1 Quit DEC DATATRIEVE has two ways to quit: EXIT CTRL/Z 2 EXIT You can issue the EXIT command to stop your DEC DATATRIEVE session any time you are at the DTR> prompt. It is not necessary to issue a FINISH or RELEASE command before using the EXIT command. 3 Example End a DEC DATATRIEVE session: DTR> EXIT $ 2 CTRL_Z You can use CTRL/Z to exit from DEC DATATRIEVE when you are at the DTR> prompt. It has the same effect as typing EXIT. You can also use CTRL/Z to terminate the current statement and get back to the DTR> prompt. 3 Example Enter CTRL/Z to the Enter prompt of a STORE statement: DTR> READY YACHTS WRITE DTR> STORE YACHTS Enter MANUFACTURER: Execution terminated by operator DTR>