1 RENAME Use the RENAME command to change the given name of any dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object in the CDD. You can also use RENAME to change the version number of an object. CDD$TOP cannot be renamed. Command Syntax: RENAME [qualifiers] path-name given-name 2 parameters path-name Identifies the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object you want to rename. You can use the wildcard * only in place of the version number of an object. Otherwise, you cannot use any wildcards in the path name. Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. given-name Specifies the new name you give the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. You can use the wildcard * only in place of the version number of an object. Otherwise, you cannot use any wildcards in the given name. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in given names. You cannot use a relative version number in the given name of an object. Type "HELP specify given-name" for further information. Type "HELP specify versions" for further information about specifying versions of dictionary objects. 2 privileges o You need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the parent of the dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object you want to rename. o You need PASS_THRU and LOCAL_DELETE at the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. o To use /AUDIT, you need HISTORY at the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. o To use /VERSION, you need SEE, PASS_THRU, UPDATE and CONTROL privileges at the highest existing version of the target object. o To use /SUBDICTIONARY, you need LOCAL_DELETE or GLOBAL_DELETE at the target subdictionary directory, and PASS_THRU and FORWARD at its parent directory. 2 qualifiers /AUDIT Syntax: /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDIT Use /AUDIT to create a history list entry auditing the name change. You can include explanatory text in history list entries in three ways: o By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier. If you include no quoted string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list entry describing your operation. o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string in double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings in parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string. o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in the history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You can include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess. With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT. /SUBDICTIONARY Syntax: /SUBDICTIONARY = file-specification path-name Use /SUBDICTIONARY to change the file specification to which a subdictionary directory points. You set the directory to point to a VMS subdictionary file that you are moving or renaming. Use the standard VMS file specification. You must include device and directory names for the file. You can use system logical names to define the device, the directory, and the file name. You cannot use group or process logical names. The default file name is CDD.DIC. You can use a full or relative path name. You cannot use wildcards in the path name. Use RENAME/SUBDICTIONARY to avoid having to delete a subdictionary directory before you create a new one pointing to the file's new location. /SUBDICTIONARY both deletes the old pointer and creates the new one. Before you reset the directory to point to the file, use the DCL COPY command to change the location of the subdictionary file. /VERSION Syntax: /VERSION /NOVERSION Use /VERSION to rename an object when an object with the specified given name already exists. For example, you would need /VERSION to rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC if the directory already contained an object named SAMPLE_REC. Directories cannot have versions, so you cannot use this qualifier when renaming directories. Use /NOVERSION to guarantee that the directory does not contain an object with the same given name as the one you specified. /NOVERSION is the default. The results of using /VERSION vary depending on the way in which you specify the objects to be renamed. For more information about specifying versions, type "HELP specify versions". o RENAME/VERSION successfully renames an object if: - You do not specify the version number of the new name of the object. For example, you want to rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC. If you do not specify a version number for SAMPLE_REC, DMU renames TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC and gives it a version number one greater than the highest existing version of SAMPLE_REC. - You specify the version number of the new name and the version number is higher than the version number of any object with the same name. For example, you rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC;2. If the directory contains only SAMPLE_REC;1, DMU renames TEST_REC;1 and gives it the version number you specified, SAMPLE_REC;2. o RENAME/VERSION renames an object and gives a warning message if you specify the version number of the new name of the object, and that version number is lower than the version number of any other version of the object. For example, you rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC;2 and the directory already contains an object SAMPLE_REC;3. It does not contain an object SAMPLE_REC;2, however. DMU renames the object, gives it the version number you specified, and issues a warning message. o RENAME/VERSION does not rename an object if the directory contains an object with the name and version number you specify. For example, you attempt to rename TEST_REC;1 to SAMPLE_REC;2 and an object SAMPLE_REC;2 already exists in that directory. When you rename an object, it retains the access control list and history list it had under its old name, even if the object becomes an additional version of another object.