Action: Do not attempt to put a negative value into an
    unsigned variable.

105  –  DBGERR

 internal debugger coding error.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal debugger error has been encountered.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 a debugger process from a previous debugging session has been

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While attempting to create a process to run the
    debugger, a debug process from a previous debugging session was
    found and terminated.

    User Action: Under normal circumstances, the debugger process
    will exit when a debugging session ends via the EXIT or QUIT
    commands. If the previous debugging session was terminated with
    an EXIT or QUIT command and this error is reproducable, then
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)


 too many declarations, parameter_name ignored

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is a mismatch between the number of
    declarations in a command procedure and the number of parameters
    passed to that command procedure.

    User Action: Check the command procedure and the DECLARE
    statements within to see if they agree with the number of
    parameters on the command line.

108  –  DECOVF

 decimal overflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
    specified address.

    User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target


 illegal packed or decimal string value (Reserved Operand fault
 occurred during conversion)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered a Reserved Operand Fault
    when attempting to convert the specified value. This indicates
    that the packed or decimal string value did not contain a valid

    User Action: Ensure that the string value contains only valid

110  –  DEFKEY

 state_name key key_name has been defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The defining of functions keys has just been
    performed using the DEFINE/KEY command. This command assigns
    a string to function key. This is the logging message for the
    DEFINE/KEY command.

    User Action: None


 error in processing DEFINE/KEY command:

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There was an error in defining the given key in
    the display system. The key may not be redefinable, either
    because the display system will not allow it or because there are
    protections that prevent it. The key definition may be invalid.

    User Action: Correct the error in the key definition.


 Command defined with too many levels of recursion.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Commands may only be defined to a specified depth of
    recursion (now set at 100).

    User Action: Redefine your command such that it uses less levels
    of recursion.

113  –  DELKEY

 state_name key key_name has been deleted

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The undefining of functions keys has just been
    performed using the DELETE/KEY command. This command deletes the
    key definitions that were established by the DEFINE/KEY command
    or, by default by the debugger.This is the logging message for
    the DELETE/KEY command.

    User Action: None


 error in processing DELETE/KEY command:

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There was an error in deleting the given key
    definition from the display mechanism. The key may not be a
    defined key. The key definition might also be protected against

    User Action: Correct the error in the command or correct the
    protections of the key in the display mechanism being used.


 delta time too large

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error when attempting to
    convert the string form of the delta time to binary.

    User Action: Enter the delta time specifying a smaller value.


 descriptor not set up yet

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A descriptor used in an expression in the command
    is not yet fully initialized. Some of the fields are not valid,
    which means that the Debugger cannot completely evaluate the

    User Action: Examine the descriptor that caused the problem and
    determine which fields are not correct. Fill in these fields with
    the correct values.


 ASTs were enabled, are now disabled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) has
    been turned off in your program by a DISABLE AST command.

    User Action: None


 display name required with this command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: user did not specify a display name with this

    User Action: enter a display name with this command


 display not selected because removed from screen

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You specified a display which is removed from the

    User Action: Either specify a display which is not removed from
    the screen, or place the specified display onto the screen and
    attempt the operation again.


 display_name display already exists; cannot be set until canceled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You attempted to create a display which already
    exists, either by explicitly creating the display or by trying to
    save the contents of a display into currently existing display.

    User Action: Specify a display which does not exist.


 the display kind display_name is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified display kind, although available in
    some debug implementations, is not available in this one.

    User Action: Do not select the display kind.


 length of display_name display cannot exceed maximum size increase
 size using /SIZE=n or specify fewer lines

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You attempted to resize the display so that the
    number of visible lines in the display is larger than the number
    of lines which are saved for the display. The debugger has set
    the number of visible lines of the display to the SIZE value of
    the display.

    User Action: Either decrease the number of visible lines in the
    display, or increase the number of lines which are saved for this
    display by the use of the SIZE value.


 attempted to divide by zero

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: During the evaluation of an expression, the debugger
    noticed an attempt to divide by zero.

    User Action: Correct the expression so that it does not divide by

124  –  DSTERRG

 error in DST (compiler error). GOTO DST has been ignored

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This represents an internal compiler, linker or
    debugger error. If this can be reproduced please submit an
    Software Performance Report (SPR).

    User Action: If this can be reproduced please submit an Software
    Performance Report (SPR).


 DST nesting depth too deep in module path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Symbol table nesting depth is too deep in the
    specified module. This occurs if routine nesting or data record
    nesting is very deep in the user program.

    User Action: Simplify the user program and run again.


 Duplicate or conflicting vector qualifier specified at 'command_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The qualifier indicated in the shown command line
    fragment has already been specified, or is conflicting with an
    earlier specified qualifier.

    User Action: Delete the qualifier in error.


 more than one static link DST encountered in path_name, compiler

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Only one static link DST record is permitted for
    a given module, Ada package, or routine. This message indicates
    that this constraint was violated somewhere within the specified
    module. This message usually indicates a compiler error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

128  –  DWERR

 a DECwindows toolkit error has occurred the message text is '!AS'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error has been reported by the DECwindows
    toolkit. This indicates that either the toolkit or the X server
    has detected a problem with the debuggers DECwindows display(s).

    User Action: Try to correct the problem specified in the message.
    For further information or assistance on this problem, contact
    your System Manager.

129  –  DWNOT1PROC

 the 1 process debugger cannot be run in DECwindows mode

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger must have ASTs enabled at all times
    in order to properly run as a DECwindows program. This is not
    possible for a 1 process debugger. Therefore, the debugger is
    defaulting to not run as a DECwindows debugger.

    User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
    to be either "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT", and try again.


 setting image image_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is automatically setting to the image
    containing the current PC. This is only an informational message.

    User Action: None


 setting module path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is automatically setting to the module
    containing the current PC. This is only an informational message.

    User Action: None


 the original version is file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The original file has been revised since the start
    of the debug session. This message indicates that source lines
    may not correspond to the ones used to compile this module

    User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
    source file if possible and re-attempt operation.


 error while trying to EDIT

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occurred because of specifying a bad
    command line or because of choosing an editor which is not
    installed on this system.

    User Action: Check command line syntax and re-enter, or select an
    editor which is installed on the system. For further information
    on the installed editors contact your system manager.

134  –  EDITFILE

 editing file file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is currently setup to edit the file as
    specified in the message. This is only an informational message.

    User Action: None


 no source file to use for editing

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This messages indicates that the debugger could not
    find the specified source file to use for editing.

    User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
    source file if possible and reattempt operation.


 editing a revised version of the original source file

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The original source file has been revised since the
    start of the debug session. This message indicates that future
    source line may not correspond to the ones used to compile this

    User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
    source file if possible and reattempt operation.


 the debugger detected an error when retrieving information on a
 particular window view.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not retrieve the necessary
    information for a particular view display. This inhibits the
    debugger from manipulating the contents of the window at this

    User Action: No action necessary.


 ASTs were disabled, are now enabled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) has
    been turned off in your program by a DISABLE AST command.

    User Action: None


 entry mask has non-zero value in bits 12:13

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
    be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
    Software Performance Report (SPR).

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the debugger detected an error when searching for a window object.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When looking for a window object, the debugger
    detected an error.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 enumeration value out of range

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error in your program indicates that the value of
    this enumeration is out of range.

    User Action: Examine this field in numeric format to determine
    its value. Determine the error in your code and make the
    appropriate corrections.


 unable to activate image

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from LIB$FIND_IMAGE_
    SYMBOL. This message should be issued in the $DBG_INFO context.

    User Action: The image the debugger was trying to activate could
    not be activated. The following error should help to resolve the


 the attempt to acquire an I/O channel for the debugger failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from a $ASSIGN type of
    call. This message should be issued in the $DBG_INFO context.

    User Action: The debugger needs to acquire I/O channels to do
    I/O. In this case the debugger failed to acquire such a channel.
    Check your process quotas.


 unable to close file

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to close a
    file. This message should be issued in the $DBG_INFO context.

    User Action: The debugger failed to close a file. Unless the
    reason for this is apparent, submit a Software Performance Report


 the debugger detected an error when trying to create the user
 defined push button.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected and error when trying to
    create the user defined push button.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the debugger detected an error when trying to create a window in
 routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to create
    a window.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 unable to create a logical name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger creates logical names for input and
    output redirection. This message should be issued in the $DBG_
    INFO context.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 attempt to deassign an I/O channel acquired by the debugger failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger wanted to deassign an I/O channel that
    is acquired for internal purposes. This error notes the failure
    of the SYS$DASSGN system service, probably due to an invalid

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

149  –  ERRFAO

 unable to format output string

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error was returned from a call to $FAO.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the debugger detected an error while fetching objects from the the
 Motif Resource Manager (MRM) in routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
    objects in the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This prevents the
    debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 unable to get device information

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger needed some information from $GETDVI
    and the call failed. This indicates a programming error. No doubt
    bad parameters were passed in.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

152  –  ERRGETEF

 attempt to allocate an event flag failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger wanted to allocate a local event flag
    for it's own use. For some reason the routine called to allocate
    the event flag failed. This message is usually issued in the
    $DBG_INFO context.

    User Action: The debugger needs event flags to operate. Check the
    program being debugged for excessive allocation of event flags.


 error occurred while decoding instruction at current PC

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has encountered an error during
    decoding an instruction at the current PC

    User Action: The address may be an entry mask, examine the
    instruction 2 bytes beyond the specified address.


 signal arguments were incorrect, signal cannot be decoded

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The arguments which were passed as part of the
    signal in your program were incorrect. The debugger encountered
    an error in trying to analyze the signal arguments. The error is
    shown in the message following this message.

    User Action: Analyze the arguments passed to LIB$SIGNAL by your
    program, and correct the error.


 error invoking editor

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While trying to invoke an editor a bad status was

    User Action: Is the requested editor available and working
    properly. If so, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the debugger detected an error while opening the Motif resource
 (UID) file, in routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    User Action: Please make sure that resource (UID) file for the
    debugger is in appropriate directory (Usually SYS$SYSTEM). Please
    consult your system manager.

157  –  ERROR

 internal debugger error detected

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
    Performance Report.


 Error limit = error-limit, dumping terminated

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The error limit specified for the DST dump was
    exceeded; the dumper was unable to continue processing the input
    file. By default, the error limit is set at 5. Use the /ERROR_
    LIMIT qualifier to change the value.


 error handle signalled, address = address

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger signalled an error handle. This should
    never happen. The error handles are an internal construct which
    are used to obtain information within the debugger. They should
    never appear in user-visible messages.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

160  –  ERRQIOW

 error from $QIOW

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to $QIOW.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

161  –  ERRSMG

 error returned from a call to the Screen Management Facility (SMG)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to SMG. This
    could be a result of any number of things which may or may not be
    a debugger problem.

    User Action: Check the user program for potential interactions
    between it and the debugger; pasteboard sharing and the like.
    Also, check the set up of the terminal which might cause SMG some
    problem. If the error still can't be explained submit a Software
    Performance Report (SPR).


 error returned from an internal debugger system service call

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to a system
    service. This message is to be in the context of the $DBG_INFO
    macro which will list the particular system service.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 unable to perform operation for current target system

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 error in user-specified event

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When attempting to process the specified event, the
    debugger called the Run Time Library, which returned an error
    status. The error status returned by the Run Time Library follows
    this message.

    User Action: Correct the problem based on the associated message
    which follows the debugger error message.


 Attempt to examine beyond the end of a register detected.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A ranged examine command was specified that
    attempted to examine beyond the end of a bounded register.

    User Action: Respecify the command so that it does not go past
    the end of the register.

166  –  EXARANGE

 invalid range of addresses

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The first address of a range to examine must be less
    than the second address in this range.

    User Action: Enter the address range specifying the addresses in
    increasing order.


 Use examine/expand with caution

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The examine/expand command has to be used with
    caution. In case of an actual circular loop in the structure,
    the examine/expand can cause undefined behaviour. In such a
    case, do not use examine/expand.

    User Action: None.


 exception breakpoint replaced

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A SET BREAK/EXCEPTION was done when exception breaks
    were already in effect. The old exception break was replaced with
    the new one.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 error occurred while executing routine called from exception break

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While executing a routine called from an exception
    break using the CALL command, an exception occurred. Any
    exceptions from routines called from an exception break cause
    this message to be displayed followed by the text of the
    exception. Execution of the called routine is then terminated.

    User Action: Either correct the CALL command if it was in error,
    or correct the routine that caused the exception. To use the
    debugger to help find the cause of the exception, try calling the
    routine while not at an exception break.

170  –  EXITARG

 exitloop argument num_levels is too large

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The parameter specified on the EXITLOOP command is
    greater than the number of loops nested at this time. It is also
    possible that you have specified an EXITLOOP command when you are
    not inside of a loop.

    User Action: Reduce the parameter on the EXITLOOP command to no
    more than the number of loops nested at the time the EXITLOOP
    command is to be executed. If there are no loops currently being
    executed, then the EXITLOOP command is redundant.

171  –  EXITERR

 an error occurred while trying to exit the program

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error status was returned from the call to the
    debugger-kernel service that terminates program execution.
    Depending on the severity of the error, the program may or may
    not have terminated.

    User Action: Examine the error message after this message
    and consider if the problem is related to a lack of quota
    or otherwise related to your program's behavior. If so, then
    take corrective action. If, after this evaluation, you believe
    that the problem lies in the debugger, then submit a Software
    Performance Report.


 is 'status_value'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The program has exited with the status status_value.

    User Action: None.


 expanding debugger memory pool

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger kernel maintains a memory pool from
    which it allocates data structures to keep track of breakpoints,
    tracepoints, watchpoints, and so on. The initial size of
    the memory pool is 256 pages. The memory pool is expanded
    automatically when needed, and this informational is signaled
    when memory pool expansion occurs. If you have set a large number
    of breakpoints, tracepoints, or watchpoints, this message is to
    be expected.

    User Action: If this message appears for no evident reason (i.e.,
    you have not set a large number of breakpoints, tracepoints, or
    watchpoints), there may be something wrong with the debugger. In
    this case, submit an SPR.


 the debugger could not find the DECwindows image to be initialized.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find the DECwindows image
    that it was trying to initialize.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the debugger could not open the user interface definition file,

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
    file to support the DECWindows interface, preventing the debugger
    from continuing this session.

    User Action: Check for the exsistance and accessability of
    SYS$LIBRARY:DEBUGUIL.UID. For further assistance and information
    on this probelm check with your system manager.


 the debugger detected an error when trying to connect to the
 DECWindow software.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger failed to establish a connection to the
    X server preventing the debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 a fatal condition was detected by the debugger.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status from the
    system service or RTL routine routine-name which prevents this
    DEBUG session from continuing.

    User Action: Examine the error message and consider if the
    problem is related to a lack of quota or otherwise related to
    your program's behavior. If so, then take corrective action. If,
    after this evaluation, you believe that the problem lies in the
    debugger, then submit a Software Performance Report.


 the debugger detected an error while fetching literals from the the
 Motif Resource Manager (MRM).

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
    literals in the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This prevents the
    debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 File name longer than 251 characters is not supported in this

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The name of the file specified by the user is too
    large for the debugger to handle

    User Action: Try to redo the operation with a shorter string.

180  –  FILEUNAL

 file not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The source file for the given program cannot be

    User Action: Change the protections on the source file, or use
    SET SOURCE to tell the Debugger where the source file really

181  –  FLTOVF

 floating overflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
    specified address.

    User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target

182  –  FPCSCP0

 floating point control registers can be accessed only in scope 0

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt was made to reference a floating point
    control register from a scope other than scope 0. DEBUG will not
    accept a command which specifies any other scope for a floating
    point control register.

    User Action: If the current scope has been set to a scope other
    than scope 0 (using the SET SCOPE command), use an explicit
    0\pathname to access the floating point control register.


 stack frame at frame address frame-addr is not readable

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
    that part or all of the frame at frame-addr is not accessible for
    reading. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but could
    also indicate that the program has protected part of memory in
    which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 desired height of specified_height is not allowed, height is set to

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The device specified by DBG$OUTPUT had a screen
    height that wasn't in the range of 18-100.

    User Action: Use SHOW TERMINAL command and verify that the
    terminal height is correct, it is in the range 18-100, and is
    pointing to a valid terminal type.


 identifier too long, please shorten

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Identifiers in address expressions must be shorter
    than 256 characters.

    User Action: Enter a shorter identifier.

186  –  IEEEDEN

 computation produces IEEE Denormal

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression evaluated by the debugger results in
    an IEEE Denormal value being produced. IEEE Denormal values are
    values between zero and the smallest normalized value.

    User Action: In general, this is acceptable. If, however, you are
    debugging high-performance code and have just deposited an IEEE
    Denormal value, then you must correct the value before resuming
    your program, or the program will fail. Replace the IEEE Denormal
    value with a zero.

187  –  IEEEINF

 computation produces IEEE Infinity

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression evaluated by the debugger results in
    an IEEE Infinity value being produced. This is caused by an IEEE
    floating point operation which overflows, for example, a multiply
    involving two very large IEEE floating point values.

    User Action: In general, this is acceptable. No action required.

188  –  IEEENAN

 computation produces IEEE NaN

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression evaluated by the debugger results
    in an IEEE NaN (not a number) value being produced. This is
    caused by an illegal IEEE floating point operation, for example,
    a divide by zero.

    User Action: In general, this is acceptable. No action required.

189  –  IFIXUND

 precision lost during fixed point operation

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While doing operations on fixed point data items,
    the debugger recognized that some precision was lost.

    User Action: You should understand that the result of the
    operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

190  –  IFLTUND

 floating underflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While performing the arithmetic operation, a
    floating-point value became less than the smallest representable
    value for that data type.

    User Action: You should understand that the result of the
    operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

191  –  IINTOVF

 integer overflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While performing the arithmetic operation, a
    floating-point value exceeded the largest representable value
    for that data type.

    User Action: You should understand that the result of the
    operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.


 illegal constant constant_name in address expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The constant in the message evaluates to a non-
    integer type. Only integer types can be used in an address

    User Action: Change the constant to the appropriate integer

193  –  ILLASTER

 subscript range ('*') not permitted here (must be at lowest level of
 data structure)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger does not allow an asterisk as a range
    in an EXAMINE except as the last index in the array. That is, the
    memory to examine must be a contiguous region. Unconnected slices
    of arrays are not allowed.

    User Action: Remove the asterisk from the expression to examine.
    Placing the corrected EXAMINE inside a Debugger FOR loop command
    could provide the functionality needed to do the command as
    originally desired.


 illegal name for DEFINE: defined_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A defined name must be non-null.

    User Action: Enter a non-null name to DEFINE.


 enumeration value out of legal range

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The predecessor (or successor) function has been
    used on the first (or last) component of the enumeration. The
    result would not be a valid value of the enumeration.

    User Action: Do not use the predecessor (or successor) function
    on the first (or last) component of the enumeration.


 Attempt to pass an illegal event structure, name = structure-name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit an SPR.


 file variable points to invalid file descriptor

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The file variable references a file descriptor that
    cannot be read, is incomplete, or points to a file that is not

    User Action: Correct the file descriptor.

198  –  ILLFLOAT

 float_value is an illegal floating point value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The Debugger attempted to parse the given floating
    point number and encountered an illegal character.

    User Action: Correct the floating point number.


 invalid invocation number at invoc_num

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An illegal invocation number was specified (must be
    in decimal radix).

    User Action: Specify a legal decimal invocation number.


 illegal length field length_value in structure reference

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A negative value was given for the length of a field
    in a structure reference.

    User Action: Change the field length to a non-negative value.


 illegal numeric pathname at path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An illegal numeric pathname was specified (must be
    in decimal radix).

    User Action: Specify a legal decimal numeric pathname.


 illegal packed size size_value; must be 0..31

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified size on a /PACKED qualifier is
    illegal. It must be a value between 0 and 31.

    User Action: Specify a legal value with the /PACKED qualifier.

203  –  ILLPATH1

 illegal use of %SOURCE_SCOPE (must not be combined with invocation

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger %SOURCE_SCOPE has been used in the
    same path with other scope numbers.

    User Action: Remove all but one of the references to the desired

204  –  ILLPATH2

 illegal use of %SOURCE_SCOPE (must appear at the start of the

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger %SOURCE_SCOPE has been used in a
    path name in an illegal position. The %SOURCE_SCOPE lexical must
    be the first item in the path list.

    User Action: Move the %SOURCE_SCOPE lexical to the first position
    in the pathname.


 illegal pathname element at path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Invocation numbers cannot be used with other

    User Action: Eliminate the continuation of the pathname after the
    invocation number.


 Unknown identifier in pathname at path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An illegal identifier was specified in the pathname.

    User Action: Specify a legal identifier.


 position field value position_value is too large

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value of the position specifier in the BLISS
    field reference is an incredibly large number, larger than the
    Debugger can handle. The value may be negative, which is also

    User Action: Change the value of the position specifier in the
    BLISS field reference to a smaller (or positive) value.


 illegal or unsupported qualifier on SPAWN command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: One of the qualifiers to the SPAWN command is

    User Action: Remove the incorrect qualifier to the SPAWN command.

209  –  ILLRANGE

 subscript range not permitted here (must be at lowest level of data

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The Debugger does not allow a range in an EXAMINE
    except as the last index in the array. That is, the memory to
    examine must be a contiguous region. Unconnected slices of arrays
    are not allowed.

    User Action: Remove the range from the expression to examine.
    Placing the corrected EXAMINE inside a Debugger FOR loop command
    could provide the functionality needed to do the command as
    originally desired.


 illegal set constant in expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: One of the constants specified in the given set
    expression has a type that is inconsistent with the set type.

    User Action: Change the erroneous set constant value to a
    constant with a type that agrees with the set type.


 illegal sign extension field value extension_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An illegal value has been entered for the sign
    extension field in a field reference.

    User Action: Re-enter the command using a valid sign extension
    field value.


 illegal size field size_value; must be 0..32

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The size value for a BLISS field reference contains
    an illegal value.

    User Action: Change the size value of the field reference to an
    integer between 0 and 32, inclusive.


 substring length larger than 32K not supported

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The calculated length of a substring in the
    expression is larger than can be handled by the Debugger.

    User Action: Do not use a substring with a length greater than
    32K in an expression to be evaluated by the Debugger.


 can only apply substring operation to string data types

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The Debugger has found a substring operation, but
    the data type of the operand is not a string type.

    User Action: Correct the data type of the string operand in the
    substring expression.


 illegal thunk call address

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected a 0 addressed compiler-
    supplied routine during Value Spec evaluation.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) to the
    appropriate compiler.

216  –  ILLTYPE

 illegal type of operand(s)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The type of the operand is illegal for the operator

    User Action: Change the operand.

217  –  ILLVQUAL

 Illegal vector instruction qualifier specified at 'command_line'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A vector instruction qualifier that is
    illegal for this vector instruction was specified during a

    User Action: Do not specify that illegal qualifier on that

218  –  IMAGENF

 target system image file_specification not found on host system.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An image that is loaded on the target system does
    not have a matching copy on the host system. The debugger can not
    load any information about this image, therefore, debugging code
    in the image is impossible.

    User Action: Check the the image search path on the host system
    for this image. Either fix the search path or place a copy of
    this image in that path and restart the debug session.


 target system image file_specification does not match host copy.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An image that is loaded on the target system does
    not match the host copy of that image. This occurs when the link
    time in the image header for the DSF or EXE file on the host does
    not match the link time of the target system's image.

    User Action: Verify that the image path is set up correctly and
    that it points to the same images as are loaded on the target


 incorrect DST nesting in module path_name, compiler error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Incorrect symbol table nesting occurred, such as
    improper routine or data record nesting in the specified module.
    This message normally indicates a compiler error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 operand number operand_number incomplete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When parsing an instruction, the debugger found an
    incomplete operand.

    User Action: Specify complete operands when entering machine


 pointers of different size, cannot perform subtraction

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The two pointers point to objects with incompatible
    types. A computation involving these pointers does not have a
    meaningful result.

    User Action: Do not attempt to mix pointers of different types in
    arithmetic computations.


 qualifier qualifier_name is not compatible with qualifier_name(s)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Qualifiers specified with the command conflict in
    their operations.

    User Action: Specify non-conflicting qualifiers.


 a debugger_type kernel debugger is incompatible with a debugger_type
 main debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A kernel debugger attempted to connect to a main
    debugger with which it is not compatible.

    User Action: Make sure that the logical names used to point at
    the sharable and non_sharable debugger images are defined to
    point to the same type of debuggers.


 the RPC versions of the main and kernel debuggers are incompatible

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A kernel debugger attempted to connect to a main
    debugger with which it is not compatible.

    User Action: Make sure that the logical names used to point at
    the sharable and non_sharable debugger images are defined to
    point to the same type of debuggers.


 index and base registers are equal for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When parsing an instruction, the debugger found an
    operand whose base register and index registers were the same.
    The VAX instruction architecture forbids this construction.

    User Action: Specify different registers for the base and index

227  –  INIBRK

 target system interrupted.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The target system has hit a break point in the
    INI$BRK system routine. The system code calls this routine in
    order to return control to the debugger either because the call
    is compiled into the code or an IPL 14 interrupt was generated.

    User Action: None.

228  –  INITERR

 an error has occurred during debugger initialization, unable to
 continue this session.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error during
    initialization which does not allow this debugging session to

    User Action: Use the message which preceded this message to
    analyze and correct the error, and try again.

229  –  INITIAL

 language is language_name, module set to path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is displayed when the debugger is
    invoked by the image activator. The language is set to language_
    name, and the module to path_name. Module path_name is the first
    module specified in the LINK command, and language language_name
    is the language used in that module.

    User Action: None.


 error reading input line:

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There was an error from the system while trying to
    read the input line.

    User Action: Re-enter the command line. Check to see that the
    Debugger has read access to the input source. If the problem
    persists, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 no instructions for address address_value for display in display_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No instructions correspond to the address address_

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 insufficient virtual memory for the debugger memory pool

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt to allocate additional memory for working
    storage failed.

    User Action: Cancel set modules to free space in memory.

233  –  INTERR

 internal debugger error in debugger_routine_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal debugger error has been encountered.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 process interrupted via cross-process signal

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This signal is delivered asyncronously to a process
    to cause the debugger to be invoked in that process.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 internal memory-pool error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger's internal memory area has been
    corrupted or is inconsistent. This can be caused by an internal
    debugger error or by random stores by the user program.

    User Action: Correct the user program or submit a Software
    Performance Report.

236  –  INTOVF

 integer overflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
    specified address.

    User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target


 internal debugger coding error in using vector instruction(s)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal debugger error has been encountered when
    attempting to execute a vector instruction. Messages will follow
    this text which will more fully explain the error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 number truncated at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: On some conversions packed numbers need to be
    truncated to fit into their destination. Truncation is done from
    the least significant digit to the most significant digit.

    User Action: You should understand that the result of the
    operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.


 the debugger detected a error when retrieving text from a particular

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger found a discrepancy in the ranges of
    the text string that was retrieved.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 invalid argument list for 'the debugger_command_segment'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is an error with the argument list. The
    Debugger may be expecting an argument list when none was
    supplied. The Debugger may have found an argument list where
    one was not expected. The Debugger may have found an argument
    list that was too long or too short. Finally, the Debugger may
    have found an inconsistency in the argument list.

    User Action: Correct the command. Supply the correct argument
    list if one was missing or in error. Delete the inappropriate
    argument list, if one was present.


 array dimension is out of range

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The array dimension is out of the range of the
    declared size and shape of the array. Either the dimension
    requested is less than zero, or it is greater than the number
    of dimensions the array was declared with.

    User Action: Correct the invalid array dimension.


 invalid array descriptor

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An array descriptor in the image does not have the
    correct format. This can be caused by a reference to a VAX BASIC
    array when the first line of the program has not been executed.
    The array is not set up correctly until the BASIC program
    initialization is done. This message can also be caused by a
    user program or DEPOSIT commands altering a compiler generated
    array descriptor.

    User Action: If the reference is to a VAX BASIC array,
    enter a STEP or GO command to ensure that the BASIC program
    initialization is done and then repeat the reference. Otherwise,
    if an array descriptor has not been altered, submit a Software
    Performance Report.

243  –  INVCHAR

 invalid character

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When parsing the command, an invalid character was

    User Action: Enter the command specifying only valid characters.


 invalid character constant in expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When evaluating a language expression, the debugger
    expected to find a closing single quote mark, or the end of the
    command. Some other character was found, which resulted in an
    illegal language expression.

    User Action: Enter a valid language expression.

245  –  INVCMD

 this command is not available for this configuration.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This command is not available for this configuration
    of the debugger. It may be available in a future version.

    User Action: None.

246  –  INVDEPTH

 unable to access stack to depth of depth

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is trying to access the register set of
    a frame depth frames down on the stack.

    User Action: If you explictly requested for information about
    that frame, (e.g. via a previous SET SCOPE command), modify your
    command such that it is requesting information about a valid

247  –  INVDESC

 invalid string descriptor

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 invalid digit in binary number: number_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A numeric value other than '0' and '1' was found in
    a binary number.

    User Action: Enter binary numbers specifying only digits '0' and


 invalid digit in decimal number: number_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
    '9' was found in a decimal number.

    User Action: Enter decimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
    through '9'.


 invalid digit in hexadecimal number: number_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
    '9' or an alphabetic value other than in the range 'A' through
    'F' was found in a hexadecimal number. Hexadecimal numbers must
    also start with a numeric character, for example '0F'.

    User Action: Enter hexadecimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
    through '9' and alphabetic values 'A' through 'F'.


 invalid digit in octal number: number_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
    '7' was found in a decimal number.

    User Action: Enter decimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
    through '7'.


 invalid directory name: file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The directory name 'file_specification' given in a
    DEBUGGER command SET SOURCE is not valid. Either the directory
    syntax is incorrect or the directory does not exist.

    User Action: Ensure that the directory exists and that the syntax
    is correct.


 invalid DMT pointer; internal linker or debugger error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger found that the pointer in the image
    header to the Debug Module Table (DMT) was invalid. The debugger
    will continue from this error trying to initialize based on the
    Debug Symbol Table (DST).

    User Action: Check that the image file hasn't been modified or
    corrupted in some way. If not, submit a Software Performance
    Report (SPR).


 invalid display size: display_size

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SIZE value for a display must be between 1 and

    User Action: Specify the SIZE value between 1 and 1000.


 invalid DST record

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Debug
    Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
    either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

256  –  INVEXPR

 invalid expression for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified operand was not correct for this

    User Action: Please check the documentation for the correct
    operands for this instruction, and re-enter the instruction with
    the correct operands.


 invalid file handle

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has detected an invalid file handle for
    the given context connection. This indicates an internal error in
    either the debugger or the compiler.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.


 invalid DST fixup records in image image_name, symbol references to
 shareable images may be erroneous

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While attempting to read the symbol table
    information in the specified image, the debugger found errors
    in the symbol table address fixup records. These records are used
    to adjust for the base addresses of shareable images. This means
    that any symbols in this image which point to addresses in other
    (shareable) images will most likely be incorrect. Symbols which
    refer to addresses in this image will be correct unless this is
    also a shareable image.

    User Action: Relink the image and, if the error is reproducible,
    submit a Software Performance Report explaining how the image
    file was created.


 invalid field reference; too many or few parameters

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The Debugger could not complete the parse of the
    BLISS field reference specification. Either the closing angle
    bracket terminator was found too soon, or it was not found when
    it was expected.

    User Action: Correct the field reference.


 invalid GST record

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Global
    Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
    either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.


 invalid GST record; GST is partially built

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger found an invalid Global Symbol Table
    (GST) record in the image. The debugger will discontinue
    initializing the GST at this point. The debugger will continue
    from this error, however global symbol information may not be

    User Action: Check that the image file hasn't been modified or
    corrupted in some way. If not, submit a Software Performance
    Report (SPR).

262  –  INVMAR

 right margin must be greater than left

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You specified a right margin that was less than the
    left margin in the debugger command SET MARGIN. The right margin
    must be greater than the left margin.

    User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid margin


 invalid numeric string 'number_value'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A numeric value which was not in the specified radix
    was found in the language expression.

    User Action: Enter numbers specifying only valid digits for that


 invalid number of source files

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An invalid number of source files was specified on
    the SET MAX_SOURCE_FILES command. The maximum number of source
    files that the debugger will keep open simultaneously must be in
    the range of 1 through 20.

    User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid number
    within the range.


 invalid numeric string at or near 'number_value'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error when attempting to
    convert the specified value. This indicates that the string value
    did not contain a valid number.

    User Action: Ensure that the string value contains only valid


 invalid operator 'operator_symbol' in address expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Address expressions cannot contain operators.

    User Action: Enter the address expression without operators.

267  –  INVOPSYM

 invalid operator symbol 'operator_symbol' in expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Identifiers in address expressions must be shorter
    than 256 characters.

    User Action: Enter a shorter identifier.

268  –  INVPAGE

 invalid screen height, value must be between minimum_height and

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The height of the terminal which the debugger uses
    to place it's windows must be between the values specified.

    User Action: Specify the page size of the screen to be between
    the values specified.

269  –  INVPASS

 the password does not match the target system password.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The password specified in the connect command does
    not match the password in the target systems password file. Or,
    no password was specified and the target system requires one.

    User Action: Check to make sure the correct node name and
    password were specified. Check the target system to make sure
    both were set up correctly.

270  –  INVPD

 procedure descriptor at !XL is not valid.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not read the procedure descriptor
    at the given address. Therefore this procedure descriptor is not

    User Action: Procedure descriptors are generated by compilers
    (or MACRO64 programmers). Verify that the procedure descriptor is
    invalid or submit an SPR to the compiler group.


 process specification syntax error

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified process specification is syntactically

    User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a correct process

272  –  INVPRIOR

 invalid task priority value specified

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The priority of an Ada task must be between 0 and

    User Action: Specify a valid priority for the task.


 invalid range specification in array subscript

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A range specification in an array reference is
    illegal. The Debugger may have found a range where none is
    allowed. An asterisk may have been used as a range where it is
    not allowed. The array subscripts may have more than one set
    of ranges, which is not allowed. The range may be invalid, with
    bounds greater than the declared bounds of the array. Finally,
    the lower bound of the range may be greater than the upper bound
    of the array.

    User Action: Correct the range specification in the array


 invalid selection of display_name display; wrong display kind

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Some attributes can only be placed on certain types
    of displays. For example, the SOURCE attribute can only be placed
    on source displays. The attribute you specified cannot be placed
    on the display you specified.

    User Action: See the debugger documentation of the SELECT command
    for details on which attributes can be placed on which displays.
    Specify attributes which are compatible with the display kind.


 invalid source line range

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An invalid source line range was entered in the
    debugger TYPE command. The first line number of the range must be
    non-negative and less than or equal to the second number in the

    User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid line number


 time slice was not set, parameter is out of range of Ada type

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value specified for the time slice was out of
    range of the Ada type DURATION.

    User Action: See the Ada documentation for the range of the
    DURATION type. Specify time slice values which are in range of
    type DURATION.

277  –  INVWIDTH

 invalid screen width, value must be between minimum_width and

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The width of the terminal which the debugger uses to
    place its windows must be between the values specified.

    User Action: Specify the width of the screen to be between the
    values specified.


 invalid window parameter: number_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value specified was out of range of the screen
    on which the window will be placed. If the debugger is placing
    its windows on a terminal screen, the beginning row and column
    numbers must be between 1 and the height and width of the screen,
    and the beginning value plus the height or width of the window
    must not exceed the height or width of the terminal screen.
    If the debugger is running with the DECwindows interface, the
    beginning row and column numbers must be greater than 0.

    User Action: Specify valid parameters for the window row and
    column values, and for the height and width of the window.

279  –  IRFAOVF

 record file address overflow at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The conversion of the ASCII string to a record file
    address caused an overflow. The conversion was performed however.

    User Action: Check the value to make sure the conversion
    performed as expected.

280  –  ISTRTRU

 string truncated at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The string did not fit into the specified
    destination resulting in lost trailing characters. The conversion
    was performed however.

    User Action: Check the value to make sure the conversion
    performed as expected.


 item not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user should never see this message. The debugger
    uses an item list construct for passing information between
    its parts. This message indicates that the requesting routine
    requested data which the target routine was not capable of
    providing. Appearance of this message indicates an internal
    problem in the debugger.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

282  –  ITMTRUNC

 item truncated - buffer of insufficient size

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user should never see this message. The debugger
    uses an item list construct for passing information between
    its parts. This message indicates that the requesting routine
    allocated a buffer which was too small for the requested data.
    Appearance of this message indicates an internal problem in the

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)


 value does not fit into target location at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value can not be represented in the target
    location and may be truncated. The bit field is not large enough
    to hold the value.

    User Action: Check the value in the target location.


 value assigned is out of bounds at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value is out of the bounds defined for the data.
    The operation was performed however.

    User Action: Check the results of the operation to make sure they
    are as you expected.

285  –  IVPRCLOG

 logical name DBG$PROCESS must be either MULTIPROCESS or DEFAULT

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The logical name DBG$PROCESS translates to something
    other than "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT".

    User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
    and try again.


 the kept debugger must be run as a multi-process debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The kept debugger must be a master process running
    and rerunning programs as subprocesses. This is not possible for
    a one process debugger. The kept debugger must be run using more
    than one process.

    User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
    to be either "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT", and try again.


 Kernel Function function_name not yet implemented on this

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 host kernel of the VMS system debugger not available on this system

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The host kernel for the VMS system debugger is not
    available on this system so a connection could not be made.

    User Action: Contact VMS Software, Inc. regarding
    availability of this feature.


 unrecognized key name: key_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This keyname <key_name, !AS> is in error. It can not
    be defined by the user.

    User Action: Check spelling of the key name.


 unrecognized state name: state_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This key state <state_name, !AS> is in error. It has
    not been defined by the user.

    User Action: Check spelling of the state name or define the


 stack exception handlers lost, re-initializing stack

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user's program contained an error that caused
    the exception handling mechanism to fail. This error occurs
    when the stack is overwritten by the user program or by deposit

    User Action: Identify and correct the error in the user program.

292  –  LINEINFO


    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is either 'No line information available', or
    'No line <line_number, !UL>, previous line is <line_number, !UL>,
    next line is <line_number, !UL>'


 the error log is in file file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal debugger error has occurred, and
    information which will be useful in locating the error has been
    written to file_specification.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 strings longer than 2**16 characters not supported

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The length of a string or the range of one array
    bound is greater than 2**16. The string or array is too large for
    the Debugger.

    User Action: Do not use strings of this length with the Debugger.

295  –  LOOPINCR

 loop increment cannot be zero

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The loop increment specified on the FOR command is

    User Action: Change the loop increment to be a non-zero value.

296  –  LOOPVAR

 loop var loop_variable has been redefined; exiting for loop

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Since the loop variable has been redefined, the
    debugger will exit the loop. No further comparison is possible.

    User Action: None.


 lower bound of subrange was optimized away

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The lower bound of the subrange was optimized away.
    The largest negative number on the machine is being used as the
    lower bound.

    User Action: You may wish to recompile the program without


 Main Function function_name not yet implemented on this architecture

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 mask/target subscripts do not match, displaying mask

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The subscript values for the supplied mask value
    are different then the subscript values for the target value. To
    minimize confusion, Debug is showing the mask values as well as
    the target values.

    User Action: None, this message is informational.


 mask operations not allowed on record and SCAN tree objects

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A mask operation (as specified by the /TMASK or
    /FMASK qualifiers) cannot be performed on a record or SCAN tree

    User Action: Specify an array or address range to perform the
    mask operation on.


 mask used is not %VMR, displaying specified mask

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The supplied mask is not %VMR. To minimize
    confusion, Debug is showing the mask values as well as the target

    User Action: None, this message is informational.


 parenthesis required in 'EXAMINE/xMASK=(x)'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Parentheses are required around the mask expression
    specified with the /TMASK or /FMASK qualifiers on the Examine

    User Action: Include parantheses when specifying a mask


 matching quote is missing

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The matching quote at the end of a quoted string is

    User Action: Correct the error and re-enter the command.


 mechanism array for exception frame frame-addr at mchvec-addr is not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined that
    part or all of the mechanism array for the exception frame at
    frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies at
    mchvec-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
    could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
    in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 missing closing subscript parenthesis

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is a syntax error in a Debug command

    User Action: Reinvoke the command with the proper syntax


 misplaced invocation number in path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The invocation number was not placed after the
    innermost (rightmost) routine name in the specified pathname.

    User Action: Correct the pathname and re-enter the command.


 missing or invalid operator at 'operator_symbol'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An operand was encountered in a language expression
    when an operator was expected. For example, 'EVALUATE A B'
    instead of 'EVALUATE A + B'.

    User Action: Specify valid operators between operands.


 missing Module-Begin record in DST (compiler error)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An expected Module-Begin record was not found in
    the debugger Symbol Table. This indicates a probable error in the
    compiler output.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 missing Module-End in DST for path_name (compiler error)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An expected Module-End record was not found in the
    debugger Symbol Table. This indicates a probable error in the
    compiler output.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 misplaced operator or missing operand at 'operator_symbol'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An operand was encountered in a language expression
    when an operator was expected, or an operand did not follow an
    operator. For example, 'EVALUATE A B' or 'EVALUATE A + ' instead
    of 'EVALUATE A + B'.

    User Action: Specify valid operators between operands.


 a module name was expected; path_name not valid

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is a syntax error in a Debug command

    User Action: Reinvoke the command with the proper syntax


 the debugger detected an error when searching for information on a
 monitor item.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: When looking for up information for a particular
    monitor item, the debugger detected an error.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 parenthesis required around process list in debug_command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Parentheses must be placed around the process
    list for debugger commands SET/PROCESS=(process-list) or

    User Action: Place parentheses around the process list in the


 command is only valid when multiprocess support is enabled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the specified
    command since it is only valid when the debugger's multiprocess
    support is enabled.

    User Action: Restart the debugging session with multiprocess
    support enabled. Multiprocess support is enabled by defining the
    logical name DBG$PROCESS as follows: ($ DEFINE/JOB DBG$PROCESS


 name string missing or invalid in %NAME construct

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The %NAME construct requires either a quoted string
    or a name to be supplied.

    User Action: Specify a valid name after the %NAME construct.


 name is too long: 'symbol_name'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Display and window names must be less than 80
    characters in length.

    User Action: Shorten the name to be less than 80 characters long.

317  –  NEEDMORE

 unexpected end of command line

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command entered was not complete. A required
    part of the command was omitted.

    User Action: Re-enter the complete command.


 parenthesis required in THEN, ELSE, and DO clauses

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Parenthesis are required in THEN, ELSE, and DO
    clauses to group the containing debugger commands.

    User Action: Correct the THEN, ELSE, or DO clause by including

319  –  NETFAIL

 network connection failed, reason = reason_code.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The network connection between the host debugger
    and target system can fail for a variaty of reasons. The target
    system may have stopped responding or crashed. Or there could
    have been too many collisions on the network.

    User Action: Check the reason code in the documentation.

320  –  NETRETRY

 connection to target system failed, retrying.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Either the connection could not be started or was
    interrupted due to a failure. The host debugger will try to re-
    connect to the target system.

    User Action: If no connection is re-made after many retries,
    check the target system's console for errors. Also check the


 no read access to address address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The address you specified cannot be read by the
    debugger. Therefore the operation you requested cannot be

    User Action: Verify that the address being read is correct.
    One way to do this is to use EVALUATE to find the address of
    the specified symbol, or to EXAMINE the descriptor to see if it
    specifies a valid address.


 no write access to address address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A DEPOSIT, SET BREAK, or SET TRACE command specified
    the address address_value. The debugger does not have write
    access to that page. The debugger requires write access in order
    to be able to set up breakpoints and tracepoints.

    User Action: None. You cannot do the requested operation without
    proper access.


 register register_name does not have an address use @register_name
 to obtain the contents of register register_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested the address of a register but
    registers do not have addresses

    User Action: Examine the register directly


 Debug could not allocate an error list.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A problem was detected in the processing of an ACA
    Services message and Debug could not allocate an error list so
    that this error could be reported to ACA Services.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 deposit into register 14 (stack pointer) not allowed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You can not deposit into the stack pointer register
    because the debugger is on the stack and it would corrupt the
    debugger or program stack frames.

    User Action: None.

326  –  NOATTACH

 attach command failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The ATTACH command could be not performed because of
    an error which was returned by the system service called by the
    debugger. The error status returned by the system service routine
    follows this message.

    User Action: Correct the problem based on the associated message
    which follows the debugger error message.


 the debugger detected a error when retrieving the text associated
 with a breakpoint.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not retrieve the associated text
    which belongs to a breakpoint.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the breakpoint view has not been created. Breakpoints are not
 activated/deactivated/deleted in the breakpoint view until the view
 is created.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    User Action: Create the breakpoint view from the "VIEW" menu.


 breakpoints or tracepoints on registers, records or arrays are not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Only watchpoints are allowed on registers, records
    or arrays.

    User Action: Either change the address of the breakpoint or
    tracepoint, or specify a watchpoint on the address.


 cannot set breakpoint or tracepoint at address address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested that a breakpoint be set at
    an address that is either non-writable, in Debug, or invalid in
    some other way.

    User Action: Correct the address and reissue the command

331  –  NOBREAKS

 no breakpoints are set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SHOW BREAK command was entered and no
    breakpoints were set.

    User Action: None.

332  –  NOCALLS

 no active call frames

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The call stack cannot be displayed because your
    program has run to completion, and there are no call frames on
    the stack.

    User Action: None.


 cannot cancel main image

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested that the main image symbols
    be canceled. This is an invalid operation.

    User Action: No action required - operation invalid.

334  –  NOCLI

 no CLI present to perform function

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is no command line interpreter in the target
    process from which to perform the operation.

    User Action: None. You cannot perform the attempted operation.


 CONNECT command failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the connect
    command. The reason is given in the message following this

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. Most often, the problem is due to specifying a
    process that does not exist. If the problem cannot be solved,
    submit a Software Performance Report.


 command is only valid in multiprocess and/or kept debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the specified
    command because the current configuration of the debugger does
    not allow connection or disconnection. The specified command is
    only valid when the debugger's multiprocess support is enabled,
    or when the debugger is running in the "kept" configuration.

    User Action: Restart the debugging session with multiprocess
    support enabled in the kept debugger. Multiprocess support is
    enabled by defining the logical name DBG$PROCESS as follows: ($
    DEFINE/JOB DBG$PROCESS MULTIPROCESS) The kept debugger is usually
    invoked with the following command: $ RUN SYS$SHARE:DEBUGSHR
    Your system may be different; consult your release notes and your
    system management.


 cannot perform operation without the Correlation Facility

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The given operation requires the Correlation
    Facility and the appropriate correlation data. Without this
    information, the debugger cannot determine how to complete the

    User Action: Make sure that the Correlation Facility is
    appropriately set up and in use when compiling and debugging
    the given program.


 cross-process signal system service is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the specified
    command because the cross-process signal system service is not
    available in this version of VMS.

    User Action: Upgrade to a version of VMS that has the cross-
    process signal system service.


 cannot connect to a process with a different UIC group

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The given operation is not supported by the
    Debugger. You can only connect to processes with the same UIC
    group as the process running the Debugger.

    User Action: Make sure that the process you want to connect to is
    in the same UIC group as the process running the Debugger.

340  –  NOCURLOC

 current location not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger '.' is not currently defined.

    User Action: Do not reference '.' until an EXAMINE or
    EVALUATE/ADDRESS command has been performed.


 No default scope list: error performing !AC

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command or built-in symbol requires
    that the default scope list be established.

    User Action: To establish the default scope list, perform a
    CANCEL SCOPE command.


 missing or invalid instruction operand delimiter

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A DEPOSIT command specified an invalid instruction
    operand format.

    User Action: Re-enter the command with valid operands.


 DEPOSIT into the debugger's address space is not allowed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has tried to deposit into addresses
    occupied by the Debugger. This is not allowed.

    User Action: Correct the address and reissue the command.

344  –  NODEPR31F31

 deposits to R31/F31 not allowed.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: On Alpha, registers R31 and F31 are permanently set
    to zero. Users, therefore, may not deposit to either of these

    User Action: Do not attempt to deposit to either R31 or F31.


 no source directory list in effect for path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger command CANCEL SOURCE/MODULE=path_name
    failed because there is no source directory search list in effect
    for module path_name.

    User Action: This is an informational message. However, if the
    wrong module was specified, the command should be re-entered with
    the correct name.


 no source directory list in effect

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger command CANCEL SOURCE had no effect
    because no source directory search list is currently in effect.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 No directory is selected.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 DISCONNECT command failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the disconnect
    command. The reason is given in the message following this

    User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
    this message. Most often, the problem is due to specifying a
    process that does not exist. If the problem cannot be solved,
    submit a Software Performance Report.

349  –  NODSTVER

 version info missing for module !AC (generated by !AC)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The compiler-generated Debug Symbol Table for
    the specified module does not contain a valid version number
    identifier. The debugger is unable to determine if the Debug
    Symbol Table is valid.

    User Action: Submit an SPR to the compiler or assembler that was
    used to compile the module. Include the compiler version number
    and a sample source program which reproduces the error.


 package body path_name has no executable code

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 package spec path_name has no executable code

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

352  –  NOEND

 string beginning with 'string_value' is missing end delimiter

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A DEPOSIT command specified an ASCII string or
    INSTRUCTION string beginning with characters string_value that
    do not have a terminating apostrophe.

    User Action: Re-enter the command with characters containing a
    terminating apostrophe.


 no eventpoints were specified with a SHOW or CANCEL command.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Eventpoints were not given with a SHOW or CANCEL

    User Action: Try the command again, specifying eventpoints to
    operate on.


 unable to evaluate expression for following reason

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression could not be evaluated. The following
    message indicates why.

    User Action: See the following message.


 the /EVENT qualifier is not allowed: first type 'SET EVENT facility'
 to specify an event facility

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No event facility has been set up yet, therefore
    no events which use an event facility can be set, canceled, or

    User Action: Set an event facility, and try the operation again.

356  –  NOEXCBRE

 no exception breaks were set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A CANCEL BREAK/EXCEPTION command was entered when
    exception breaks were not in effect. The CANCEL BREAK/EXCEPTION
    command had no effect.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.

357  –  NOEXHND

 no exit handlers are declared

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There are no user-mode exit handlers currently

    User Action: None. This message is informational.

358  –  NOFIELD

 'field_name' is not a field in this record

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt was made to reference a field that is not
    defined in the record.

    User Action: Check the field specified to ensure that it is
    defined in the record.

359  –  NOFREE

 no free storage available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has used all memory available.

    User Action: Memory must be made available before the debugger
    can continue executing. SET modules could be canceled, or the
    debugging session can be stopped and system management can
    increase the virtual memory on your system.


 some or all global symbols not accessible

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The image was linked with the /NODEBUG qualifier,
    and there are no global symbols in the symbol table.

    User Action: Relink the image with the /DEBUG qualifier.

361  –  NOHEAP

 the Heap Analyzer will not be invoked

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered a problem trying to define
    the librtl logical required to invoke the Heap Analyzer.

    User Action: Insure there is enough room in the process logical
    name table for the debugger to define the librtl logical. If so,
    and the command still fails, define the librtl logical at the
    DCL level, restart the debugger and reexecute the RUN or RERUN


 The Debug message cannot be executed when the UI is hidden.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The Debug message cannot be executed when a HideUI
    message is in effect.

    User Action: Send the ShowUI message and then re-execute the
    Debug message.

363  –  NOHLPLIB

 the debugger could not open the help library file

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not open the help library file
    because there was some low level file open error.

    User Action: Check for user quotas being exceeded. For further
    assistance and information on this problem check with your system


 input objects not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to open either DBG$INPUT or

    User Action: Check that logicals used to point at input files or
    devices are properly defined.

365  –  NOINPFOC

 debugger must have input focus to accept paste operation

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A writeable debugger window and, if applicable, a
    text-entry field in that window must have the input focus before
    the selection can be pasted to it from the clipboard.

    User Action: Assign the input focus to a writeable window and, if
    applicable, to the appropriate text-entry field.


 cannot translate opcode at location address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The address specified in the EXAMINE command is
    not the beginning of a valid instruction. This can be caused by
    specifying an address that is in the middle of an instruction or
    by an address that is in a data area.

    User Action: Specify an address that contains a valid


 Debug cannot retrieve the invocation context instance handle.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: In the course of trying to execute an ACA Services
    message, Debug has tried and failed to retrieve the invocation
    context instance handle from ACA Services.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

368  –  NOKERNEL

 this kernel debugger does not exist in this context

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug main is trying to communicate with the kernel
    debugger in a context where the kernel debugger does not exist.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

369  –  NOKEYDEF

 cannot do keypad input, mode is set to NOKEYPAD

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user is trying to define or set a keypad
    definition which can not be performed due to the current
    operating mode.

    User Action: Use a terminal that supports keypad operations.

370  –  NOKEYPAD

 unable to set up keypad definitions

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error status was returned from the Screen
    Management Facility that indicates that the debugger keypad
    definitions are corrupted.

    User Action: Try to set keypad mode again (SET MODE KEYPAD). If
    this fails to correct the problem submit a Software Performance
    Report (SPR).


 last value is not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger '\' is not currently defined.

    User Action: Do not reference '\' until a DEPOSIT or EVALUATE
    command has been performed.

372  –  NOLINXXX


    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The line number range CZ:yyy specified on the
    DEBUGGER command TYPE does not exist. There are no such line
    numbers in the specified module (or the default module).

    User Action: Re-enter the command specifying line numbers that do

373  –  NOLIST

 list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A command that only accepts a single input value for
    a parameter contains multiple values separated by commas (,).

    User Action: Re-enter the command; specify one value. If
    necessary, issue the command once for each value.

374  –  NOLOCALS

 image does not contain local symbols

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: All the modules in the image were compiled or
    assembled without traceback information. There is no local symbol
    information in the image.

    User Action: Recompile or reassemble the modules using the /DEBUG
    qualifier and then relink them.

375  –  NOMAIN

 the debugger detected an error when trying to fetch the main window
 from the Digital Resource Manager (DRM).

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to fetch
    debuggers main window from the Digital Resource Manager (DRM).
    This prevents the debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 [NO]MARK_CHANGE qualifier not applicable to display_name display

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The /MARK_CHANGE and /NOMARK_CHANGE qualifiers can
    not be applied to the indicated kind of display.

    User Action: None.

377  –  NOMATCH

 no matches

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A SEARCH command was being used and no matches were

    User Action: No action required


 no monitor entry was found matching "expression"

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The input "monitor /delete" expression does not
    match with any currenly monitored item.

    User Action: Retry "monitor /delete" with corrected expression.

379  –  NOMORE

 wildcard request complete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is a debugger internal error code.

    User Action: If the debugger reports this error please submit a
    Software Performance Report.

380  –  NOMOTIF

 motif images not found; defaulting to not run as a DECwindows

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The images of the Motif layered product are
    optionally installed. If the Motif user interface to the debugger
    is desired, then Motif must be properly installed, otherwise the
    default character cell mode will run.

    User Action: If desiring the Motif user interface, check that
    Motif is installed correctly.


 Widget by name !AC not found in the UID file.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 The specified name does not match any of the names in the selection

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A name was entered as the selection that is not in
    the selection box.

    User Action: Select a name from the box.

383  –  NONEXPR

 nonexistent process

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A process name or process identification specified
    in a command is not valid.

    User Action: Verify that the process name or identification is
    correct and that the process was not already deleted. Also verify
    that you have the required privilege to access the process.

384  –  NONEXPRC

 process process-specification does not exist

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The process-specification was not valid or the
    specified process did not exist.

    User Action: Verify that the process specification is correct and
    that the process still exists and then re-enter the command.


 scope does not exist or is not in set module: scope_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find the scope indicated by
    the numbered scope in the scope list.

    User Action: Set the module that contains that scope.

386  –  NONXTLIN

 next line for source display not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger command TYPE or SEARCH was entered
    without specifying a line number (for example, the next line
    after the last source line printed should be used). But no next
    source line is currently defined.

    User Action: Re-enter the command explicitly specifying the
    desired line number.


 display_name display may not be occluded

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A display was positioned over the indicated display
    that is not allowed to be occluded. The indicated display was
    popped to the front.

    User Action: You may wish to move the display so it is not
    occluded by the display named in the message.


 output objects are not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to open either DBG$OUTPUT or

    User Action: Check that logicals used to point at output files or
    devices are properly defined.


 the debugger can not write to the Message view.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying
    to write to the Message view . This prevents the debugger from
    continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 'symbol_name' is not a member of package body path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 'symbol_name' is not a member of package spec path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 Debug cannot parse the invocation context instance handle.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug cannot parse the invocation context instance
    handle retrieved from ACA Services.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

393  –  NOPRED

 logical predecessor not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The logical predecessor of the identifier or
    instruction referenced is not defined.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 This operation cannot be done without a running program. Function

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is no program currently being debugged.

    User Action: Start a program using RUN or RERUN, then reenter the

395  –  NOPROMPT

 cannot delete, remove, unselect, or change kind of the display_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This display can not be deleted, removed,
    unselected, or have it's kind changed.

    User Action: None.


 radix override not allowed with BLISS fields

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The use of a radix override qualifier is not
    supported when evaluating a BLISS field reference. BLISS field
    references are always displayed using a decimal notation. It is,
    however, possible to use a radix override qualifier when refering
    to the contents of a BLISS field.

    User Action: Don't use a radix switch with a BLISS field.

397  –  NORECSYM

 recursive symbol_type symbol definition encountered at or near

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While attempting to expand a defined symbol, a
    recursive symbol definition was encountered.

    User Action: Redefine the symbol specified in the error message
    so that it does not contain any circular dependencies and then
    re-enter the command.


 There is no program to RERUN.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You must RUN a program first before you can RERUN

    User Action: Use the RUN command and specify a program.

399  –  NORETBRK

 unable to set return break; breakpoint set on caller's return PC.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is a debugger internal error code.

    User Action: If the debugger reports this error please submit a
    Software Performance Report.

400  –  NORMAL

 successful debugger status

    Success: This is an internal status signal, it should never be
    seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
    Software Performance Report (SPR).

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

401  –  NORSTBLD

 cannot build symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is unable to build a symbol table
    because of errors in the format of the image file.

    User Action: Relink the image and, if the error is reproducible,
    submit a Software Performance Report explaining how the image
    file was created.


 can't find the saved registers for the CALL command for frame frame-

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
    that the frame at frame-addr was caused by a CALL command from
    the debugger. The debugger is unable to find the register set it
    saved for the context before the CALL command.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 cannot save a program I/O display

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SAVE command is not allowed on a program I/O
    display since the debugger does not know the contents of the

    User Action: None.

404  –  NOSCOPE

 no scope exists to look up line line_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified line_number cannot be found because
    there is no current scope to look it up in.

    User Action: Specify the module explicitly and retry the


 a list of scopes is not allowed with this command.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You cannot enter a list of scopes with the
    previously executed command.

    User Action: Enter the command with only one scope item.


 the target system has run out of scratch space.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Scratch space is allocated on the target system to
    implement single stepping. The target system has run out of this
    space so no more work can be done.

    User Action: Reboot the target system with more scratch space and
    try the debugger again. See the documentation for more details.

407  –  NOSCRDEV

 screen mode is not supported on this device screen mode output is
 being lost

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger output is being sent to a device that
    the Screen Management Facility does can not write to. While
    the debugger will continue to process commands, the screen mode
    output will be lost.

    User Action: Make sure the logical DBG$OUTPUT is pointed to a
    device that the Screen Management Facility can write to.


 screen mode is not supported on this terminal screen mode is not set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Screen mode is not allowed on the terminal type used
    by the current session.

    User Action: Use another terminal if screen mode is desired

409  –  NOSCROLL

 no scrolling display selected or missing display name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user did not enter a display name with the
    command, and the debugger attempted to use the display with the
    SCROLL attribute. However, no display currently has the SCROLL

    User Action: Either reenter the command, specifying a display
    name, or SELECT a display to have the SCROLL attribute and
    reenter the command.


 display_name display may not be scrolled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This display can not be scrolled.

    User Action: None.


 the debugger detected an error when trying to access a source
 display segment in routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying to
    access a source display segment. This prevents the debugger from
    continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 the SET TERMINAL command is not supported on this terminal

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SET TERMINAL command is not allowed on the
    terminal being used for the current session

    User Action: Use another type of terminal

413  –  NOSPAWN

 spawn command failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger failed to perform a SPAWN command or
    SPAWN an editor. The error status returned from the SPAWN command
    is appended to this error message.

    User Action: If the SPAWN error is correctable, correct the
    problem and reenter the command. If not, the SPAWN command is


 search string not set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No current search string is defined for the debugger
    command SEARCH. The SEARCH command was entered without a search
    string indicating that the current search string should be used.
    But no previous SEARCH command has been entered to define a
    current search string.

    User Action: Explicitly specify the desired search string on the

415  –  NOSRCLIN

 no source line for address address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No source line corresponds to the address address_
    value specified on the debugger command EXAMINE/SOURCE.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.

416  –  NOSTEPGO

 no STEP, GO, SET PROCESS/VISIBLE or CALL commands allowed in screen

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A STEP, GO, SET PROCESS/VISIBLE or CALL command
    was used in a screen display command list. The debugger does not
    allow the use of such commands in display command lists.

    User Action: Re-specify the screen display command list without
    using any of the disallowed commands.


 should not stop inside critical sections delimited by memory
 locking/unlocking instructions.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has limited support for debugging of
    critical sections delimited by memory locking/unlocking (e.g.
    LDx_L/STx_C (load-locked/store-conditional) instructions. The
    exception mechanisms used by the debugger causes the lock-flag
    set by the locking instruction to be cleared. This action affects
    the behavior of subsequent instructions that rely on memory being

    User Action: Cancel or deactivate all eventpoints (watchpoints,
    breakpoints, etc.) that might trigger while the application being
    debugged is executing the critical section; a STEP issued from
    the load_lock instruction should now step over the critical
    section. Eventpoints then may be safely reset.

418  –  NOSUCC

 logical successor not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The logical successor of the referenced instruction
    or identifier is not defined.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 no such breakpoint

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The CANCEL BREAK command specified an address that
    is not the address of a breakpoint.

    User Action: Use the SHOW BREAK command to find the location of
    the current breakpoints, and then cancel any of these breakpoints
    that you want to cancel.


 no such display defined: display_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified display <display_name, !AC> does not

    User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying an existing


 no such help topic or invalid HELP command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested help for a topic for which
    there is no help or the syntax used to request the help was

    User Action: Try another topic or just type HELP for a topic list


 image image_name not found

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified image <image_name, !AC> does not

    User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying an existing image.


 module path_name is not in module chain

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The module path_name, specified in the SET MODULE
    command, does not exist in the image. This message can be caused
    when: (1) a module name has been entered incorrectly or (2) a
    module is compiled with the /NOTRACE switch.

    User Action: Specify a module that is in the image.


 library package path_name is not in the symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 scope does not exist or is not in set module: scope_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested that the current scope be set
    to a scope that is invalid for the current module

    User Action: Correct the scope specification and reissue the


 no such task exists or no task satisfies criteria

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user entered a task expression that does not
    correspond to an existing task, or no existing task satisfies the
    task expression.

    User Action: Reenter the command with a task expression that
    specifies an existing task.


 no such tracepoint

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The CANCEL TRACE command specified an address that
    was not the address of a tracepoint.

    User Action: Use the SHOW TRACE command to display the current
    tracepoints and then cancel any that you want to cancel.


 no such window defined: display_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified, or defaulted window <window_name,
    !AC> does not exist.

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying an existing window


 no such watchpoint

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The CANCEL WATCH command specified an address that
    was not the address of a watchpoint.

    User Action: Use the SHOW WATCH command to display the current
    watchpoints and then cancel any that you want to cancel.

430  –  NOSYMBOL

 symbol 'symbol_name' is not in the symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger could not find the symbol '<symbol_
    name, !AC>' in its symbol table.

    User Action: The symbol may have been entered incorrectly, in
    which case the fix is to enter the symbol correctly. The other
    possibility is that the module the symbol is defined in has
    not been loaded into the debugger's symbol table; perform a SET
    MODULE of the appropriate module.


 no symbol 'symbol_name' was declared in routine path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 program is not an ADA program; command ignored

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The entered command applies only to Ada programs ;
    since this is not an Ada program, the command cannot be executed.

    User Action: No user action required.

433  –  NOTARRAY

 type of variable is not array

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The variable being treated as an array has not been
    defined as one.

    User Action: Check that the correct variable reference is being


 'symbol_name' was not declared as a structure

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A VAX BLISS-32 structure reference specified a
    symbol symbol_name that was not declared a structure.

    User Action: Re-enter the command with a valid symbol reference.


 type GO to get to start of main program

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger has started at the beginning of

    User Action: If you want to get to the actual start of the main
    program you should type GO at the debug prompt. The debugger
    will allow the program to execute the LIB$INITIALIZE code and
    then break at the start of the main program. If you'd like to
    debug the LIB$INITIALIZE code you are positioned to do so at this

436  –  NOTCURPC

 target of EXAMINE/OPERANDS is not the current PC results may be

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The operands being examined will probably give
    incorrect results, because the context for the instruction
    is probably not set up properly. Specifically, the values of
    registers used in address computations depend on the previous
    series of instructions being executed, which was not done in this

    User Action: Only use EXAMINE/OPERANDS with .0\%PC


 Program does not use DECthreads services.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The entered command applies only to programs using
    DECthreads services.

    User Action: No user action required.


 defined_symbol was not defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The symbol was not found in the defined symbol

    User Action: Check your spelling or use SHOW DEFINE to see what
    symbols have been defined.


 this text can not be edited thus Motif CUT,PASTE,CLEAR operations
 can not be performed.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 that operation can not be performed without selecting text. Select
 some text and try that operation again.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 expression_type is not implemented at command level

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression_type is not supported at this type.

    User Action: Specify a type of expression that the debugger


 exitloop encountered when not in a loop

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An incorrect nesting of loops exist in the command
    stream currently being executed.

    User Action: Correct the command stream


 specified scope cannot be found in the default scope list

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified scope was not in the current default
    scope list.

    User Action: Enter the command with a scope that is in the
    default scope list.

444  –  NOTINST

 examined address is not the start of an instruction

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The examined address does not denote the start of an

    User Action: Specify an address that does denote the start of an

445  –  NOTKEPT

 this operation can only be performed in the Kept Debugger
 configuration. Function function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This command only makes sense when executed from the
    Kept Debugger configuration of DECdebug.

    User Action: Restart DECdebug using the Kept Debugger
    configuration and re-enter the command.


 specified scope is not a numbered scope.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SET SCOPE/CURRENT command requires a numbered

    User Action: Enter the command with a numbered scope.


 original version of source file not found file used is file_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A source file was found for some module. But the
    revision date and time or the file size indicates that this may
    not be the same version of the file that was used in the original
    compilation of the module. This warning message indicates
    that future source line displays from this source file may not
    correspond to the actual source used to compile the module.

    User Action: None, unless the original source is available.
    Then you can use the debugger command SET SOURCE to indicate
    the location of the source to the debugger.

448  –  NOTPTR

 variable must be of pointer or file type

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The variable should be a pointer or a file type.

    User Action: Specify a variable of pointer or file type.

449  –  NOTRACES

 no tracepoints are set, no opcode tracing

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There are no tracepoints or opcode tracing set.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 Unable to find a trailing zero for ASCIZ object at address address_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to find a trailing zero for
    the specified ASCIZ string.

    User Action: The ASCIZ string is missing a trailing zero, or the
    object examined is not an ASCIZ string.


 variable is not record; cannot select component component_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested a record operation on a
    variable which is not a record.

    User Action: Correct the command and reissue it

452  –  NOTREE

 SCAN tree or subtree not found SCAN error message

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 You must be running the kept debugger to use the RUN and RERUN

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The RUN and RERUN commands are not available if you
    start up the debugger using RUN/DEBUG.

    User Action: To use this command, exit the debugger and invoke
    the kept debugger configuration.

454  –  NOTRUNDW

 the debugger is uncertain about the DECWindow configuration.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is uncertain about the systems
    DECWindow configuration

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 expression does not specify a valid task value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression entered does not specify a valid task
    value. Only Ada task values are known as such in the symbol table
    - Thread values are considered to be pointers.

    User Action: Unless you are debugging threads, reenter the
    command, correctly specifying a task value.


 the debugger will be unable to create a separate window; OSC not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger requires OSC support enabled to create
    a separate window (see SET MODE SEPARATE).

    User Action: To allow the debugger to create a separate window,
    may wish to put this line in your private startup file.

457  –  NOTUISV30

 the debugger will be unable to create a separate window; UIS too

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger requires VWS V3.0 or later to create a
    separate window (see SET MODE SEPERATE).

    User Action: To allow the debugger to create a separate window,
    install VWS V3.0 or later, and in your private startup file (or


 symbol 'symbol_name' is overloaded use SHOW SYMBOL to find the
 unique symbol names

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: More than one instance of the specified symbol
    '<symbol_name, !AC>' exists in the user program. Without further
    information, the debugger cannot determine which symbol to use.

    User Action: Re-enter the command, uniquely specifying the symbol
    to be used. The SHOW SYMBOL command can be used to find the
    unique symbol names.


 instruction screen display not updated

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The instruction screen display was not updated
    because of the preceding error message.

    User Action: See the preceding error message.


 symbol type information not available please SET the module that
 describes this type

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested information about a symbol
    which cannot be provided in the current context.

    User Action: SET the module containing the information and
    reissue the command


 'symbol_name' has no type or length information, cannot proceed.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The requested information cannot be obtained because
    the entity in question doesn't have all the attributes necessary
    to follow through with the request.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.

462  –  NOUI

 debugger user interface image not found; defaulting to not run as a
 DECwindows debugger

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user interface portion of the debugger is a
    separate image which cannot be located.

    User Action: Check that the debugger is properly installed. If
    so, please submit a Software Performance Report.

463  –  NOUNIQUE

 symbol 'symbol_name' is not unique

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The symbol specified was not in a default scope or
    was defined in more than one scope.

    User Action: Specify the scope of the symbol in a pathname or
    change the default scope.


 shareable image contains no universal symbols

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No universal symbols were found in the image.

    User Action: None.


 no user-specified events are allowed; none are declared

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A reference was made to an event, when no such event
    had been defined (language not SCAN).

    User Action: Reenter the last command, without specifying any


 entity 'symbol_name' does not have a value at the current PC (was
 optimized away)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value of the specified variable does not exist
    at this point in the program's execution. For example, the
    variable might be assigned to a register that is currently being
    used for some other purpose.

    User Action: Retry the operation at a point in the program's
    execution when the variable is being referenced.

467  –  NOVALTYP

 'symbol_name' does not have a value because it is a type name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

468  –  NOVALUE

 reference does not have a value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command specified a reference that has no value.

    User Action: Change the reference.

469  –  NOVECT

 no vector support - command cannot be performed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt was made to modify vector state on a
    system which has neither hardware vector capabilities nor the
    VVIEF. This includes the EXAMINE vector-register, DEPOSIT vector-
    register, and SET VECTOR_MODE commands.

    User Action: Do not attempt to modify vector state on a system
    which does not have vector capabilities.


 no qualifier specified on the VIEW command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There were no qualifiers specified on the VIEW

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a qualifier for the
    VIEW command.


 no watchpoints are set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No watchpoints are set.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 You cannot watch that entity, because it was not allocated in memory
 (was optimized away)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A watchpoint cannot be set on that entity due to
    optimizations performed by the compiler

    User Action: Recompile the program with no optimizations in

473  –  NOWATTAR

 cannot watch-protect target

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You are attempting to set a /STATIC watchpoint on
    a location that is either a register, is not in your program, or
    is on the stack (P1 space). These kinds of locations cannot be
    watchpointed with the /STATIC qualifier.

    User Action: Either use the /NOSTATIC qualifier, or do not watch-
    point this location.


 cannot set watchpoints on variant records

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested that a watchpoint be set on a
    variant record. This operation is not currently supported

    User Action: No user action required


 watchpoints not allowed after SET TYPE ASCIC, ASCIW, or ASCIZ

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

476  –  NOWBPT

 cannot insert breakpoint

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

477  –  NOWILD

 no wildcard permitted

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Wildcards are not permitted in this context

    User Action: Re-enter the command without using wildcards


 file name, type, and version cannot be wildcarded

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The components of a file specification entered in a
    SET SOURCE command may not be wildcarded.

    User Action: Reenter the command without wildcarding any file
    specification components.

479  –  NOWOPCO

 cannot replace breakpoint with opcode

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

480  –  NOWPROT

 cannot set protection

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 Unable to set breakpoint at break-addr, no write access. Your
 program cannot be debugged unless you can change the write access
 of your code.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Most debugger startups set a breakpoint in the user
    program and then return control to that program. The debugger
    regains control when that breakpoint is hit. It is necessary for
    the debugger to have write access to the user program in order to
    set breakpoints.

    User Action: Change/allow write access to your program's code.


 Synchronize can not be done from an exception break.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A synchronize command can not be done from an
    exception break.

    User Action: Do not perform a synchronization command when at an
    exception break.

483  –  NPROMPT

 the debugger could not properly setup the state to accept input.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger it could not properly setup the state
    to accept input. This prevents the debugger from continuing this

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

484  –  NULLPTR

 cannot dereference null pointer

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 the debugger encountered an error when retrieving information on a
 particular graphical object in routine function_name.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when retrieving
    information on a particular widget in the MOTIF toolkit. This
    prevents the debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 numeric constant too long, please shorten

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A number entered in the command line is too long.

    User Action: Reenter the command, shortening the long number.

487  –  NUMTRUNC

 number truncated

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The number entered is greater than the largest
    signed longword integer. The value has been truncated to the
    the largest signed integer.

    User Action: None.

488  –  NYI

 the function is not yet implemented. Coming soon to a debugger near

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 requested object is invalid

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit an SPR.


 the pointer associated with the requested object is invalid

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit an SPR.


 the type associated with the requested object is incorrect

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit an SPR.

492  –  OBSOLETE_13

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

493  –  OBSOLETE_14

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

494  –  OBSOLETE_15

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

495  –  OBSOLETE_16

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

496  –  OBSOLETE_17

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

497  –  OBSOLETE_18

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

498  –  OBSOLETE_19

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

499  –  OBSOLETE_20

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

500  –  OBSOLETE_21

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

501  –  OBSOLETE_22

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

502  –  OBSOLETE_23

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

503  –  OBSOLETE_24

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

504  –  OBSOLETE_25

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

505  –  OBSOLETE_26

 this message is available for reuse

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

506  –  OPCDEC

 no support for G/H instructions at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 operator 'operator_symbol' not allowed on given data types

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered a problem when performing
    the operation '<operator_symbol, !AC>' on the specified operands.
    This may be a data type conversion error.

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying compatible operands.

508  –  OPSYNTAX

 instruction operand syntax error for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in one of the
    operands of a VAX instruction.

    User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
    the instruction, correcting the operand error. If not, then there
    may be an error in the user program instructions.


 output being lost, both NOTERMINAL and NOLOG are in effect

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The SET OUTPUT command has set the output conditions
    to NOTERMINAL and NOLOG; consequently, the output is not
    displayed on the terminal or written to a log file. The output
    normally displayed by the debugger will not be available.

    User Action: Use the SET OUTPUT command to send output to the
    terminal or to a log file.


 the debugger detected an error when trying to fetch and override an
 object from the Motif Resource Manager (MRM) in routine function_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when fetching an
    object from the Motif Resource Manager (MRM) for the purpose of
    overriding behavior. This prevents the debugger from continuing
    this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 packed size required

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A size parameter is required

    User Action: Supply a size parameter and reissue the command

512  –  PARENREQ

 parentheses required around type specification in 'debugger_command_
 segment /TYPE=(X)'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger_command_segment is either SET TYPE,

    User Action: Place parentheses around the type of expression


 parse stack overflow, simplify expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The expression was too complex for the debugger to

    User Action: Simplify the expression.


 There was an error in DEBUG's RPC. The information DEBUG has just
 given you about the state of your program may be incomplete. Use the
 one process configuration of the debugger as a workaround.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is a limit to the amount of information DEBUG
    can pass through its RPC. That limit was reached, so DEBUG could
    only give you the information that would fit through its RPC.

    User Action: Use the one process configuration of the debugger as
    a workaround (i.e. $ DEFINE DBG$PROCESS NONE). Submit a Software
    Performance Report (SPR)

515  –  PASTHRU

 The primary handler should ignore this signal

    Success: This is an internal status signal, it should never be
    seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
    Software Performance Report (SPR).

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 pathname qualifiers (path_name) not allowed in SHOW SYMBOL data name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has issued a command with invalid syntax

    User Action: No user action required


 too many qualifiers on name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There are too many pathname elements in the entered
    pathname for the debugger to handle.

    User Action: Shorten the pathname entered, either by abbreviating
    the pathname, defining a symbol for the pathname, or setting a
    search scope so that you can use a shorter pathname.


 pathname too long at path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The entered pathname is too long for the debugger to

    User Action: Shorten the pathname entered, either by abbreviating
    the pathname, defining a symbol for the pathname, or setting a
    search scope so that you can use a shorter pathname.


 the debugger detected a error when trying to associate the PC to a
 line number.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when looking up the
    PC to line number correlation.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

520  –  PCNOTALL

 PC not allowed in context for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Using the PC as an operand in the entered
    instruction is not allowed.

    User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
    the instruction, without using the PC in the operand. If not,
    then there may be an error in the user program instructions.


 PLI conversion error at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occurred in the PL/I RTL performing a data
    type conversion, for the object <opcode_name, !AC>.

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a legitimate object
    for the operation desired.


 predefined eventpoint(s) not canceled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Any existing predefined eventpoints have not been
    canceled as the result of a CANCEL command.

    User Action: Specify the /PREDEFINED qualifier with the CANCEL
    command to cancel predefined eventpoints.


 the command parameter parameter_name is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command parameter, although available
    in some debug implementations, is not available in this one.
    One reason why is that the parameter just doesn't make sense
    on the platform. For example, the JSB parameter on a SET STEP
    command doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
    instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

    User Action: Reissue the command without the parameter.


 proper frame not found on call stack for path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You attempted to look at a variable in a routine
    invocation that does not exist.

    User Action: Specify a routine or routine invocation that is
    currently active.


 display_name display width not changed, must be full width of screen

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This display's width can not be changed. It must be
    the full width of the screen.

    User Action: None.


 display_name display now occludes some or all of display_name
 display's text

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This display now occludes some or all of the
    specified display.

    User Action: None.


 display_name display length not changed, must be at least 2 lines

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This display's length can not be changed to less
    than the minimum value specified.

    User Action: None.


 too many levels of @ procedure nesting

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has nested indirect command processing too

    User Action: Try to eliminate some of the levels of indirection
    or look for a recursive invocation


 PUSH_INNER_ARRAY DST stack machine operator for array 'symbol_name'
 is not yet implemented

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The named array is unconstrained, and its subscript
    bounds live in different places at different points in the
    program's execution. This cannot be denoted using DEBUG Symbol
    Table (DST) features which this version of the debugger supports.

    User Action: Verify that you are using the latest releases of
    the compiler and debugger. Examine the nearest object code which
    references the variable and simulate the access algorithm by


 PUSH_VALSPEC DST stack machine operator for variable 'symbol_name'
 is not yet implemented

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The named variable's address is complex, and its
    computation uses operands which live in different places at
    different points in the program's execution. This cannot be
    denoted using DEBUG Symbol Table (DST) features which this
    version of the debugger supports.

    User Action: Verify that you are using the latest releases of the
    compiler and debugger. Try recompiling the application without
    optimization. Examine the nearest object code which references
    the variable and simulate the access algorithm by hand.

531  –  PXCN

 record object or record formal parameter must prefix 'CONSTRAINED

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 the command qualifier qualifier_name is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified command qualifier, although available
    in some debug implementations, is not available in this one.
    One reason why is that the qualifier just doesn't make sense
    on the platform. For example, the /JSB qualifier on a STEP
    command doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
    instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

    User Action: Reissue the command without the qualifier.

533  –  QUALREQ

 A direction qualifier must be specified with the EXPAND and MOVE

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Direction ( UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ) information is
    missing from the command.

    User Action: Provide a direction with the command and try again.


 quoted string too long, please shorten

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A quoted string was entered in a debugger command
    that was too large for the debugger to handle.

    User Action: Reenter the command, shortening the string entered.

535  –  READERR

 debugger input read error, force to exit

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Too many read errors have occurred from the input
    command stream. The Debugger will exit after printing this

    User Action: Check the physical integrity of the device
    containing the input stream.

536  –  REFUSED

 attach request refused

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Either you have attempted to attach to a process
    that is your own process or that is not part of your process

    User Action: None. You cannot perform the attempted operation.


 register save mask hidden for stack frame frame_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Information on where the designated routine
    invocation might save registers is in a module which has not
    been set. Symbolic references to non-static variables of callers
    of this routine may not be resolved correction by the debugger.

    User Action: Set the module by using the SET MODULE or SET
    MODULE/CALLS commands, or enable dynamic module setting with the
    SET MODE DYNAMIC command. Then retry the action which produced
    this message.


 register save mask missing for stack frame frame_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Information on where the designated routine
    invocation might save registers is not available. Symbolic
    references to non-static variables of callers of this routine
    may not be resolved correction by the debugger.

    User Action: Recompile or reassemble the modules using the /DEBUG
    qualifier and then relink them.


 the debugger detected an error when registering resources with the
 Motif Resource Manager (MRM).

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when registering
    resources with the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This prevents
    the debugger from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

540  –  REGREQ

 register required in context for operand number operand_number

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A register is required to establish context for the
    specified operand.

    User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
    the instruction, using a register with the specified operand. If
    not, then there may be an error in the user program instructions.

541  –  REGWRERR

 unable to write/update the current invocation context register set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug kernel failed to write/update the current
    context register set. Any pending deposits or steps will fail.
    This could consequently result in stack corruption.

    User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 Unable to look up 'symbol_name', object being renamed not found in
 symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested an operation on an object
    that was not found in the symbol table.

    User Action: Correct and reissue the command

543  –  RESUMERR

 an error occurred while trying to resume execution of the program

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error status was returned from the call to the
    debugger-kernel service that resumes program execution. Depending
    on the severity of the error, the program may or may not have
    resumed execution.

    User Action: Examine the error message after this message
    and consider if the problem is related to a lack of quota
    or otherwise related to your program's behavior. If so, then
    take corrective action. If, after this evaluation, you believe
    that the problem lies in the debugger, then submit a Software
    Performance Report.

544  –  RETURNED

 control returned to process process_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Control has returned to the parent process.

    User Action: None.


 round factor out of range

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The DIBOL scale factor is out of the acceptable

546  –  ROPRANDF

 reserved operand fault at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an opcode that is reserved
    to VSI.

    User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
    the instruction, without using an opcode reserved to VSI. If
    not, then there may be an error in the user program instructions.


 the source to routine !AC is not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is no source available for this routine.

548  –  RPCDBBDT

 Bad DTYPE for RPC Data Blocking.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

549  –  RPCERR

 an internal inter-process communications error has occurred

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal communications error has occurred. The
    reason is given in the message following this message.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 invalid RPC descriptor

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

551  –  RPCOVF

 RPC packet overflow

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

552  –  RPCUNF

 undefined RPC function encountered

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 undefined RPC argument encountered

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

554  –  RSTERR

 error in symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There is a format error in the symbol table.

    User Action: If the format error is not caused by a user program
    error or a DEPOSIT command, submit a Software Performance Report.

555  –  SCALEADD

 pointer addition: scale factor of scale_factor applied to right/left

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Indicates the scale factor applied in computing the

    User Action: None.

556  –  SCALESUB

 pointer subtraction: a scale factor of scale_factor applied to the

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Indicates the scale factor applied in computing the

    User Action: None.


 no read access to address address_value for display in display_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 no source line for address address_value for display in display_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: No source line corresponds to the address address_
    value specified on the debugger command EXAMINE/SOURCE.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 original version of source file not found for display in display_
 name file used is file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A source file was found for some module. But the
    revision date and time or the file size indicates that this may
    not be the same version of the file that was used in the original
    compilation of the module. This warning message indicates
    that future source line displays from this source file may not
    correspond to the actual source used to compile the module.

    User Action: None, unless the original source is available.
    Then you can use the debugger command SET SOURCE to indicate
    the location of the source to the debugger.

560  –  SCRTOBIG

 screen too big for Screen Mode width must be less than maximum_
 width, height less than maximum_height

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The current screen dimensions are too large for
    debugger screen mode.

    User Action: Change the screen dimensions to be small enough for
    debugger screen mode.


 screen too small for Screen Mode width must be at least minimum_
 width, height must be at least minimum_height

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The current screen dimensions are too small for
    debugger screen mode.

    User Action: Change the screen dimensions to be large enough for
    debugger screen mode.


 unable to open source file file_specification for display in

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
    be displayed because the debugger was unable to open the source
    file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying VAX
    RMS status message gives more information about the reasons for
    the source file not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
    the reasons for the source file not being opened, and take the
    appropriate action based on that information.


 unable to read source file file_specification for display in

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
    be displayed because the debugger was unable to read the source
    file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying VAX
    RMS status message gives more information about the reasons for
    the source file not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
    the reasons for the source file not being read, and take the
    appropriate action based on that information.


 the debugger detected an error when processing the user's selection.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger detected an error when processing
    the user's selection. The selection did not match any of the
    specified selections in the list box. This prevents the debugger
    from continuing this session.

    User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
    submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 network failure occured during a send, retrying.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A network failure occured during a send. This is
    most likely due to excessive network traffic. The debugger will
    retry the send until it sees a network time-out. Then it will try
    to re-establish the connection.

    User Action: Wait for progress or network failure.

566  –  SETKEY

 keypad state has been set to state_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified keypad state has been set.

    User Action: None.


 error in processing SET KEY command:

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error has occurred during a SET KEY command

568  –  SFCNTNEG

 shift count is negative

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 error in processing SHOW KEY command:

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error has occurred during the processing of a
    SHOW KEY command

570  –  SHRPRC

 debugger will share user process

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An error occured while trying to create a subprocess
    to run the main debugger image. This message indicates that the
    debugger is reverting back to the old behavior of running in the
    user process.

    User Action: Correct the problem specified in the messages
    preceding this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a
    Software Performance Report (SPR).


 operators with side effects not supported (++, -)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested the use of an operator that
    has side effects. This operation is not currently supported by
    the Debugger.

    User Action: Issue the operation and the side effects as
    individual commands


 signal vector for exception frame frame-addr at sigvec-addr is not

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
    stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
    that part or all of the signal vector for the exception frame
    at frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies
    at sigvec-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
    could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
    in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

    User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
    FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
    stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
    the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
    may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET


 signal vector was truncated

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The signal vector on this stack frame was too big to
    fit into the DEBUG buffer.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 only atomic data types are supported with 'SIZE

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: SIZE is not supported on the item requested

    User Action: No user action required


 size field truncated to 32 bits

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The size of the entry in a VAX BLISS-32 field
    specification was larger then 32. The debugger set the entry
    size to 32 and executed the command.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 Source lines not available for .0

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: There were no source lines available for the current
    PC, so the debugger displayed the source lines for the calling
    routine. The source lines may be unavailable because the code
    associated with the current PC is not available (e.g. is in
    a VSI-supplied shareable image) or was compiled or linked

    User Action: If source modules is available, then recompile and
    relink the application using the /DEBUG qualifier.

577  –  SPAWNED

 subprocess spawned

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is output by the DEBUG command SPAWN
    when it spawns a subprocess.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 source lines not available for module path_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The source lines from module CZ cannot be displayed
    or searched because there is no source line information in the
    symbol table for that module. Either the compiler is not able to
    generate such information or the /DEBUG qualifier was not used on
    the compilation or link command.

    User Action: If the language in question supports source line
    display, recompile and relink with the /DEBUG qualifier. If the
    language does not support source line display, source lines will
    not be available to the debugger for modules written in that


 source code for line !UL in module !AC not currently available.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

580  –  SS_INT

 system service intercepted

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
    that a system service has been intercepted.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.

581  –  SS_INT_END

 system service intercept cycle end

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
    that a system service has been intercepted.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.

582  –  SS_INT_START

 system service intercept cycle start

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
    that a system service has been intercepted.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 emulation of a single instruction failed; execution continued past
 location of failure

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger The debugger emulates instructions
    as part of the stepping mechanism used in several commands (e.g.,
    STEP, SET TRACE, SET WATCH/NOSTATIC). The debugger failed to set
    up the emulation so that the debugger could regain control after
    the instruction(s) in question executed.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

584  –  STEPINTO

 cannot step over PC = address_value

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger was unable to step over the routine and
    executed a step into the routine instead.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.

585  –  STGTRUNC

 string truncated

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While processing the command, the debugger truncated
    a text string.

    User Action: The debugger failed to allocate a large enough
    buffer to store the command output. Unless the reason for this
    is apparent, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

586  –  STRNGPAD

 string operand lengths don't match, shorter padded with blanks on
 the right

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The operands of a string comparison ( 'ABC' < 'AB' )
    did not have the same length. The shorter one is blank extended
    on the right.

    User Action: Use strings of the same length.


 strings longer than 255 characters not supported

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The string that was specified by the user is too
    large for the debugger to handle

    User Action: Try to redo the operation with a shorter string


 structure size declared as num_units allocation units, num_units was

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The VAX BLISS-32 structure size was declared to be
    num_units units but was referenced with num_units units.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 subscript subscript_number is out of bounds

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
    array was made.

    User Action: Change the value of the subscript.

590  –  SUBSCRNG

 subscript out of range, low/high bound for dimension subscript_
 number is subscript_bound

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The subscript specification is not within the bounds
    of the array.

    User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a subscript
    specification that is within the bounds defined for the array.


 invalid substring (start: low_bound, end: high_bound), object has
 length string_size

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The substring specification (start: low_bound, end:
    high_bound ) is not within the bounds defined for the data type.

    User Action: Specify a substring specification within the bounds
    defined for the data type.


 SUPERDEBUG not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is a Debug internal message. The user should
    never see this message.

    User Action: If you see this message, please submit an SPR
    describing the circumstances.


 non-static variable 'symbol_name' is not active

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The symbol symbol_name is not defined in an active
    call frame.

    User Action: Check the symbol specified; if correct, ensure that
    you have defined the scope correctly.


 no symbols matching defined_symbol are defined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You attempted to use the SHOW SYMBOL command to show
    a symbol that is not defined.

    User Action: Verify that the symbol is defined and reenter the

595  –  SYNCDONE

 vector synchronization complete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
    after it has executed the synchronization instruction(s)
    necessary to insure that all vector exceptions have been

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 Synchronize reporting complete

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: All current vector exceptions have been reported.

    User Action: None, this message is informational.


 Synchronize already in progress.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Only one synchronize command is allowed at a time.

    User Action: Do not perform a synchronization command until the
    previous command has completed.


 syntax error in expression at or near 'debugger_command_segment'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered text it does not understand
    near '<debugger_command_segment, !AC>'.

    User Action: Reenter the command, correcting the syntax error.


 syntax error in %LABEL construct, see HELP Built_in_Symbols %LABEL

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in the use of the
    %LABEL built-in symbol.

    User Action: Reenter the command line, correcting the error in
    the %LABEL construct.


 syntax error in %LINE construct, see HELP Built_in_Symbols %LINE

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in the use of the
    %LINE built-in symbol.

    User Action: Reenter the command line, correcting the error in
    the %LINE construct.

601  –  SYNTAX

 command syntax error at or near 'debugger_command_segment'

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger encountered a command syntax error near
    the element debugger_command_segment.

    User Action: Re-enter the command.

602  –  TARGREJ

 target system rejected the connection request

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The target system rejected. This can be because the
    target system is not in a debuggable state, you have specified
    the password incorrectly, or a system with this name does not
    exist on the network.

    User Action: Check spelling of the node name or password. Also
    verify that the system is in a debuggable state (booted with the
    correct flags).


 error error_code from ADA multitasking

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An unexpected error was returned to the debugger
    from the Ada RTL. Additional information from the Ada RTL is
    appended to this error message.

    User Action: User action is dependent on the information returned
    from the Ada RTL. If the error is not recoverable, the user may
    wish to enter an SPR on the Ada compiler.


 Null task cannot be selected or modified

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 Task has no registers (it is the Null task)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 task not aborted; ADA multitasking is executing critical section

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The task specified may not be aborted at this time.

    User Action: Retry the abort at a later time.


 task cannot be made the active task; task is not ready or running

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The task specified to made the active task is not in
    either the READY nor the RUNNING state. Tasks not in those states
    cannot be made the active task. To determine the state of the
    task, perform a SHOW TASK command.

    User Action: If the task is in the TERMINATED state, no action
    is possible. If the task is in the SUSPENDED state, the action
    required to get the task in the READY or RUNNING state depends on
    the user program and the state of the debugging session.

608  –  TASKNULL

 task is null; cannot set attributes of null task

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 program is terminating

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The process process-specification has just finished
    execution. All exit handlers in your program have run. Any SET

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 time slice interval has been slowed to 10.0 seconds

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: DEBUG has changed the ADA time slice interval to
    10.0 seconds. When you set watchpoints, DEBUG automatically
    increases the value of pragma TIME_SLICE to 10.0. This is because
    of interaction between the watchpoint implementation and VAX
    Ada's time slicing. Slowing down the time-slice rate prevents
    problems from occurring.

    User Action: If the change in time-slice setting is undesirable,
    then avoid the use of watchpoints.


 too few subscripts, array has num_dimensions dimensions

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has specified a symbol reference with too
    few subscripts

    User Action: Correct and reissue the command


 too many dimensions in array

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 too many errors, some errors not reported

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Too many MISMODBEG or certain other errors occurred.
    Other similar errors are not reported.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 too many invocation numbers in symbol pathname

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 too many parameters on command

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 too many subscripts, array has num_dimensions dimensions

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has specified a symbol reference with too
    many subscripts

    User Action: Correct and reissue the command


 The UI is currently hidden.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug did not hide the UI because it is already

    User Action: No action necessary.


 The UI is currently displayed.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug did not show the UI because it is currently

    User Action: No action necessary.


 unable to access beyond end of register set

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The command entered attempted to read or write
    beyond the end of a register or register set.

    User Action: Re-enter the command, insuring that you do not
    attempt to access beyond the end of the register set.


 unable to create DBG$OUTPUT, SYS$OUTPUT used

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

621  –  UNACVT

 unable to convert radixvalue to datatype_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Debug was unable to perform the requested conversion

    User Action: No user action required


 error converting byte count into target addressable units

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

    User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
    Performance Report and, if possible, enclose both a copy of
    the program being debugged and a logged debugging session that
    reproduces the error.


 data is not aligned on a byte boundary

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The user has requested a type override that can not
    be performed

    User Action: No user action required


 entity 'symbol_name' was not allocated in memory (was optimized

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The requested entity is not available for use due to
    optimizations performed by the compiler

    User Action: Recompile the program with no optimizations in


 unable to open DBG$INPUT, SYS$INPUT used

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 unable to open DBG$OUTPUT for screen output

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 unable to open help library file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The help library file_specification cannot be opened
    to look for the help you requested. The accompanying VAX RMS
    status message gives you more information about the reasons for
    the library not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
    the reasons for the help library not being opened, and take the
    appropriate action based on that information. Also, verify that
    the logical name DBG$HELP is either not defined, or is defined to
    indicate the proper file.


 unable to open initialization file file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The initialization file cannot be opened. The
    accompanying VMS RMS status message gives you more information
    about the reasons for the file not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VMS RMS status message to determine the
    reasons for the initialization file not being opened, and take
    action based on that information. Also, verify that the logical
    name DBG$INIT is defined to indicate the proper file.


 unable to open source file file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
    be displayed because the debugger was unable to open the source
    file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying VAX
    RMS status message gives more information about the reasons for
    the source file not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
    the reasons for the source file not being opened, and take the
    appropriate action based on that information.


 unable to open the original source file file specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Source lines from the original (before
    preprocessing) source file cannot be displayed because the
    debugger could not get the necessary information from the
    Correlation Facility.

    User Action: Check your Correlation Facility logicals and library
    to see that they are referencing the proper files.


 unable to read source file file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
    be displayed because the debugger was unable to read the source
    file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying VAX
    RMS status message gives more information about the reasons for
    the source file not being opened.

    User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
    the reasons for the source file not being read, and take the
    appropriate action based on that information.


 unable to save value for defined_symbol, definition ignored

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 unable to set image image_name because it has no symbol table

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The image is linked with the /NODEBUG qualifier, so
    there is no symbol table.

    User Action: Relink the image with the /DEBUG qualifier.


 unable to set visible task: registers not available

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 Unable to create debugger stack, using program stack

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: DEBUG failed to set the protection ($SETPRT) on the
    DEBUG stack's guard pages. This message indicates an internal
    debugger error.

    User Action: Submit an SPR.

636  –  UNBPAREN

 unbalanced parentheses in expression

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

637  –  UNDEXPN

 undefined exponentiation at or near opcode_name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

638  –  UNDKEY

 state_name key key_name is undefined

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: You attempted to use the SHOW/KEY or the DELETE/KEY
    command to show or delete the definition of a key that is not

    User Action: Verify that the key is defined and reenter the


 The primary handler should now handle this unhandled exception

    Success: This is an internal status signal, it should never be
    seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
    Software Performance Report (SPR).

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).


 attempt to evaluate unimplemented type, cannot proceed.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The data type of the entity in question has not been
    implemented in the debugger. The debugger doesn't have the needed
    information on the entity's type to follow through with request.


 the debugger does not known how to process the function code !UL.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    User Action: Make sure that none of the user definable function
    codes reference numbers that are not documented.


 unmatched left parenthesis found

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A left parenthesis (() was found, but the matching
    right parenthesis ()) is missing.

    User Action: Include the right parenthesis ()).


 Unreqcognized vector instruction qualifier specified at 'command_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The qualifier indicated in the shown command line
    fragment is unreqcognized.

    User Action: Specify a legal vector instruction qualifier.

644  –  UPBNDOPT

 upper bound of subrange was optimized away

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The upper bound of the specified subrange was
    optimized away by the compiler. In place of the actual upper
    bound, DEBUG used the hex value 7FFFFFFF.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 DEBUG detected a bad RTL EVCB sentinel-Event ignored.

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While process a pseudo-go operation, the EVCB sent
    to the debugger by the RTL had a bogus sentinel field. Therefore,
    the debugger ignored the event.

    User Action: None.


 user-specified event error code error_code returned by user RTL

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 value of variable 'symbol_name' not usable as address

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The value of the specified variable is not usable as
    an address. The address must be a longword.

    User Action: Modify the address and retry the operation.

648  –  VALRNG

 value is subscript_value, bounds are low_bound..high_bound

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
    array was made.

    User Action: Change the value of the subscript.


 variant nesting depth exceeds 20, cannot access record component

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

650  –  VECDIS

 debugger-generated vector disabled fault

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
    while it is processing a vector disabled fault that it has

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 the reason values for this vector error are reason_values

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An internal error has occurred with the debuggers
    use of vector instructions. The particular error code has two
    values which are associated with it, which more fully explain
    what went wrong.

    User Action: None.

652  –  VECSCP0

 vector registers can be accessed only in scope 0

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt was made to reference a vector register
    from a scope other than scope 0. DEBUG will not accept a command
    which specifies any other scope for a vector register.

    User Action: If the current scope has been set to a scope other
    than scope 0 (using the SET SCOPE command), use an explicit 0\
    pathname to access the vector register.


 vector register subscript out of bounds, bounds are low_bound..high_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
    array was made.

    User Action: Change the value of the subscript.


 opening/closing command procedure file_specification

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger is verifying a command procedure. This
    message is displayed before the command procedure is executed and
    after all the commands have been displayed.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 the debugger_type debugger has the following RPC version: major_

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is to inform you of the version
    number(s) of the main and kernel debuggers. It will only appear
    as part of another message, such as INCOMVERSION.

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.

656  –  VFLTDIV

 Reserved operand, encoded as floating divide by zero

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: During a floating-point operation, an attempt was
    made to divide by zero.

    User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
    the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
    the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
    point operation.

657  –  VFLTOVF

 Reserved operand, encoded as floating overflow

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: During a floating-point operation, a floating point
    value exceeded the largest representable value for that data

    User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
    the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
    the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
    point operation.

658  –  VFLTROP

 Reserved operand, encoded as floating reserved operand

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: During a floating-point operation, an attempt is
    made to divide by zero.

    User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
    the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
    the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
    point operation.

659  –  VFLTUND

 Reserved operand, encoded as floating underflow

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
    result of floating-point underflow.

    User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
    the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
    the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
    point operation.


 instruction at current PC may trigger a watchpoint

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
    when it is about to execute an instruction that may trigger a

    User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
    and should never be signaled to the user.


 cannot WATCH variables longer than 512 bytes

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger


 watchpoint now cancelled

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is a sub-message to WATVARSCP,
    WATVARPTR, and WATVARPROT. This message indicates that the
    original watchpoint has been cancelled (is no longer active).

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 now watching variable name

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message is a sub-message to WATVARSCP and
    WATVARPTR. This message indicates the new name under which a
    variable which either went out of scope or whose pointer(s)
    changed is addressed by the debugger. If this message appears,
    the watchpoint is still active under this new name.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 global section associated with watched variable variable name has
 been unmapped

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The global-section which contained a global-
    section watchpoint is no longer mapped by any process that is
    under debugger control. This message is always followed by the
    WATNOWCAN message, since the debugger must delete the watchpoint.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 watched variable overlaps into a global section

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The specified variable spans a range of virtual
    memory which includes a global-section and a private-section. A
    watched variable must either be entirely in a global-section or
    entirely in a private-section.

    User Action: Do not use watchpoint on this address.


 watched variable variable name has been re-mapped to a global

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The program mapped a global-section over a watched
    variable. This message indicates that the debugger made the
    watchpoint a global-section watchpoint. If the global-section
    is mapped by more than one process that is under the debugger
    control, the watched variable will be watched in each process
    that is mapped to the global section.

    User Action: No action necessary.


 watched variable variable name is no longer accessible

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Some action by the program has made the target
    variable inaccessible to the debugger. The program might have
    deleted the virtual memory which contains some part of the
    variable or one of the pointers in the pointer chain to the
    variable, or the program might have set the protection of such
    virtual memory such that the debugger can not read it. This
    message is always followed by the WATNOWCAN message, since the
    debugger must delete the watchpoint.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 watched variable variable name now points to a different address

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Some pointer in the variable reference has changed
    value. This message is accompanied by a further message
    indicating whether the debugger has cancelled the watchpoint
    or re-defined the watchpoint to address the original data by a
    different name.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 watched variable variable name touches a page which has been re-
 mapped by the user program

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Some action by the user program has made it
    impossible for the debugger to set the protection on part or all
    of the variable. The debugger will therefore not detect changes
    to the variable. This message is always followed by the WATNOWCAN
    message, since the debugger must delete the watchpoint.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 watched variable variable name has gone out of scope

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The identified variable is no longer accessible
    by its original name. The program may have returned from the
    routine in which the variable was defined, or it may have called
    another routine. This message is accompanied by a further message
    indicating whether the debugger has cancelled the watchpoint
    (in the case that the variable is truly gone) or re-defined the
    watchpoint to address the same data by a different name.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.


 desired width of display_width is not allowed, width is set to

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: After creating the display pasteboard using the SMG
    routine SMG$CREATE_PASTEBOARD, DEBUG found that the display width
    was not in the range 20-255.

    User Action: Issue the DCL command SHOW TERMINAL and verify that
    the terminal width is correct and in the range 20-255.


 the command debugger-command is only supported on VWS workstations

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: The debugger only supports the command debugger-
    command on workstations running VWS.

    User Action: None. This capability of the debugger does not exist
    for your terminal or machine.

673  –  WPTTRACE

 non-static watchpoint, tracing every instruction

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: Setting a watchpoint on a non-static location such
    as the stack or on a register forces the debugger to trace every
    instruction that is executed. This will slow down execution of
    your program by a considerable amount.

    User Action: If you do not want execution of your program slowed
    down, then you must cancel the watchpoint.


 an attempt to write into a memory location failed

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 cannot write into the debugger kernel's address space

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 cannot write into the debugger kernel's stack

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.


 zero length DST record has been ignored (compiler error)

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: A zero-length DST record was encountered within a
    module. This message normally indicates a compiler error.

    User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

678  –  ZEROINCR

 increment for ranged examine is zero; exiting loop

    Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

    Explanation: While performing a ranged examine, DEBUG no
    successor to the current data item was found because the length
    of the current data item was zero bytes.

    User Action: None. This message is informational.
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