1 SHOW Displays records from the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF). The SHOW command can also be used with the following qualifiers: o SHOW/KEY displays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command (see /KEY). o SHOW/VERSION displays the version number of the DCE$UAF utility (see /VERSION). Format: SHOW NAME Qualifiers Defaults /DCENAME None /FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND /OUTPUT=output /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT: /VMSNAME /VMSNAME /[NO]WILD /WILD 2 Parameter name The OpenVMS username or the DCE name of the DCE$UAF record(s) to be displayed. Full OpenVMS wildcarding is allowed. By default the name is assumed to be an OpenVMS username. If name is to be interpreted as a DCE name then specify /DCENAME. In addition if the DCE name contains lowercase characters, spaces, or other special characters, enclose the entire string is quotes. 2 Qualifiers /DCENAME /DCENAME Specifies that name is to be interpreted as a DCE name. /FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND /FORMAT=ADD_COMMAND When used with the /OUTPUT=output qualifier, produces output that can later be entered into DCE$UAF as valid ADD commands. /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND When used with the /OUTPUT=output qualifier, produces output that can later be entered into DCE$UAF as valid REMOVE commands. You can use this qualifier and a command procedure to remove wildcarded entries from the DCE$UAF file. (The REMOVE command does not support wildcards.) For example, to delete all of the entries that belong to server accounts in your DCE$UAF file, enter the following: DCE$UAF> SHOW *SERVER* /FORMAT=REMOVE_COMMAND /OUTPUT=REM.COM DCE$UAF> @REM /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=output Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:. /VMSNAME /VMSNAME (default) Specifies that name is to be interpreted as an OpenVMS account name. This is the default. /WILD /WILD (default) /NOWILD Specifies whether or not standard VMS wildcarding is to be applied to name. The default is /WILD which means a name of "SM*" is interpreted as meaning "match any name starting SM". If /NOWILD is specified the name "SM*" is searched for. 2 /KEY Displays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command. Format: SHOW/KEY [KEY-NAME] Qualifiers Defaults /ALL /[NO]BRIEF /BRIEF /DIRECTORY /[NO]FULL /NOFULL /STATE=(state-name) /NOSTATE 3 Parameters key-name Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want displayed. For a list of valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY command. 3 Qualifiers /ALL /ALL Displays all key definitions in the current state (or the state specified with the /STATE qualifier). If you use the /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key name. /BRIEF /BRIEF (default) /NOBRIEF Displays only the key definition and state. The /BRIEF and /NOFULL qualifiers are equivalent. /DIRECTORY Displays the names of all states for which keys have been defined. If you have not specified a state with a key definition, the SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY command displays DEFAULT for the state. You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any of the other SHOW/KEY qualifiers. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays all qualifiers associated with a definition. By default, only the state of the definition and the definition itself are displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent. /STATE /STATE=(state-name[,...]) /NOSTATE Displays the key definitions for the specified state. If you specify only one state name, you can omit the parentheses. State names can be any appropriate alphanumeric string. State names are created with the DEFINE/KEY command. If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use the /NOSTATE qualifier, key definitions in the current state are displayed. 2 /VERSION Displays the version number of the DCE$UAF utility. Format: SHOW/VERSION