Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  SET  TRACE  Qualifiers


    Causes the debugger to trace when a new process comes under
    debugger control. See also the /TERMINATING qualifier.

2    /AFTER


    Specifies that trace action not be taken until the nth time the
    designated tracepoint is encountered (n is a decimal integer).
    Thereafter, the tracepoint occurs every time it is encountered
    provided that conditions in the WHEN clause (if specified) are
    true. The SET TRACE/AFTER:1 command has the same effect as SET

3    /BRANCH

    Causes the debugger to trace every branch instruction encountered
    during program execution. See also the /INTO and /OVER

4    /CALL

    Causes the debugger to trace every call instruction encountered
    during program execution, including the return instruction. See
    also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.

5    /EVENT


    Causes the debugger to trace the specified event (if that event
    is defined and detected by the current event facility). If you
    specify an address expression with /EVENT, causes the debugger
    to trace whenever the specified event occurs for that address
    expression. You cannot specify an address expression with certain
    event names.

    Event facilities are available for programs that call Ada or
    SCAN routines or that use POSIX threads services. To identify the
    current event facility and the associated event names, use the


    Causes the debugger to trace every exception that is signaled.
    The trace action occurs before any application-declared exception
    handlers are invoked.

    As a result of a SET TRACE/EXCEPTION command, whenever your
    program generates an exception, the debugger reports the
    exception and resignals the exception, thus allowing any
    application-declared exception handler to execute.


    When you do not specify an opcode, causes the debugger to trace
    every instruction encountered during program execution.

    See also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.

8    /INTO

    (Default) Applies only to tracepoints set with the following
    qualifiers (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly


    When used with those qualifiers, /INTO causes the debugger to
    trace the specified points within called routines (as well as
    within the routine in which execution is currently suspended).
    The /INTO qualifier is the default and is the opposite of /OVER.

    When using /INTO, you can further qualify the trace action with
    the /[NO]JSB, /[NO]SHARE, and /[NO]SYSTEM qualifiers.

9    /LINE

    Causes the debugger to trace the beginning of each source line
    encountered during program execution. See also the /INTO and
    /OVER qualifiers.

10    /MODIFY

    Causes the debugger to trace when an instruction writes to and
    changes the value of a location indicated by a specified address
    expression. The address expression is typically a variable name.

    The SET TRACE/MODIFY X command is equivalent to SET WATCH X
    DO(GO). The SET TRACE/MODIFY command operates under the same
    restrictions as SET WATCH.

    If you specify an absolute address for the address expression,
    the debugger might not be able to associate the address with
    a particular data object. In this case, the debugger uses a
    default length of 4 bytes. You can change this length, however,
    by setting the type to either WORD (SET TYPE WORD, which changes
    the default length to 2 bytes) or BYTE (SET TYPE BYTE, which
    changes the default length to 1 byte). The SET TYPE LONGWORD
    command restores the default length of 4 bytes.

11    /OVER

    Applies only to tracepoints set with the following qualifiers
    (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly


    When used with those qualifiers, /OVER causes the debugger to
    trace the specified points only within the routine in which
    execution is currently suspended (not within called routines).
    The /OVER qualifier is the opposite of /INTO (which is the

12    /RETURN

    Causes the debugger to break on the return instruction of the
    routine associated with the specified address expression (which
    can be a routine name, line number, and so on). Breaking on the
    return instruction enables you to inspect the local environment
    (for example, obtain the values of local variables) while
    the routine is still active. Note that the view of a local
    environment may differ depending on your architecture. On Alpha
    processors, this qualifier can be applied to any routine.

    The address-expression parameter is an instruction address within
    a routine. It can simply be a routine name, in which case it
    specifies the routine start address. However, you can also
    specify another location in a routine, so you can see only those
    returns that are taken after a certain code path is followed.

    A SET TRACE/RETURN command cancels a previous SET TRACE if you
    specify the same address expression.

13    /SHARE

       /SHARE (default)

    Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following


    The /SHARE qualifier permits the debugger to set tracepoints
    within shareable image routines as well as other routines. The
    /NOSHARE qualifier specifies that tracepoints not be set within
    shareable images.

14    /SILENT

       /NOSILENT (default)

    Controls whether the "trace . . . " message and the source line
    for the current location are displayed at the tracepoint. The
    /NOSILENT qualifier specifies that the message is displayed. The
    /SILENT qualifier specifies that the message and source line are
    not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides /SOURCE.

15    /SOURCE

       /NOSOURCE (default)

    Controls whether the source line for the current location is
    displayed at the tracepoint. The /SOURCE qualifier specifies that
    the source line is displayed. The /NOSOURCE qualifier specifies
    that the source line is not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier
    overrides /SOURCE. See also the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command.

16    /SYSTEM

       /SYSTEM (default)

    Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following


    The /SYSTEM qualifier permits the debugger to set tracepoints
    within system routines (P1 space) as well as other routines. The
    /NOSYSTEM qualifier specifies that tracepoints not be set within
    system routines.


    Causes the tracepoint to disappear after it is triggered (the
    tracepoint does not remain permanently set).


    (Default) Causes the debugger to trace when a process does an
    image exit. The debugger gains control and displays its prompt
    when the last image of a one-process or multiprocess program
    exits. See also the /ACTIVATING qualifier.
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