1 LIST Use the LIST command to display information about dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects. This information includes sources, history lists, access control lists, and text. Command Syntax: LIST [qualifiers] [path-name [, path-name]...] 2 parameters path-name Specifies the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects you want to list. You can use the wildcards %, *, >, and @ in the path name. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names. If you do not specify a path name, the default path name is *. If you specify an object without specifying a version number, DMU lists all versions of the object. Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. 2 privileges o You need PASS_THRU and SEE at the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object to list any information except the access control list. o You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object to use /PROTECTION. 2 qualifiers /ACCESS Syntax: /ACCESS = (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...) Use /ACCESS to display only those history list entries containing one of the quoted access strings. You may enclose the strings in either single or double quotation marks. DMU does not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one string. You need only enough characters in the quoted access string to avoid ambiguity. DMU compares the access string to the corresponding number of characters at the beginning of each history list entry. To use /ACCESS, you must also specify /AUDIT_TRAIL or /FULL. /AUDIT_TRAIL Syntax: /[NO]AUDIT_TRAIL Use /AUDIT_TRAIL to include history list entries in the listing. /AUDIT_TRAIL displays the following ten items: ACCESS_TIME PROGRAM EXPLANATION UIC FACILITY USER PROCESS Use /NOAUDIT_TRAIL if you do not want to display any history list entries. /BRIEF Syntax: /BRIEF Use /BRIEF to list only the name and type of each dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. In the case of subdictionaries, the file name is also listed. The type name "DIRECTORY" is not listed. DMU indents ancestors and descendants to show the relationships within the family tree. /BRIEF produces the shortest possible listing. /BRIEF is the default. /FULL Syntax: /FULL Use /FULL to display the name, type, description, source, and history list of each specified dictionary directory, subdictionary, and object. /FULL lists all of the information that you can list with the /ITEM qualifier. You can suppress the listing of any particular item by specifying the negation of that item in the /ITEM option. (For example, LIST/FULL/ITEM=NOTYPE prevents the display of dictionary types.) /ITEM Syntax: /ITEM = (item-specification [, item-specification]...) Use /ITEM to specify particular items you want to list. The item specification can include one or more of the item options below. If you specify only one item, you can omit the parentheses. The specification of "NO" for an item overrides the specification of the item. Therefore, if you specify /ITEM=(TYPE,NOTYPE), NOTYPE takes precedence. [NO]ACCESS_TIME [NO]CREATOR [NO]DESCRIPTION [NO]EXPLANATION [NO]FACILITY [NO]PROCESS [NO]PROGRAM [NO]SOURCE [NO]TIME_STAMP [NO]TYPE [NO]UIC [NO]USER [NO]VERSION ([NO]PROTOCOL_VERSION is a synonym for [NO]VERSION.) /LISTING Syntax: /LISTING [= file-specification] Use /LISTING to write the listed information into an output file. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification naming the /LISTING file. The default file type is .LIS. If you do not specify a /LISTING file, the output is written to SYS$OUTPUT. /ORIGIN Syntax: /[NO]ORIGIN Use /ORIGIN to display information about the creation of dictionary objects. /ORIGIN displays the following four items (see Table 5-1): CREATOR SOURCE TIME_STAMP PROTOCOL_VERSION Use /NOORIGIN if you do not want to display the creation information. /OUTPUT Syntax: /OUTPUT [=file-specification] DMU accepts /OUTPUT as a synonym for /LISTING. /POSITION Syntax: /POSITION = position-specification Use /POSITION with /PROTECTION to indicate the access control list entries you want to list. The position specification can be any of the following: ALL Indicates all entries. number Indicates only one entry. (number [,number]...) Indicates several entries. The entries are listed in the order specified. /POSITION=ALL is the default if you do not specify the /POSITION qualifier. /PROTECTION Syntax: /[NO]PROTECTION Use /PROTECTION to include access control lists in the listing. Use /NOPROTECTION to exclude the access control lists. /TYPE Syntax: /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...) Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or object to be listed. When you use LIST/BRIEF for specific types of dictionary directories and objects, DMU displays the parents of these directories and objects as well. A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD, to be listed. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.