Library /sys$common/syshlp/DFUHLP.HLB  —  DFU  SEARCH  Qualifiers

1    /ACCESS


    This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible
    keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The last access
    date is used for selecting files. Use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE ,
    but not both. The NONE keyword returns files which don't have a
    last access date set. Examples :

    o  /ACCESS=BEFORE=date
    o  /ACCESS=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)

2    /ACE


    Searches for files containing an ACL list with an ACE for
    this identifier.


    When using the /SIZE qualifier, the default size
    used for comparison is the actual file size. Use
    /ALLOCATED to force DFU to use the allocated filesize
    for comparison.

4    /APPEND


    Same as /OUTPUT, but the output will be appended to the
    file if it already exists. Thus output from multiple
    DFU commands can be put in the same output file.
    If the file does not exists it will be created.



    This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible
    keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The last attribute
    change date is used in for selecting files. Use SINCE and BEFORE or
    NONE , but not both. The NONE keyword returns files which don't
    have a last attribute change date set. Examples :

    o  /ATTRIBUTE=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)

6    /BACKUP


    This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible
    keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The backup
    date is used in for selecting files. Use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE,
    but not both. The NONE keyword returns files which don't have a
    backup date recorded. Examples :

    o  /BACKUP=BEFORE=date
    o  /BACKUP=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)

7    /BAKFID


    Use this qualifier to look for a file with a specific backlink.
    Only the first part of the file id must be specified, that is,
    if the File id is (x,y,z) one must specifiy 'x' as the file-id.
    Use this qualifier to get files from a specific directory.
    If /BAKFID=0 is used, DFU returns files not belonging to a
    directory (often temporary files).



    This qualifier is used to select files by their
    characteristics. The possible characteristics are :

    o  BADACL     : files marked with a bad ACL list
    o  BADBLOCK   : files marked with Bad Blocks
    o  BESTTRY    : files marked contiguous-best-try
    o  CONTIGUOUS : files which are contiguous
    o  DIRECTORY  : files marked as a directory file
    o  ERASE      : erase file before deletion
    o  LOCKED     : files with the deacces lock bit set
    o  MARKED     : files marked for deletion
    o  NOBACKUP   : files marked as NoBackup
    o  NOCHARGE   : files marked as NOCHARGE
    o  NOMOVE     : files marked as NOMOVE
    o  SPOOL      : spool files
    o  SCRATCH    : files marked as scratch files
    o  NOSHELVABLE: files marked a noshelvable
    o  ISSHELVED  : files which are shelved

    DFU will use a logical AND to select files, that is
    if several characteristics are specified DFU will only return
    files which have all these characteristics set. To overrule
    this, use the MATCH=OR keyword, eg:




    This qualifier is used in combination with 2 possible
    keywords : BEFORE=date or SINCE=date. The creation
    date is used in for selecting files. Examples:

    o  /CREATED=BEFORE=date
    o  /CREATED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)

10    /EXCLUDE


    Use this qualifier to exclude filenames from the
    selction. Eg.: /EXCLUDE=*.SYS will force DFU to not
    select filenames matching *.SYS.

11    /EXPIRED


    This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible
    keywords BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The
    expiration date is used in for selecting files.
    Either use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE , but not
    both. The NONE keyword returns files which don't
    have a expiration date recorded. Examples :

    o  /EXPIRED=BEFORE=date
    o  /EXPIRED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)

12    /FID


    Use this qualifier to look for a specific
    file. Only the first part of the file id must be
    specified, that is , if the File id is (x,y,z) one
    must specifiy 'x' as the file-id. If this qualifier is used,
    DFU does not scan INDEXF.SYS but just looks up the specific file
    header. Therefore, this qualifier can not be combined with other
    search qualifiers such as /SIZE or /FILE.

13    /FILE


    DFU selects only file names which match the
    'filename'. Wildcards may be used, eg: /FILE=*.SYS or

14    /FORMAT


    Used with /OUTPUT. Create an output file using
    the format as described in formatstring. The format string
    MUST contains the !AS directive; DFU fills in the resultant
    file there. Example :

 	DFU> SEARCH/FILE=*.TMP/FORMAT="$delete/confirm !AS"


    /FRAGMENT [=option]

    Shows the numbers of headers/fragments of the file.
    Available options:

    o  /FRAGMENT

    Don't select files, but show fragmentation info

    o  /FRAGMENT=MINUMUM=fragments

    DFU selects files with at least 'fragments' fragments

    o  /FRAGMENT=MAXIMUM=fragments

    DFU selects files with at most 'fragments' fragments

    Both options can be combined, eg.:
     /FRAGMENT=(MIN=4,MAX=10) will select all files with
    between 4 and 10 fragments.

16    /FULL

    Gives a full output for each found file. The
    output contains directory, filename, File ID, Virtual
    Block Number within INDEXF.SYS, filesize, owner,
    creation date, revision date. Note that default is to produce
    a 'short' output.

17    /HOME

    Displays information about the home block of the disk.
    DFU uses the home block to calculate the actual used
    and free file headers in INDEXF.SYS.

18    /IDENT


    DFU Selects files owned by this identifier. Another
    way is to use the /OWNER=uic qualifier. /IDENT and /UIC can
    not be used in the same DFU command. Using /NOIDENT causes
    DFU to search for all files NOT owned by this identifier.

19    /LBN


    The /LBN option is a special qualifier which allows
    to find a file which contains a specific logical
    block number. Note that this qualifier cannot be
    combined with other search qualifiers (such as /FILE=).

20    /LIMIT


    Searches all directory files for a default version limit
    between 'n' and 'm'.

21    /NAME_TYPE

    Searches for files with ODS2 (classic VMS), Iso-Latin1
    or Unicode name type. This command is only meaningfull
    for ODS5 disks.


    Do not search the volume. This qualifier can only be used
    with /HOME. It is used to display only the home block info
    of the device.


    The /NOVOLSET qualifier overrides default Volume set
    processing by DFU. This is usefull eg. when doing a /LBN
    search on a specific disk.



    This qualifier is used in combination with 2 possible
    keywords : BEFORE=date or SINCE=date. The revision
    date is used in for selecting files. Examples :

    o  /MODIFIED=BEFORE=date
    o  /MODIFIED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)


    This qualifier displays files which have extension
    headers. This gives an indication about possible
    fragmentation of the disk. Note that these headers can also
    be a result of large ACL lists.



    This qualifier searches for files with the specified RMS
    file organization

27    /OUTPUT


    This qualifier redirects the output from DFU about
    all found files to an output file.



    Select files for which the difference between blocks used
    and allocated is greater than or equal to 'n' blocks.

29    /OWNER


    Selects all files owned by the specified uic. This
    qualifier cannot be used in combination with /IDENT.
    The uic must be specified in a standard [grp,mem] format.
    Using /NOOWNER causes DFU to search for all files
    NOT owned by this uic.

30    /PLACED

    Cheks for placed files.

31    /SIZE


    The following options exist:

    o  /SIZE=MINUMUM=blocksize

    DFU selects files at least blocksize blocks in size

    o  /SIZE=MAXIMUM=blocksize

    DFU selects files at most blocksize blocks in size.

    Both options can be combined, eg.:
     /SIZE=(MIN=1000,MAX=10000) will select all files
    between 1000 and 10000 blocks in size.

32    /SORT

    This qualifier will sort the results of DFU to the
    output file specified in /OUTPUT.
    /SORT can not be used with /FULL or /SUMMARY.


    /NOSTATISTICS  (default)

    Controls whether cpu and I/O consumption of the
    command are shown.

34    /SUMMARY

    Gives a summary of the total number of files
    found, and the number of blocks occupied by these

35    /TYPE

    /TYPE=ODS2 | ODS5

    Searches for files with ODS2 or ODS5 file headers.
    Only usefull on ODS5 disks.



    Use at least one of the following options:

    o  /VERSION_NUMBER=MINUMUM=file_version

    DFU selects files whose version number in the file name
    is at least 'file_version'.

    o  /VERSION_NUMBER=MAXIMUM=file_version

    DFU selects files whose version number in the file name
    is at most 'file_version'.

    Both options can be combined, eg.:
     /VERSION=(MIN=1000,MAX=10000) will select all files
    with a version_number between 1000 and 10000 inclusive.
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