Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  Command Format, Interactive Input Rules
    When entering a debugger command interactively at the keyboard,
    you can abbreviate a keyword (verb, qualifier, parameter) to as
    few characters as are needed to make it unique within the set of
    all debugger keywords. However, some commonly used commands (for
    example, EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, GO, STEP) can be abbreviated to their
    first characters. Also, in some cases, the debugger interprets
    nonunique abbreviations correctly on the basis of context.

    Pressing the Return key terminates the current line, causing
    the debugger to process it. To continue a long command string
    on another line, type a hyphen (-)  before pressing Return. As
    a result, the debugger prompt is prefixed with an underscore
    character (_DBG>), indicating that the command string is still
    being accepted.

    You can enter more than one command string on one line by
    separating command strings with semicolons (;).

    To enter a comment (explanatory text recorded in a debugger log
    file but otherwise ignored by the debugger), precede the comment
    text with an exclamation point (!).  If the comment wraps to
    another line, start that line with an exclamation point.

    The command line editing functions that are available at the
    DCL prompt ($) are also available at the debugger prompt (DBG>),
    including command recall with the up arrow and down arrow keys.
    For example, pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys moves
    the cursor one character to the left and right, respectively;
    pressing Ctrl/H or Ctrl/E moves the cursor to the start or
    end of the line, respectively; pressing Ctrl/U deletes all the
    characters to the left of the cursor, and so on.

    To interrupt a command that is being processed by the debugger,
    press Ctrl/C. See the Ctrl/C command.
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