1 BACKUP The BACKUP command copies portions of the directory hierarchy and their related data definitions into a backup file. With the BACKUP command, you can keep a backup copy of your directory hierarchy, complete with history lists and access control lists. You specify the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects you want backed up and whether you want to record the backup in their history lists. You can also create a log of the given names of the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects in the backup file. Command Syntax: BACKUP [qualifiers] [path-name [, path-name]]... file-specification 2 parameters path-name Specifies the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects you want copied into the backup file. The path name is optional if the /LIST qualifier is the only one used. You can use the wildcards % and * in the last given name of the path name, and you can use either > or .> at the end of the chain. You cannot use @. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names. DMU assumes a > at the end of the chain as a default. Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. file-specification Names the backup file. Use the standard VMS file specification. The default file type is .BAK. 2 privileges o You need PASS_THRU and SEE at each dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object to be backed up. o You need HISTORY at these directories and objects to use /AUDIT. o You need CONTROL at these directories and objects to use /PROTECTION. 2 qualifiers /AUDIT Syntax: /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT = file-specification /NOAUDIT Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the backup of each dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. You can include explanatory text in history list entries in three ways: o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quoted string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list entry describing your operation. o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string in double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings in parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string. o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in the history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You can include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess. With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT. /HISTORY Syntax: /[NO]HISTORY Use /HISTORY to copy history lists into the backup file. Use /NOHISTORY to exclude history lists from the information copied into the backup file. The default is /NOHISTORY. /LIST Syntax: /LIST [=file-specification] /NOLIST Use /LIST to create a listing of the dictionary directories and objects in a backup file. If you specify a path name and a backup file, BACKUP/LIST creates the backup file and the listing file. If you do not specify a path name, BACKUP/LIST creates a listing from a specified, already existing backup file. The listing file contains a sentence indicating whether protection and history list information is part of the backup file. The rest of the listing file resembles the output of a LIST/BRIEF command. Specify a standard VMS file name for the listing file. The default file type is .LIS. If you do not specify a listing file, DMU sends the output to SYS$OUTPUT. Use /NOLIST to prevent the creation of a listing file. /NOLIST is the default. Do not use /LIST with /LOG if the output for both is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. If you do, DMU produces confusing output. /LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOG Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of all of the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects backed up. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification naming the file into which the log is written. The default file type is .LOG. If you use /LOG without specifying a file, DMU writes the log to SYS$OUTPUT. With /NOLOG, no list is created. The default is /NOLOG. Do not use /LOG with /LIST if the output for both is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. If you do, DMU produces confusing output. /PROTECTION Syntax: /[NO]PROTECTION Use /PROTECTION to include access control lists in the backup file. Use /NOPROTECTION to exclude access control lists from the information copied into the backup file. The default is /NOPROTECTION.