1 Messages You can receive Integrated Login messages from the following two sources. The prefix of the message denotes the source. o The Integrated Login procedure messages (IL_messagetext) o The DCE User Authorization (DCE$UAF) utility (UAF_messagetext) 2 IL_Messages 3 IL_BADVMSPWD your DCE password is not a valid OpenVMS password; OpenVMS password not synchronized Explanation: The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was not sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password because the DCE password is not a valid OpenVMS password. User Action: Set the DCE password to a value that is a valid OpenVMS password. 3 IL_DCECERT certified DCE login for as principal "" Explanation: The user successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are certified. User Action: None. 3 IL_DCENOCERT non-certified DCE login for as principal "" Explanation: User successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are not certified. User Action: None. 3 IL_DCEPWDEXP your DCE password has expired and must be reset Explanation: The DCE password has expired. User Action: Change your DCE password by entering the CHPASS command. 3 IL_ERRVMSPWD error synchronizing OpenVMS password with DCE password Explanation: The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was not sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password because an error occurred during synchronization. User Action: Set the DCE password to a value that is a valid OpenVMS password. 3 IL_INVPWDLEN password must be between 'number' and 32 characters Explanation: Your DCE password could not be set to the same value as your OpenVMS password because its length was invalid. User Action: Set your DCE password to a value that is the length range of the error message. 3 IL_NOCREDMOD unable to modify owner field of credential files Explanation: The credential files could not be set up correctly. The user will not see this message. User Action: Submit a Quality Assurance Report (QAR). 3 IL_NONETCRED network credentials not obtained Explanation: A problem in the network prevented Integrated Login from obtaining information about the principal from the DCE registry; therefore, network credentials were not given. User Action: Try logging in later with DCE_LOGIN. If you still receive this error, ask your cell administrator to troubleshoot the network. 3 IL_RGYNOTTHERE unable to access DCE registry Explanation: The DCE registry was not available when you logged in. You do not have DCE credentials; you are logged into OpenVMS only. User Action: Ask your system manager to correct the problem. 3 IL_VMSONLY DCE login as principal "" failed, OpenVMS login to successful Explanation: The DCE login failed but the OpenVMS login was successful. This occurs when the user's DCE and OpenVMS passwords are different and the user specifies the OpenVMS password at the password prompt. User Action: No action is required if you want to be logged into OpenVMS only. If you want to be logged into DCE as well as OpenVMS, perform a manual DCE login using the DCE_LOGIN command or log out and then log in specifying your DCE password at the password prompt. 3 IL_VMSPWDSYNC OpenVMS password synchronized with DCE password Explanation: The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password. User Action: None. 2 UAF_Messages 3 UAF_ADDED created entry , principal is "" Explanation: The ADD command completed successfully. User Action: None. 3 UAF_ANOTADDED error creating entry Explanation: The ADD command could not be performed. The accompanying error messages explains the reason. User Action: Make sure the command is correct, or take action based on an accompanying message of the following form: .SEVERITY ERROR .BASE 3800 3 UAF_CONNREG connecting to registry "" Explanation: Indicates that the DCEUAF utility is establishing a connection to the specified DCE registry. (A connection to the DCE registry is made only for a VERIFY command). User Action: None. 3 UAF_CREDCEUAF created new DCE$UAF file Explanation: A new DCE$UAF file has been successfully created. User Action: None. 3 UAF_DCECHKBEG starting scan of DCE$UAF file Explanation: The ANALYZE command is starting the scan of the DCE$UAF file. User Action: None. 3 UAF_DCECHKEND completed scan of DCE$UAF file Explanation: The ANALYZE command has completed the scan of the DCE$UAF file. User Action: None. 3 UAF_DCEERR Explanation: Secondary message that is displayed after another message and that provides more information about the problem. User Action: Take action based on the User Action for the main message. 3 UAF_DCENAMEREQ DCE name required for this function Explanation: While modifying an existing DCE$UAF record, the "NO_DCE" attribute was cleared, but a DCE principal name was not specified. User Action: Enforce the "NO_DCE" attribute, or specify a DCE principal name. 3 UAF_DELETED deleted entry Explanation: The DELETE command completed successfully. User Action: None. 3 UAF_ERRATTACH error attaching to process Explanation: User issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, which means attach to parent. The current process is not a subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach. User Action: Use the spawn command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF. 3 UAF_ERRCLSOUT error closing /OUTPUT file Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to close the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_ERRCREUAF error creating DCE authorization file Explanation: An attempt to create a new DCE$UAF file failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_ERRDCEUAF error accessing DCE authorization file Explanation: The DCE$UAF file could not be accessed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_ERRDEFKEY error defining key Explanation: User issued a DEFINE/KEY command which could not be performed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_ERRDKEY error deleting key definition Explanation: User issued a DELETE/KEY command which could not be performed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_ERROPNCMF error opening command file Explanation: The command file specified could not be opened. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_ERROPNOUT error opening /OUTPUT file Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to open the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_ERRSPAWN error spawning subprocess Explanation: Unable to create the spawned subprocess. User Action: Check the qualifier values to make sure they are valid. Check whether the process quotas have been exceeded. 3 UAF_ERRSYSUAF error accessing SYSTEM authorization file Explanation: The SYSTEM authorization file could not be read. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_ERRWRTOUT error writing to /OUTPUT file Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to write to the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message. 3 UAF_FILEXISTS file already exists Explanation: An attempt was made to create DCE$UAF.DAT, but the file already exists. User Action: If a new file is desired, the old file must be deleted before attempting to create a new one. 3 UAF_ILLCELLNAME cell name lexically invalid Explanation: A DCE cell name was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length 0f 1024 characters. User Action: Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that is within the length limit of 1024 characters. 3 UAF_ILLPRINCNAME principal name lexically invalid Explanation: A DCE principal name was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length 0f 1024 characters. User Action: Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that is within the length limit of 1024 characters. 3 UAF_ILLVMSNAME OpenVMS name lexically invalid Explanation: AN OpenVMS username was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length of 32 characters. User Action: Specify a name containing only alphanumeric characters, dollar-sign ('$') or underscore ('_') that is within the length limit of 32 characters. 3 UAF_INTERROR internal error , please submit a QAR Explanation: An error in the software has been detected. User Action: Submit a QAR. 3 UAF_INVALIDCTX invalid READ_ALL context Explanation: The context ID exchanged between user applications and the DCE$UAF.DAT file-control library was ill-formed, or superseded by a newer instance of that ID. This message usually indicates a programming error. User Action: Exit the application and run it again. 3 UAF_KEYDEFD key has been successfully defined Explanation: The DEFINE/KEY command completed successfully. User Action: None. 3 UAF_KEYDEL key definition has been deleted Explanation: The DELETE/KEY command completed successfully. User Action: None. 3 UAF_KEYNOTF key definition not found Explanation: An attempt was made to use the SHOW/KEY command to show the definition of a key that is not defined. User Action: None. 3 UAF_MAXDEPEXC maximum command file depth exceeded Explanation: Command files can only be nested to a maximum depth of 8. User Action: Change the structure of your command files so as not to exceed the maximum nested depth of 8. 3 UAF_MODED modified entry Explanation: The MODIFY command completed successfully. User Action: None. 3 UAF_NODCEUAF unable to open DCE authorization file Explanation: The DCE$UAF file does not exist. The user will be asked if a new DCE$UAF file should be created. User Action: If a DCE$UAF file that you want to use exists in another directory, exit the DCE$UAF utility and SET DEFAULT to that directory or define the logical name DCE$UAF to point to the required DCE$UAF file and then restart the DCE$UAF utility. 3 UAF_NODELETE unable to delete record Explanation: A REMOVE command was issued, but the delete operation failed. The accompanying message explains the reason the command failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. 3 UAF_NOFREECTX no free READ_ALL context Explanation: The DCE$UAF_READ_ALL_INIT function was unable to find a free context to return to the application. This may be a result of an error in the user application with regard to freeing a context when no longer needed. User Action: Exit the application and run it again. 3 UAF_NOKEYF no key definition found Explanation: A SHOW/KEY * command was issued but there are no keys currently defined. User Action: None. 3 UAF_NOMODIFY unable to modify record Explanation: The MODIFY command could not be completed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOPARENT there is no parent to which to attach Explanation: User issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, which means attach to parent. The current process is not a subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach. User Action: Use the spawn command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF. 3 UAF_NOSUCHUSER username !AS does not exist in the DCE$UAF Explanation: The specified OpenVMS username does not exist, so the requested action could not be performed. User Action: Specify a username that exists in the DCE$UAF file. Use the SHOW command to see the entries if necessary. 3 UAF_NOSUCHPRIN principal "!AZ" does not exist in the DCE$UAF Explanation: The specified DCE principal does not exist, so the requested action could not be performed. User Action: Specify a principal that exists in the DCE$UAF file. Use the SHOW command to see the entries if necessary. 3 UAF_NOSHOW unable to display record Explanation: The SHOW command could not be completed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOTADDED error creating entry Explanation: The ADD command failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOTDELETED error deleting entry Explanation: The DELETE command failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOTMODED error modifying entry Explanation: The MODIFY command failed. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOVERIFY unable to verify account Explanation: A VERIFY command could not be completed. The accompanying message explains the reason. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_NOVREC no version record found in file Explanation: Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version record that is added when the file is created and read each time the file is opened. If no version record is found, then the file-control library will abort any attempt to read or write authorization data from or to the file. This message indicates a possible problem in the way that the file was created, or possible damage to the file after it was created. User Action: Delete the current file and create a new one. 3 UAF_NYI this feature is not yet implemented Explanation: The specified command (or part of the command) is not implemented in this field test version of the software. User Action: This feature will be implemented in an update to the field test software. 3 UAF_RECEXISTS record already exists Explanation: The ADD command cannot be performed because the specified username or principal already exists in the DCE$UAF file. User Action: Check username and principal and re-enter command if incorrect. 3 UAF_SYSCHKBEG starting scan of SYSUAF file Explanation: The ANALYZE command is starting the scan of the SYSUAF file. User Action: None. 3 UAF_SYSCHKEND completed scan of SYSUAF file Explanation: The ANALYZE command has completed the scan of the SYSUAF file. User Action: None. 3 UAF_VERSIONSKEW version skew between library and UAF file Explanation: Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version record that is added when the file is created and read each time the file is opened. If the version information in the file record is not compatible with the internal version of the file-control library, then this message is returned, and any attempt to read or write authorization data from or to the file will be aborted. The message indicates an incompatibility between the DCE$UAF.DAT file and the file-control library. This can only happen as a result of the installation of newer software on a system with an existing DCE$UAF.DAT file. User Action: Convert the older-format file to the format required by the new software. 3 UAF_VERUSERERR error accessing registry Explanation: An error occurred while attemping to access the DCE registry. The accompanying messages explains the reason. (A connection to the DCE registry is made only for a VERIFY command.) User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message. 3 UAF_VRECFAIL write of version record failed Explanation: Each DCE$UAF.DAT file contains a special version record that is added when the file is created. This message indicates that the record could not be written to the file, in which case the newly created file is deleted. This message indicates a possible problem with the file system, the file device, or other low-level problem that is generally not within the user's power to correct. User Action: If multiple attempts to create the file correctly fail, then further diagnostic work by the system administrator may be necessary to find the source of the problem.