1 SHOW Displays DCE principal names. The SHOW command can only be used with the following qualifier: o SHOW/EXCLUDE Displays DCE principal names in the EXPORT exclude list (see /EXCLUDE). 2 /EXCLUDE Displays DCE principal names in the EXPORT exclude list. Format: SHOW/EXCLUDE [PRINCIPAL] Qualifiers Defaults /ALL /OUTPUT=output /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT: 3 Parameters principal Specifies the name of the DCE principal to be displayed from the EXPORT exclude list. Full OpenVMS wildcarding is allowed. If the principal name contains lowercase characters, spaces, or other special characters, enclose the entire string is quotes. If /ALL is on the command line, do not specify a principal name. 3 Qualifiers /ALL /ALL Specifies that all EXPORT exclude entries are to be displayed. If you do not specify principal, then /ALL is assumed. /OUTPUT=output /OUTPUT=output Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:.