Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  SHOW  MODULE
    Displays information about the modules in the current image.


      SHOW MODULE  [module-name]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of a module to be included in the display. If
    you do not specify a name, or if you specify the asterisk (*)
    wildcard character by itself, all modules are listed. You can
    use a wildcard within a module name. Shareable image modules are
    selected only if you specify /SHARE.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /RELATED

       /NORELATED (default)

    (Applies to Ada programs.) Controls whether the debugger
    includes, in the SHOW MODULE display, any module that is
    related to a specified module through a with-clause or subunit

    The SHOW MODULE/RELATED command displays related modules as
    well as those specified. The display identifies the exact
    relationship. By default (/NORELATED), no related modules are
    selected for display (only the modules specified are selected).

2.2    /SHARE

       /NOSHARE (default)

    Controls whether the debugger includes, in the SHOW MODULE
    display, any shareable images that have been linked with your
    program. By default (/NOSHARE) no shareable image modules are
    selected for display.

    The debugger creates dummy modules for each shareable image in
    your program. The names of these shareable "image modules" have
    the prefix SHARE$. The SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies these
    shareable image modules, as well as the modules in the current

    Setting a shareable image module loads the universal symbols
    for that image into the run-time symbol table so that you can
    reference these symbols from the current image. However, you
    cannot reference other (local or global) symbols in that image
    from the current image. This feature overlaps the effect of the
    newer SET IMAGE and SHOW IMAGE commands.

3  –  Description

    The SHOW MODULE command displays the following information about
    one or more modules selected for display:

    o  Name of the module

    o  Programming language in which the module is coded, unless all
       modules are coded in the same language

    o  Whether the module has been set with the SET MODULE command.
       That is, whether the symbol records of the module have been
       loaded into the debugger's run-time symbol table (RST)

    o  Space (in bytes) required in the RST for symbol records in
       that module

    o  Total number of modules selected in the display

    o  Number of bytes allocated for the RST and other internal
       structures (the amount of heap space in use in the main
       debugger's process)


       The current image is either the main image (by default) or
       the image established as the current image by a previous SET
       IMAGE command.

    For information specific to Ada programs, type Help
    Language_Support Ada.

    Related commands:

       (SET) MODULE

4  –  Examples

      module name           symbols   size

      TEST                  yes       432
      SCREEN_IO             no        280

      total PASCAL modules: 2.    bytes allocated: 2740.

      In this example, the SHOW MODULE command, without a parameter,
      displays information about all of the modules in the current
      image, which is the main image by default. This example shows
      the display format when all modules have the same source
      language. The symbols column shows that module TEST has been
      set, but module SCREEN_IO has not.

      module name           symbols   language   size

      FOO                   yes       MACRO      432
      MAIN                  no        FORTRAN    280
      SUB1                  no        FORTRAN    164
      SUB2                  no        FORTRAN    204

      total modules: 4.     bytes allocated: 60720.

      In this example, the SHOW MODULE command displays information
      about the modules FOO and MAIN, and all modules having the
      prefix SUB. This example shows the display format when the
      modules do not have the same source language.

      module name           symbols   language   size

      FOO                   yes       MACRO       432
      MAIN                  no        FORTRAN     280
           . . .
      SHARE$DEBUG           no        Image         0
      SHARE$LIBRTL          no        Image         0
      SHARE$MTHRTL          no        Image         0
      SHARE$SHARE1          no        Image         0
      SHARE$SHARE2          no        Image         0

      total modules: 17.     bytes allocated: 162280.

      In this example, the SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies all
      of the modules in the current image and all of the shareable
      images (the names of the shareable images are prefixed with
      SHARE$. The SET MODULE SHARE$SHARE2 command sets the shareable
      image module SHARE$SHARE2. The SHOW SYMBOL command identifies
      any universal symbols defined in the shareable image SHARE2.
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