Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  CC  Messages
 Compiler messages - HP C V7.1

 Some compiler messages substitute information from the program into
 the message text.  In this online help, the portion of the text to
 be substituted is shown in angle brackets (<>).

 Often, the same message is issued in different contexts within a
 program.  In this online help, the message context is indicated by
 the word <context> within the message.  The actual message issued by
 the compiler will contain one of the following phrases substituted
 for <context>:

      In this declaration,
      In the initializer for
      In the declaration of "<name>",
      In the definition of the function "<name>",
      In the declaration of an unnamed object,
      In this statement,

 You can control the messages issued with the /[NO]WARNINGS command
 line qualifier or the #pragma message preprocessor directive.  Note
 that some messages are not produced directly by the compiler; they
 are produced by other software that the compiler uses.  Messages not
 produced directly by the compiler are not included in this list and
 can not be controlled by /[NO]WARNINGS or #pragma message.


 Message        Invalid abstract declarator.

 Description    An identifier was encountered in an abstract
                declarator.  An abstract declarator is used to
                specify a type only and must not contain an
                identifier that specifies a declarator.

 User Action    Correct the abstract declarator.


 Message        <Context> & before array "<expression>" is ignored.

 Description    In certain modes, HP C will ignore an address-of
                operator used on an entire array.  This is for
                compatibility with other compilers that have this

 User Action    Remove the address-of operator.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" does not have a constant address,
                but occurs in a context that requires an address
                constant.  This is an extension of the language.

 Description    The C89 standard requires that an initializer for a
                pointer-type member of an automatic aggregate or
                union-type object have an initializer that is an
                address constant.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses this

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        <Context> taking the address of a void type is a
                language extension.

 Description    The HP C compiler will allow taking the address of a
                void type for compatibility with other compilers.
                This is an extension to the standard.  Other
                compilers may reject this.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you plan to port this source to
                another compiler.


 Message        <Context> accepting the expression "<expr>" as a
                constant is a language extension.

 Description    In many cases HP C accepts the subtraction of two
                addresses within the same array or struct/union as a
                constant.  The C standard does not consider such an
                expression to be a constant.  Therefore, this program
                does not conform to the standard and may be rejected
                by other compilers.

 User Action    Change the expression to be a constant.


 Message        <Context> the address "<expr>" has alignment of
                <align> which is less than the alignment requirements
                of the destination pointer.  Dereferencing the
                destination pointer may cause an alignment fault.

 Description    The compiler has detected a situation where a pointer
                to an aligned data type is being assigned an address
                that may not be properly aligned.  A later
                dereference of this pointer could cause an alignment

 User Action    There are a number of possible actions.  The best is
                to correct the condition that is causing the source
                to have the wrong alignment, as access to an
                unaligned data structure involves additional run-time
                overhead.  Other options would be to modify the
                declaration of the destination pointer such that its
                referenced type has the __unaligned type qualifier,
                or use the compiler option that tells the compiler to
                assume all pointer references are unaligned.  It is
                also possible to cast the source to the destination
                type to silence this message.  However, that solution
                will not correct any unaligned access.


 Message        <Context> the address "<expr>" has alignment of
                <align> which is less than the alignment requirements
                of the pointer type it is cast to.  Dereferencing the
                resulting pointer may cause an alignment fault.

 Description    The compiler has detected a situation where an
                address is being cast to a pointer type with a
                greater alignment requirement than the type of the
                address expression implies.  A later dereference of
                this pointer type value could cause an alignment

 User Action    There are a number of possible actions.  The best is
                to correct the condition that is causing the source
                to have the wrong alignment, as access to an
                unaligned data structure involves additional run-time
                overhead.  Other options would be to change the type
                of the pointer used in the cast such that its
                referenced type has the __unaligned type qualifier,
                or use the compiler option that tells the compiler to
                assume all pointer references are unaligned.  It is
                also possible to cast the address expression to (void
                *) before casting it to the specified type to silence
                this message.  However, that solution will not
                correct any unaligned access.


 Message        Integer constant alignment <number> is not
                necessarily supported on all platforms.

 Description    Although the specified alignment value is valid on
                this system, it might not be valid on other systems.
                For example, 16 is a valid alignment value on Alpha
                systems but would not be valid on VAX systems.

 User Action    Be aware of this potential portability issue.


 Message        _align is a language extension.

 Description    The _align storage class modifier is a language
                extension of HP C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses the

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        This "restore" has underflowed the member alignment's
                stack.  No corresponding "save" was found.

 Description    The member_alignment stack, managed by the #pragma
                member_alignment and #pragma environment directives,
                contains more restores than saves.  This could
                signify a coding or logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each restore has a corresponding save.


 Message        The identifier "<name>" has already appeared in an
                omp threadprivate directive.

 Description    The same identifier appears more than once in a
                single omp threadprivate directive, or appears in
                more than one omp threadprivate clause.

 User Action    Remove the duplicate identifiers


 Message        <Context> a pointer to <type1> is being cast to a
                pointer to <type2>.  Using ANSI aliasing rules, the
                compiler may subsequently assume that the two pointer
                types are pointing to different storage locations.

 Description    The C standard allows a compiler to assume that these
                two pointer types will point to different storage
                locations.  The compiler will make this assumption
                whenever ansi aliasing is enabled on the command
                line, either directly or via another switch.  The
                cast in itself does not violate aliasing rules, e.g.
                you might cast the pointer value back to an allowed
                type before you use it to access memory.  But the
                compiler cannot generally determine whether or not
                you do that.  If your code accesses the memory
                designated by this pointer value using both of these
                pointer types, you may get unexpected results when
                ansi aliasing is enabled.

 User Action    Casting through pointer to void will silence this
                message.  But if the end result is that the same
                memory still gets accessed through different types
                that are not permitted under the aliasing rules, you
                may still get unexpected results.  If compiling
                without ansi aliasing corrects the behavior of your
                program, your code almost certainly violates the
                aliasing rules in a way that the compiler cannot

13  –  ARGADDR

 Message        <Context> taking the address of the constant
                expression "<expression>" in an argument list is a
                language extension.

 Description    The HP C compiler will allow the address of a
                constant to be passed as an argument to a function
                call.  This is an extension to standard C.  Other C
                compilers might not successfully compile a program
                that uses this extension.

 User Action    Assign the constant to a variable, and pass the
                address of the variable.

14  –  ARGLISGTR255

 Message        <Context> the function call specifies an argument
                list whose length exceeds maximum specified by the
                calling standard.  Any use of va_count by the called
                function will be wrong.

 Description    The OpenVMS calling standard uses a byte-sized field
                to specify the size of the argument list.  The
                argument list to this function call requires more
                storage than can be represented in this size.  As a
                result, any use of va_count in the called function
                will return inaccurate information.

 User Action    Either reduce the size of the argument list, or do
                not use va_count in the called function.


 Message        <Context> the function call specifies an argument
                list whose length exceeds the VAX architecture limit.
                This call allocates stack space that is never
                deallocated by the called program.

 Description    The OpenVMS VAX Calling Standard requires that the
                called program deallocate the storage allocated for
                its arguments.  This is done by looking at the
                byte-size value that holds the argument list size.
                However, the argument list to this function call
                requires more storage than can be represented in a
                byte.  As a result, the called function will not
                deallocate the proper amount of storage.  This could
                result in unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the argument list.

16  –  ARGSIZE

 Message        <Context> the argument being passed to this function
                is too small.

 Description    A function parameter of array type has been declared
                with the keyword "static" in its outermost bound to
                indicate that the function may generate code that
                assumes that when it is called the actual argument
                will have at least as many elements as specified in
                the parameter declaration.  The argument provided in
                this call has fewer array elements than specified in
                the parameter declaration with static bound.

 User Action    Check the size of the argument passed to the function
                and/or modify or remove the static bound on the
                function parameter.


 Message        <Context> a required set of braces is missing.

 Description    The initializer for this array was not enclosed in
                braces.  While some compilers allow this, standard C
                requires braces around the initializer.

 User Action    Enclose the initializer in braces.


 Message        <Context> HP C provides only limited support for
                array types larger than <n> bytes.

 Description    This array type is larger than can be represented by
                size_t.  While HP C will allow a type declared to be
                this size, uses of the type are not fully supported
                and may cause unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the array type.  It may be
                possible to use a pointer type instead of a large
                array.  The storage can still be accessed using array


 Message        Integer overflow occurred when computing the size of
                an array type.

 Description    An array type is larger than allowed on this

 User Action    Reduce the size of the array type.  It may be
                possible to use a pointer type instead of a large
                array.  The storage can still be accessed using array


 Message        <Context> accepting a non-lvalue array in a subscript
                operator is an extension to the C89 standard.

 Description    The C89 standard states that one of the operands to
                the subscript operator must be a pointer.  However,
                the array used in this operator could not be
                converted to a pointer because it is not an lvalue.
                Therefore this code does not conform to the C89
                standard and may not be accepted by other compilers.
                Note that the C99 standard allows this because all
                arrays are converted to pointers, not just lvalue

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to another compiler.


 Message        Comma expected while processing <text> instruction

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a comma, but
                one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Semicolon or asm end expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a semicolon to
                end an instruction, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Floating point load-immediate instructions require a
                .s file

 Description    Using a floating point load immediate instruction in
                this asm directive will require the compiler to
                produce an .s file and invoke the assembler to
                process this source.

 User Action    Do not use floating point load immediate instructions
                in asm directives.


 Message        Float register expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a valid
                floating register, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Hint on <text> instruction requires a .s file

 Description    Using a hint in a transfer instruction in this asm
                directive will require the compiler to produce an .s
                file and invoke the assembler to process this source.

 User Action    Do not use hints in asm directives.


 Message        Integer constant expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a valid
                integer constant, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Identifier expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting an identifier,
                but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Instruction mnemonic expected (found <text>)

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting an instruction
                mnemonic, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Label expected while processing <text> instruction

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a label, but
                one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Multiple definitions of label in asm (<text>)

 Description    The asm directive parser has detected the same label
                defined more than once.

 User Action    Change one of the label names.


 Message        Reference to undefined label in asm (<text>)

 Description    The asm directive parser has detected a reference to
                an undefined label.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Unusual ldgp requires a .s file

 Description    This indicates that a ldgp pseudo-instruction was
                encountered in an unusual place or with unusual
                arguments.  The assembler will be invoked on the .s

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Left paren expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a left paren,
                but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        In-line assembly code directive <name> is not
                available on this platform.

 Description    In-line assembly code is not available on the IA64

 User Action    See documentation for alternatives.


 Message        <text> instruction is not supported in asms on <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser does not recognizes a
                pseudo-opcode on this platform.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        <text> is not a register name on <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser has noticed that a special
                register used in the directive is not valid on this

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Support for <text> (<text>) in asms is not
                implemented on <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser does not support the feature
                in question on this platform.

 User Action    Rewrite the asm so that the feature is not used.


 Message        PALcode function has been truncated to <number>

 Description    The asm directive call_pal instruction is followed by
                an integer beyond the range of call_pal values
                expected by the compiler.

 User Action    Use a valid call_pal argument.


 Message        <text> uses <text> before it is defined

 Description    The asm directive parser has noticed that an
                instruction uses a register as a source before it is
                given a value.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Fixed register expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a valid
                integer register, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Destination register overlaps input for <text>
                (software completion) instruction

 Description    An asm directive contains an instruction that may
                require a software completion routine in case of a
                runtime exception.  Such an instruction requires that
                the result register be different than any input

 User Action    Modify the asm so that the destination register is
                different than the sources.


 Message        Right paren expected while processing <text>

 Description    The asm directive parser was expecting a right paren,
                but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Use of symbolic addresses with <text> instruction
                requires a .s file

 Description    Using a symbolic operand in this asm directive will
                require the compiler to produce an .s file and invoke
                the assembler to process this source.

 User Action    Do not use symbolic operands in asm directives.


 Message        Unknown architecture (<text>) specified in <text>
                assembler directive

 Description    The asm directive parser has detected an unexpected
                argument to a .tune or .arch directive.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        Unsupported or illegal .set option (<text>)

 Description    The asm directive parser has detected an unexpected
                argument to a .set directive.

 User Action    Correct the asm directive.


 Message        The assertion "<assertion>" was not true, <reason>.

 Description    The expression in a #pragma assert
                non_zero(expression) directive was found to be zero.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the expression to
                be zero.


 Message        <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> relaxed struct or union type compatibility
                is a language extension.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow assignments
                or comparisons between structs or unions of different
                types if their sizes are the same.  This is an
                extension to standard C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses this

 User Action    Recode the operation to use one of the memxxx
                run-time library functions.


 Message        The type of the tentatively-defined array "<name>" is
                incomplete at the end of the compilation unit.  The
                compiler will assume one array element.

 Description    The C standard requires that the type of all
                tentative definitions must be completed before the
                end of the compilation unit.  For compatibility with
                some other C compilers, HP C will give the array one

 User Action    Complete the type.


 Message        The alignment boundary of an automatic cannot be
                greater than longword.

 Description    For automatic variables, the storage class modifier
                _align cannot specify an alignment greater than
                longword on VAX systems.  The alignment will be set
                to longword.

 User Action    Decrease the alignment.  If a larger alignment is
                required, declare the variable with static storage


 Message        <Context> a storage class of "auto" or "register" is
                illegal at file scope.

 Description    The storage classes auto and register can only be
                used in a declaration that appears inside a function.
                They cannot be used in a declaration at file scope.

 User Action    Remove the storage class specifier or move the
                declaration inside a function body.


 Message        Reference through restricted pointer <text> uses a
                pointer value based on different restricted pointer,

 Description    The C language requires that restricted pointers
                always point to different storage.  The compiler has
                detected a case where an access using a restricted
                pointer is referencing memory pointed to a different
                restricted pointer.  This may cause unexpected

 User Action    Make sure restricted pointers point at unique


 Message        Invalid alignment boundary.

 Description    The _align storage class modifier was given an
                invalid value.  See documentation for valid values on
                each platform.

 User Action    Supply a correct value or remove the _align storage
                class modifier.


 Message        This statement accesses an object <frag1>.  The
                statement at <loc> accesses the same storage location

 Description    The standard allows a compiler to assume that since
                these two statements use different types, these two
                statements reference different storage locations.
                The HP C compiler does so whenever ansi aliasing is
                enabled.  Since your code relies on these two
                statements accessing the same storage location you
                should disable ansi aliasing.  If you do not do so,
                optimization may cause your program to behave

 User Action    Specify noansi_alias on the command line.


 Message        <Context> pointer arithmetic was performed more than
                once in computing an array element.  The bounds
                checking code output by the compiler will only verify
                the "<expr>" expression.

 Description    When an array is accessed using pointer arithmetic
                and run-time array bounds checking is enabled, the HP
                C compiler is only able to output the checking code
                for the first pointer arithmetic operation performed
                on the array.  This can result in an incorrect check
                if the resulting pointer value is again operated on
                by pointer arithmetic.  Consider the expression a = b
                + c - d; where a is a pointer, b an array, and c and
                d integers.  When bounds checking is enabled the
                compiler will output a check to verify that c within
                the bounds of the array.  This will lead to an
                incorrect runtime trap in cases where c is outside
                the bounds of the array and c - d is not.

 User Action    Recode the pointer expression so that the integer
                part is in parenthesis.  This way the expression will
                contain only one pointer arithmetic operation.  In
                the earlier example the expression would be changed
                to a = b + (c - d);


 Message        <Context> the array bounds are incorrectly specified.

 Description    A multi-dimensional array declaration contains a
                missing dimension specifier in a dimension other than
                the first.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        This break statement is not within a for, while, do,
                or switch statement.

 Description    A break statement can only appear inside a for,
                while, do, or switch statement.

 User Action    Remove the break statement, or replace it with a goto


 Message        Invalid syntax for the C99 _Pragma operator, its
                operands cannot be recognized.

 Description    After macro expansion and whitespace has been
                removed, the C99 _Pragma keyword must be followed by
                exactly three tokens:  left-parenthesis,
                string-literal (or wide-string), right-parenthesis.
                Any other sequence cannot be processed, and will
                likely produce other spurious compile-time

 User Action    Correct the syntax, or compile in a language mode
                that does not recognize the C99_Pragma operator (e.g.
                if your code has used this reserved identifier for
                some other purpose).


 Message        Illegal characters after header name.

 Description    While processing an #include directive whose argument
                did not start with either a '<' or '"' character, the
                compiler encountered a character it did not expect.
                This most often occurs when the directive argument is
                a macro and there is an error during the expansion of
                that macro.

 User Action    Correct the argument to the #include directive.


 Message        Token concatenation with comments might not be
                portable -- use ## operator.

 Description    A macro body contains a comment between two tokens
                with no white space either before or after the
                comment.  Older C compilers allowed this as a form of
                token pasting.  This type of token pasting might not
                give the desired results with newer compilers.

 User Action    Use the standard C form of token pasting by replacing
                the comment with the ## token pasting operator.


 Message        <Context> the type "<type>" cannot be used to specify
                the type of a compound literal.

 Description    The type of a compound literal must be an object type
                or an array of unknown size.

 User Action    Use a valid type.


 Message        <Context> "<spelling>" is an invalid complex type

 Description    The valid complex type specifiers are float _Complex,
                double _Complex, and long double _Complex.

 User Action    Use on of the valid complex type specifiers.


 Message        <Context> a common type could not be determined for
                the 2nd and 3rd operands ("<true expression>" and
                "<false expression>") of a conditional operator.

 Description    The types of the second and third operands of the
                conditional operator must conform to a set of rules
                that define what the type of the result of the
                conditional operator itself will be.  If the types of
                these operands do not conform to those rules, the
                compiler cannot determine the type of the result,
                which is an error.  Refer to the language
                documentation for a complete list of valid
                combinations of types for the second and third
                operands of the conditional operator.

 User Action    Modify the conditional expression so that the types
                of the second and third operands conform to the
                language rules.


 Message        Syntax error in constant expression.

 Description    A preprocessing constant expression contained a
                syntax error.  The preprocessor was expecting to find
                a constant value or a left parenthesis.  The
                preprocessor will assume a value of zero was

 User Action    Correct the preprocessing constant expression.


 Message        This continue statement is not within a for, while,
                or do statement.

 Description    A continue statement can only appear inside a for,
                while, or do statement.

 User Action    Remove the continue statement, or replace it with a
                goto statement.


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> contains a
                bad conversion specification "<incorrect conversion>"
                that will cause unpredictable behavior.

 Description    The compiler has detected an illformed conversion
                specification (flags, width, precision, length
                modifier) or an unknown conversion specifier (not
                diouxefgcspn...) that will cause unpredictable
                behavior.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Review the documentation for this function and modify
                the conversion specification as appropriate.

67  –  BADDCL

 Message        The name "<name>" cannot be undefined.

 Description    The code has tried to #undef a macro that is
                predefined by the C standard.  This is not allowed.
                The #undef will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the #undef directive.


 Message        Invalid argument to __declspec.  Valid arguments are
                "thread" or "__thread".

 Description    The only valid arguments to the __declspec storage
                class modifier are "thread" or "__thread".

 User Action    Either use one of the valid arguments, or remove the
                storage class modifier.


 Message        Bad argument for "defined" operator.

 Description    The defined preprocessing operator was given an
                invalid argument.  The operator expects an identifier
                optionally enclosed in parenthesis.  The value of the
                operator is undefined.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the preprocessing

70  –  BADENUM

 Message        Invalid enumerator.

 Description    While processing an enumerator list, the compiler was
                expecting to encounter an identifier, but it found
                something else instead.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        <Context> the enum "<tag>" cannot be given a type
                other than signed int because the tag was declared
                earlier at <where>.

 Description    This enum tag would normally be given a type other
                than signed int because the enumeration constants
                used in the declaration exceed the range of signed
                int.  The compiler cannot use the extended type
                because the enum tag was declared earlier, and given
                signed int type at that point.

 User Action    Remove the earlier tag declaration.

72  –  BADEXPR

 Message        Invalid expression.

 Description    An invalid expression was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        The compiler cannot recover.

 Description    In certain cases, the compiler cannot proceed after
                an unterminated comment.  In these cases this message
                will be issued.  Note that this message is always
                output after the opencomment error has been output.

 User Action    Terminate the comment before the end-of-file.


 Message        <text> contains invalid feedback data

 Description    A feedback file contains data, but it was corrupt and
                could not be used.

 User Action    Create a new feedback file.


 Message        Invalid feedback file:  <text>

 Description    The compiler was unable to read information from the
                specified feedback file.

 User Action    Make sure the feedback file contains valid feedback


 Message        Unexpected file type for feedback file <text>

 Description    The file specified in the -feedback option does not
                have the file type expected by the compiler.

 User Action    Use a valid feedback file.


 Message        <Context> this floating point type "<type>" is not
                supported on this platform.

 Description    The IEEE floating types __s_float and __t_float are
                not supported on the VAX platform.

 User Action    Change the type to a floating type that is supported
                on VAX, or compile the application on a platform that
                does support IEEE floating.


 Message        This token may not appear in a formal parameter list.

 Description    While processing the formal parameter list of a macro
                definition, the compiler encountered an invalid
                formal parameter specifier.  The macro will be be
                defined and this token will ignored, but that may not
                have been what you intended.

 User Action    Correct the formal parameter list so that it consists
                of a comma separated list of identifiers.


 Message        The declaration in a for loop can only have storage
                class auto or register.

 Description    The declaration in a for loop contains a storage
                class specifier other than auto or register.  This is
                not allowed.

 User Action    Correct the storage class.


 Message        The storage class of function <name> cannot be
                <storage_class>.  This storage class has been changed
                to 'extern'.

 Description    The globalref storage class cannot be used with a
                function declaration.  The compiler will use the
                storage class extern.

 User Action    Remove the globalref storage class from the function


 Message        This declaration has type "<type>", which is invalid
                for a globalvalue.  The extern_model strict_refdef
                will be used instead.

 Description    An object with globalvalue storage class can only
                have a type of integer, enum, or pointer type.  In
                other cases, the compiler will change the storage
                class from globalvalue to strict_refdef.

 User Action    Change the data type to be one that is valid for a


 Message        Invalid include file or header name specification.

 Description    An #include directive was not followed by a valid
                argument.  The directive will be ignored.  The
                #include directive should be followed by either a
                file specification enclosed in angle brackets, a file
                specification enclosed in quotes, or an identifier
                that specifies a text module (OpenVMS only), or a
                macro to be expanded.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the #include directive.


 Message        Hex constant value too large.

 Description    A hex constant used in a preprocessor directive is
                too large.  The value of the constant will be

 User Action    Decrease the value of the constant.


 Message        Invalid UCN encountered in an identifier.

 Description    An identifier contained a Universal Character Name
                (UCN) that did not conform to the requirements of C99
                Annex D for use of UCNs in identifiers.

 User Action    Specify a valid UCN sequence.


 Message        An #ifdef or #ifndef is not followed by an

 Description    An #ifdef or #ifndef preprocessing directive was not
                followed by an identifier.  The compiler will
                consider the preprocessor argument to be an
                identifier that is not defined.  Therefore, in these
                cases an #ifdef will always be FALSE, and an #ifndef
                will always be TRUE.

 User Action    Supply a valid identifier to the directive.


 Message        #ifndef argument is not an identifier.

 Description    An #ifndef preprocessing directive was not followed
                by an identifier.  The compiler will consider this to
                be a TRUE condition.

 User Action    Supply a valid identifier to the directive.


 Message        The #pragma include_directory must not appear after
                an #include directive or in a /FIRST_INCLUDE file
                after the first /FIRST_INCLUDE file has been
                processed.  The directive will be ignored.

 Description    There are several restrictions on the placement of
                the #pragma include_directory directive.  It must not
                appear after any #include directive has been
                encountered.  Also, if /FIRST_INCLUDE is specified on
                the command line, all #pragma include_directory
                directives must be placed in the first file in the
                /FIRST_INCLUDE list (if there is more than one in the
                list) or in the the main source before any #include
                directives (if there is only one file in the
                /FIRST_INCLUDE list).

 User Action    Place the directive in a valid location.


 Message        The include_directory string length must be at least
                one and must be less than <max>.  The directive will
                be ignored.

 Description    The #pragma include_directory directive does not
                support an empty string argument.  Also the directory
                must not exceed the longest directory specification
                supported on this platform.

 User Action    Specify a valid length string.


 Message        An #include directive has illegal syntax.

 Description    An #include directive was not followed by a valid
                argument.  This message occurs when the argument
                starts with a '<' or '"' character, but does not end
                with a matching delimiter.  In this case the compiler
                will add the matching delimiter to the end of the
                argument and process the directive normally.

 User Action    Correct the argument to the #include directive.


 Message        Missing argument for #line directive.

 Description    An argument was not supplied to a #line preprocessing
                directive.  This directive must be followed by a
                digit sequence that specifies the line number or a
                macro that expands to a digit sequence.  The
                directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the directive.


 Message        Illegal token in #line directive.

 Description    A #line directive was followed by an invalid
                argument.  The #line directive should be followed by
                either a digit sequence or a digit sequence followed
                by a string literal.  The #line directive will be

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the #line directive.


 Message        Invalid register "<register>" for linkage pragma.
                Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The compiler encountered bad register specifier in a
                #pragma linkage directive.  The message should point
                at the offending specifier.  The compiler will ignore
                the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Ignoring the line number for the #line directive --
                too small.

 Description    A #line preprocessing directive specified a line
                value that is either zero or less than zero.  This is
                not valid.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the directive or supply a positive
                value to the line specifier.


 Message        The compiler could not set its locale to either the
                locale-specific native environment or the "C" locale.

 Description    During start-up, the compiler was unable to set its
                locale.  As part of its initialization, the compiler
                will issue the call setlocale(LC_ALL, "").  If this
                call fails, the compiler will try to issue the call
                setlocale(LC_ALL, "C").  If this call also fails, the
                compiler will issue this message and abort.

 User Action    The best way to determine why the compiler is failing
                is to write a small program that contains the same
                library calls the compiler is making and then examine
                the return values.


 Message        Illegal token from macro call in #line directive.

 Description    A #line directive was followed by a macro whose
                expansion did not form a valid argument to the
                directive.  The #line directive should be followed by
                either a digit sequence or a digit sequence followed
                by a string literal.  The #line directive will be

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the #line directive.


 Message        "<directive>" directive is not followed by an
                identifier and is being ignored.

 Description    A #define or #undef preprocessing directive was not
                followed by an identifier.  The first argument to
                these directives must be an identifier that specifies
                the macro to define or undefine.  The compiler will
                ignore the directive.

 User Action    Correct the argument to the preprocessing directive.


 Message        An invalid multibyte character was encountered in a

 Description    An invalid multibyte character was found in a
                comment.  While this will not affect the program
                execution, it might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Correct the multibyte character.


 Message        Recursive expansion of macro "<name>" exceeded <num>
                levels and was terminated.

 Description    In certain cases, the compiler will allow a macro to
                be recursively expanded.  In these cases, the
                compiler limits the level of the recursion to prevent
                the compiler from looping to the point where it
                consumes all available memory.  When this level has
                been reached, this message is output.

 User Action    Rewrite either the macro definition or the macro
                invocation so that the recursion ends before the
                compiler limit is reached.  Note that the use of
                recursive macros is not a feature of the C standard,
                and most other C compilers will not support this.


 Message        Invalid member declaration.

 Description    A struct or union contains an invalid member
                declaration.  In most cases this error occurs when a
                semi-colon was omitted from the previous member

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        <Context> multiple definitions of member "<name>"
                found with different offsets.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow a struct or
                union reference whose right operand is not a member
                of the struct or union type of the left operand.
                This is allowed for compatibility with other
                compilers.  However, in these cases the right operand
                must specify a member name that is declared with the
                same type and at the same offset in every struct or
                union type that declares it.  This message is issued
                when the compiler finds member name it is looking for
                declared with a different offset in more than one
                struct or union type.

 User Action    HP recommends that the left operand or a struct or
                union reference specify a member that is a member of
                the type of the struct or union specified by the
                right operand.  If this modification cannot be made
                then the member specified by the left operand must be
                declared at the same offset and with the same data
                type in all struct or union declarations that declare
                that member.


 Message        <Context> multiple definitions of member "<name>"
                found with different types.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow a struct or
                union reference whose right operand is not a member
                of the struct or union type of the left operand.
                This is allowed for compatibility with other
                compilers.  However, in these cases the right operand
                must specify a member name that is declared with the
                same type and at the same offset in every struct or
                union type that declares it.  This message is issued
                when the compiler finds a member name it is looking
                for declared at the same offset but with different
                types in more than one struct or union type.

 User Action    HP recommends that the left operand or a struct or
                union reference specify a member that is a member of
                the type of the struct or union specified by the
                right operand.  If this modification cannot be made
                then the member specified by the left operand must be
                declared at the same offset and with the same data
                type in all struct or union declarations that declare
                that member.


 Message        Invalid identifier found immediately following
                "#pragma module" or "#module" directive.

 Description    The #pragma module or #module directive must be
                followed by an identifier that specifies the module
                name used by the linker.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        An invalid multibyte character was encountered <in
                type of construction>.

 Description    An invalid multibyte character was encountered.  The
                message will provide additional information about the
                location and attempted use of the character.

 User Action    Correct the multibyte character.

104  –  BADNUM

 Message        <text> Qualifier value '<text>' is not an integer

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        Octal constant value too large.

 Description    An octal constant used in a preprocessor directive is
                too large.  The value of the constant will be

 User Action    Decrease the value of the constant.


 Message        <text> instruction used is not in the selected
                instruction set

 Description    The compiler has output an instruction that is not in
                the instruction set selected on the command line.
                One way this can happen is to compile a program which
                contains a floating point operation and specifying
                that no floating point instructions should be

 User Action    Either modify the source so the instruction will not
                be necessary, or use a different instruction set.


 Message        This open brace may be missing a close brace and
                causing the syntax error at <location>.

 Description    This message is always output to the terminal after
                another syntax error.  It is intended to provide the
                programmer with additional information that may
                identify the cause of the syntax error.  This message
                may, or may not, provide useful information.  In
                general, the more consistent the coding style in the
                source function, the more likely this message will be

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        In this declaration, "<id>" must specify a type.

 Description    In processing a declaration, the type of the
                declarator has not been declared as a typedef.

 User Action    Either declare the type as a typedef, or correct the
                spelling of the type specifier in this declaration.


 Message        In this parameter list, "<param>" must either be a
                type or must be followed by a ",".

 Description    In processing a function declaration, the compiler
                has found a case where the parameter list begins with
                two identifiers not separated by a comma and where
                the first identifier is not a type specifier.  If
                this is an old-style declaration the two identifiers
                must be separated by a comma.  If this is a prototype
                declaration, the first identifier must specify a

 User Action    Correct the function parameter specifiers.

110  –  BADPPDIR

 Message        File ends in an unfinished pp directive.

 Description    An unexpected end-of-file was encountered during a
                preprocessing directive.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Unexpected or missing argument to #pragma <pragma
                name>.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    An argument to a #pragma preprocessing directive is
                either missing or is not correct.  The compiler will
                ignore the directive.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Unexpected token encountered in pragma.  Found
                "<found>" when expecting <expecting>.  The pragma
                will be ignored.

 Description    While parsing a #pragma directive, the compiler has
                encountered something unexpected.  The message will
                contain information about what the compiler was
                expecting as well as what it found.

 User Action    Correct the offending directive.


 Message        A bad linkage pragma was specified.  Pragma is

 Description    The compiler encountered a bad #pragma linkage
                directive.  The error message should point to the
                place in the pragma that the compiler considers bad.
                The compiler will ignore the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Invalid argument to the pragma names directive.
                Pragma is ignored.

 Description    An invalid argument has been specified for the
                #pragma names preprocessing directive.

 User Action    Correct the argument to the pragma.


 Message        Argument to extern_prefix is not a recognized keyword
                or a quoted string.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    An invalid argument has been specified for the
                #pragma extern_prefix preprocessing directive.  The
                directive expects either the identifiers "save",
                "__save", "restore", "__restore", or a string
                constant that specifies the external prefix to use.
                The compiler will ignore the pragma.

 User Action    Correct the argument to the pragma.


 Message        Unexpected file type for profile file <text>

 Description    The file specified in the -feedback option does not
                have the file type expected by the compiler.

 User Action    Use a valid feedback file.


 Message        <Context> performing pointer arithmetic on a pointer
                to void or a pointer to function is not allowed.  The
                compiler will treat the type as if it were pointer to

 Description    Pointer arithmetic is not allowed on pointers to
                function or void types For compatibility with some
                other compilers, an output file is still created.
                The result produced will be the same as if the
                pointer were a pointer to char.  This may or may not
                be compatible with other compilers that accept this

 User Action    Cast the pointer type to a pointer to object type
                before performing the arithmetic.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" has register storage class, but
                occurs in a context that precludes register storage.
                The storage class has been changed to auto.

 Description    An object that was declared with register storage
                class has been referenced in a way that is not valid
                for a register.  The most common example is taking
                the address of an object declared with register
                storage class.  As certain array accesses also
                require taking the address of an array, this message
                can also be output for accessing the element of an
                array declared with register storage class.  The
                compiler will change the storage class from register
                to auto.

 User Action    Either remove the register storage class from the
                declaration, or change the reference to be one that
                is valid for objects with register storage class.


 Message        <Context> a function cannot return <type> type.

 Description    A function return type cannot be an array or function

 User Action    Correct the function declaration so that the return
                type is valid.


 Message        The severity of message id <name> cannot be made less
                severe.  The severity for this message was not

 Description    The severities of the compiler's error and fatal
                messages cannot be changed to a severity that is less
                severe.  The compiler's fatal messages cannot be
                changed to any other severity.  The compiler's error
                messages can only be changed to fatals.

 User Action    Remove the pragma or compiler option that tried to
                change the severity.


 Message        <Context> the address cannot be converted to the
                destination type.

 Description    A static initialization tried to convert a link-time
                address to another type.  However, the linker on this
                platform will not support such a conversion.

 User Action    Rewrite the static initialization, or perform the
                initialization using runtime code.


 Message        If standard_linkage is used, it must be the only
                characteristic specified.

 Description    The standard_linkage characteristic cannot be used
                with any other linkage characteristic.

 User Action    Correct the pragma.

123  –  BADSTMT

 Message        Invalid statement.

 Description    An invalid statement was encountered.  The most
                common cause of this error is when a declaration
                appears after the first statement in a compound

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.

124  –  BADSTMT1

 Message        Invalid statement.  This condition may have been
                caused by an open brace without a matching close
                brace.  The compiler will attempt to identify open
                braces that might be missing a close brace.

 Description    An invalid statement was encountered.  This condition
                may have been caused missing close brace.  This
                message is followed by some number of additional
                messages that attempt to identify

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        <Context> an array subscript expression is either
                less than zero or greater than the largest value that
                can be represented by the size_t type.

 Description    The compiler has detected an array subscript
                expression that is outside the bounds of any valid
                array.  The array access might cause unpredictable

 User Action    Specify a valid array subscript.


 Message        The target macro "<name>" does not match the
                compiler's target.  This will likely cause incorrect
                code paths to be taken.

 Description    On OpenVMS I64, some users have tried defining the
                macro __ALPHA explicitly using /DEFINE or a #define
                in a /FIRST_INCLUDE file as a quick way to deal with
                source code conditionals that assume that if __ALPHA
                is not defined then the target must be a VAX.
                Defining __ALPHA will cause many of the CRTL and
                other OpenVMS headers to take the wrong path for I64.

 User Action    Remove any definitions of Alpha target macros, and if
                necessary correct the preprocessor conditionals that
                seemed to require an Alpha target macro to get the
                desired effect.  E.g.  change "#ifdef __ALPHA" to
                "#ifndef __VAX" or "#if defined(__ALPHA) ||

127  –  BADTKEN

 Message        Lexically invalid token.

 Description    An invalid token was encountered in a preprocessing

 User Action    Correct the preprocessing directive.


 Message        <Context> a "*" bounds specifier is invalid.  Using a
                "*" to specify a variable-length array of unknown
                size is only valid in declarations with function
                prototype scope.

 Description    Using a "*" as a bounds specifier to designate a
                variable-length array with unknown size is only valid
                in declarations with function prototype scope.

 User Action    Supply a valid bound specifier.


 Message        The #pragma unroll directive takes a value from zero
                to 255.  The value "<val>" is outside that range.
                The directive will be ignored.

 Description    The value supplied to a #pragma unroll is outside the
                range allowed for the directive.  The #pragma
                directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Use a valid value for the unroll count.


 Message        A bad use_linkage pragma was specified.  Pragma is

 Description    The compiler encountered a bad #pragma use_linkage
                directive.  The error message should point to the
                place in the pragma that the compiler considers bad.
                The compiler will ignore the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        The name "<name>" cannot be a user-defined macro.

 Description    The code has tried to #define either a macro that is
                predefined by the C standard or the DEFINED
                preprocessing keyword.  This is not allowed.  The
                #define will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the #define directive.


 Message        <Context> old-style parameter "<name>", with type
                that requires default argument promotion, cannot be
                used with va_start.

 Description    It is invalid for the parameter specified in va_start
                to be one that requires default argument promotion.

 User Action    The recommended fix is to recode the function
                definition to use a prototype-format definition.  It
                is also possible to change the parameter declaration
                to use one of the default types, for example double.


 Message        The function "<routine name>" is a builtin function
                reserved to the compiler, and does not require a
                #pragma intrinsic.  The function will continue to be
                treated as a builtin.

 Description    A function identifier specified in a #pragma function
                intrinsic is the name of a builtin function.  These
                functions cannot be explicitly enabled, they are
                always handled as builtin functions.

 User Action    Remove the inappropriate use of the pragma.


 Message        <Context> use of "<function>" is not allowed in a
                function with a non-standard linkage.  This function
                was given the linkage "<name>" by a #pragma
                use_linkage directive.

 Description    Certain built-ins that return information about a
                function call require that the function be called
                with standard linkage.  Because this function appears
                in a #pragma use_linkage directive naming a linkage
                that specifies attributes other than
                standard_linkage, these builtins cannot be called
                from this function.

 User Action    Use a standard linkage on this function, remove the
                calls to the builtins, or move them to a different
                function that is called with standard linkage.


 Message        Built-in function <name> is not available on this

 Description    This Alpha built-in function is not available on the
                IA64 platform.

 User Action    See documentation for alternatives.

136  –  BIFPROTO

 Message        <Context> the built-in function, "<name>", requires a
                prototype declaration from <filename>.

 Description    Invoking a built-in function requires that the
                function be declared before it is invoked.  This
                should be done by including the header file noted in
                the message.

 User Action    Include the header file before the function is

137  –  BITARRAY

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies that it is
                an array of bitfields; It has been converted to a
                scalar bitfield.

 Description     HP C does not allow arrays of bitfields.  The
                resulting C declaration will be a bitfield of the
                same total size as that specified in the CDD

 User Action     If a bitfield type is acceptable, then no user
                action is necessary.  If, however, the bitfield type
                is not acceptable, then the CDD description should be


 Message        <Context> the bitfield type is not an integral type.

 Description    A bitfield has been declared with a non-integral
                type.  Standard C requires that all bitfields be
                declared with either int, unsigned int, or signed int

 User Action    Change the type of the bitfield.


 Message        <Context> the integer constant "<constant>" does not
                have the same sign as the 1-bit bitfield it is being
                converted to.

 Description    Either an unsigned 1-bit bitfield was assigned -1, or
                a signed 1-bit bitfield was assigned 1.  This may not
                be what you intended.

 User Action    Change the constant to be the appropriate sign.


 Message        The CDD description for bitfield <name> specifies a
                size greater than 32; The excess is declared

 Description     HP C does not allow individual bitfields larger than
                32.  As a result, a series of bitfields have been
                declared whose total size matches that of the CDD

 User Action    If the generated definitions are acceptable, then no
                user action is necessary.  If, however, the generated
                definitions are not acceptable, then the CDD
                description should be altered.


 Message        <Context> the bitfield type is not an int, signed
                int, unsigned int or _Bool.

 Description    A bitfield has been declared with a type other than
                int, signed int, unsigned int or _Bool.  This is not
                allowed by the C standard.

 User Action    Change the declaration to use one of the allowed
                types or compile with a standard mode that allows
                this behavior.

142  –  BITWIDTH

 Message        <Context> the bitfield width expression
                "<expression>" is outside the range <lower> to

 Description    A bitfield width specifier was either less than zero,
                or is greater than the number of bits in an int.  In
                some modes, the compiler will assume a width
                specifier equal to the number of bits in an int.

 User Action    Use a valid bitfield width specifier.


 Message        <Context> the bitfield width expression
                "<expression>" does not have an integral type.

 Description    A bitfield width specifier does not have an integral
                type.  A bitfield width specifier must be an integral
                constant expression.

 User Action    Correct the width specifier.


 Message        <Context> the block scope identifier "<name>" cannot
                be declared with a variably modified type because it
                has extern storage class.

 Description    Only ordinary identifiers with block scope and
                without storage class extern, or ordinary identifiers
                with function prototype scope can be declared with a
                variably modified type.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.

145  –  BLOCKINL

 Message        Block level declarations of inline functions are not

 Description    In C99 standard, block level declaration of inline
                functions are prohibited.

 User Action    Move the inline function declaration to file scope.


 Message        <Context> an incorrect number of arguments were
                passed to the builtin function, "<function

 Description    This message is output on OpenVMS systems when the
                number of arguments passed to the builtin function is
                not one.

 User Action    Correct the call to the builtin function.


 Message        <Context> for the function "<name>", the implicit
                return type of "<type>" is not consistent with the
                expected type of "<type>".  It will be treated as an
                ordinary implicitly defined external function.

 Description    A function that could be handled internally by the
                compiler has not been declared, so an implicit
                declaration has been created for the function.  The
                return value for the function is being used, and the
                implicit return type does not agree with what the
                compiler expected to see.  In such cases, the
                function will not be handled internally, but will
                instead be called at run time in the usual manner.
                This could result in a performance loss, or possibly
                incorrect results if the implicit return type is

 User Action    If the function is intended to refer to the runtime
                library routine, the appropriate header file should
                be included in the source.  Alternatively, a correct
                prototype could be provided privately in the source
                file.  If the function is intended to be a
                replacement for the runtime library routine, disable
                the intrinsic version by specifying "#pragma
                function(function_name)" in the source file.

148  –  BOOLEXT

 Message        The _Bool data type is a new feature in the C99
                standard.  Other C compilers may not support this

 Description    This is a new language feature in C99.  While having
                a standard specification for portability, the feature
                may not yet be available in all of the compilers you

 User Action    Determine whether or not the use of this feature will
                cause portability problems for this code.

149  –  BOOLNA

 Message        The _Bool keyword is not supported in this language
                mode.  It will be treated as an identifier in this

 Description    Support for the _Bool keyword is only available in
                certain language modes.  Support is not present when
                the compiler is in VAX C, K & R (common), or strict
                ANSI89 standard modes.  In these language modes _Bool
                will be treated as an identifier.

 User Action    Compile using one of the other compilation modes.

150  –  BOUNDADJ

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies
                non-zero-origin dimension bound(s); The bound(s) are
                adjusted to zero-origin.

 Description    The CDD description specifies lower bounds(s) for an
                array that is non-zero.  The resulting C definition
                will have the upper bound(s) adjusted for lower
                bound(s) of zero.

 User Action    Verify that all subscript expressions are referencing
                the correct array element(s).


 Message        <Context> the array bound "<expression>" does not
                have an integral type.

 Description    The compiler has encountered an array-bounds
                specifier that is not an integral type.  Array-bounds
                specifiers must be positive integer constants.

 User Action    Correct the array-bounds specifier

152  –  BUGCHECK

 Message        Compiler bugcheck.  Submit a problem report with a
                problem description.

 Description    An unexpected condition occurred in the compiler.
                This is most likely caused by a compiler bug.

 User Action    Reduce the program that is causing the failure as
                much as possible.  This often leads to a small test
                case.  Please submit a problem report containing
                enough information for Engineering to reproduce the
                problem.  The problem report should include the small
                test case.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is not a function.

 Description    In what appears to be a function call, the expression
                denoting the the function to call is neither the
                identifier for a function nor an expression of type
                pointer to function.

 User Action    Correct the expression denoting the function.  If the
                expression is a simple identifier, perhaps a
                function-like macro definition is missing.


 Message        Cannot #define a macro that is currently expanding.

 Description    The program is trying to #define the same macro it is
                currently expanding.  The #define will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the #define, or move it after the expansion of
                the macro.


 Message        Cannot #undef a macro that is currently expanding.

 Description    The program is trying to #undef the same macro it is
                currently expanding.  The #undef will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the #undef, or move it after the expansion of
                the macro.


 Message        The message id <name> cannot be disabled.

 Description    The compiler's error and fatal messages cannot be

 User Action    Remove this message id from the list of messages
                being disabled on the command line or in the #pragma
                message line.


 Message        Attempt to create repository "<string>" for shortend
                names failed; OpenVMS status:  <reason>.

 Description    A compilation that used the /NAMES=SHORTENED
                qualifier could not open the repository used to store
                the shortened names.  This could be because an
                invalid name was specified in the /REPOSITORY
                qualifier.  The message will give additional
                information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct whatever caused the failure.

158  –  CDDATTR

 Message        One or more field descriptions in this CDD record
                specify an attribute that is being ignored.

 Description    The CDD description specifies an attribute that is
                not supported in HP C.  The attribute is ignored.

 User Action     No action is required.

159  –  CDDBADID

 Message        An invalid identifier, <name>, is being ignored in
                the dictionary directive.

 Description    An unexpected identifier follows the dictionary
                pathname in a dictionary preprocessing directive.
                The identifier is ignored.

 User Action    Remove the invalid identifier(s) in the dictionary

160  –  CDDEXT

 Message        #dictionary is a language extension.

 Description    The #dictionary directive is an extension of HP C on
                OpenVMS.  The program might not compile with other
                compilers or on other platforms.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.

161  –  CDDPATH

 Message        A valid CDD pathname was not found.  The CDD
                directive has been ignored.

 Description    The #dictionary preprocessing directive was not
                followed by an argument.  The directive must be
                followed by a character string that gives the path
                name of a CDD record, or a macro that expands to the
                path name of the record.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to #dictionary.  HP also
                recommends that the #dictionary preprocessing
                directive be replaced by the #pragma dictionary


 Message        The attributes for the Common Data Dictionary record
                description <name> exceed the implementation's limit
                for record complexity.

 Description    The CDD description specifies more attributes than
                the interface between the CDD and the compiler can

 User Action    Simplify the record description.


 Message        Ill-formed character constant.

 Description    An invalid character constant was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the character constant.


 Message        A character constant value requires more than
                sizeof(int) bytes of storage.

 Description    A character constant is too long to fit in an int.
                The compiler will ignore the extra characters.

 User Action    Remove the extra characters from the character


 Message        <number> integrity check error(s) after IL expansion
                of routine <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.

166  –  CHKINIT

 Message        <number> integrity check error(s) in initial IL & ST
                for module <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.

167  –  CHKOPT

 Message        <number> integrity check error(s) after <text>
                optimization phase for routine <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> the struct or union object "<name>" is
                uninitialized and has a const member.

 Description    An object of struct or union type has a const member
                and has not been initialized.  This might not have
                been what you intended.  HP recommends that you
                initialize all objects with the const attribute.  The
                missing initializer will make this an invalid
                declaration in C++.

 User Action    Initialize the struct or union object.


 Message        Missing "]".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a closing bracket, but one
                was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing "}".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a closing brace, but one
                was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        This unmatched comment delimiter is ignored.

 Description    An unmatched comment delimiter (*/) is an illegal
                combination of unary indirection and binary division
                operators that would have caused your compilation to

 User Action    Remove the comment delimiter.


 Message        Missing ")".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a closing parenthesis, but
                one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        <Context> accepting the [in]equality comparison of a
                pointer to void and a pointer to function type is a
                language extension.

 Description    Under the C standard, it is a constraint violation to
                perform an [in]equality comparison between a pointer
                to void and a pointer to function type.  Therefore
                this code may not be accepted by other compilers.

 User Action    Cast one of the pointers to the type of the other.

174  –  COLMAJOR

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies that it is a
                column-major array; It has been converted to a
                one-dimensional array.

 Description    The HP C compiler supports only row-major arrays.
                Therefore the column-major array description in the
                CDD has been converted to a one-dimensional array of
                the same total size and with the same total number of

 User Action    Verify that all subscript references to the array
                reference the correct array element.


 Message        Extraneous text "<text>" at the end of the command
                line macro "<macro>" is ignored.

 Description    A command line macro define contains an invalid macro
                name.  The compiler will define the macro name listed
                in the message.

 User Action    Correct the command line invocation.


 Message        Bug found in compiler:  <bug>.

 Description    This message indicates that the compiler detected a
                bug within itself.

 User Action    Please report the compiler bug and include an example
                program that reproduces the problem.


 Message        The complex data type is a new feature in the C99
                standard.  Other C compilers may not support this

 Description    This is a new language feature in the C99 revision of
                the standard.  While having a standard specification
                for portability, the feature may not yet be available
                in all of the compilers you use.

 User Action    Determine whether or not the use of this feature will
                cause portability problems for this code.


 Message        The complex data types are not supported in this
                language mode.  This will be treated as an identifier
                in this compilation.

 Description    Support for the complex data types is only available
                in certain language modes.  Support is not present
                when the compiler is in VAX C, K & R (common), or
                strict ANSI89 standard modes.  In these language
                modes _Complex and _Complex_I will be treated as

 User Action    Compile using one of the other compilation modes.

179  –  COMPLEXNA1

 Message        The complex data types are not supported on this
                platform.  This will be treated as an identifier in
                this compilation.

 Description    The complex data type is not supported on the VAX

 User Action    Remove use of the complex types or compile the
                application on a platform that does support the
                complex data types.


 Message        <Context> this hint value contridicts a related hint
                at <where>.  The hints will be ignored.

 Description    This program has supplied hints for either both
                branches of an if/else or both the second and third
                operand of a conditional operator.  In these cases
                the two hint values must add to one.

 User Action    Correct the hints.


 Message        Conflicting register usage between "<first set>" and
                "<second set>".  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The same register was specified in two different
                register lists of a #pragma linkage directive.  The
                compiler will ignore the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Conflicting psect attribute overrides previous

 Description    A psect attribute specified in a #pragma extern_model
                directive contradicts an attribute specified earlier
                in the directive.  This attribute will override the
                one specified earlier.

 User Action    Remove one of the contradictory psect attributes.


 Message        <Context> accepting a compound literal as a constant
                is a language extension.  The compound literal will
                be treated as a cast expression.

 Description    A compound literal appears in a context where a
                constant expression is required.  The C standard does
                not list compound literals as a form of operand that
                is allowed in a constant expression, so using a
                compound literal in this context is not maximally
                portable.  The compiler will treat the compound
                literal as if it were a cast expression, which is a
                form of operand that the standard lists as being
                allowed in constant expressions.

 User Action    For maximum portability, replace the compound literal
                with a cast expression.


 Message        <Context> the libraries on this platform do not yet
                support compile-time evaluation of the constant
                expression "<expression>".

 Description    Compile-time evaluation of constant expressions
                requires underlying support in the libraries
                available to the compiler at compile-time, and this
                expression contains an operator that is not yet
                implemented in those libraries.

 User Action    If possible, replace part of the constant expression
                with a variable of the same value.


 Message        Ignoring const type qualifier in declaration of

 Description    The const type qualifier cannot be used with a
                function type.  The compiler will ignore the type

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier.


 Message        Const variable resides in wrt extern model.

 Description    The current extern model places all external objects
                in a modifiable section.  Placing an object with a
                const type qualifier in such a section means that
                there is no run-time protection against writing to
                the object.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Place const objects in sections that cannot be


 Message        <Context> the const object "<name>" is uninitialized.

 Description    A defined or tentatively-defined const object has not
                been initialized.  This would not be valid in C++.
                It is also considered good programming practice to
                initialize all const objects with their value.

 User Action    Either remove the const type modifier, or supply an
                initializer for the object.


 Message        <Context> the const object "<name>" has no explicit
                storage class.  In C, its storage class defaults to
                "extern"; in C++, it defaults to "static".  Add an
                explicit "extern" or "static" keyword.

 Description    One of the more signifcant and confusing differences
                between C and C++ is their treatment of file scope
                const objects declared without a storage class.  C
                will give the object extern storage class, making the
                object visible in other compilation units.  C++ will
                give the object static storage class.  This can cause
                an undefined symbol error when other compilation
                units try to reference the symbol.

 User Action    Add an explicit "extern" or "static" keyword to the

189  –  CONTFILE

 Message        A file ends with a continuation character.

 Description    All source files, even those included via the
                #include preprocessing directive, must not end with a
                backslash continuation character.

 User Action    Either remove the continuation character or add an
                additional line to the source program that does not
                end in a continuation character.


 Message        <Context> the assignment expression "<expression>" is
                used as the controlling expression of an if, while or
                for statement.

 Description    A common user mistake is to accidentally use
                assignment operator "=" instead of the equality
                operator "==" in an expression that controls a
                transfer.  For example saying if (a = b) instead of
                if (a == b).  While using the assignment operator is
                valid, it is often not what was intended.  When this
                message is enabled, the compiler will detect these
                cases at compile-time.  This can often avoid long
                debugging sessions needed to find the bug in the
                user's program.

 User Action    Make sure that the assignment operator is what is


 Message        <Context> the use of the const variable "<name>" in
                place of a literal constant is a language extension.

 Description    HP C will allow a non-volatile const variable that
                has been initialized to be used in contexts where a
                constant is required.  For example, as the bounds
                specifier to a file scope array.  This is an
                extension to standard C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses this

 User Action    Use the constant value instead of the variable.

192  –  CRXCOND

 Message        Common Data Dictionary description extraction

 Description    Something went wrong while trying to get the CDD
                record description from the CDD.  The error message
                that follows gives more information about the nature
                of the problem.

 User Action    If necessary, correct the indicated condition in the
                CDD record description or with the user environment.


 Message        module uses more than 65536 CodeView type indices

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" of type "<type>", is being
                converted to "<target type>".

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow assignments
                or comparisons between pointer and integer types.
                This is an extension to standard C.  Other C
                compilers might not successfully compile a program
                that uses this extension.

 User Action    Use a cast operator to convert one operand to the

195  –  CVTU32TO64

 Message        <Context> an unsigned 32-bit integer constant that
                has its high-order bit set has been converted to a
                signed 64-bit type.  The conversion will not

 Description    This message indicates a conversion that may produce
                unexpected results on this platform because the
                destination type is a 64-bit type instead of a 32-bit

 User Action    If this is the intended behavior, first cast the
                constant to an unsigned 64-bit type.


 Message        C++ style comments (//) may not be portable.

 Description    C++ style comments have been detected on this line.
                Although they have been accepted by HP C in this
                language mode, they will not be accepted by all
                compilers or by HP C in strict C89 standard mode.

 User Action    Replace C++ style line comments (//) with equivalent
                C comments (/* ...  */) if portability is a concern.


 Message        "<C++ keyword>" is a keyword in C++.  Using it as an
                identifier in your C program will prevent porting
                your program to C++.

 Description    This identifier is a keyword in C++.  The program is,
                therefore, not a valid C++ program.

 User Action    Choose a different name for the identifier.


 Message        The HP C++ pragma "<pragma name>" is not supported by
                HP C.  The pragma will be ignored.

 Description    The compiler has encountered a pragma that is
                supported by HP C++ but is not supported by HP C.
                The compiler will ignore the pragma.

 User Action    Remove the pragma or compile the program with HP C++.


 Message        The declaration of "<name>" has <number> parameter(s)
                but its linkage "<name>" has <number>.  Standard
                linkage will be used.

 Description    The number of parameters specified in a declaration
                does not match the number of parameters specified by
                the special linkage associated with this function or
                typedef.  The special linkage was specified via the
                #pragma use_linkage directive.  Because of this
                mismatch, the compiler will ignore the special
                linkage and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Make sure the number of parameters specified by the
                special linkage match the number of parameters in the


 Message        The declaration of "<name>" has an unknown number of
                parameters and cannot be used with the linkage
                "<name>".  Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    If a special linkage specifies parameter information,
                the declaration must not specify an unknown or
                variable number of parameters.  The special linkage
                was specified via the #pragma use_linkage directive.
                Because of this mismatch, the compiler will ignore
                the special linkage and use the standard linkage

 User Action    Make sure the number of parameters specified by the
                special linkage match the number of parameters in the
                function type.


 Message        <where> "<name>" <modifier>has a floating type but
                its linkage "<name>" specifies an integer register.
                Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    A parameter or return value of a function type is a
                floating type, but the corresponding parameter or
                return value in the special linkage specifies an
                integer register.  The special linkage was specified
                via the #pragma use_linkage directive.  Because of
                this mismatch, the compiler will ignore the special
                linkage and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Make sure the register specified by the special
                linkage matches the type of of the corresponding
                parameter and return value of the function type.


 Message        <where> "<name>" <modifier>requires an integer
                register but its linkage "<name>" specifies a
                floating register.  Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    A parameter or return value of a function type is an
                integer type, but the corresponding parameter or
                return value in the special linkage specifies a
                floating register.  The special linkage was specified
                via the #pragma use_linkage directive.  Because of
                this mismatch, the compiler will ignore the special
                linkage and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Make sure the register specified by the special
                linkage matches the type of of the corresponding
                parameter and return value of the function type.


 Message        <where> "<name>" has a size that is incompatible with
                the number of registers specified by its linkage
                "<name>".  Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    The size of a parameter or return value of a function
                type is incompatible with the size specified by the
                special linkage.  The special linkage was specified
                via the #pragma use_linkage directive.  Because of
                this mismatch, the compiler will ignore the special
                linkage and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Make sure the number of registers specified by the
                special linkage match the type of the corresponding
                parameter and return value.


 Message        <where> "<name>" <modifier>has a type that is not
                allowed because the it has the linkage "<name>".
                Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    Using a special linkage places certain restrictions
                on the type of a function's parameters and return
                value.  In general, the type must be a scalar type
                that can be represented by a register or registers on
                this platform.  In cases where some other type is
                used, the compiler will ignore the special linkage
                and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Either remove the name from the #pragma use_linkage
                directive that specified the special linkage, or
                modify the type to be acceptable to the special


 Message        "<name>" has a void return type but its linkage
                "<name>" specifies a return location.  Standard
                linkage will be used.

 Description    If a special linkage specifies return value
                information, the declaration must not specify a void
                return type.  The special linkage was specified via
                the #pragma use_linkage directive.  Because of this
                mismatch, the compiler will ignore the special
                linkage and use the standard linkage instead.

 User Action    Make sure the return value specified by the special
                linkage matches the return type.


 Message        <where> "<name>" <modifier>has float _Complex or
                double _Complex type.  The corresponding floating
                point registers in linkage "<name>" must be
                consecutive.  Standard linkage will be used.

 Description    Using a special linkage places certain restrictions
                on the type of a function's parameters and return
                value.  Whenever float _Complex or double _Complex
                types are used, they linkage must specify two
                consecutive floating point registers.  The compiler
                will ignore the special linkage and use the standard
                linkage instead.

 User Action    Either remove the name from the #pragma use_linkage
                directive that specified the special linkage, or
                modify the linkage to use consecutive floating point


 Message        Decimal constant value too large.

 Description    A decimal constant used in a preprocessor directive
                is too large.  The value of the constant will be

 User Action    Decrease the value of the constant.


 Message        Placing a declaration after a statement is a new
                feature in the C99 standard.  Other C compilers may
                not support this feature.

 Description    This is a new language feature in the C99 revision of
                the standard.  While having a standard specification
                for portability, the feature may not yet be available
                in all of the compilers you use.

 User Action    Determine whether or not the use of this feature will
                cause portability problems for this code.


 Message        Invalid declarator.

 Description    A declaration did not contain an identifier that
                specifies the item to be declared.

 User Action    Specify a declarator in the declaration.


 Message        Placing a declaration in a for loop is a new feature
                in the C99 standard.  Other C compilers may not
                support this extension.

 Description    This is a new language feature in the C99 revision of
                the standard.  While having a standard specification
                for portability, the feature may not yet be available
                in all of the compilers you use.

 User Action    Determine whether or not the use of this feature will
                cause portability problems for this code.


 Message        __declspec is a language extension.

 Description    The __declspec storage class modifier is a language
                extension of HP C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses the

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        Another file in this compilation contains an external
                definition of a function named "<name>", or declares
                it as a variable with external linkage, at <where>.

 Description    In a compilation where interfile optimization has
                been selected (-ifo on UNIX, /PLUS_LIST_OPTIMIZE on
                OpenVMS), the compiler has detected more than one
                definition of a function using the same external
                name, or has found that a function and a variable
                have the same external name.  An external function
                can have only a single definition.  And a given
                identifier with external linkage can refer either to
                a function or to a variable, but not both.

 User Action    Remove or rename one of the names.


 Message        The external variable "<name>" was defined as an
                external function in another module of this
                compilation at <where>.

 Description    In a compilation where interfile optimization has
                been selected (-ifo on UNIX, /PLUS_LIST_OPTIMIZE on
                OpenVMS), the compiler has detected a name with
                external linkage defined as a variable in one
                compilation unit and a function in another.

 User Action    Remove or rename one of the definitions.


 Message        This declaration of "<name>" specifies a different
                type than the declaration in another module of this
                compilation at <where>.

 Description    In a compilation where interfile optimization has
                been selected (-ifo on UNIX, /PLUS_LIST_OPTIMIZE on
                OpenVMS), the compiler has detected a name with
                external linkage declared with different types in two
                different modules.  Although the runtime behavior may
                be as intended and match the behavior when the
                modules are separately compiled without interfile
                optimization, the behavior is not well defined unless
                the types are compatible.

 User Action    Modify one or more of the declarations to make the
                types compatible.


 Message        This declaration of "<name>" specifies a different
                thread-local attribute than a declaration in another
                module of this compilation at <where>.

 Description    In a compilation where interfile optimization has
                been selected (-ifo on UNIX, /PLUS_LIST_OPTIMIZE on
                OpenVMS), the compiler has detected a name with
                external linkage declared thread-local in one module
                and not thread-local in another.  This can lead to
                unexpected results at runtime.

 User Action    Modify one the declarations to make the thread-local
                attributes match.


 Message        There is no declaration for the old-style function
                parameter "<name>".  Type defaulted to int.  This is
                a violation of the C99 standard.

 Description    The parameter of an old-style function definition was
                not declared.  It will default to int type.  Omitting
                the type specifier is not valid in C99, and is often
                considered poor programming practice.

 User Action    Declare the parameter.  HP also recommends that
                old-style function definitions be replaced by
                prototype-format definitions.


 Message        The type of the function <name> defaults to "int".

 Description    A function definition did not include a type
                specifier for the function's return value.  It will
                default to int.  This might not be what you intend.
                This is also a violation of the C99 Standard.

 User Action    It is a good programming practice to give all
                function definitions explicit return types.


 Message        <Context> , a struct/union designator cannot be used
                with an object of array type.

 Description    An initialization designator must match the type of
                the object being initialized.  In this
                initialization, the current object is an array so a
                struct/union designator is not allowed.

 User Action    Correct the initialization.


 Message        <Context> , an array designator cannot be used with
                an object of struct or union type.

 Description    An initialization designator must match the type of
                the object being initialized.  In this
                initialization, the current object is a struct or
                union, so an array designator is not allowed.

 User Action    Correct the initialization.


 Message        <Context> , the constant expression "<expression>" in
                an array element designator is not a positive

 Description    An array-element designator must be an constant
                expression that yields a positive integer value.

 User Action    Correct the element designator.


 Message        <Context> , the array element designator
                "[<expression>]" specifies an element beyond the end
                of the array.

 Description    An array element designator must specify a valid
                array element.

 User Action    Correct the element designator.


 Message        The use of a designation in an initializer list is
                not supported in this compilation mode.

 Description    Initializer lists that contain designations are a new
                feature in the C99 revision of the C standard.  HP C
                will only support this extension in relaxed mode and
                strict c99 mode.

 User Action    Use a compilation mode that supports the use of


 Message        The use of a designation in an initializer list is a
                new feature in the C99 standard.

 Description    Initializer lists that contain designations are a new
                feature in the C99 revision of the C standard.  Other
                compilers may not support this feature.

 User Action    Be aware of this portablility issue.


 Message        <Context> , the component designator "<name>" is not
                a member of the current structure or union object
                being initialized.

 Description    An initialization designator specifies a struct or
                union member that is not a member of the current
                struct or union object.

 User Action    Correct the initialization.


 Message        <Context> , a designator cannot be used with an
                object of scalar type.

 Description    An initialization designator can only be used on
                objects of array, structure, or union type.  In this
                initialization, the current object being initialized
                is a scalar type so a designator is not allowed.

 User Action    Correct the initialization.


 Message        This redeclaration of "<name>" specifies a different
                extern model than a previous declaration of the
                variable at <location>.

 Description    Two declarations of the same variable use different
                extern models.  The extern model is specified by a
                #pragma extern_model directive that appears before
                the declaration in the source.  This redeclaration
                may cause unexpected behavior.

 User Action    All declarations of a variable should use the same
                extern model.


 Message        <Context> the type of "<name>" has different type
                qualifiers than the previous declaration at
                <location>.  The resulting type will be the composite
                of the two types.

 Description    The C standard permits redeclaration and formation of
                a composite type only when the two types being
                considered are compatible, and types with different
                type qualifiers are not compatible.  HP C allows this
                redeclaration for consistency with some other C
                compilers, and will form a composite type with all of
                the type qualifiers from both declarations.  Be aware
                that these declarations may not be accepted by other
                C compilers.

 User Action    Modify the declarations so that they use identically
                qualified types.


 Message        "<Directive text>" is not recognized as a
                preprocessing directive in nopreprocessing mode, and
                is being ignored.

 Description    An invalid preprocessing directive was encountered in
                a compilation performed with the -nocpp option.  When
                using the -nocpp option, only a limited number of
                preprocessing directives, such as #pragma and #line,
                can appear in the program.  The compiler will ignore
                the rest of the line.

 User Action    Either remove the directive or compile without the
                -nocpp option.


 Message        <Context> the type of the external "<name>" is not
                compatible with the type of a declaration of "<name>"
                in another name scope at <location>.

 Description    The same external identifier has been declared in
                different scopes with incompatible types.  This might
                not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Change all declarations of the same external
                identifier to use the same type.

230  –  DOLLARID

 Message        Extension:  A '$' was encountered in an identifier.

 Description    Accepting a "$" character in an identifier is an
                extension of HP C.  The program might not compile
                with other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        linkage, assert or hint information for built-in
                function <name> is ignored.

 Description    A built-in function is always handled specially.
                There is no actual function call to which linkage,
                assert or hint information could be applied.

 User Action    Remove the name of the built-in function from this

232  –  DUPCASE

 Message        The switch statement containing this case label
                already has a case label for "<number>".

 Description    A switch statement contains more than one case label
                for the same case value.

 User Action    Remove the duplicate case label.


 Message        The switch statement containing this default label
                already has a default label.

 Description    A switch statement can contain only one default

 User Action    Remove the duplicate default label.

234  –  DUPENUM

 Message        <Context> the enumerator "<name>" is not unique.

 Description    An enumerator constant is declared more than once
                with the same value.  While this is accepted by HP C,
                it is not allowed by the C standard.

 User Action    Either use a different enumerator name or remove the
                previous declaration of the name.


 Message        The declaration of "<name1>" will map to the same
                external name as the declaration of "<name2>" at

 Description    The compiler has detected a case where two different
                names in a program will map to the same external name
                in the output object file.  This can cause
                unpredictable results at runtime.  This will most
                often happen when the /NAMES=UPPERCASE or
                /NAMES=LOWERCASE qualifier causes two names with
                different case spellings to map to the same external

 User Action    Either use the /NAMES=AS_IS qualifier, or modify one
                of the names.

236  –  DUPLABEL

 Message        The label "<name>" is already defined in this
                procedure at <location>.

 Description    A label has already been defined.  Each function can
                define each label only once.

 User Action    Remove the duplicate label definition.

237  –  DUPLINK

 Message        Duplicate linkage pragmas for linkage name "<linkage

 Description    The same linkage specifier has been defined in more
                than one #pragma linkage directive.

 User Action    Declare each linkage only once.


 Message        #pragma assert directive specified for the function
                name <name> while different #pragma assert was
                specified for its type.

 Description    Duplicate assertion can't be specified for a
                function.  Check whether #pragma assert was
                mistakenly specified for the same function more than
                once, or function's type is declared in a typedef
                which in turn has its own #pragma assert directive.

 User Action    Either remove duplicate #pragma assert directive, or
                change assertions, or fix spelling of the function
                name or typedef.

239  –  DUPPARM

 Message        <Context> "<name>" is a duplicate parameter name.

 Description    The parameter identifier list of an old-style
                function definition uses the same identifier more
                than once.

 User Action    Each identifier in the parameter list must be unique.
                HP also recommends that old-style function
                definitions be replaced by prototype-format


 Message        There is a redundant use of the keyword "static" in
                this array declaration.

 Description    In C99 the keyword "static" may appear at most once
                in the outermost array-bounds specifier of a function
                parameter in a function prototype.

 User Action    Remove redundant occurrences(s) of "static" from the
                array declaration


 Message        <Context> the same storage class modifier occurs more
                than once.

 Description    This declaration specifies the same storage class
                modifier more than once.

 User Action    Remove the extra uses of the storage class modifier.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" has a duplicate typedef at
                <where>.  This might not be portable.

 Description    The same typedef has been declared to the same type
                more than once.  Standard C does not allow this and
                other compilers might not accept it.

 User Action    Remove the redundant declaration.


 Message        <Context> the same type specifier occurs more than

 Description    The same type specifier appears more than once in the
                same declaration.  The redundant specifier will be

 User Action    Remove the duplicate type specifier.


 Message        <Context> there is a redundant use of type qualifier
                "<const or volatile>".

 Description    The same type qualifier appears more than once in a
                type specifier.  This violates the C89 standard.
                Other compilers may not accept this program.  Note
                that C99 will allow redundant qualifiers.

 User Action    Remove the redundant type qualifier.


 Message        Out of place #elif directive ignored.

 Description    An #elif preprocessing directive was encountered
                outside of an #if/#endif body.  The directive will be

 User Action    Remove the directive.


 Message        Standard C does not permit the use of an ellipsis as
                an only argument.

 Description    Standard C requires at least one formal parameter be
                declared before the ellipses.  This declaration might
                not be portable to other C compilers.

 User Action    Recode the function declaration to contain at least
                one formal parameter.


 Message        <Context> a parameter with type "<type>" matches an
                ellipsis in previous declaration at <location>.

 Description    A function that has been previously declared as
                taking variable arguments is now redeclared as using
                a different number of formal parameters before the
                start of the variable argument list.  This
                redeclaration might not be portable to other C

 User Action    Recode the function declarations to match each other.


 Message        No tokens may follow ...  in a formal parameter list.

 Description    The ellipsis may only appear at the end of a formal
                parameter list.  Everything after that is being

 User Action    Remove the unexpected token.


 Message        Out of place #else directive ignored.

 Description    An #else preprocessing directive was encountered
                outside of an #if/#endif body.  The directive will be

 User Action    Remove the directive.


 Message        A comment is neither preceded nor followed by white

 Description    A comment is neither preceded nor followed by white
                space.  In certain modes the compiler will paste the
                tokens before and after the comment together to form
                a single token.  This behavior is not valid in
                standard C.  Writing programs that rely on this
                behavior might prevent the program from being
                compiled on other platforms.

 User Action    Add white space before or after the comment, or use
                the ## operator to paste tokens together.


 Message        Empty character constant.

 Description    In some modes the HP C compiler will allow a null
                character constant.  The compiler will give this
                constant a value of zero.  Accepting an empty
                character constant is a language extension.  Empty
                character constants are not valid in standard C.
                Writing programs that rely on this behavior might
                prevent the program from being compiled on other

 User Action    Replace the empty character constant with '\0'.


 Message        Source file does not contain any declarations.

 Description    This source file contains no declarations.  This
                might not have been what you intended.  For example,
                perhaps a necessary macro was not defined.

 User Action    Every source program should contain at least one


 Message        An initializer list without an expression is not
                valid.  The compiler will replace the empty
                expression with the constant 0.

 Description    The C standard requires that an initializer list
                contain an expression.  The compiler has encountered
                one without an expression.  The compiler will treat
                the empty list ({}) as if it contained a single zero
                ({0}).  This is for compatibility with some other C
                compilers.  Be aware that this syntax may not be
                accepted by other C compilers.

 User Action    Supply an expression to the initializer.

254  –  EMPTYOBJ

 Message        Empty object file due to errors.

 Description    An earlier condition will cause an empty object
                module to be created.

 User Action    Correct the condition that was reported earlier.


 Message        Allowing struct/union type with no members is a
                language extension.

 Description    The C standard requires that a struct/union type have
                at least one member.  The HP C compiler will accept
                this for compatibility with older compilers.  The
                struct/union type will be treated as if it were
                declared { :  0; }

 User Action    Provide at least one member for the struct/union.

256  –  ENUM16BIT

 Message        <Context> the enumeration constant <name> is out of
                the range -32768 to 32767.  This might not be

 Description    An enum constant is larger than can be represented in
                16 bits.  This would not be portable to a system with
                an int size of 16 bits.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port to a system with
                an int size of 16 bits.

257  –  ENUMCALC

 Message        <Context> the enum variable "<expression>" is used in
                an arithmetic operation.

 Description    An enumerated type variable was used in an arithmetic
                operation.  While this is valid in C, it might not
                have been what you intended.

 User Action    Verify the use of the enum variable.

258  –  ENUMINIT

 Message        <Context> the enumerator "<name>" is initialized to
                the nonintegral value "<expression>".

 Description    An enum declaration contains an enumeration constant
                initializer that does not have an integer type.  The
                initializer for an enumeration constant must be an
                integral constant expression.

 User Action    Correct the initializer.


 Message        <Context> the enumeration constant "<name>" is out of
                range INT_MIN to INT_MAX and will be truncated.

 Description    An enumeration constant must be representable as an
                int type.  The specified value is outside the range
                of an int.  In modes where this is a warning, the
                compiler will use the low-order bits to form the int

 User Action    Use a valid constant value.


 Message        <Context> allowing an enumeration type and a signed
                int to be compatible may not be portable.

 Description    The standard states that enumeration types shall be
                compatible with an integer type.  HP C, along with
                most other C compilers, has chosen the signed int
                type to be compatible with enumeration types.  Other
                compilers may chose another type such as unsigned int
                (the C standard even allows an implementation to
                choose different integer types depending on the
                values of the enumeration constants defined for the
                type).  Therefore this program may not be accepted by
                other C compilers.

 User Action    Insert a cast to make the types the same.


 Message        <Context> allowing two different enumeration types to
                be compatible is a language extension.

 Description    The HP C compiler allows two objects of different
                enumeration types to be compatible.  The C standard
                specifies that enumeration types are distinct types.
                Therefore this program is not standard compliant and
                other C compilers may not accept it.

 User Action    Use the same enumeration type or cast one type to the

262  –  ENUMUSED

 Message        <Context> the enumerator name "<name>" has been used

 Description    The specified enumerator name has been previously
                declared as something other than an enumerator.

 User Action    Either use a different enumerator name or remove the
                previous declaration of the name.


 Message        At the end of the compilation the pragma <name> stack
                was not empty.  This may indicate a coding error.

 Description    The program being compiled has saved the named pragma
                state more often than it has restored it.  Good
                coding practice calls for the pragma state to be
                restored some point after it has been saved.  This
                condition may indicate the accidental failure to
                restore the state.

 User Action    Make sure each pragma save has a corresponding pragma

264  –  ERRORLIM

 Message        diagnostic message limit exceeded

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        #error<errormsg>

 Description    An #error directive was encountered.  This message
                will include the text that follows the directive in
                the source program.

 User Action    Remove the #error directive, or supply the proper
                macro definitions so that the compiler will skip the


 Message        Invalid escape sequence encountered.

 Description    An escape sequence in a character or string literal
                specifies a value outside the range of a character or
                wide character.

 User Action    Specify a valid escape sequence.


 Message        Macro expansion includes the token "defined", which
                will be treated as an operator.  This might not be

 Description    A macro expanded during the processing of a
                preprocessor #if directive included the token
                "defined".  The HP C compiler will treat this as the
                defined preprocessing operator.  Other compilers
                might treat this differently.

 User Action    Rewrite the macro not to use the "defined" operator.


 Message        expression does not contribute to result

 Description    The compiler has detected a source expression that
                does not contribute to the result.  This may not be
                what you expected.

 User Action    Verify the expression is what you intend.


 Message        The expression "<expression>" has been converted to

 Description    In certain modes, HP C will allow switch expressions
                or case constants to be non-integer types.  The
                expression or constant will be converted to int.  In
                one of these cases, this warning will be issued.

 User Action    Cast the switch expression to an integer type or use
                an integer case constant.


 Message        The expression "<expression>" has <type> type, which
                is not integral.

 Description    An expression that is required to have an integer
                type had a type that is not integral.  This is not
                valid.  An example of a situation where an integer is
                required is that in most modes HP C requires that the
                switch control expression have integer type.

 User Action    Modify or cast the expression so that it has integer


 Message        <Context> the expression "<expr>" is never used.

 Description    The compiler has detected an expression that is not
                used, and might not have a side-effect.  This might
                not have been what you intended.

 User Action    If the expression has a desired side-effect, the
                message can be ignored.  Otherwise, you might want to
                consider removing the expression.


 Message        This platform specific type is a language extension.

 Description    The use of the types __int8, __int16, __int32,
                __int64, or other type specifiers beginning with
                leading double underscores might not be portable to
                other platforms or to other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this portability concern.


 Message        HP C allows the initialization of a variable with
                extern storage class.  This differs from the VAX C

 Description    VAX C does not allow a variable with extern storage
                class to be initialized.  HP C will allow this, even
                in vaxc mode.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to compile
                the source with VAX C.


 Message        This "restore" has underflowed the extern model's
                stack.  No corresponding "save" was found.

 Description    The extern_model stack, managed by the #pragma
                extern_model and #pragma environment directives,
                contains more restores than saves.  This could
                signify a coding or logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each restore has a corresponding save.


 Message        This directive will not set the extern_prefix of
                "<name>" because there is a previous declaration of
                the identifer with external linkage at <where>.

 Description    When an identifier is specified in a #pragma
                extern_prefix, the declaration of that identifier
                must appear after the #pragma.

 User Action    Reorder the declaration and the #pragma so that the
                #pragma comes first.


 Message        This directive overrides the extern_prefix for
                "<name>" specified by an earlier #pragma
                extern_prefix at <where>.

 Description    Two #pragma extern_prefix directives have specified
                different non-empty extern_prefixes for the same
                identifier.  In such cases the later directive will
                set the extern_prefix for the identifier.

 User Action    If it is necessary to respecify the extern_prefix for
                an identifier, first remove the prefix (by setting it
                to an empty string) and then specify the new prefix
                in a subsequent #pragma.


 Message        There is no identifier named "<name>" with external
                linkage declared in this compilation unit.

 Description    A #pragma extern_prefix directive specifies an extern
                prefix for an identifier that is not declared with
                external linkage in the compilation unit.  This may
                not have been what you intented.

 User Action    Remove the identifier from the #pragma extern_prefix,
                or declare it with external linkage, or set the
                prefix for this identifier to an empty string.


 Message        <Context> , the value is enclosed within too many
                pairs of braces.

 Description    An initializer contains too many open braces for the
                object being initialized.

 User Action    Reduce the number of braces.


 Message        Redundant "#pragma module" or "#module" directive

 Description    A compilation unit can contain only one #pragma
                module or #module directive.  All subsequent
                directives will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the extra directives.


 Message        Extra pragma arguments to #pragma <pragma> were
                found.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    Unexpected arguments were found at the end of a
                #pragma directive.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the extra arguments.


 Message        Extraneous semicolon.

 Description    An extra semicolon was found at the end of a
                declaration.  It will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the extra semicolon.


 Message        The last statement in non-void function "<name>" is
                not a return statement.

 Description    A function that returns a value does not end with a
                return statement.  If function execution reaches the
                end of the function, the implied return statement
                that executes will return an undefined value.  This
                might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    End the function with a return statement that
                specifies a return value.


 Message        Feedback file not found:  <text>

 Description    The specified feedback file could not be found by the

 User Action    Specify the correct file name.


 Message        An error occurred while attempting to close a source
                file:  <problem>.

 Description    An unexpected error occurred while closing a source
                file.  The message text will contain additional
                information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        File not found:  <text>

 Description    The specified file could not be found by the

 User Action    Specify the correct file name.

286  –  FILEREAD

 Message        An error occurred while attempting to read a source
                file:  <problem>.

 Description    An unexpected error occurred while reading a source
                file.  The message text will contain additional
                information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        <Context> the file-scope identifier "<name>" cannot
                be declared with a variably modified type.

 Description    Only ordinary identifiers with block scope and
                without storage class extern, or ordinary identifiers
                with function prototype scope can be declared with a
                variably modified type.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        A goto to the label "<label>" branches into a finally

 Description    A goto statement tried to transfer into a finally
                handler.  This is illegal.

 User Action    Modify the goto or move the label outside the


 Message        <Context> allowing an array element to be a struct
                with a flexible array member is a language extension.

 Description    The C99 standard allows the final element of a struct
                with more than one named member to have incomplete
                array type.  Such a member is called a flexible array
                member.  The standard does not allow such a struct
                (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a
                member that is such a struct) to be an array element.
                Other C compilers may not support this extension.

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        <Context> allowing the struct member, "<name>" to be
                a struct with a flexible array member is a language

 Description    The C99 standard allows the final element of a struct
                with more than one named member to have incomplete
                array type.  Such a member is called a flexible array
                member.  The standard does not allow such a struct
                (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a
                member that is such a struct) to be a member of
                another structure.  Other C compilers may not support
                this extension.

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        The <float_const_qual> is not valid in strict ANSI
                mode and will be ignored.

 Description    The -float_const option cannot be used in strict ANSI
                mode.  The option will be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the -float_const option or use a
                different mode.


 Message        Ill-formed floating constant.

 Description    An invalid floating constant was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the floating constant.

293  –  FLOATERR

 Message        <Context> a floating point error occurs in evaluating
                the expression "<expression>".

 Description    A floating-point error occurred while evaluating a
                constant expression.  This is often caused by an
                invalid floating-point number.  The value of the
                expression is undefined.

 User Action    Correct the floating-point constant expression.


 Message        <Context> floating-point overflow occurs in
                evaluating the expression "<expression>".

 Description    A floating-point overflow occurred while evaluating a
                constant expression.  The value of the expression is

 User Action    Correct the floating-point constant expression.


 Message        <Context> "<expr>" is being converted from <type>
                type to int type.

 Description    The C language requires that this expression be of
                integer type.  In most cases the compiler will emit
                an error for this case.  In VAX C mode, the compiler
                emits this warning and converts the expression to int
                type.  This matches the behavior of VAX C.

 User Action    If the VAX C behavior is what you intended, cast the
                expression to int to silence the diagnostic.
                Otherwise, recode the expression to reflect your


 Message        argument <number> of this function is not of type
                char * but corresponds to the format string specified
                by the #pragma assert directive at <location>.  The
                format func_attr will be ignored.

 Description    The format attribute causes the format string to be
                checked if it is a string constant.  The format
                parameter can't be a format string because it is not
                declared as a char * type.  The format attribute will
                be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the format assertion from the
                directive, correct the position of the format
                argument in the assertion, or declare the format
                argument as a "char *" in the proper position in the
                function prototype.


 Message        The file name "<name>" in this directive is too long.

 Description    A preprocessing directive has specified a file name
                that is too long for this platform.

 User Action    Supply a valid file name


 Message        <Context> the arguments to <function name> do not
                match the assertions of its format attribute.  The
                format argument or the argument preceeding the first
                argument to check is missing.

 Description    The format attribute of this function asserts that
                the format argument exists and will be checked if it
                is a string constant.  The first argument to check,
                if non-zero, identifies the argument corresponding to
                the ellipsis in the function declaration and asserts
                that the argument preceeding it exists.

 User Action    Modify either the function call or the format
                attribute so that they match.

299  –  FOUNDCR

 Message        A carriage-return character was encountered; it is
                being treated as white space.

 Description    The compiler encountered a carriage-return character
                some place other than inside a character or string
                constant.  The compiler will treat the
                carriage-return as white space.

 User Action    The source might have been created by some
                non-standard means.  If possible, replace all
                carriage-return characters outside of character or
                string constants with white space.


 Message        Use of the floating register "<regnum>" in a #pragma
                linkage directive requires the /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT

 Description    On IA64, VAX floating-point data is passed in general
                registers.  HP C requires that any program that uses
                a floating point register in a linkage directive must
                be compiled with IEEE floating-point.

 User Action    Compile with IEEE floating-point.  Another option
                would be to remove the floating point registers from
                the linkage.


 Message        <Context> the element type of an array type is a
                function type.

 Description    The compiler has encountered an array with an element
                type of function.  An array element must be an object

 User Action    Change the type of the array element.


 Message        <Context> the identifier "<id>" is not the name of a
                type.  All parameter information in this declaration
                will be ignored.

 Description    The declaration is most likely a malformed
                prototype-style function declaration.  In a
                prototype-style declaration, each parameter must have
                a type.  The identifier named in the message might be
                intended to be the (optional) name of a formal
                parameter and the type specification was mistakenly
                omitted, or it might be intended to be the name of a
                type but no typedef declaration for it is visible.
                Alternatively, the declaration might be intended to
                correspond to an old-style function definition, and
                mistakenly contains a formal parameter name in the
                declaration.  Old-style function definitions list the
                names of formal parameters (without types) inside the
                parentheses, but old-style function declarations
                contain nothing inside the parentheses.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.

303  –  FUNCINIT

 Message        The declaration of the function "<name>" includes an

 Description    A function declaration cannot contain an initializer.

 User Action    Remove the initializer from the declaration.

304  –  FUNCMEM

 Message        The member <name> has a function type.

 Description    A struct or union member is declared with function
                type.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Correct the member declaration.


 Message        <Context> function types differ because this
                declaration specifies "<type1>" and a previous
                declaration specifies "<type2>".

 Description    A function redeclaration differs from an earlier
                declaration of the same function because the pointer
                size of one of the arguments or the return result is

 User Action    Use the same pointer size for all declarations of the


 Message        The function "<name>" has non-extern storage class,
                occurs in a context that requires its definition, and
                has no definition.  The storage class has been
                changed to extern.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow a static
                function to be declared within the scope of another
                function.  If this function is referenced, then it
                must also be defined in the compilation unit.  If the
                function is not defined, this message will be output,
                and the earlier static declaration will be changed to

 User Action    Define the static function with compilation unit.


 Message        In this function definition, "<name>" has <type> type
                instead of a function type.

 Description    A function definition does not have a function type.
                This can occur if the definition did not contain an
                open/close parenthesis pair.

 User Action    Change the definition to specify a function type.


 Message        <Context> function types differ because one has no
                argument information and the other has an ellipsis.

 Description    Two function types, used in an operation or a
                redeclaration of a function, are different because
                one uses ellipses and the other does not.  Older
                compilers will accept this, but it is not valid
                standard C.

 User Action    If used in an operation, a cast should be inserted.
                If used in a redeclaration, the redeclaration should
                be removed or modified.


 Message        <Context> a function has an explicit storage class
                other than "static" or "extern".

 Description    This declaration specifies a storage class that is
                not valid for a function.  If an explicit storage
                class is used in a function declaration, it must be
                either static or extern.

 User Action    Either remove the storage class specifier, or use one
                of the valid storage classes.


 Message        <Context> a function cannot have this storage class
                modifier.  Modifier ignored.

 Description    A function cannot be declared with this storage class
                modifier.  The only valid storage class modifier for
                a function declaration is __inline.  The modifier is
                ignored by the compiler.

 User Action    Remove the storage class modifier from the function


 Message        The block-level declaration of the function "<name>"
                specifies an explicit storage class other than

 Description    A block-level declaration of a function has specified
                an explicit storage class other than extern.  HP C
                will change the storage class to extern.

 User Action    Either remove the storage-class specifier, or change
                it to extern.


 Message        "inline" is a keyword in the C99 revision of the C
                standard.  Using it as an identifier will prevent
                your program from conforming to that standard.

 Description    The token inline has been selected as a keyword in
                the C99 release of the C standard.  Because the
                program uses it as an identifier, the program will
                not conform to that standard.

 User Action    Change the name of the identifier.


 Message        "restrict" is a keyword in the C99 revision of the C
                standard.  Using it as an identifier will prevent
                your program from conforming to that standard.

 Description    The token restrict has been selected as a keyword in
                the C99 release of the C standard.  Because the
                program uses it as an identifier, the program will
                not conform to that standard.

 User Action    Change the name of the identifier.


 Message        <Context> the globalvalue constant <value> is outside
                the range of type int.  This may cause unexpected

 Description    The C compiler does not support globalvalue constants
                larger than int.  The compiler preserves only the
                low-order 32 bits of the value, which will be
                sign-extended by the linker if the symbol is used in
                a certain contexts requiring a 64-bit value.  This
                may cause unexpected results.

 User Action    Use constants within the range of type int to
                initialize globalvalues, or use more portable
                constructs such as macro definitions or global
                const-qualified variables to share constant values
                among compilation units.


 Message        The declaration of "<name>" specifies the globalref
                storage class and includes an initializer.

 Description    A declaration with storage class globalref cannot
                include an initializer.

 User Action    Either remove the initializer or use a storage class
                that will allow an initializer.


 Message        The inline and __inline keywords will be interpreted
                with GCC style semantics.  To get C99 semantics,
                please specify -accept nogccinline.

 Description    The C99 standard has a slightly different
                interpretation of the keyword inline than in GCC.
                The GCC __inline keyword also differs from the HP C
                __inline keyword.

 User Action    Use the command line specifier -accept nogccinline.


 Message        <Context> the size of "<expression>" exceeds the
                implementation's limit of 2147483647 bytes on the
                size of a function argument.

 Description    The size of a function argument exceeds the HP C
                implementation limit.

 User Action    Either reduce the size of the argument or consider
                passing it by reference.


 Message        A storage class of globaldef, globalref, or
                globalvalue is a language extension.

 Description    These storage classes are language extensions of HP
                C.  Other C compilers might not successfully compile
                a program that uses the extension.

 User Action    These storage classes can be recoded using the more
                portable #pragma extern model.  <code_example>
                globaldef int var1; globalref int var2; globalvalue
                int var3; <endcode_example> Can be written as:
                <code_example> #pragma extern_model save #pragma
                extern_model strict_refdef int var1; extern int var2;
                #pragma extern_model globalvalue extern int var3;
                #pragma extern_model restore <endcode_example> For
                more information, consult the #pragma extern_model


 Message        GOT table overflow for module <text>

 Description    The object file required for this module is too

 User Action    Break the source program into several pieces so the
                individual objects will be simpler.


 Message        In VAX C mode, the compiler will give this constant a
                signed type for compatibility with VAX C.  This
                differs from the behavior specified in the C
                standard, which would give this constant an unsigned

 Description    The C standard specifies that an octal or hexadecimal
                integer constant has an unsigned type when its value
                cannot be represented in a signed integer type, but
                can be represented in the corresponding unsigned
                integer type.  Some older compilers, such as VAX C,
                will treat this constant as having a signed type.  In
                VAX C mode, the compiler matches the behavior of VAX
                C.  In other modes the compiler matches the behavior
                specified in the standard.

 User Action    Be aware that this difference may cause porting
                problems if this program is compiled in a mode other
                than VAX C mode, or with a compiler that does not
                support this old behavior.


 Message        The HP C compiler conforms to the C standard and will
                give this constant an unsigned type.  Some older
                compilers may give this constant a signed type.

 Description    The C standard specifies that an octal or hexadecimal
                integer constant has an unsigned type when its value
                cannot be represented in a signed integer type, but
                can be represented in the corresponding unsigned
                integer type.  Some older compilers will treat this
                constant as having a signed type.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to an older compiler.


 Message        The identifier "<ident>" is not a declared function.
                It will be ignored in this #pragma hint func_attrs

 Description    The identifiers in a #pragma hint func_attrs must be
                declared functions.

 User Action    Either declare the function prior to the pragma or
                remove the identifier from the pragma.


 Message        <Context> this hint value must not be greater than
                one.  The hint will be ignored.

 Description    This #pragma hint directives must take positive
                floating point values which is not greater than one.

 User Action    Correct the hint.


 Message        Identifier expected but not found.

 Description    The compiler was expecting an identifier, but one was
                not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        <Context> accepting an identifier enclosed in
                parentheses as the second argument to va_start is a
                language extension.

 Description    The C standard states that the second argument to
                va_start must be an identifier.  For compatibility
                with other C compilers, HP C will accept an
                identifier enclosed in parentheses.  Be aware that
                this program does not conform to the standard and may
                be rejected by other compilers.

 User Action    Remove the parentheses.


 Message        The identifier <name> from the pragma pack pop
                directive was not found on the top of the pragma pack

 Description    The identifier specified in the #pragma pack (pop,
                <identifier>) directive was not found on the top of
                the pragma pack stack.  A previous #pragma pack pop
                or #pragma member_alignment restore may have already
                popped this identifier off the stack, the identifier
                may not have been previously pushed onto the stack,
                or extra elements are pushed on the stack on the top
                of element with the identifier, or the identifer may
                be spelled incorrectly.

 User Action    Check the spelling of the identifier.  Verify that
                the identifier was previously pushed onto the pack
                stack and not popped off by another #pragma pack pop
                or #pragma member_alignment restore, and all elements
                pushed on the top of the identifier are popped.
                Correct the directive(s).


 Message        Use of /ROUNDING_MODE qualifier implies /FLOAT=IEEE.
                Compilation will be performed as if /FLOAT=IEEE were
                specified on the command line.

 Description    This compilation has specified an IEEE floating-point
                rounding mode without specifying /FLOAT=IEEE on the
                command line.  The compiler will set the
                floating-point type to IEEE floating.

 User Action    Specify /FLOAT=IEEE on the command line.


 Message        Use of /IEEE_MODE qualifier implies /FLOAT=IEEE.
                Compilation will be performed as if /FLOAT=IEEE were
                specified on the command line.

 Description    This compilation has specified an IEEE floating-point
                mode without specifying /FLOAT=IEEE on the command
                line.  The compiler will set the floating-point type
                to IEEE floating.

 User Action    Specify /FLOAT=IEEE on the command line.


 Message        <Context> the value returned from the function
                "<expression>" is not used - if this is intended, it
                should be cast to "void".

 Description    A function that returns a value has been invoked, yet
                the value was not used.  This might not have been
                what you intended.

 User Action    Cast the function to void to suppress the message.


 Message        Spurious token(s) ignored on preprocessor directive

 Description    A preprocessing directive was supplied more arguments
                than it expects.  The extra arguments will be

 User Action    Remove the extra arguments.


 Message        <Context> the tag "<name>" is redeclared, but will be

 Description    The "struct" or "union" before the tag used in this
                declaration does not match that in the declaration of
                the tag.  The "struct" or "union" at the earlier
                declaration of the tag will be used in this

 User Action    Either change the current declaration to match the
                declaration of the tag, or create a new tag
                containing the different type.


 Message        # not in column 1 is ignored, skipping to end of

 Description    In K & R mode, white space is not allowed before a
                preprocessing directive.  The compiler will ignore
                this source line.

 User Action    Either remove the white space or compile in a mode
                other than K & R.


 Message        Ignoring system register specified in routine's

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        The _Imaginary keyword is not supported by HP C.  It
                will be treated as an identifier in this compilation.

 Description    Support for the _Imaginary keyword is an optional
                extension to the C standard.  HP C does not support
                this extension.  All occurrences of _Imaginary will
                be treated as an identifier.

 User Action    Do not use the _Imaginary type.


 Message        The last statement in non-void function "<name>" is
                not a return statement.

 Description    This message indicates that a function with an
                implicit return type of it does not end with a return
                statement.  If function execution reaches the end of
                the function, the implied return statement that
                executes will return an undefined value.  This might
                not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Consider declaring the function to be a void
                function.  If it is supposed to return a value, add a
                return statement with the value the function is to


 Message        Non-void function "<name>" with implicit return type
                int does not contain a return statement.

 Description    This message indicates that a function with an
                implicit return type of int does not contain a return
                statement.  This message is not issued for functions
                with an explicit return type.  See message

 User Action    Consider declaring the function to be a void
                function.  If it is supposed to return a value, add a
                return statement with the value the function is to


 Message        <Context> the identifier "<name>" is implicitly
                declared as a function.

 Description    A expression contained a reference to a function that
                has not been declared.  The C99 standard requires
                that all referenced functions must be declared before
                they are referenced.

 User Action    Declare the function before it is referenced.


 Message        Type of actual argument inconsistent with formal
                parameter declaration in <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> using array syntax to declare a parameter
                that is a pointer to an incomplete array type may not
                be portable.

 Description    Although this array parameter declaration conforms to
                the C standard (since it is equivalent to a pointer
                to the inner array), other C compilers may not accept

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to another compiler.


 Message        <Context> allowing an array parameter that has more
                than two unspecified element counts is a language

 Description    Because this parameter declaration will cause an
                array of incomplete types to be created, it does not
                conform to the C standard.  Although some other C
                compilers will accept this declaration, many
                compilers will reject it.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to another compiler.


 Message        A non-default pointer size or member alignment is
                specified, and the header files in <directory> are
                not protected.  This might yield unpredictable
                results.  The protect_headers_setup script can help.
                See the protect_headers_setup(8) man page for

 Description    Using a non-default pointer size or member alignment
                can cause unpredictable results for system header
                files that are not protected and that rely on the
                default pointer size or alignment.

 User Action    Examine the man page referenced in the message for
                more information.


 Message        An error occurred while attempting to open the
                include file <name>:  <problem>.

 Description    An unexpected error occurred during the opening of an
                include file.  The message text will contain
                additional information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        Cannot include files in a prologue or epilogue file.

 Description    It is not possible for a prologue or epilogue file to
                perform an #include directive.  This might lead to
                nested inclusion.

 User Action    Remove the #include directive from the
                prologue/epilogue file.


 Message        <Context> the member <name> has incomplete array
                type.  This is not strictly conformant with the C
                standard and might not be portable.

 Description    The compiler has detected an array without a bounds
                specifier to be part of a struct or union type.  The
                C89 standard does not allow members of this type.
                The C99 standard will allow only the final member of
                a struct with more than one named member to be of
                this type.  Other C compilers might not successfully
                compile a program that uses this extension.

 User Action    Specify the bounds if possible.


 Message        <Context> the last member of a union, or a struct
                with only one named member, <name>, has incomplete
                array type.  This is not strictly conformant with the
                C standard and might not be portable.

 Description    The compiler has detected an array without a bounds
                specifier to be part of a struct or union type.  The
                C89 standard does not allow members of this type.
                The C99 standard will allow only the final member of
                a struct with more than one named member to be of
                this type.  Other C compilers might not successfully
                compile a program that uses this

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        <Context> the last member of a struct with more than
                one named member, <name>, has incomplete array type.
                This does not conform to the C89 standard.

 Description    The C89 standard does not allow struct members to be
                an array without a bounds specifier.  The C99
                standard will allow the final member of a struct with
                more than one named member to be an incompete type.
                Other C compilers may not support this C99 extension.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the code to a
                compiler that does not support C99.


 Message        <Context> the return type of "<expression>" is

 Description    A function with an incomplete return type other than
                void cannot be invoked.

 User Action    Complete the function return type before the function
                is invoked.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is a pointer to an
                incomplete struct or union and should not be used as
                the left operand of a member dereference.

 Description    In certain modes, HP C will allow the struct or union
                specifier of a member dereference operator (->) to
                specify a struct or union that does not contain the
                element specified by the right operand.  While this
                is considered poor programming practice, it was
                common with older C compilers.  In cases where the
                left operand is a pointer to an incomplete type, the
                practice is considered even worse.  While HP C will
                accept the construct in certain modes, the code
                should be modified.  Further, this program does not
                conform to the C standard and might not be accepted
                by other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        <Context> , an array's element type is incomplete,
                which precludes its initialization.

 Description    In order to initialize an array, the array element
                type must not be incomplete.

 User Action    Either remove the initializer or complete the array
                element type before this point in the program.


 Message        <Context> the element type of an array type is

 Description    The element type of an array type is incomplete at
                the point in the program where the array is declared.
                While HP C will allow this if the element type is
                completed later, other compilers might require the
                type to be complete at this point in the program.

 User Action    Either complete the type before the array
                declaration, or be aware of this if you wish to port
                the program.


 Message        The member "<name>" has an incomplete type.

 Description    A struct or union member must not have an incomplete
                type.  An exception is that HP C will accept a member
                that is an array with unspecified bounds, although
                warnings are often generated for this case.

 User Action    Complete the type before it is used in as a member of
                a struct or union.


 Message        In this declaration, "<name>" has no linkage and is
                of an incomplete type.

 Description    A declaration with no linkage cannot specify an
                incomplete type.  Incomplete types can only be used
                for identifiers with external or internal linkage.

 User Action    Either complete the type before the declaration or
                modify the declaration to specify an external or
                internal linkage.


 Message        In the definition of the function "<function name>",
                the parameter "<parameter name>" has an incomplete

 Description    This function definition contains a parameter with an
                incomplete type other than an array whose bounds are
                not specified.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Complete the type before the function definition.


 Message        In the definition of the function "<name>", the
                return type is an incomplete type other than void.

 Description    A function definition cannot specify a return type
                that is an incomplete type except for the void type.

 User Action    Complete the type before the function definition.


 Message        The static declaration of "<name>" is a tentative
                definition and specifies an incomplete type.

 Description    This file scope static declaration declares an
                identifier with incomplete type.  This is not valid
                because a static declaration will allocate storage
                for the object, but the object's size is not known at
                this point in the compilation.

 User Action    Complete the type before the static declaration.


 Message        Allowing the declaration of a static array with an
                incomplete type is a language extension.

 Description    The HP C compiler will allow an incomplete array type
                to appear in a static file scope declaration for
                compatibility with other compilers.  This is an
                extension to the standard.  Other compilers may
                reject this declaration.

 User Action    Either use a complete type in this declaration, or
                change the storage class to extern.


 Message        The type of the tentatively-defined variable "<name>"
                is incomplete at the end of the compilation unit.

 Description    This file-scope declaration with no storage-class
                specifier declares an identifier with incomplete
                type.  The type must be completed before the end of
                the compilation unit.

 User Action    Complete the type.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has incomplete type, and so
                cannot be used as an rvalue.

 Description    It is not possible to get the value of an expression
                with incomplete type.

 User Action    Complete the type before its value is used.


 Message        <Context> the element type of an array type is
                incomplete.  The void type cannot be completed.

 Description    The compiler has encountered an array with an element
                type of void.  An array element must be an object

 User Action    Change the type of the array element.


 Message        A function "<name>" appeared in more than one #pragma
                assert/hint func_attrs specifying the same

 Description    A function can appear on more than one #pragma assert
                or #pragma hint func_attrs as long as each #pragma
                specifies a different assertion/hint about the
                function.  The assertion will be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the #pragma, or remove the function
                name from the pragma, or correct its spelling.


 Message        Overlapping static storage initializations detected
                at Psect <text> + <number>

 Description    The compiler back-end as detected a case where the
                same storage location has been initialized to more
                than one value.  This can occur when inter-file
                optimization has been enabled.

 User Action    Remove one of the initializers.


 Message        <Context> , this initializer list will provide a
                value for a subobject that was initialized by the
                earlier initializer "<init>".

 Description    This initializer list will provide a value for a
                subobject that has already been initialized.  While
                this is valid, it might not have been what was

 User Action    Initialize each subobject only once.

363  –  INITVLA

 Message        A variable-length array declaration cannot contain an
                initializer.  The initializer will be ignored.

 Description    A variable-length array declaration cannot contain an

 User Action    Initialize the array using assignment statements
                after the declaration.

364  –  INLINEIG

 Message        An inline specifier may only be used to declare an
                identifier for a function.  The inline keyword will
                be ignored.

 Description    The inline, __inline or __forceinline keywords have
                been used on a non-function type.  Or a non-function
                type has been listed in a #pragma inline or #pragma
                forceinline directive

 User Action    Remove the keyword or remove the identifier from the


 Message        The <__inline or __forceinline> storage class
                modifier is a language extension and might not be

 Description    The __inline and __forceinline storage class
                modifiers are an extension of HP C.  Other C
                compilers might not successfully compile a program
                that uses the extension.

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> is of
                "<type name>" type and is not appropriate for the
                conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>".  The
                value may overwrite other data or produce unexpected

 Description    The compiler has detected an input conversion
                specifier that does not match its corresponding
                argument.  The corresponding argument may not be a
                pointer or may point to data that is wider or
                narrower than that specified by the conversion
                specifier.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Modify either the argument or the conversion
                specifier so that they match.

367  –  INSUFALN

 Message        Alignment specified for extern model is insufficient
                for variable.  Extern model alignment updated.

 Description    The current extern model places all external objects
                in a section whose alignment is not sufficient for
                the alignment of an object being placed in that
                section.  The compiler will update the alignment of
                the section so that it is adequate for the object.

 User Action    Either increase the alignment of the section or move
                the object to another section.


 Message        #pragma use_linkage was applied to the intrinsic
                function "<routine name>".  The function will be
                treated as an ordinary external function.

 Description    Trying to optimize a pointer argument passed to an
                intrinsic function, the compiler discovered that
                #pragma use_linkage had been applied to the function
                declaration.  The intrinsic function of this name
                that is understood by the compiler does not allow you
                specify a linkage.  Therefore the compiler must
                assume that you are supplying your own function
                definition, and treat this as a call to an external
                function with no special properties.

 User Action    If you want to call the intrinsic function, remove
                the #pragma use_linkage directive.  If you are
                supplying your own function definition, you may want
                to rename the function or add a #pragma function
                directive for it.


 Message        <Context> casting of the constant "<constant>" to
                <type> type will cause a change in sign.

 Description    Either a negative constant value has been cast to an
                unsigned type, or a positive value has been cast to a
                signed type and will be treated as a negative number
                after the cast.

 User Action    Change the constant so that the sign will match the
                type of the cast.


 Message        <Context> casting of the constant "<constant>" to
                <type> type will cause data loss.

 Description    A constant is cast to a type that is too small to
                hold the constant value.  Data will be lost in the

 User Action    Remove the cast, or use a smaller constant.

371  –  INTCONST

 Message        Ill-formed integer constant.

 Description    An invalid integer constant was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the integer constant.


 Message        <Context> conversion of the constant "<constant>" to
                <type> type will cause a change in sign.

 Description    Either an unsigned type was assigned a negative
                constant value, or a signed type was assigned a
                positive contant value which will be evalated as a
                negative number after the assignment.  Note that this
                message is not output for assignments to 1-bit
                bitfields.  The message bitconstsign is generated in
                that case.

 User Action    If this is what you intended, cast the constant to
                the desired type.  You might also want to change the
                constant to the correct signed or unsigned value in
                order to avoid the optional message intconcastsgn,
                which reports sign changes caused by casts.


 Message        This integer constant value will be given the type
                long long int.  This is compatible with the C99
                standard.  Older versions of the compiler would have
                given this unsigned long int type.

 Description    With the introduction of the long long int type, the
                C99 standard changed the rules for how the type of
                certain integer constants are determined.  Unsuffixed
                decimal constants which are too large for long int,
                but could fit in an unsigned long int are given the
                type long long int in C99.  Prior to C99 these would
                be given unsigned long int type.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference.


 Message        This integer constant is too large for the long long
                type.  It will be given the unsigned long long type.

 Description    The C99 standard specifies that a decimal constant
                must fit in a signed type.  This constant is too
                large for the long long int type.  For compatibility
                with older versions of the compiler, the constant
                will be given the unsigned long long type.

 User Action    Append a 'U' suffix to the constant.  This will force
                it to be unsigned.


 Message        <Context> conversion of the constant "<constant>" to
                <type> type will cause data loss.

 Description    A constant is converted to a type that is too small
                to hold the constant value.  Data will be lost in the

 User Action    If this is what you intended, cast the constant to
                the desired type.  You might also want to mask off
                the high-order bits before casting in order to avoid
                optional message intconcasttru, which reports data
                loss caused by casts.


 Message        This integer constant value will be given the type
                unsigned long int.  This is compatible with the C89
                standard and older compilers.  The C99 standard
                requires this to be a signed long long int.

 Description    With the introduction of the long long int type, the
                C99 standard changed the rules for how the type of
                certain integer constants are determined.  Unsuffixed
                decimal constants which are too large for long int,
                but could fit in an unsigned long int are given the
                type long long int in C99.  Prior to C99 these would
                be given unsigned long int type.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference.


 Message        This is an internal pragma which should only be used
                by the compiler development team.  It should not
                appear in user programs as it may cause unexpected

 Description    This pragma exists only to allow the compiler
                developers to test certain functionality of the
                compiler.  Its use outside the development team is

 User Action    Remove the pragma.


 Message        In the declaration of "<name>", no type was
                specified.  Type defaulted to int.  This is a
                violation of the C99 standard.

 Description    The declaration contains a storage-class specifier,
                but no type was specified.  The compiler will assume
                a type of int.  Omitting the type specifier is not
                valid in C++ or in C99, and is often considered poor
                programming practice.

 User Action    Add a type specifier to the declaration.


 Message        <Context> integer overflow occurs in evaluating the
                expression "<expression>".

 Description    An integer overflow occurred while evaluating a
                constant expression.  The value of the expression is

 User Action    Correct the constant expression so that it does not


 Message        <Context> an apparent invocation of intrinsic
                function "<name>", <problem>.  It will be treated as
                an ordinary external call.

 Description    A function that could be handled internally by the
                compiler has been called in a manner that is
                inconsistent with expected usage.  In such a case,
                the compiler will generate a run-time call to the
                function.  This could result in performance loss.

 User Action    If the function is intended to refer to the runtime
                library routine, the appropriate header file should
                be included in the source to provide the full
                function prototype and allow certain types of
                argument conversions.  Alternatively, call arguments
                could be type cast as specified in the error message,
                or the function prototype could be added by hand.  If
                the function is not intended to refer to the runtime
                library routine, the intrinsic version can be
                disabled by means of the "#pragma function
                (function_name)" directive.


 Message        <Context> the declaration for intrinsic function
                "<name>" referenced at <location>, <problem>.  It
                will be treated as an ordinary external function.

 Description    A function that could be handled internally by the
                compiler has been declared with a prototype that does
                not agree with what the compiler expected to see, or
                has been declared at block scope instead of file
                scope.  The function might in fact be a
                similarly-named replacement for the expected
                function, or the prototype might be incorrect or
                misplaced.  In such cases, the function will not be
                handled internally, but will instead be called at run
                time in the usual manner.  This could result in a
                performance loss.

 User Action    If the function is intended to refer to the runtime
                library routine, the appropriate header file should
                be included in the source (note that it is not
                portable to include standard headers at other than
                file scope).  Alternatively, the prototype could be
                modified as specified in the error message.  If the
                function is intended to be a replacement for the
                runtime library routine, disable the intrinsic
                version by specifying "#pragma
                function(function_name)" in the source file.


 Message        <Context> the declaration for the prototyped
                intrinsic function "<name>" is incorrect:  <problem>.

 Description    A function that could be handled internally by the
                compiler and requires a prototype, has been declared
                with a prototype that does not agree with what the
                compiler expected to see.  The function might be
                intended as a similarly-named replacement for the
                compiler-known function, or the prototype might be
                incorrect.  The source must be modified to specify
                the intended behavior.

 User Action    If the function is intended to refer to the
                compiler-known routine, the appropriate header file
                should be included in the source.  Alternatively, the
                prototype could be modified as specified in the error
                message.  If the function is intended to be a
                replacement for the compiler-known routine, disable
                the intrinsic version by specifying "#pragma
                function(function_name)" in the source file.


 Message        <Context> the <place> type for intrinsic "<name>" is
                being changed from "size_t" to "int".

 Description    A function that is handled internally by the compiler
                expects an argument type or return type of "size_t",
                but the prototype for the function uses "int".  The
                compiler will use "int" in this case.

 User Action    Declare the function by including the appropriate
                header file.  Alternatively, provide a private
                declaration (or modify an existing private
                declaration) with "size_t" in the appropriate
                location(s), and with "size_t" defined as it is in
                the standard system header files.  If the function is
                not intended to refer to the runtime library routine,
                the intrinsic version can be disabled by means of the
                "#pragma function (function_name)" directive.


 Message        There is no function declaration visible for the
                identifier "<name>" at the point of this #pragma
                <pragma type>.

 Description    An identifier specified in a #pragma intrinsic or
                #pragma function directive must refer to a function
                declaration visible at the point of the pragma.  The
                identifier will be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the identifer from the pragma, correct
                its spelling, or reorder the source to ensure that a
                declaration of the identifier as a function is
                visible at the point of the pragma.


 Message        Invalid argument to <pragma> pragma.  Pragma is

 Description    An invalid argument has been specified for a pragma
                directive.  The compiler will ignore the directive.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        The # operator produced an invalid string.

 Description    During the expansion of a macro, the # stringize
                operator produced a token that is not a valid string.
                The operand to the stringize operator must contain
                characters that form a valid string.

 User Action    Correct the operand to the stringize operator.


 Message        Invalid token discarded.

 Description    An unexpected token was encountered by the compiler.
                The token has been ignored.  An example is the
                preprocessing operator "#" appearing outside a macro
                body (int #a;).

 User Action    Remove the unexpected token.


 Message        Possible directive "#<directive>" within a macro
                argument list.  The directive is treated as part of
                the argument list, and not as a preprocessing

 Description    The compiler has encountered a directive as part of
                the argument list of a macro invocation.  This
                directive will be treated as part of the argument
                list, and not as a preprocessing directive.  The
                behavior might be different than other compilers.

 User Action    Rewrite the macro invocation so that it does not
                include the directive.


 Message        <Context> the value of the enumerator "<name>"
                conflicts with a previous declaration.

 Description    The specified enumerator name has been previously
                declared with a different value.

 User Action    Either use a different enumerator name or remove the
                previous declaration of the name.


 Message        Invalid argument to nomember_alignment pragma.
                Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The compiler was unable to parse a #pragma
                nomember_alignment directive.  The directive will be

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Invalid pack pragma.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The compiler was unable to parse a #pragma pack
                directive.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        The preprocessor directive <name> is not allowed in a
                prologue or epilogue file.  The directive is ignored.

 Description    It is not possible for a prologue or epilogue file to
                have this preprocessor directive in it.

 User Action    Remove the offending preprocessor directive from the
                prologue/epilogue file.

393  –  INVSTATIC1

 Message        <Context> the keyword "static" and/or type qualifiers
                may appear only in the outermost array-bounds
                specifier of a function parameter.  Keyword/qualifier

 Description    The keyword "static" or a type specifier appeared in
                an array-bound specifier that was either not part of
                the declarator for a function parameter or it was not
                the outermost array-bound specifier of a function

 User Action    Remove the keywords or confine them to use in the
                outermost array-bound specifier of a function

394  –  INVSTATIC3

 Message        The keyword "static" may not appear in an array-bound
                specifier for a declaration of an array of unknown
                size.  Keyword ignored.

 Description    The keyword "static" appeared in the declaration of
                an array whose size was not known, either because
                array has in incomplete type or because the array has
                a star bounds specifier.

 User Action    Remove the keyword.

395  –  INVSTATIC4

 Message        An expression specifying the bound is required when
                the keyword "static" is used in an array-bounds
                specifer.  Keyword ignored.

 Description    The keyword "static" appeared in an array-bounds
                specifier that did not have an expression describing
                the array bound.  The keyword tells the compiler that
                actual arguments passed to this parameter will always
                have at least as many elements as specified in the
                formal parameter.  It is inconsistent to specify the
                keyword without also supplying a value for the bound.

 User Action    Remove the keyword or supply a value for the bound.

396  –  INVSTATIC5

 Message        <Context> the static bound value differs from the
                static bound value in another declaration at
                <location>.  The smaller static bound value will be

 Description    In a previous declaration of a function one or more
                parameters with array type were declared with a
                different static bound value than in the current
                declaration.  This can occur if one of the sizes of
                the corresponding static arrays differ between the
                two declarations.

 User Action    Remove the keyword "static" from the declarations, or
                give all function declarations the same static bound

397  –  INVSTATIC6

 Message        <Context> neither the keyword "static" nor a type
                qualifier may be used in array-bounds for old-style
                function parameters.  Keyword/qualifiers ignored.

 Description    Use of the keyword "static" or a type specifier
                within the outermost array bound specifier of a
                formal parameter is a new feature in the C99
                statndard.  It cannot be used in old-style function

 User Action    Remove the keywords or convert the code to use
                prototype-style function declarations and


 Message        This #pragma directive was not followed by a for
                statement.  The directive will be ignored.

 Description    The #pragma ivdep and #pragma unroll directives
                modify the for loop which follows them.  The compile
                has encoutered one of the directives without a
                following for loop.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the directive.

399  –  KEYCOMB

 Message        Illegal combination of keywords.

 Description    An invalid combination of Microsoft keywords was
                encountered during a declaration.  In most cases this
                is because the keywords contradict each other.  One
                example would be using the __fastcall and __stdcall
                modifiers in the same function declaration.  This
                message is only output when the compiler is in
                Microsoft mode.

 User Action    Remove one of the contradictory modifiers.

400  –  KNRFUNC

 Message        The function "<name>" is defined using the old style
                K&R syntax.  The C standard has marked this syntax as
                obsolescent, and it is not supported in C++.
                Consider using the standard C prototype syntax.

 Description    The function uses an old style function definition.
                HP recommends that old style function definitions be
                replaced by prototype-format definitions.

 User Action    Recode the function definition to use the recommended
                prototype-format definition.


 Message        Accepting a label without a following statement is a
                language extension.

 Description    The C standard states that a label must be followed
                by a statement.  For compatibility with other C
                compilers, HP C will accept a label without a
                statement.  Be aware that this program does not
                conform to the standard and may be rejected by other

 User Action    Add a semicolon after the label to create a null

402  –  LCRXCOND

 Message        Common Data Dictionary description extraction
                condition.  <msg>.

 Description    Something went wrong while trying to get the CDD
                record description from the CDD.  The error message
                that follows gives more information about the nature
                of the problem.

 User Action    If necessary, correct the indicated condition in the
                CDD record description or with the user environment.


 Message        <Context> the type long double _Complex is not fully
                supported on this platform.  The type is only
                accepted when the compilation specifies the option to
                make the long double type 64-bits in size.

 Description    On some platforms HP C does not support the long
                double _Complex type where the real and imaginary
                component are 128-bits in size.  As HP C requires
                that each component of a long double _Complex be the
                same size as a long double, this compilation must
                specify the option to treat long double as 64-bits.

 User Action    Either specify the correct compiler option or use the
                double _Complex type instead of the long double
                _Complex type.


 Message        Lexically nested parallel at scope <text> is not

 Description    Nested parallel directives are not supported.

 User Action    Remove the nested parallel directive.

405  –  LISTOPEN

 Message        An error occurred while attempting to open the
                listing file:  <reason>.

 Description    An unexpected error occurred during the creation of
                the listing file.  The message text will contain
                additional information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        The block-level declaration of "<name>" includes an
                initializer and specifies storage class extern.

 Description    A block-level declaration with extern storage class
                cannot contain an initializer.

 User Action    Remove the initializer from the declaration or move
                the declaration to file scope.


 Message        The identifier name exceeds <number> characters; name
                passed to the debugger will be truncated to
                "<truncated spelling>".

 Description    On some platforms, the name length supported by the
                compiler is greater than the length supported by the
                debugger.  In this case the compiler must truncate
                the name when it is output to the debugger symbol
                table for this compilation.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the name.


 Message        <Context> type long double has the same
                representation as type double on this platform and is
                treated as a synonym for type double in this
                compilation mode.

 Description    HP C does not support the long double type on this
                platform.  In this compilation mode, the compiler
                will treat the long double type as a synonym for the
                double type.

 User Action    Be aware of this.


 Message        <Context> type long double has the same
                representation as type double on this platform.

 Description    Although HP C will recognize the long double type as
                a different type than double in this compilation
                mode, on this platform they will both use the same
                representation.  Using long double will not provide
                any additional precision or range.

 User Action    Be aware of this.


 Message        The external identifier name exceeds <number>
                characters; truncated to "<truncated spelling>".

 Description    The length of an identifier with external linkage
                exceeds the maximum allowed on this platform.  The
                name used in an output object file will be truncated
                to meet the platform restrictions.  Note that the
                debugger name will be unchanged.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the name.  On OpenVMS platforms
                the /NAMES=SHORTENED qualifier can also be used.
                When the qualifier is specified, the compiler will
                encode long external names instead of truncating


 Message        <Context> long float as a synonym for double is a
                language extension.

 Description    Certain standard modes allow the use of the long
                float type as a synonym for double.  This is not
                allowed by the C standard.  This message indicates
                this use of long float as a potential portability

 User Action    Change long float to double.

412  –  LONGLINE

 Message        A <type> source line longer than <number> characters
                was encountered.

 Description    The length of a source line has exceeded the maximum
                length supported by the HP C compiler.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the line.


 Message        The integer constant is of type "<type>", which is a
                new feature of C99 might not be portable.

 Description    The use of the suffix ULL or LL on an integer
                constant does not conform to the C89 standard and
                might not be accepted by other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        <Context> type "<type>" is a new feature in C99.

 Description    On some platforms, HP C will accept the [unsigned]
                long long type as a way to declare [unsigned] 64-bit
                integers.  The long long int type is a new feature of
                C99 and other compilers might not accept this

 User Action    Be aware of this portability concern.


 Message        Identifier "<name>" in a #pragma module or #module
                directive exceeds 31 characters.

 Description    A module or identification name specified in the
                #pragma module or #module directive must be less than
                32 characters.  The compiler will truncate the name
                to the first 31 characters specified.

 User Action    Shorten the module or identification name.


 Message        The identification string <string> in a #pragma
                module or #module directive exceeds 31 characters.
                The compiler will ignore the directive.

 Description    An identification string specified in the #pragma
                module or #module directive must be less than 32
                characters.  The compiler will ignore the directive.

 User Action    Shorten the identification string.


 Message        Prefix string too long.  Truncated to "<newprefix>".

 Description    The specified prefix to the #pragma extern_prefix
                directive is too large for this platform.  The prefix
                will be truncated.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the specified extern prefix.


 Message        Psect name is too long (maximum is 31 characters).

 Description    The psect name specified in a globaldef declaration
                was longer than 31 characters.  This exceeds the
                maximum allowed length.

 User Action    Either reduce the psect name to 31 characters or
                remove the psect specifier.


 Message        An individual token longer than <number> characters
                was encountered.

 Description    The length of an individual token has exceeded the
                maximum length supported by the HP C compiler.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the token; perhaps it can be
                converted into two or more smaller tokens.


 Message        <Context> the result of the cast "<cast>" is used as
                an lvalue.

 Description    The result of a cast has been used as an lvalue.
                This is a language extension of HP C.  The program
                does not conform to the C standard, and might not be
                accepted by other compilers.

 User Action    Remove the cast.


 Message        The redefinition of the macro "<name>" conflicts with
                a current definition because <reason>.  The
                redefinition is now in effect.

 Description    A macro has been redefined with either different
                formal parameters and/or a different body than a
                previous definition of the macro.

 User Action    Either make all definitions of the same macro
                identical, or undefine the macro using the #undef
                preprocessing directive before it is redefined.


 Message        Macro redefined.

 Description    A #define preprocessing directive has redefined a
                macro whose previous definition contained an error or
                warning.  Normally, the compiler will issue a warning
                if a macro is redefined to something other than the
                previous definition.  However, if the previous
                definition caused a warning or error to be generated,
                this informational message is output instead.

 User Action    Do not redefine a macro without first undefining it.


 Message        Strict standard C extension:  The declaration of the
                "main" function has a return type other than int.

 Description    Standard C requires that the "main" function be
                defined with a return type of int.  HP C will accept
                other return types, but the program does not conform
                to the C standard.  The status value returned to the
                environment may not be what you expect, and other C
                compilers may not accept the definition as written.

 User Action    Define the "main" function with a return type of int
                for maximal portability.

424  –  MAINPARM

 Message        Strict standard C extension:  The declaration of the
                "main" function has more than two parameters.

 Description    Standard C requires that the "main" function takes no
                more than two parameters.  HP C will accept more, but
                the program does not conform to the C standard.

 User Action    Modify the declaration if you want the program to be
                standard conformant.


 Message        MAIN_PROGRAM is a language extension.

 Description    The use of MAIN_PROGRAM to designate a function as
                the main program is a language extension of HP C.
                Other C compilers might not successfully compile a
                program that uses the extension.

 User Action    The main program should be declared by naming the
                function main.


 Message        The linkage register "<registers>" has no effect on
                Alpha and will not be mapped to any register on IA64.
                This condition may cause the SHOWMAPLINKAGE message
                output for this directive to be incorrect.

 Description    The use of an Alpha argument register (R16-R21) in a
                linkage characteristic other than "parameters" or
                "results" has no effect on Alpha.  No mapping to an
                IA64 register will be done for this register.  This
                may cause the mapped linkage shown in the
                showmaplinkage message to be incorrect.

 User Action    Remove the register from the characteristic.


 Message        <Context> function <name> is defined to set errno
                when a domain error or range error occurs.  As an
                intrinsic, it may not be able to do so.

 Description    Any code that tests the value of errno set by this
                function may not work properly due to the
                optimizations that are possible when this function is
                an intrinsic.

 User Action    If the value of errno set by this function is
                ignored, tell the compiler via its command line
                qualifiers to assume nomath_errno.  Otherwise,
                disable the intrinsic by using a #pragma


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a larger data size than
                "<target type>".  The use of a cast operator can
                suppress the message that this assignment might
                result in data loss.

 Description    In a cast of a pointer to one of the integer types,
                or a cast of one of the integer types to a pointer,
                or a cast of one pointer type to another, the size of
                the source is greater than the size of the type being
                cast to.  This cast could result in a loss of data if
                it is used as the source of an assignment.  This
                potential loss of data can be verified by removing
                the cast and seeing if the compiler emits a loss of
                data message on the assignment.

 User Action    If the cast cannot lose precision, it is safe to
                ignore this warning.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a larger data size than
                "<target type>".  Assignment can result in data loss.

 Description    In an assignment of a pointer to one of the integer
                types, or one of the integer types to a pointer, the
                size of the source is greater than the size of the
                destination.  The assignment can result in a loss of
                data.  This might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    If this was the intended operation, cast the source
                to the type of the destination before the assignment.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a larger data size than
                "<target type>".  Assignment can result in data loss.

 Description    In an assignment of two pointers, the size of the
                source is greater than the size of the destination.
                The assignment can result in a loss of data.  This
                might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    If this was the intended operation, cast the source
                to the type of the destination before the assignment.


 Message        Argument passing mechanism does not match formal
                parameter mechanism for <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> the struct or union member "<name>" cannot
                be declared with a variably modified type.

 Description    Only ordinary identifiers with block scope and
                without storage class extern, or ordinary identifiers
                with function prototype scope can be declared with a
                variably modified type.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        This member is at offset <offset>, which is not a
                multiple of the member's alignment of <align>.
                Consider padding before this member, rearranging the
                order of member declarations, or using #pragma

 Description    A member of a struct or union requires an alignment
                for efficient access but will be allocated at an
                offset that is not a multiple of that alignment.

 User Action    Use one of the suggestions made in the message.


 Message        This member requires <align1> alignment for efficient
                access, but is contained in a struct containing
                <align2> alignment.  Consider using #pragma
                nomember_alignment <align1>.

 Description    A member of a struct or union requires an alignment
                for efficient access that is more strict than the
                alignment of the enclosing struct or union.  Even
                though this member is correctly aligned within the
                struct or union, if the struct or union is enclosed
                within another type, the member in question might be
                placed at a position with incorrect alignment for its

 User Action    Use either the #pragma member_alignment directive or
                #pragma nomember_alignment directive with an argument
                equal to or greater than the alignment of the member.


 Message        Missing argument for "defined" operator.

 Description    The defined preprocessing operator was not supplied
                with an argument.  The operator expects an identifier
                optionally enclosed in parenthesis.  The value of the
                operator is undefined.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the preprocessing


 Message        Missing right parenthesis for "defined" operator.

 Description    The defined preprocessing operator began with a left
                parenthesis, but no matching right parenthesis was
                found.  The value of the operator is undefined.

 User Action    Add the right parenthesis after the preprocessing
                operator argument.


 Message        <Context> parameter <number> has a different type
                than specified in an earlier declaration of this

 Description    A function has been redeclared with a parameter whose
                type is different than the type specified in a
                previous declaration of the function.  This generally
                leads to additional errors.

 User Action    Correct the function declarations so that the
                parameter information is the same in each


 Message        "<name>" has a non-void return type but its linkage
                "<name>" preserves the return register(s).  Standard
                linkage will be used.

 Description    The function or typedef's special linkage specifies
                that the register(s) used to return the function
                value are to be preserved.  This is invalid as the
                register can either be preserved, or hold the return
                value, but not both.

 User Action    Modify the #pragma linkage directive to either remove
                the register from the preserved list or to specify
                another register to hold the return value.


 Message        <Context> the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier of "<name>" is different from a previous
                declaration of "<name>" at <location>.

 Description    If an object is declared with thread-local storage,
                then all declarations of that object must declare it
                with thread-local storage.

 User Action    Either remove the invalid redeclaration or modify it
                to match the previous declaration.


 Message        <Context> the number of parameters differs from an
                earlier declaration of this function.

 Description    A function has been redeclared with a different
                number of parameters than a previous declaration of
                the function.  This message generally proceeds
                additional errors.

 User Action    Correct the function declarations so that the
                parameter information is the same in each


 Message        Was the 'case' keyword omitted  Within a switch
                statement, "<label>" defines an unreferenced label
                that matches an enumeration constant.

 Description    This user label has been defined, but there are no
                references to it.  As the label is defined inside a
                switch statement, and the label name matches an
                enumumeration constant name, there is a chance you
                intended this to be a case label.

 User Action    Remove the label or add the 'case' keyword before it.


 Message        This parameter is not preceded by a comma.

 Description    The compiler has encountered a parameter specifier
                that is missing a preceding comma.  The parameter
                will be defined anyway, though this may not have been
                what you intended.

 User Action    Correct the formal parameter list so that it consists
                of a comma separated list of identifiers (possibly
                followed by ", ...").


 Message        The function "<name>" has internal linkage, occurs in
                a context that requires its definition, and has no

 Description    The program has referenced a function declared with
                static storage class, but the function is not defined
                in the compilation unit.  If a program references a
                static function, the function must be defined in the
                compilation unit.

 User Action    Either define the function or change the function
                declaration to have extern storage class.


 Message        The label "<label name>" is the target of a goto
                statement within the function "<function name>", but
                has no definition within "<function name>".

 Description    Every label referenced in a goto statement must be
                defined in the same function.

 User Action    Either change the name of the label in the goto
                statement, or define the label.


 Message        Non-void function "<name>" does not contain a return

 Description    This message indicates that a function with an
                explicit return type does not contain a return
                statement.  This message is not issued for functions
                with an implicit return type of int.  See message

 User Action    Consider declaring the function to be a void
                function.  If it is supposed to return a value, add a
                return statement with the value the function is to


 Message        Missing type specifier or type qualifier.

 Description    The compiler was expecting a type specifier or type
                qualifier, but one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        The user label "<label>", defined within a switch
                statement, is never referenced.

 Description    This user label has been defined, but there are no
                references to it.  As the label is defined inside a
                switch statement, there is a chance this is a
                misspelling of "default".

 User Action    Remove the label or correct the spelling.


 Message        <Context> this call to __ALLOCA occurs in a block
                that contains <vlaallocafrag1>.  The storage
                allocated by this __ALLOCA call will
                <vlaallocafrag2>vla or aligned automatic declaration
                was at <where>.

 Description    Storage allocated for arrays of variable length and
                for automatics whose alignment is greater than
                octaword have their storage deallocated when the
                block they are declared in exits.  Storage allocated
                by __ALLOCA is not normally deallocated until
                function exit.  HP C cannot support both types of
                deallocation in the same block.  Therefore, when both
                appear in the same block, the storage for both will
                be deallocated with the block exits.

 User Action    Be aware of this.  If the storage allocated for
                __ALLOCA must remain allocated until function exit,
                move the __ALLOCA call outside the block declaring
                the vla or the aligned auto.


 Message        <Context> using __ALLOCA and variable-length arrays
                in the same function is not allowed on this platform.
                The first variable-length array declaration is at

 Description    Because they place different requirements on stack
                allocation on VAX systems, __ALLOCA and
                variable-length arrays cannot be used in the same

 User Action    Recode the function to use either variable-length
                arrays or __ALLOCA.


 Message        <Context> compatibility of a pointer to void and a
                pointer to a function is not portable under the C

 Description    The C standard defines pointer to void as being
                assignment compatible only with pointers to object or
                incomplete types.  An implementation may represent
                function pointers in a way that cannot be stored in a
                pointer to void (or vice-versa).  Thus even an
                explicit cast between a function pointer and a
                pointer to void is not portable.

 User Action    If a generic pointer to function is needed, declare a
                typedef for some pointer to function type, and always
                use explicit casts to assign to and from that type.


 Message        The function <name> is declared both <this> and

 Description    A function is declared with more than one of the
                forceinline, inline, or noinline attributes.  It will
                be given the attribute that will provide the most

 User Action    Make sure each function has only one of the


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is declared with both internal and
                external linkage.  The previous declaration is at

 Description    This warning is output in certain cases when the
                linkage of a declaration conflicts with the linkage
                specified in an earlier declaration.

 User Action    Change one of the declarations so that the linkages


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is declared with both internal and
                external linkage.  The previous declaration is at

 Description    This informational is output when a function
                previously declared to have extern storage class is
                redeclared to have internal storage class and the
                mode of the compiler is common (K & R) mode.

 User Action    Change one of the declarations so that the linkages


 Message        The definition of the function <name> includes both a
                prototype and a declaration list.

 Description    A function has been defined using both a declaration
                list and a prototype.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        <Context> a storage class has already been specified.
                This storage class is ignored.

 Description    The same declaration contains more than one storage
                class specifier.  The compiler will ignore all
                storage class specifiers after the first one.

 User Action    Change the declaration to use only one storage class


 Message        Declaring <vlaallocafrag1> in the same block as a
                call to __ALLOCA will cause the storage allocated by
                any __ALLOCA call to <vlaallocafrag2>previous call to
                __ALLOCA was at <where>.

 Description    Storage allocated for arrays of variable length and
                for automatics whose alignment is greater than
                octaword have their storage deallocated when the
                block they are declared in exits.  Storage allocated
                by __ALLOCA is not normally deallocated until
                function exit.  HP C can not support both types of
                deallocation in the same block.  Therefore, when both
                appear in the same block, the storage for both will
                be deallocated with the block exits.

 User Action    Be aware of this.  If the storage allocated for
                __ALLOCA must remain allocated until function exit,
                move the __ALLOCA call outside the block declaring
                the vla or the aligned auto.


 Message        Using both __ALLOCA and variable-length arrays in the
                same function is not allowed on this platform.  The
                first call to __ALLOCA is at <where>.

 Description    Because they place different requirements on stack
                allocation on VAX systems, __ALLOCA and
                variable-length arrays cannot be used in the same

 User Action    Recode the function to use either variable-length
                arrays or __ALLOCA.


 Message        Invalid identifier or character-string constant

 Description    If specified, the second argument to the #pragma
                module or #module directive must be either an
                identifier or a string constant.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        Storage class modifier noshare has no meaning with
                this storage class.  Modifier is ignored.

 Description    The storage class modifier noshare is only valid for
                variables with a storage class of static, extern, or
                globaldef.  It is ignored for other storage classes.

 User Action    Remove the noshare storage class modifier.


 Message        "#pragma module" or "#module" directive must precede
                any language text.

 Description    The #pragma module or #module directive must appear
                before any declarations.  The directive will be

 User Action    Move the directive to the top of the compilation

461  –  MSGPOP

 Message        This "restore" has underflowed the message stack.  No
                corresponding "save" was found.

 Description    The message stack, managed by the #pragma message and
                #pragma environment directives, contains more
                restores than saves.  This could signify a coding or
                logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each restore has a corresponding save.


 Message        Enabling this message may cause additional messages
                from excluded code to be output.

 Description    This message is never output by the compiler.
                Instead it is used to control whether other messages
                will be output.  Normally, the compiler will not
                output some messages when it is processing code that
                it knows will never be executed.  One example of this
                would be the second operand of the conditional
                operator when the first operand is FALSE.  This
                suppression of these messages can be overridden by
                enabling this message.

 User Action    Decide if you want the additional messages.


 Message        A character constant includes more than one character
                or wide character.

 Description    A character constant includes more than one
                character.  While this is valid, it might not have
                been what you intended.

 User Action    Verify that the constant should contain more than one


 Message        Multiple linkage pragmas specified for "<routine

 Description    The same routine appeared in more than one #pragma
                use_linkage directive.  Each routine can only be
                given one linkage.

 User Action    Remove the routine from all but one #pragma
                use_linkage directive.


 Message        The register "<register>" is specified more than once
                in the linkage pragma.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The same register was specified more than once in the
                same register list in a #pragma linkage directive.
                The compiler will ignore the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        More than one main program has been defined.

 Description    The compiler has encountered more than one main
                program in this compilation unit.  Each program can
                have only one main program.

 User Action    Remove one of the main programs.


 Message        Multiple <psect_type> names specified.  The name
                "<new_name>" supersedes "<old_name>".

 Description    More than one #pragma code_psect or #pragma
                linkage_psect was encountered.  The psect specified
                by the later #pragma supersedes the one specified
                earlier.  This message is only output for C compilers
                on OpenVMS Alpha.

 User Action    Each program should contain at most one #pragma
                code_psect and one #pragma linkage_psect.


 Message        The external identifier or module name "<name>"
                exceeds 31 characters.  The name has been shortened
                to "<shortened spelling>".

 Description    A compilation that used the /NAMES=SHORTENED
                qualifier or #pragma names shortened directive has
                encountered a name that needs to be shortened.  The
                external name will be different than the internal
                name.  Also, because the external name exceeds the
                length specified by standard C as the minimum
                external length an implementation must support, this
                program does not strictly conform to standard C and
                might not be accepted by other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of these items.


 Message        The /NAMES=LOWERCASE qualifier is no longer
                supported.  The qualifier /NAMES=AS_IS will be used.

 Description    While the C language has always required identifiers
                with internal linkage to be treated case sensitively.
                It traditionally permitted implementations to
                monocase identifiers with external linkage.  Modern
                standards require C/C++ implementations to preserve
                the case of identifiers with external linkage.  As
                VMS and other operating systems that traditionally
                implemented monocasing chose uppercase as the
                convention, /NAMES=LOWERCASE runs contrary both to
                the C and C++ standards and to traditional
                conventions.  Continued support for this option
                interferes with support for compatibility between old
                code compiled with /NAMES=UPPERCASE and new code
                compiled with /NAMES=AS_IS.

 User Action    Use /NAMES=AS_IS, making source code changes as


 Message        <Context> "<name>" does not have a constant address,
                but occurs in a context that requires an address

 Description    A variable with static storage has been initialized
                to the address of an object whose address is not
                constant.  This can happen if a static pointer
                variable is initialized to the address of an
                automatic variable.

 User Action    Either make the initialize a constant, or, if
                possible, initialize the static storage using a
                run-time assignment.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has <type> type, which is
                not arithmetic.

 Description    An expression that must be an arithmetic type was not
                an arithmetic type.  For example, the operands of an
                arithmetic operator such as * must be arithmetic

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is an arithmetic


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not constant, but occurs in a
                context that requires a constant expression.

 Description    An expression that must evaluate to a compile-time is
                not a constant.

 User Action    Modify the constant expression so that it will
                evaluate as a compile-time constant.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not constant, but occurs in a
                context that requires a constant expression.  This is
                an extension of the language.

 Description    The C89 standard requires that an initializer for an
                automatic aggregate or union type object have an
                initializer that is a list of constant expressions.
                HP C allows non-constants in these initializers.
                This is an extension to C89.  Although this is
                allowed by the C99 standard, other C compilers might
                not successfully compile a program that uses this

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies the
                D_Floating data type.  The data can only be
                represented when compiling with /FLOAT=D_FLOAT.

 Description    The /FLOAT command-line qualifier specified a
                floating type other than D_floating format.  The CDD
                description specified was D_floating type, which did
                not match the floating type specified on the command

 User Action    Specify the correct command-line qualifier, or change
                the description of the item in the CDD.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" points to <type> type, but
                occurs in a context that requires a pointer to a
                function type.

 Description    An expression that must be a pointer to a function
                type is a pointer to an object or incomplete type.
                For example, if a function invocation expression is a
                pointer, it must be a pointer to a function type.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is a pointer to a
                function type.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies the
                G_Floating data type.  The data can only be
                represented when compiling with /FLOAT=G_FLOAT.

 Description    The /FLOAT command-line qualifier specified a
                floating type other than G_floating format.  The CDD
                description specified was G_floating type, which did
                not match the floating type specified on the command

 User Action    Specify the correct command line qualifier, or change
                the description of the item in the CDD.

477  –  NEEDIEEE

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies a VAX
                floating data type.  The data cannot be represented
                when compiling with /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT.

 Description    The command-line qualifier /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT was
                specified, indicating that all floating-point data
                should be represented in IEEE-floating format, yet
                the CDD description specified a non-IEEE_floating

 User Action    Specify the correct command-line qualifier, or change
                the description of the item in the CDD.

478  –  NEEDIEEE1

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies an IEEE
                floating data type.  The data can only be represented
                when compiling with /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT.

 Description    The CDD description for an item specifies an IEEE
                floating point type.  However this module was not
                compiled with the /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT qualifier.

 User Action    Specify the correct command-line qualifier, or change
                the description of the item in the CDD.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has <type> type, which is
                not integral.

 Description    An expression that must be an integer type was not
                integral.  For example, an array-index specifier must
                be an integral type.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is an integral type.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is not an lvalue, but occurs
                in a context that requires one.

 Description    An expression that must be an lvalue was not an
                lvalue.  For example, the operand of the address-of
                operator must be an lvalue.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is an lvalue.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not a member of "<struct or
                union expression>".

 Description    The second operand of a .  or -> operator specifies a
                member name that is not a member of the struct or
                union type specified by the first operand.  Note that
                in certain modes, HP C will search all other visible
                struct/union types for a matching member name.  If it
                finds one, a diagnostic will be issued, and the
                offset of that name will be used.

 User Action    Specify a valid member name.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is a builtin and cannot be used in
                this context.

 Description    A program has used a builtin function in a way that
                is invalid for builtin functions.  For example, a
                program cannot take the address of a builtin.

 User Action    Remove the improper use of the builtin.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has const-qualified type,
                but occurs in a context that requires a modifiable

 Description    The code has attempted to modify an object that is
                either a const-qualified type or has been declared
                with the readonly storage-class modifier.  This is
                not valid.  A typical example is assigning a value to
                a const variable.

 User Action    Either remove the const qualifier from the object's
                type, remove the readonly storage-class modifier from
                the object declaration, or rework the code so that
                the object is not written to.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has void type, but occurs in
                a context that requires a non-void result.

 Description    An expression that must not be a void type was void.
                For example, the control expression for an if
                statement must not have void type.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it has the required


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has <type> type, but occurs
                in a context that requires a pointer.

 Description    An expression that must be a pointer type was not a
                pointer type.  For example, the operand of the
                dereference operator must be a pointer type.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it has a pointer type.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" does not point to an object

 Description    An expression that must be a pointer to an object
                type is a pointer to a function or incomplete type.
                For example, if a pointer is the operand of the
                postincrement operator, it must point to an object

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is a pointer to an
                object type.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has <type> type, which is
                not scalar.

 Description    An expression that must be a scalar type was not
                scalar.  For example, only scalars can be cast to
                other types.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that it is a scalar type.


 Message        <Context> "<source type>" is <type> type, which is
                not scalar.

 Description    In a cast expression, the destination type of the
                cast is not a scalar type.  This is not valid.  Both
                the source and target type of a cast must be scalars.

 User Action    Modify the cast destination type so that it is a
                scalar type.


 Message        This asm is unsupported or illegal.

 Description    The argument to the asm intrinsic is invalid.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the asm instrinsic.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not a legal asm string, a
                string constant is required.

 Description    The argument to the asm intrinsic must be a string

 User Action    Change the argument to be a string constant.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has <type> type, but occurs
                in a context that requires a union or struct.

 Description    The left operand of the .  or -> operator does not
                have struct or union type.

 User Action    Correct the operand.


 Message        <Context> a negative hint value is not allowed.  The
                hint will be ignored.

 Description    All #pragma hint directives must take positive
                floating point values.

 User Action    Correct the hint.


 Message        Opening comment delimiter found inside a delimited
                comment; a previous comment may be missing its
                closing delimiter.

 Description    C comments delimited by /* */ do not nest.  When /*
                is encountered inside a delimited comment it usually
                means that the previous comment is missing its
                terminating */ or that the user has ill-advisedly
                attempted to "comment out" a section of code that
                contains a delimited comment.

 User Action    It is traditional in C to use #if 0 to conditionalize
                out large sections of code.  You may also want to
                consider //-style comments if the compiler modes you
                care about recognize them.


 Message        The type "<type>" is declared nested within
                "<enclosing type>".  In C, the nesting is ignored and
                <type> and its enumerator constants can be accessed
                as if they were not nested.  <However, the type and
                its enumerators are members in C++>.  <Fix>.

 Description    C allows types to be declared within other types.
                For example:  struct S { int a; enum E { first,
                second, third} b; int c; }; In C++ the enum E would
                not be accessible without using the ::  operator.

 User Action    Declare the nested type before declaring the
                enclosing type.


 Message        The type "<type>" is declared nested within
                "<enclosing type>".  In C, the nesting is ignored and
                <type> can be accessed as if it were not nested.
                <However, the type is a member in C++>.  <Fix>.

 Description    C allows types to be declared within other types.
                For example:  struct S { int x; struct S1 { int a;
                int b; } y; }; In C++ the struct S1 would not be
                accessible without using the ::  operator.

 User Action    Declare the nested type before declaring the
                enclosing type.

496  –  NESTINCL

 Message        Files included by this file are referenced.  However
                nothing else appears to be referenced from this file.

 Description    When compiling with the current set of compilation
                options, to improve compilation efficiency, you may
                wish to include the files which this file includes
                directly, rather than including them from this file.

 User Action    For compilation efficiency, you may exclude this
                include file when compiling with the current set of
                compilation options.


 Message        The compiler could not set its locale to the
                locale-specific native environment.  This problem
                might be caused by an incorrect value for a name
                defined in your process environment such as "LC_ALL"
                or "LANG".  The "C" locale will be used.

 Description    During start-up, the compiler was unable to set its
                locale to the locale-specific environment.  As part
                of its initialization, the compiler will issue the
                call setlocale(LC_ALL, "").  If this call fails, the
                compiler will set its locale to the "C" locale.  In
                general, this message is output because the
                locale-specific native environment has been set

 User Action    The best way to determine why the compiler was unable
                to set the locale is to write a small program that
                contains the library call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") and
                then examine the return value from the call.

498  –  NLCHAR

 Message        An unexpected newline character is present in a
                character constant.

 Description    An end of line was encountered during the scanning of
                a character constant.

 User Action    Terminate the character constant with a closing
                single quote character before the end of line.

499  –  NLHEADER

 Message        A newline occurs inside of a header name.

 Description    An end of line was encountered before the closing
                double quote or angle bracket of an #include

 User Action    Terminate the directive argument properly.

500  –  NLSTRING

 Message        An unexpected newline character is present in a
                string literal.

 Description    An end of line was encountered during the scanning of
                a string literal.

 User Action    Terminate the string constant with a closing double
                quote character before the end of line, or continue
                the line with a continuation character.

501  –  NOADD

 Message        <Context> "<expression1>" and "<expression2>" cannot
                be added.

 Description    Because of their types, the two expressions cannot be
                used as the operands of the addition operator.
                Either both operands must be arithmetic type, or one
                operand must be a pointer to an object type and the
                other must be an integral type.

 User Action    Modify the addition to use valid types.


 Message        The function "<routine name>" is a builtin function
                reserved to the compiler, and cannot be used with
                #pragma function.  The function will continue to be
                treated as a builtin.

 Description    A function identifier specified in a #pragma function
                directive is the name of a builtin function.  These
                functions cannot be explicitly disabled, they are
                always handled as builtin functions.

 User Action    Remove the inappropriate use of the pragma, and
                change the name of the function in order to have it
                treated as an ordinary callable function.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is a bitfield, but occurs in
                a context that precludes bitfields.

 Description    An expression that must not be a bitfield was a
                bitfield.  For example, the operand of the address-of
                operator must not be a bitfield.

 User Action    Modify the expression so that its type is not a
                bitfield type.


 Message        This case label occurs outside of any switch

 Description    A case label can only occur inside of a switch

 User Action    Remove the case label.


 Message        CDD is not available on this platform.  The
                #dictionary directive has been ignored.

 Description    The #dictionary directive requires CDD to be present
                on the platform.  This directive will only be
                recognized on OpenVMS systems.

 User Action    Remove the directive.

506  –  NOCOLON

 Message        Missing ":".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a colon, but one was not

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing colon for conditional expression.

 Description    A conditional expression that occurs as part of a
                preprocessing expression was missing the ":" that
                separates the second from the third operand.  The
                value of the resulting expression is undefined.

 User Action    Correct the conditional expression.

508  –  NOCOMMA

 Message        Missing ",".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a comma, but one was not

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing #if conditional expression.

 Description    An argument was not supplied to an #if or #elif
                preprocessing directive.  The missing argument will
                cause the compiler to consider these as FALSE

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the directive.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is of type "<type>", and
                cannot be converted to "<target type>".

 Description    An expression of one type cannot be converted to the
                type required by this expression.  This most often
                occurs when the source type of an assignment or cast
                cannot be converted to the destination type.  The
                rules for which types can be converted are rather
                complicated and differ based upon the compiler mode.
                Refer to the language documentation for a complete
                list of valid combinations.

 User Action    Modify the conversion to use valid types.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is of type "<type>", and
                cannot be converted to a different "<type>" type.

 Description    A struct or union of one type cannot be converted to
                a different struct or union type.

 User Action    Modify the conversion to use valid types.

512  –  NODCL

 Message        <Context> nothing is declared.

 Description    The C standard requires that a declaration must
                declare at least a tag, an enumeration constant, or a
                declarator.  This declaration contains none of these.
                This might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Correct or remove the declaration.


 Message        This default label occurs outside of any switch

 Description    A case default label can only occur inside of a
                switch statement.

 User Action    Remove the case default label.

514  –  NOENDIF

 Message        Missing #endif directive.

 Description    The compiler encountered an #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef
                preprocessing directive without a matching #endif.
                This might not have been what you intended.  The
                compiler will add the necessary #endif directive at
                the end of the compilation unit.

 User Action    Make sure every #if, #ifdef and #ifndef has a
                matching #endif.

515  –  NOEQUAL

 Message        Missing "=".

 Description    The compiler was expecting to see an "=" after the
                secondary_name specification of a #pragma weak or
                #pragma external_name directive.  This message is
                only output on UNIX.

 User Action    Correct the #pragma directive.


 Message        <Context> "<expression1>" and "<expression2>" cannot
                be compared for equality or inequality.

 Description    Because of their types, the two expressions cannot be
                compared for equality or inequality.  The rules for
                which types can be compared are rather complicated
                and differ based upon the compiler mode.  Refer to
                the language documentation for a complete list of
                valid combinations.

 User Action    Modify the comparison to use valid types.  This can
                often be done by casting one of the expressions to
                the type of the other.


 Message        <Context> this exception handling call is not within
                an exception filter of a try block.

 Description    The exception handling call must appear within an
                exception filter of a try statement block.

 User Action    Either remove the exception handling call, or place
                it in a try statement block.

518  –  NOFBDAT

 Message        <text> does not contain feedback data

 Description    The file indicated by the -feedback switch exists,
                but does not contain feedback data.  This is probably
                an error on the users part, although it might be seen
                as part of the bootstrapping process.

 User Action    Create a valid feedback file

519  –  NOFBFIL

 Message        Feedback file <text> does not exist

 Description    The file specified after the -feedback option does
                not exist.  This is normal during the bootstrapping

 User Action    Either correct the spelling of the feedback option,
                or create the required feedback file.

520  –  NOFBOPT

 Message        Compilation will proceed without feedback

 Description    A condition has occurred that has prevented the
                compiler from using feedback optimizations.  This
                message is most often preceded by another message
                that will provide additional information.

 User Action    Correct the condition that prevented the feedback

521  –  NOFBRTN

 Message        Feedback inactive for <text> in this compilation

 Description    Feedback information has gone stale for a particular
                routine (the source for the routine has changed).
                Feedback optimizations will not be applied to this

 User Action    Create a new feedback file

522  –  NOFIFILE

 Message        Cannot find include file <filename> specified on the
                command line.

 Description    The header file name specified in the UNIX -FI
                command line option or the OpenVMS /FIRST_INCLUDE
                qualifier was not found using the search rules in
                effect for the quoted form of #include directives.

 User Action    Either change the name of the file following the
                option or create the file.


 Message        There is no identifier named "<name>" declared as a
                function or function typedef in this compilation

 Description    A #pragma assert and/or #pragma linkage directive(s)
                contains an identifier that is not declared as a
                function or function typedef in the compilation unit.
                This may not have been what you intented.

 User Action    Remove the identifier from the #pragma assert and/or
                #pragma linkage, or declare it as a function or
                function typedef.  empty string.


 Message        Missing formal parameter specifier.

 Description    While processing the formal parameter list of a macro
                definition, the compiler encountered a missing formal
                parameter specifier.  The macro will be be defined
                and this parameter ignored, but that may not have
                been what you intended.

 User Action    Correct the formal parameter list so that it consists
                of a comma separated list of identifiers.

525  –  NOFUNC

 Message        There is no function named <name> defined in this
                compilation unit.

 Description    A function that appears in a #pragma weak and is not
                defined in the compilation unit.

 User Action    Either define the function or remove the function
                name from the pragma.

526  –  NOFUNC1

 Message        There is no definition for the inline function named
                <name> in this compilation unit.

 Description    A function that appears in a #pragma inline or
                #pragma noinline, or is declared with the __inline or
                __forceinline storage class modifier, is not defined
                in the compilation unit.

 User Action    Either define the function or remove the function
                name from the pragma, or remove the storage class
                modifier or the function specifier from the


 Message        <Context> an identifier was expected but not found.

 Description    The compiler was expecting an identifier, but one was
                not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        pragma pack pop directive has no identifier <name>
                which was found on the top of the pack stack.

 Description    The #pragma pack (pop) directive has no identifier
                specified while the top element of the pack stack has
                one.  Either this #pragma pack pop should have the
                identifier found on the stack, or this is an extra
                pragma pack pop, or the identifier should not be
                pushed by the corresponding #pragma pack push.

 User Action    Check whether the pragma pack pop should have the
                identifier.  Verify that there's no extra #pragma
                pack pop or #pragma member_alignment restore which
                popped the identifier to the top of the pack stack.
                Correct the directive(s).


 Message        Cannot find file <filename> specified in #include

 Description    The specified include file does not exist.

 User Action    Either change the name of the file in the #include
                preprocessing directive, or create the include file.


 Message        Cannot find file <filename> specified in #include

 Description    The specified include file does not exist.

 User Action    Either change the name of the file in the #include
                preprocessing directive, or create the include file.


 Message        #include directive missing argument.

 Description    An argument was not supplied to an #include
                preprocessing directive.  The directive will be

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the directive.

532  –  NOINIT

 Message        The type of <variable> does not permit

 Description    This type cannot be initialized.  Only objects and
                arrays of unknown size can be initialized.

 User Action    Remove the initializer.


 Message        There is no definition for the inline function named
                <name> in this compilation unit.

 Description    A function is declared with an __inline or inline
                keyword and is not defined in the compilation unit.

 User Action    Either define the function or remove the __inline or
                inline keyword from the declaration.


 Message        The main function cannot be inlined.

 Description    The C99 standard prohibits the inline keyword from
                being used on the main function.

 User Action    Remove the inline keyword.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" has internal linkage and is
                referenced from an an inline auxiliary function.
                This is a violation of the C99 Standard.

 Description    A function declared with the inline keyword and
                without a declaration containing the keyword, extern,
                or without a declaration which lacks the inline
                keyword and the static keyword declares an auxiliary
                inline declaration.  A definition of an auxiliary
                inline shall not contain a definition of a modifiable
                object with static storage duration, and shall not
                contain a reference to an identifier with internal

 User Action    Remove the inline keyword from all declarations of
                the parent function, or if it is appropriate, change
                the declaration of the referenced item to a
                declaration which has something other than internal


 Message        In an inline auxiliary function, the modifiable
                object "<name>" is declared with static storage
                duration.  This is a violation of the C99 standard.

 Description    A function declared with the inline keyword and
                without a declaration containing the keyword, extern,
                or without a declaration which lacks the inline
                keyword and the static keyword declares an auxiliary
                inline declaration.  A definition of an auxiliary
                inline shall not contain a definition of a modifiable
                object with static storage duration, and shall not
                contain a reference to an identifier with internal

 User Action    Remove the inline keyword from all declarations of
                the parent function, or if it is appropriate, add the
                const keyword to the declaration to create an
                non-modifiable object.


 Message        This leave statement is not within a try statement.

 Description    The exception handling statement leave must appear
                within a try statement block.

 User Action    Either remove the leave statement, or place it in a
                try statement block.


 Message        Token pasting operator missing left operand.

 Description    The preprocessing token pasting operator "##" appears
                in a macro body without the preceeding token

 User Action    Either remove the operator or supply it with two
                tokens that will be pasted together.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" has no linkage and has a prior
                declaration in this scope at <where>.

 Description    A declaration within a function body redeclares an
                identifier declared earlier in the current scope, and
                both declarations did not have the extern storage

 User Action    Either remove the extra declarations, or have all
                declarations for the identifier use the extern
                storage class.


 Message        <Context> 64-bit integral types are not supported on
                this platform.

 Description    64-bit integer types are not supported on the VAX

 User Action    Change the type to an integer type that is supported
                on VAX, or compile the application on a platform that
                does support 64-bit integers.


 Message        #define directive is missing macro name identifier.

 Description    The #define preprocessing directive was not supplied
                with an argument.  The directive should be followed
                with an identifier that specifies the macro name to
                be defined.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Supply a valid argument to the preprocessing


 Message        No main function encountered within module.
                /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO is ignored.

 Description    Use of the /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO is only
                meaningful for compilation units that contain a main
                program.  The compiler will ignore the qualifier.

 User Action    Remove the qualifier from the command line.


 Message        The register "<register>" cannot be mapped to a
                register on the target platform.

 Description    The pragma linkage directive contains
                architecture-specific information.  The Alpha
                register conventions are different from the IA64
                registers conventions.  The compiler will normally
                try to map the Alpha registers to the corresponding
                registers on IA64.  In this case this register cannot
                be mapped because there is no corresponding IA64

 User Action    Update the linkage to use a register that can be
                mapped, or specify the linkage to use the
                linkage_ia64 directive.


 Message        <Context> a struct or union has no named members.
                This is undefined behavior according to the C

 Description    The C standard requires that a struct or union
                contain at least one named member.  Because this
                struct/union contains no named members, it does not
                conform to the C standard and might not be portable.

 User Action    Make sure at least one member has a name.


 Message        Unable to generate code for atomic access

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        The type "<type>" is being declared as part of
                <context>.  C++ does not permit a new type to be
                declared in this context.  <Fix>.

 Description    C++ does not allow types to be declared in certain
                contexts that are valid in C.  One example is the
                declaration of a type within a function prototype.

 User Action    Declare the type before its use.


 Message        Unable to generate code for requested granularity

 Description    The compiler has generated a call a routine that
                performs longword operations on some data that is
                requested to be accessed with byte granularity.
                Because of this, the requested granularity will not
                be met for this data access.  This routine may be
                generated for a memory copy routine (such as memcpy).
                The call can also be generated for certain struct

 User Action    If the data must be accessed with byte granularity
                then write your own routine that does the required
                action using byte objects.  If byte granularity is
                not needed at this point, the message can be ignored.


 Message        <Context> the enumeration type, and all associated
                enumeration constants will have type <type> because
                at least one enumeration constant had a value that
                could not be represented in the type signed int.

 Description    The standard requires that enumeration constants have
                a value representable as an int.  Other C compilers
                will allow enumeration constants to have values
                outside this range.  In some modes the HP C compiler
                will allow this extension.  To identify exactly which
                constants are outside the range, enable the
                nonintenumcon message.

 User Action    Be aware that other compilers may not support this


 Message        <Context> allowing an enumeration constant outside
                the range of signed int is a language extension.

 Description    The standard requires that enumeration constants have
                a value representable as an int.  Other C compilers
                will allow enumeration constants to have values
                outside the range.  In some modes the HP C compiler
                will allow this extension.

 User Action    Be aware that other compilers may not support this


 Message        <Context> this enumeration constant and its
                associated enumeration type will not have the type
                signed int.  This behavior differs from earlier
                versions of the compiler.

 Description    This message will only be output when the "enumrange"
                message is disabled.  This version of the HP C
                compiler will allow enum constants to have a type
                other than signed int.  This is for compatibility
                with other compilers.  Programs that rely on the
                compiler to truncate enum constants may not work as
                expected.  For more information, enable the
                nonintenum message.

 User Action    If your program relies on this truncation, cast the
                constant to int.


 Message        File does not end in unescaped newline.

 Description    The final character of a file was not a newline
                character.  This could indicate that the file has
                been corrupted.  The compiler will insert a newline
                character at this point in the input stream.

 User Action    Update the source file so that it ends with a


 Message        The size of this structure is <size> bytes, which is
                not a multiple of its alignment of <align>.
                Respecify the alignment of the structure or add
                <bytes> bytes of additional padding.

 Description    The size of a struct or union is not a multiple of
                its alignment.  This could cause unaligned accesses
                if an array of these structs or unions is declared.

 User Action    Modify the struct/union or the alignment so that the
                size of the struct or union is a multiple of the

553  –  NONOCTAL

 Message        An octal constant contains non-octal digits.

 Description    An octal constant contains a non-octal digit.  The
                compiler will convert this non-octal digit to its
                corresponding octal value and use that value instead.
                For example, 0190 will be converted to 0210 (decimal
                136) as the non-octal digit 9 is converted to the
                octal 11.

 User Action    Correct the octal constant to use only octal digits.


 Message        "defined" is treated as an identifier here, not an

 Description    For compatibility with older C compilers, in certain
                modes the compiler will treat #ifdef defined(foo) as
                #ifdef defined, and #ifndef defined(foo) as #ifndef
                defined.  This might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Do not mix #ifdef/#ifndef with the defined operator.


 Message        Non-standard #line directive.

 Description    Accepting the line directive without the "line"
                preprocessing keyword is an extension of HP C.  The
                program does not conform to the C standard, and might
                not be accepted by other compilers.

 User Action    Add the "line" preprocessing keyword to the


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" of type "<type>", is being
                converted to "<target type>".  Such a cast is not
                permitted by the standard.

 Description    The standard only permits casts from a pointer to an
                object incomplete type to another pointer to an
                object or incomplete type, or from a pointer to
                function type to another pointer to function type.
                Note that void is considered an incomplete type, so
                casts between pointer to void and pointer to function
                types are not permitted by the C standard.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to another compiler.


 Message        <Context> , there is no room for the terminating
                '\0'.  Standard C allows this, but C++ does not.

 Description    This declaration initializes an object to a strict
                literal.  Although the object is large enough to hold
                the characters in the literal, it is not large enough
                to hold the terminating null character.  This might
                not have been what you intended.  This practice is
                also not valid in C++.

 User Action    Increase the size of the object, or reduce the size
                of the initializer.


 Message        Stringization operator missing operand.

 Description    The preprocessing stringization operator "#" appears
                in a macro body without a token argument after the

 User Action    Either remove the operator or supply it with a token
                that will be stringized.


 Message        Token pasting operator missing both operands.

 Description    The preprocessing token pasting operator "##" appears
                in a macro body without either the preceeding or
                following token arguments.

 User Action    Either remove the operator or supply it with two
                tokens that will be pasted together.


 Message        Missing right parenthesis for macro argument list.

 Description    A macro invocation's argument list did not end in a
                right parenthesis.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.

561  –  NOPARM

 Message        This declaration does not declare a parameter.

 Description    The parameter declaration list of an old-style
                function definition included a type but no parameter

 User Action    Replace the old-style function definition with the
                recommended prototype-format declaration.  If this is
                not possible, include the correct identifier after
                the parameter type.


 Message        The declaration of <function> has an empty parameter
                list.  If the function has parameters, they should be
                declared here; if it has no parameters, "void" should
                be specified in the parameter list.

 Description    The recommended way to declare a function that takes
                no parameters is to use "void" in the parameter list.

 User Action    Make the recommended change.


 Message        No argument for #pragma <pragma> was found.  Pragma
                is ignored.

 Description    A #pragma directive was not followed by one of the
                expected arguments.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Supply all required arguments to the directive.

564  –  NOPSECT

 Message        Missing psect name.

 Description    The psect specifier in a globaldef declaration must
                be a string constant.

 User Action    Either make the psect a string constant or remove the
                psect specifier.


 Message        Unable to satisfy program register allocation

 Description    The compiler is unable to allocate all the registers
                requested by the program.  This most often happens
                when asm directives require too many registers.

 User Action    Rework the asm directives so they use fewer registers


 Message        <Context> "<expression1>" and "<expression2>" cannot
                be compared with a relational operator.

 Description    Because of their types, the two expressions cannot be
                used as the operands of a relational operator.  The
                rules for which types can be used in a relational are
                rather complicated and differ based upon the compiler
                mode.  Refer to the language documentation for a
                complete list of valid combinations.

 User Action    Modify the relational to use valid types.  This can
                often be done by casting one of the expressions to
                the type of the other.


 Message        noreturn assertion of #pragma assert directive can't
                be specified for non-void function.

 Description    noreturn assertion was specified in #pragma assert
                directive for non-void function; the noreturn
                assertion will be ignored.

 User Action    Either remove noreturn assertion from the directive,
                or change return type for the function to void.


 Message        The function "<name>" returns a value, but no value
                is given in this return statement.

 Description    A function that returns a value contains a return
                statement that is missing a return value.  Therefore,
                the returned value will be undefined.  This might not
                have been what you intended.

 User Action    Supply a return value for the return statement.


 Message        The function "<name>" has an implicit return type of
                int, but no value is given in this return statement.

 Description    A function that has an implicit return type of int
                contains a return statement that is missing a return
                value.  Therefore, the returned value will be
                undefined.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Supply a return value for the return statement or
                define the function with a void return type.

570  –  NORETVAL

 Message        routine <text> does not return a value

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        No right parenthesis for parameter list.

 Description    A macro definition's formal parameter list did not
                end in a right parenthesis.  A right parenthesis has
                been assumed.

 User Action    End the formal parameter list with a right


 Message        Token pasting operator missing right operand.

 Description    The preprocessing token pasting operator "##" appears
                in a macro body without a token argument after the

 User Action    Either remove the operator or supply it with two
                tokens that will be pasted together.


 Message        Missing ")".

 Description    A right parenthesis was expected at this point in the
                program, but none was found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing exception handler.

 Description    The __builtin_try clause must specify an exception
                handler of either __builtin_finally or
                __builtin_except.  This message is only generated on
                UNIX systems.

 User Action    Correct the __builtin_try clause.

575  –  NOSEMI

 Message        Missing ";".

 Description    The compiler was expecting a semicolon, but one was
                not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.

576  –  NOSEMI1

 Message        Missing ";".  This condition may have been caused by
                an open brace without a matching close brace.  The
                compiler will attempt to identify open braces that
                might be missing a close brace.

 Description    The compiler was expecting a semicolon, but one was
                not found.  This condition may have been caused
                missing close brace.  This message is followed by
                some number of additional messages that attempt to
                identify the bad open brace.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing ";" after last structure or union member.

 Description    Accepting a struct/union type without a semicolon
                after the last member specifier is a language
                extension of HP C provided for compatiblity with
                older C compilers.  This syntax is not valid in
                standard C, and may not be accepted by other C

 User Action    Add the semicolon at the end of the last member.

578  –  NOSFILE

 Message        Cannot create .s file:  overlapping static storage
                initializations at Psect <text> + <number>

 Description    When producing an output assembly file, the compiler
                back-end as detected a case where the same storage
                location has been initialized to more than one value.
                This can occur when inter-file optimization has been

 User Action    Remove one of the initializers.


 Message        noshare is a language extension.

 Description    The noshare storage class modifier is a language
                extension of HP C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses the

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        Noshare variable resides in shr extern model -
                noshare ignored.

 Description    The current extern model places all external objects
                in a shareable section.  Placing an object with a
                noshare type qualifier in such a section is invalid.
                The compiler will ignore the noshare type qualifier

 User Action    Place noshare objects in sections with the noshare

581  –  NOSTRING

 Message        Missing string literal.

 Description    The compiler was expecting a string literal, but one
                was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        <Context> "<expression2>" cannot be subtracted from

 Description    Because of their types, the two expressions cannot be
                used as the operands of the subtraction operator.
                Either both operands must be arithmetic type, or both
                operands must be pointers to qualified or unqualified
                versions of compatible object types, or the left
                operand must be a pointer type and the right operand
                must be an integral type.

 User Action    Modify the subtraction to use valid types.


 Message        <Context> the address constant "<expression>" can be
                cast only to a pointer type, but "<type>" is <type
                class> type.

 Description    An address constant can only be cast to a pointer

 User Action    Correct the cast.


 Message        bad reduction path from fetch of <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> the type of "<name>" is not compatible with
                the type of a previous declaration of "<name>" at

 Description    The same identifier has been redeclared with a type
                that is incompatible with the type given in a
                previous visible declaration.  In some modes, the
                compiler will use the redeclared type as the type of
                the identifier.

 User Action    Change the declarations to use compatible types.


 Message        <Context> the type of the function "<name>" is not
                compatible with the earlier implicit declaration of
                "<name>" at <location>.

 Description    The declared type of a function does not match the
                type given to the function by its earlier implicit
                declaration.  This may cause unexpected behavior.

 User Action    Make sure that a valid function declaration is
                visible at the point in the source where the function
                is first called.


 Message        <Context> an invalid redeclaration of "<name>" to or
                from a function type is being ignored.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow an
                identifier to be redeclared with a different type.
                In this case, the type of the redeclaration is used.
                However, in cases where the identifier is redeclared
                to or from a function type, the redeclaration is

 User Action    Remove the redeclaration of the identifier.


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is const, but the referenced type of
                the target of this assignment is not.

 Description    In an assignment of two pointer types, the type
                pointed to by the destination operand must have all
                the type qualifiers of the type pointed to by the
                source operand.  In this case, the type pointed to by
                the source has the const type qualifier, but the type
                pointed to by the destination does not.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.


 Message        Error parsing <what>.  Found "<found>" when expecting

 Description    While parsing the program, the compiler has
                encountered something unexpected.  The message will
                detail what the compiler was trying to parse and the
                item that was invalid, and will also produce a list
                of those items it was expecting to find.

 User Action    Correct the offending section of the program.


 Message        Identifier "<id>" is reserved by the
                <C89|C99|C2010...> standard and will be mapped to
                "<name>" although it is not available in the CRTL
                available to the compiler.

 Description    The specified identifier is reserved for use as an
                identifer with external lingage in the specified
                version of the C standard.  But according to the CRTL
                mapping table available to the compiler, that
                identifier is not defined in the CRTL you expect to
                link against.  This may be because the function or
                object is not yet implemented in the current
                DECC$SHR, or because you have used logical
                DECC$CRTLMAP to specify a CRTL mapping table for a
                version of the CRTL that does not implement it.

 User Action    If you intended to use the identifier as defined by
                the C standard, and you have not defined the logical
                DECC$CRTLMAP, then the identifier is not defined in
                the DECC$SHR available to the compiler.  If this is
                the latest released DECC$SHR, then the identifier is
                not yet implemented and you need to consider
                workarounds; otherwise you should upgrade to the
                latest available CRTL that does implement it.  If you
                did not intend to use the identifier as defined by
                the C standard (i.e.  it is an identifier you
                expected to be defined by your application), then you
                have a name clash with the specified version of the
                standard and you should change the spelling of the
                identifier; alternatively, you could disable
                prefixing for it using /PREFIX=EXCEPT=, or specify an
                older version of the standard with either /PREFIX= or


 Message        The function "<routine name>" is not a known
                intrinsic function and cannot be used with #pragma
                function.  The function is unaffected by this pragma.

 Description    A function identifier specified in a #pragma function
                directive is not a valid intrinsic function on this
                platform.  The function is thus never treated as an
                intrinsic, and so #pragma function can never be
                applicable to it.  Perhaps the name was misspelled,
                or perhaps the function was thought to be intrinsic,
                possibly because it is intrinsic on some other
                platform.  In the latter case, the desired result,
                that the function not be treated as intrinsic, would
                happen with or without the pragma.

 User Action    Either correct the identifier spelling or remove the
                use of the pragma.


 Message        <Context> "<identifier>" is not a local parameter.

 Description    The second argument to the variable argument list
                va_start macro is not a formal parameter of the
                current function.  The second argument to va_start
                should be the rightmost parameter in the function

 User Action    Correct the second argument to va_start.


 Message        <Context> the value of "<expression>" is neither 0
                nor 1.

 Description    The __builtin_va_start macro has been used

 User Action    Correct the use of the macro.

594  –  NOTPARM

 Message        <Context> <name> is not a parameter.

 Description    The identifier name in the parameter declaration does
                not match a name in the identifier list of an
                old-style function definition.

 User Action    Correct either the identifier in the declaration or
                in the identifier list so that they match.  HP also
                recommends that old-style function definitions be
                replaced by prototype-format definitions.


 Message        <Context> the array bound "<expression>" is not a
                positive integer.

 Description    The compiler has encountered an array-bounds
                specifier that is either zero or negative.
                Array-bounds specifiers must be positive integer

 User Action    Correct the array-bounds specifier


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is restrict, but the referenced type
                of the target of this assignment is not.

 Description    In an assignment of two pointer types, the type
                pointed to by the destination operand must have all
                the type qualifiers of the type pointed to by the
                source operand.  In this case, the type pointed to by
                the source has the restrict type qualifier, but the
                type pointed to by the destination does not.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.  Note that
                care should be taken in assigning to a restricted
                pointer type.


 Message        <Context> "<identifier>" is not the rightmost
                parameter to "<function>".

 Description    The second argument to va_start was not the rightmost
                parameter in the variable parameter list in the
                function definition.  This is an invalid argument to
                va_start.  Other compilers might not accept this

 User Action    Update the second argument to va_start to use the
                rightmost parameter.


 Message        The controlling expression "<expression>" has <type>
                type, which is not scalar.

 Description    An execution control expression does not have scalar
                type.  This is not valid.  An example of an execution
                control expression is the expression following the
                while keyword in a while statement.

 User Action    Change the control expression to have scalar type.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" does not name a type.

 Description    This message is output when the compiler encounters
                an identifier that it believes is a typedef and no
                valid typedef by this name is defined in the current
                scope.  This most often occurs when there was an
                error in the declaration of the typedef name.

 User Action    Correct the declaration of typedef.


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is __unaligned, but the referenced
                type of the target of this assignment is not.

 Description    In an assignment of two pointer types, the type
                pointed to by the destination operand must have all
                the type qualifiers of the type pointed to by the
                source operand.  In this case, the type pointed to by
                the source has the __unaligned type qualifier, but
                the type pointed to by the destination does not.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is volatile, but the referenced type
                of the target of this assignment is not.

 Description    In an assignment of two pointer types, the type
                pointed to by the destination operand must have all
                the type qualifiers of the type pointed to by the
                source operand.  In this case, the type pointed to by
                the source has the volatile type qualifier, but the
                type pointed to by the destination does not.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.

602  –  NOTYPES

 Message        Declaration has no type or storage class.

 Description    A file-scope declaration contains no type and no
                storage-class specifier.  In some modes, the HP C
                compiler will treat this as a tentative definition of
                an int variable.  Accepting this declaration is an
                extension to standard C provided for compatibility
                with other compilers.

 User Action    Rewrite the declaration to contain a data type and/or
                storage class.


 Message        Non-unique formal parameter definition.

 Description    The same name has been used for more than one formal
                parameter in a macro definition.  Any occurrence of
                the name in the macro body will correspond to the
                last formal parameter given this name.

 User Action    Each macro formal parameter should have a unique

604  –  NOWHILE

 Message        Missing "while".

 Description    While processing a do statement, the compiler did not
                find a while clause.

 User Action    Supply a while clause for the do statement.


 Message        Readonly psect <text> is written

 Description    The compiler has detected an attempt to write to
                read-only storage.

 User Action    Either remove the write or make the storage


 Message        The size of "<name>" exceeds the maximum size of an
                object allowed on this platform which is <size>

 Description    An object has been declared with a size that is too
                large for this platform.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the object.


 Message        "#<directive>" directive within a macro argument list
                is not portable.

 Description    HP C will allow certain directives to appear within
                the argument list of a macro invocation.  This might
                not be portable.

 User Action    If possible, rewrite the macro invocation.


 Message        Missing "{".

 Description    The compiler was expecting an open brace, but one was
                not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        A comment is not terminated.

 Description    The end of a file was reached while within a comment.
                The message will indicate the start of the comment.
                All source files, even those included via the
                #include preprocessing directive, must not end in a
                pending comment.

 User Action    Terminate the comment before the end of the source


 Message        Missing "(".

 Description    The compiler was expecting an open parenthesis, but
                one was not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        This "restore" has underflowed the pragma optimize
                stack.  No corresponding "save" was found.

 Description    The optimize stack, managed by the #pragma optimize
                and #pragma environment directives, contains more
                restores than saves.  This could signify a coding or
                logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each restore has a corresponding save.

612  –  OPTLEVEL

 Message        Invalid optimization level <number>, defaulted to

 Description    An optimization level that is outside the range of
                valid optimization levels has been specified.  The
                compiler will default to the stated level.

 User Action    Supply a valid optimization level on the command


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not declared in a scope active
                at this point in the compilation.  However, there is
                a declaration of this identifer with extern storage
                class in another scope at <where>.  This declaration
                will be used.

 Description    In some modes, if the compiler cannot find the
                declaration of an object in the current scope, it
                will search other scopes for extern declarations of
                that object.  If it finds such a declaration, it will
                be used.  Note that this is a language extension
                provided for compatibility with other compilers.

 User Action    Declare the object so that it is visible at all
                places it is referenced.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is a member of another struct or

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow a struct or
                union reference whose right operand is not a member
                of the struct or union type of the left operand.
                This is allowed for compatibility with other

 User Action    Correct the struct or union reference so that the
                member specifier is a member of the type of the left


 Message        <Context> the type of this argument to <function
                name> is not appropriate for the precision argument
                of the conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>".
                Behavior can be unpredictable.

 Description    This argument corresponds to an output precision
                specification.  C requires that this argument have
                integer type, and it does not.

 User Action    Cast the argument to an int type.


 Message        <Context> the type of this argument to <function
                name> is not appropriate for the width argument of
                the conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>".
                Behavior can be unpredictable.

 Description    This argument corresponds to an output width
                specifier.  C requires that this argument have
                integer type, and it does not.

 User Action    Cast the argument to an int type.


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> and
                conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>" combine
                integer and floating-point types.  Behavior can be

 Description    The compiler has detected an output conversion
                specifier whose data type does not match its
                corresponding argument in a way that will cause
                unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Modify either the argument or the conversion
                specifier so that they match.


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> is of
                "<type name>" type and is not appropriate for the
                conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>".  The
                value will be formatted in an unintended manner.

 Description    The compiler has detected a string conversion
                specifier that does not match its corresponding
                argument.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Modify either the argument or the conversion
                specifier so that they match.


 Message        <Context> the number of conversion specifiers to
                <function name> exceeds the number of values to be
                converted.  Conversion specifiers from "<last valid
                conversion>" onward will process meaningless and
                perhaps invalid data.

 Description    The number of conversion specifiers is greater than
                the number of values to be converted as specified in
                the parameter list.  This is probably not what you

 User Action    Make sure the number of conversion specifiers match
                the values to be converted.


 Message        <Context> additional arguments to <function name> are
                provided for which there are no conversion specifiers
                in the format string.  Arguments from "<last
                expression>" onward will be evaluated, but not
                processed by <function name>.

 Description    The number of conversion specifiers is less than the
                number of values to be converted as specified in the
                parameter list.  This is probably not what you

 User Action    Make sure the number of conversion specifiers match
                the values to be converted.


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> is of
                "<typeclass>" type and is not appropriate for the
                conversion specifier "<incorrect conversion>".  The
                value might be truncated or formatted in an
                unintended manner.

 Description    The compiler has detected an output conversion
                specifier that does not match its corresponding
                argument.  This might not have been what you

 User Action    Modify either the argument or the conversion
                specifier so that they match.


 Message        <Context> variable ordering is used in a conversion
                specifier for <function name>.  If variable ordering
                is used, it must be specified for all conversions.

 Description    A conversion specification can contain only one type
                of conversion specification - % or %n$.  Mixing them
                will cause unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Change the format specification to use only one type
                of conversion specification.


 Message        This "pop" has underflowed the pragma <stack name>
                stack.  No corresponding "push" was found.

 Description    The member_alignment/pack stack, managed by the
                #pragma pack and #pragma member_alignment directives,
                contains more pops/restores than pushes/saves, This
                could signify a coding or logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each pop/restore has a corresponding


 Message        <Context> "<name>" overrides a formal parameter
                declared at <where>.

 Description    A declaration within a function body redeclares a
                formal parameter.

 User Action    Change the name of either the formal parameter or the
                declared variable.


 Message        <Context> accepting a string literal in parentheses
                as the initializer for a character array is a
                language extension.

 Description    The compiler accepts this kind of initializer for
                compatibility with many other C compilers.  According
                to the C standard, a string literal in parentheses is
                a character pointer.  Therefore, this program does
                not conform to the standard and may be rejected by
                other compilers.

 User Action    Remove the parentheses.


 Message        <Context> the parameter <name> has an incomplete

 Description    The parameter of an old-style function definition has
                an incomplete type.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Complete the type before the declaration of the
                parameter.  HP also recommends that old-style
                function definitions be replaced by prototype-format

627  –  PARMINIT

 Message        <Context> a parameter declaration cannot include an

 Description    The parameter declaration list of an old-style
                function definition included an initializer.  This is
                not valid.

 User Action    Remove the initializer from the declaration and
                initialize the parameter in the function body.  HP
                also recommends that old-style function definitions
                be replaced by prototype-format definitions.


 Message        <Context> a parameter has an explicit storage class
                other than "register".

 Description    The only storage class that can be specified for a
                formal parameter is "register".

 User Action    Either remove the storage class or use "register" if
                that is desired.


 Message        <Context> a parameter cannot have a storage class

 Description    A formal parameter cannot be declared with a storage
                class modifier.

 User Action    Remove the storage class modifier.


 Message        Ill-formed parameter type list.

 Description    While processing a function declaration, an invalid
                parameter type list was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        Missing identifier.

 Description    While processing an old-style function definition,
                the compiler was expecting an identifier, but one was
                not found.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.  HP also recommends that
                old-style function definitions be replaced by
                prototype-format definitions.

632  –  PDBOPERR

 Message        Error opening PDB file <text>:  <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        Error adding type record to PDB file:  <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        index variable of PDO <text> is not a private

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        pdone <text> in statically-scheduled PDO will be

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        pdone <text> is not nested in a PDO

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        The use of the <spelling> option has prevented this
                redeclaration of "<variable>" from changing its
                linkage.  The linkage will be that specified by the
                earlier declaration at <location>.

 Description    In many cases, the compiler will allow a
                redeclaration of an item to change its linkage.  For
                example, in most modes, if an object is declared with
                extern linkage and later with static linkage, the
                compiler will give it static linkage.  This changing
                of linkage usually causes a warning to be issued.
                However, in cases where interfile optimization has
                been selected (-ifo on UNIX, /PLUS_LIST_OPTIMIZE on
                OpenVMS), the compiler cannot allow a later
                declaration to modify the linkage of a previous

 User Action    Change all declarations to use the same linkage.


 Message        <Context> the 64-bit pointer "<expression>" is being
                cast to an integer type that is only <size> bits in
                size.  This behavior is undefined.

 Description    Casting a 64-bit pointer to a shorter integer type is
                undefined behavior.  This also could indicate code
                that relies on pointers and integers being the same
                size.  The code will cause an unexpected loss of data
                on 64-bit platforms.

 User Action    If this is the intended behavior, first cast the
                pointer to a 64-bit integer, then cast the result to
                the desired integer type.


 Message        The member alignment popped/restored with pragma
                <pragma name> was saved using pragma <pragma name>.
                The member alignment restored will take effect.

 Description    HP C supports two forms of the member alignment
                directives.  One begins with #pragma pack, the other
                with #pragma member_alignment.  A program has mixed
                the pack and the member_alignment form of the
                directives in a way that is not recommended.  This
                might indicate a programming error.

 User Action    If a member alignment has been saved by one form of
                the member-alignment directive, it should be restored
                by the same form of the directive.


 Message        The pointer size control <name> pragma is not active.
                Pragma is ignored.

 Description    Either one of the pragmas that used to control
                pointer size has been specified on a platform that
                does not support mixed pointer sizes, or the #pragma
                pointer_size directive has been used without the
                appropriate command-line option or qualifier.  In all
                cases, the directive is ignored.

 User Action    Either remove the directive or add the appropriate
                command-line option.

641  –  PRAGMA

 Message        Strict standard C extension:  A #pragma directive was

 Description    As the purpose of a #pragma directive is to specify
                implementation-defined behavior, it is likely that
                other C compilers will not treat this pragma in the
                same way HP C will.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        Please use the preferred "#pragma ident" directive in
                place of the "#ident" directive.

 Description    The #ident directive is a language extension.  Other
                C compilers might not accept it.

 User Action    Use the portable #pragma ident directive instead.


 Message        The pragma <name> cannot be used inside a function

 Description    This #pragma directive is only permitted at file
                scope, outside of all function definitions.

 User Action    Move the directive to file scope, preceding the
                function definition that is to be affected.  To limit
                the pragma to just that particular function, sandwich
                the #pragma and the function definition between a
                pair of matching pragmas with the save and restore


 Message        Please use the preferred "#pragma module" directive
                in place of the "#module" directive.

 Description    The #module directive is a language extension.  Other
                C compilers are unlikely to accept it.

 User Action    Use the portable #pragma module directive instead.


 Message        This #pragma optimize has already modified this
                optimization setting.  This setting will replace the

 Description    A #pragma optimize has specified the same
                optimization setting more than once.  The later
                setting will replace the previous one.

 User Action    Remove the earlier setting.


 Message        The level set by a #pragma optimize directive must be
                between 0 and 5.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    A #pragma optimize has tried to set the optimization
                level to a value outside the valid range.  The
                compiler will ignore the directive.

 User Action    Set the optimization level to a number from 0 to 5.


 Message        Setting speculation control is not available on this
                platform.  The setting will be ignored.

 Description    Setting speculation control in only available on
                certain platforms.  Trying to modify the setting on
                other platforms will have no effect.

 User Action    Remove the speculation setting.


 Message        If a #pragma optimize specifies level=0, that must be
                the only optimization setting specified by the
                pragma.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    If a #pragma optimize specifies level=0, that must be
                the only optimization setting specified by the
                pragma.  The compiler will ignore the directive.

 User Action    Remove the other settings specified by the directive.

649  –  PREOPTE

 Message        An error was detected in the processing of a <option
                spelling> option:  <#define or #undefine problem>

 Description    An error was encountered during the processing of a
                macro definition specified on the command line.  The
                message should provide additional information about
                the error.

 User Action    Correct the command line argument.

650  –  PREOPTW

 Message        A problem was detected in the processing of a <option
                spelling> option:  <#define or #undefine problem>

 Description    A problem was encountered during the processing of a
                macro definition specified on the command line.  The
                message should provide additional information about
                the problem.

 User Action    Correct the command-line argument.


 Message        An error occurred while attempting to open either the
                preprocessor output file or the dependency file:

 Description    An unexpected error occurred during the creation of a
                preprocessor output file or a dependency file.  The
                message text will contain additional information
                about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        variable <text> on a local or lastlocal list is not
                declared in a shared scope.

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> the promoted type of <name> is incompatible
                with the type of the corresponding parameter in a
                prior declaration.

 Description    The promoted type of a parameter of an old-style
                function declaration does not match the type given
                earlier in a prototype declaration of the function.

 User Action    Correct the data types so they match.  HP also
                recommends that old-style function definitions be
                replaced by prototype-format definitions.


 Message        <Context> the promoted type of <name> is incompatible
                with the type of the corresponding parameter in a
                prior declaration.

 Description    The promoted interger or floating type of a parameter
                of an old-style function declaration does not match
                the integer or floating type given earlier in a
                prototype declaration of the function.

 User Action    Correct the data types so they match.  HP also
                recommends that old-style function definitions be
                replaced by prototype-format definitions.

655  –  PROTOF

 Message        An error occurred while attempting to open the
                prototype output file:  <problem>.

 Description    An unexpected error occurred during the creation of a
                prototype output file.  The message text will contain
                additional information about the failure.

 User Action    Correct the condition that caused the failure.


 Message        The type "<type>" has been declared within and is
                limited to a function prototype scope.  It will not
                be compatible with an identical type declared in
                another scope.  This might not be what you intended.

 Description    A type is declared within a function prototype.  The
                type is local to the function prototype and will not
                be visible outside the prototype.  This might cause
                unexpected errors later in the compilation.

 User Action    Declare the type before the function prototype.


 Message        <Context> the struct type was previously declared
                with prototype scope in this function.  Now it is
                declared with a different prototype scope.

 Description    This function declaration contains a parameter that
                is a pointer to a type that has prototype scope, and
                an earlier declaration of the function contains a
                parameter that is also a pointer to a type that has a
                different prototype scope.  In most compiler modes
                this will cause the function redeclarations to

 User Action    Avoid declaring types with function prototype scope.


 Message        <Context> the struct type was previously declared in
                this function with prototype scope.  Now it is
                declared with file scope.

 Description    This message is generated when the compiler first
                encounters a function prototype that declares a type
                with prototype scope, and then later sees a second
                declaration or definition of that same function with
                the parameter declared using the same type declared
                at file scope.  For example:  void foo(struct S { int
                a; int b;} *s); struct S { int a; int b;} s; void
                foo(struct S *s);

 User Action    Declare the type at file scope before the first
                prototype declaration.


 Message        The extracted header file contains prototypes for
                static functions, which should be removed before
                including the header in a source file other than the

 Description    When extracting function prototype declarations, the
                compiler has encountered a static function.  The
                prototype declaration placed in the output .H file
                should be removed if the .H file is included in any
                source other than that used to create the .H file.
                This is because those static functions may not be
                declared in the other files.  This message can only
                be generated when the compiler has been invoked with
                the option to extract function prototype
                declarations, and the suboption to generate
                prototypes for static functions has also been

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to use the output .H
                file in a file other than the one from which the .H
                file was generated.

660  –  PROTOTAG

 Message        The extracted header file contains prototypes with
                tag names, which should be moved to after the tag
                name declaration.

 Description    When extracting function prototype declarations, the
                compiler has encountered a parameter type specifier
                that references a tag.  Because the created prototype
                will use this tag, it should be moved after the tag
                declaration in the final compilation source.  This
                message can only be generated when the compiler has
                been invoked with the option to extract function
                prototype declarations.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to use the output .H


 Message        The extracted header file contains prototypes with
                typedefs, which should be moved to after the typedef

 Description    When extracting function prototype declarations, the
                compiler has encountered a parameter type specifier
                that is defined by a typedef.  Because the created
                prototype will use this typedef, it should be moved
                after the typedef declaration in the final
                compilation source.  This message can only be
                generated when the compiler has been invoked with the
                option to extract function prototype declarations.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to use the output .H

662  –  PROTOVLA

 Message        The extracted header file contains prototypes for
                functions which have formal parameters with variably
                modified type.  All variable length bound specifiers
                have been replaced by a "*" signifying a variable
                length array of unspecified size.

 Description    When extracting function prototype declarations, the
                compiler has encountered a function or functions
                which have a formal parameter with variably modified
                type.  The compiler is unable to recreate the source
                that specified the number of array elements.
                Instead, the output prototype will use the "*" bounds
                specifier.  Note that the output prototype is valid
                for the function.

 User Action    Be aware that the compiler has made this minor change
                to the function declaration.


 Message        "#pragma <psect_type>" directive must precede any

 Description    The #pragma code_psect or #pragma linkage_psect
                directives must appear before any function or
                external data definitions.

 User Action    Place the directive earlier in the source program.


 Message        Psect name is too long (maximum is 31 characters).
                Pragma is ignored.

 Description    A psect name specified in a #pragma code_psect,
                #pragma linkage_psect, or #pragma extern_model
                directive must be less than 32 characters in length.
                The compiler will ignore the directive.

 User Action    Shorten the psect name.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>", a pointer to a 32-bit
                integer, is being cast to a pointer to a 64-bit
                integer.  This may lead to unintended results.

 Description    On many platforms long integers are the same size as
                integers, and casting a pointer to int to a pointer
                to long int is not a problem.  On this platform long
                integers are 64-bits.  This cast could indicate a
                potential porting problem.

 User Action    Verify that this is the intended behavior.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>", a pointer to a 64-bit
                integer, is being cast to a pointer to a 32-bit
                integer.  This may lead to unintended results.

 Description    On many platforms long integers are the same size as
                integers, and casting a pointer to long int to a
                pointer to int is not a problem.  On this platform
                long integers are 64-bits.  This cast could indicate
                a potential porting problem.

 User Action    Verify that this is the intended behavior.


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is "<type>", which is not compatible
                with "<target type>".

 Description    In a pointer assignment, the type pointed to by the
                source pointer is different than the type pointed to
                by the destination pointer.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.


 Message        <Context> the referenced type of the pointer value
                "<expression>" is "<type>", which is not compatible
                with "<target type>" because they differ by
                signed/unsigned attribute.

 Description    In a pointer assignment, the type pointed to by the
                source pointer is different than the type pointed to
                by the destination pointer.  In this case the types
                differ because the signed/unsigned type attributes
                are different.

 User Action    Correct the assignment to use compatible types.  This
                can be done by inserting a cast operand.


 Message        Type qualifier(s) after a comma ignored.

 Description    In Microsoft mode, the compiler used to accept a type
                qualifier after a comma used for separating
                declarators.  Because Microsoft no longer accepts
                this type of declaration, HP C will no longer accept
                it.  The type qualifier is ignored.

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier.


 Message        The return type of "<name>" is a qualified type.
                Type qualifiers have no meaning for function return

 Description    A type qualifier has been used as part of the type of
                a function return value.  The type qualifiers have no
                meaning for function return values.

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a pointer type, but
                occurs in a context that expects a struct or union.

 Description    The left operand of the struct/union member operator
                (.) is a pointer type instead of a struct or union

 User Action    Specify the correct struct or union type object as
                the left operand.  In cases where the left operand is
                a pointer to a struct or union, it might be possible
                to use the struct/union pointer operator (->) instead
                of the member operator.

672  –  QUALNA

 Message        The <qualifier name> qualifier is not available on
                this platform and will be ignored.

 Description    The specified qualifier is not supported on this

 User Action    Remove the qualifier from the command line.


 Message        <Context> the qualifier for "<name>" is not a struct
                or union.

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will allow the left
                operand of a struct/union member reference to be
                certain types other than a struct or union type.  In
                these cases the compiler will issue a warning that
                this non-standard syntax is being accepted.

 User Action    Modify the left operand to be a struct or union type.


 Message        <Context> the unsigned expression "<expr>" is being
                compared with a relational operator to a constant
                whose value is not greater than zero.  This might not
                be what you intended.

 Description    An ordered comparison between an unsigned value and a
                constant that is less than or equal to zero often
                indicates a programming error.  Humans consider an
                unsigned value to be larger than any negative value.
                But in C a negative value is converted to an unsigned
                value before the comparison, so any negative value
                compares larger than most unsigned values.  An
                ordered comparison of an unsigned value to zero
                suggests a programming error because the value can
                only be greater than or equal to zero.  If the code
                is correct, the comparison could be more clearly
                coded by testing for equality with zero.

 User Action    Cast (or otherwise rewrite) one of the operands of
                the compare to match the signedness of the other
                operand, or compare for equality with zero.


 Message        <Context> the unsigned expression "<expr>" is being
                compared with an equality operator to a constant
                whose value is negative.  This might not be what you

 Description    An unsigned value and a signed constant whose value
                is negative are being compared for equality.
                Logically, these value would never be equal.  But in
                C the negative constant value is converted to an
                unsigned value before the comparison, and may well
                compare equal.

 User Action    Cast (or otherwise rewrite) one of the operands of
                the compare to match the signedness of the other


 Message        <Context> the unsigned expression "<expr>" is being
                tested to see if it is greater than zero.  This might
                not be what you intended.

 Description    An ordered comparison between an unsigned value and a
                constant that is zero may indicate a programming
                error.  Often C programmers do not realize that an
                expression has an unsigned type.  If the code is
                correct, the comparison could be more clearly coded
                by testing for equality with zero.

 User Action    Cast (or otherwise rewrite) one of the operands of
                the compare to match the signedness of the other
                operand, or compare for equality with zero.


 Message        readonly is a language extension.

 Description    The readonly storage class modifier is a language
                extension of HP C.  Other C compilers might not
                successfully compile a program that uses the

 User Action    Be aware of this extension if you wish to port the


 Message        <Context> the declaration of the function "<name>"
                containing no parameter information replaces an
                earlier declaration of "<name>" at <location>.

 Description    A function which was previously declared with a
                function prototype has been redeclared without
                parameter information.  This is a violation of the C
                standard.  The HP C compiler will accept this for
                compatibility with older compilers.

 User Action    Remove one of the declarations.

679  –  REDEF

 Message        This declaration contains a redefinition of "<name>".
                The previous declaration is at <location>.

 Description    This declaration has tried to redefine an identifier
                that was defined earlier.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Remove one of the definitions.


 Message        <Context> the struct "<name>" is redefined.

 Description    The struct tag declared in this declaration is
                already declared as a struct tag by another

 User Action    Change the name of the struct tag.

681  –  REDEFTAG

 Message        <Context> the tag "<name>" is redeclared.

 Description    The tag declared in this declaration is already

 User Action    Change the name of the tag.


 Message        <Context> the union "<name>" is redefined.

 Description    The union tag declared in this declaration is already
                declared as a union tag by another declaration.

 User Action    Change the name of the union tag.


 Message        <Context> the reference to the variable "<var>"
                lexically precedes its use in a #pragma omp
                threadprivate directive.  This is not allowed.

 Description    An OpenMP threadprivate directive must lexically
                precede all references to any varible in its variable
                list.  The compiler had detected a reference to a
                variable which appears in a subsequent threadprivate

 User Action    Move the threadprivate directive before the


 Message        Conflicting required uses of register(s):  <text>

 Description    The special linkage associated with a function has
                specified that one of the standard calling convention
                registers be used in a nonstandard way without also
                replacing its standard use with another register.  An
                example would be a function that returns an int value
                using a special linkage that states R0 is not used,
                and does not specify another register to hold the
                return value.

 User Action    Correct the #pragma linkage directive that specifies
                the special linkage.


 Message        <Context> noshare cannot be used with the register
                storage class.  Modifier noshare is ignored.

 Description    The storage class modifier noshare is meaningless for
                objects declared with register storage class.  The
                compiler ignores the noshare.

 User Action    Remove the noshare storage class modifier.


 Message        An initialization requiring relocation is not
                correctly aligned at Psect <text> + <number>

 Description    On some platforms, initializing an object to an
                address requires that the object be aligned on a
                natural boundary.

 User Action    Either remove the static initializer or align the
                object being initialized.


 Message        The pointer size restored with pragma <pragma name>
                was saved using pragma <pragma name>.  The pointer
                size restored will take effect.

 Description    HP C supports two forms of the pointer-size
                directives.  One begins with #pragma pointer_size,
                the other with #pragma required_pointer_size.  A
                program has mixed the required_pointer_size and the
                pointer_size form of the pointer-size directives in a
                way that is not recommended.  This might indicate a
                programming error.

 User Action    If a pointer size has been saved by one form of the
                pointer-size directive, it should be restored by the
                same form of the directive.


 Message        The __restrict type qualifier is a language

 Description    The use of the __restrict type qualifier might not be
                portable to other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this portability concern.


 Message        Placement of the __restrict qualifier within the
                array-bound specifier of a formal parameter
                declaration is a language extension.

 Description    The use of the restrict type qualifier within the
                array bound specifier of a formal parameter is a
                language extension supported by HP C.  Other C
                compilers might not successfully compile a program
                that uses this extension.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        The restrict type qualifier is a new feature in C99.
                Other C compilers might not successfully compile a
                program that uses this feature.

 Description    The use of the restrict type qualifier might not be
                portable to other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this portability concern.


 Message        The restrict type qualifier can only be applied to a
                pointer type that points to an object or incomplete
                type.  Qualifier is ignored.

 Description    The restrict type qualifier has been used with an
                invalid type.  Only pointers to object or incomplete
                types can have the restrict type qualifier.  The
                compiler will ignore the type qualifier in all other

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier or change the type to one
                that accepts the qualifier.


 Message        This return statement returns the address of a local
                variable.  The address returned cannot be used by the
                caller in any meaningful way.

 Description    The storage for all local variables is undefined
                after a function has returned.  Returning the address
                of a local variable will cause undefined behavior
                when the return value is used in the calling program.

 User Action    Either change the variable to have static storage
                duration, use malloc to allocate the storage (and
                free it after its use), or change the interface to
                have the caller pass in the address at which data is
                to be stored.


 Message        Built-in function <retry-name> is not available on
                this platform.  It has been converted to
                <nonretry-name> by ignoring the retry count and
                setting the retry status to 1.

 Description    The version of this built-in function with retry
                capability is not available on the IA64 platform.

 User Action    Use the non-retry version of this built-in function.


 Message        Built-in function <name> with retry count is not
                available on this platform.  The retry count is

 Description    The retry capability of this built-in function is not
                available on the IA64 platform.

 User Action    Remove retry count from built-in function call.


 Message        The size of return value of "<name>" exceeds the
                maximum size of an object allowed on this platform
                which is <size> bytes.

 Description    A function's return value is too large for this

 User Action    Reduce the size of the return value.


 Message        <Context> the right shift count "<number>" is greater
                than or equal to the size of the unpromoted operand

 Description    The compiler has detected a right shift count that is
                greater than or equal to the size of the operand to
                be shifted (before application of the integral
                promotions).  This might not be what you intended, as
                the result contains none of the original bits of the
                operand.  For an unsigned operand, the result is
                always 0.  For a signed operand, the result is either
                0 or -1, depending on whether or not the operand had
                a negative value.  The same result would be achieved
                by shifting a signed operand one fewer bits.

 User Action    Correct the shift count (or replace the expression by
                0 if appropriate).

697  –  RTEXCEPT

 Message        <Context> the floating-point constant named "<name>"
                will cause an exception at runtime.

 Description    The IEEE trap mode of this program will cause an
                exception at runtime if this floating-point constant
                is used in an expression.

 User Action    If you do not choose to cause a runtime exception,
                replace the named constant with a conventional
                floating point constant.  The HUGE_VAL macros defined
                by <math.h> may be used in place of IEEE Infinities
                with any floating-point representation.


 Message        C RTL mapping information for RTL <name> not found.
                Could not access <image_name>.

 Description    In most cases, the HP C compiler will automatically
                map names of C standard library functions to their
                corresponding names in the HP C RTL shareable image.
                In many cases, this is done simply by adding a
                "DECC$" prefix to the name.  In order for this
                mapping to work, the compiler accesses an RTL mapping
                table.  This message is issued if the compiler was
                unable to open the mapping table.  In these cases, no
                name mapping will be performed.  The most common
                cause of this message is specifying bad name in the
                /PREFIX=RTL="name" compiler qualifier.

 User Action    Specify a valid RTL on the /PREFIX=RTL qualifier.  If
                no qualifier was used, it might be necessary to
                reinstall the compiler and/or RTL.  For more
                information consult the HP C Run-time Library Manual
                for OpenVMS Systems.


 Message        HP C RTL prefix table version mismatch:  RTL table is
                V<major>.<minor>, compiler needs V<major>.<minor>.

 Description    In most cases, the HP C compiler will automatically
                map names of C standard library functions to their
                corresponding names in the HP C RTL shareable image.
                In many cases, this is done simpl by adding a "DECC$"
                prefix to the name.  In order for this mapping to
                work, the compiler accesses an RTL mapping table.
                The compiler also requires that the version of the
                RTL mapping table be compatible with the version of
                the compiler.  In cases where the versions are
                incompatible, this message is generated.  In these
                cases, no name mapping will be performed.  The most
                common cause of this message is specifying an old RTL
                name in the /PREFIX=RTL="name" compiler qualifier.

 User Action    Specify a new RTL on the /PREFIX=RTL qualifier.  If
                no qualifier was used, it might be necessary to
                reinstall the compiler and/or RTL.  For more
                information, consult the HP C Run-time Library Manual
                for OpenVMS Systems.


 Message        <Context> the extern has the same name as a
                file-scope typedef.  This is a language extension.

 Description    The program has declared an extern inside a function
                whose name matches a file-scope typedef.  This is not
                allowed by the C standard, but is accepted for
                compatibility with other C compilers.

 User Action    Change the name of the variable or the typedef.

701  –  SCACALL

 Message        This function contains too many parameters for SCA to
                handle.  Function parameter info will be truncated.

 Description    The parameter information for this function contains
                more data than SCA can process.  The compiler will
                truncate the parameter information.  Be aware that
                the parameter information will be incomplete.

 User Action    Simplify the parameter information.

702  –  SCAID2LONG

 Message        The identifier exceeds the SCA limit of <number>
                characters.  In the SCA file the name will be
                truncated to "<truncated spelling>".

 Description    The length of an identifier supported by SCA is less
                than the length of an identifier supported by the HP
                C compiler.  Because of this, the compiler will
                truncate an identifier name to fit the SCA limits.

 User Action    Either reduce the identifier name, or be aware of
                this when using SCA.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies a scale
                factor of <number>.  The scale factor is being

 Description    HP C does not support scaled arithmetic.

 User Action    Verify that all computations involving this item are
                correctly scaled.

704  –  SCAOVFLO

 Message        Compiler Internal Error:  SCA event buffer
                overflowed.  Please submit a problem report.

 Description    When building SCA information, the compiler
                overflowed its internal buffer.  This should not

 User Action    Please submit a problem report detailing the failure.


 Message        <Context> allowing a comma operator is a language

 Description    In this context the C standard does not allow the
                comma (sequence) operator.  HP C allows this syntax
                for compatibility with some other C compilers.  Be
                aware that this syntax may not be accepted by other C

 User Action    If the intent is to use an expression that is not
                necessarily a constant expression, then enclose it in
                parentheses.  But if the intent of the declaration is
                to use a constant expression, then the comma operator
                cannot be used.


 Message        parallel directive scope <text> has multiple exits

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        parallel directive scope <text> has multiple entry

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        parallel directive scope <text> is crossed by a

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        In this declaration, noshare has been ignored due to
                the presence of const or readonly.

 Description    A variable declared with the readonly storage class
                modifier, or the const type modifier cannot also have
                the noshare storage class modifier.  The compiler
                will ignore the noshare storage class modifier.

 User Action    Remove either the noshare storage class modifier or
                the const or readonly modifiers.


 Message        <Context> the shift count "<number>" is negative or
                is greater than or equal to the promoted size of the
                operand "<expression>".

 Description    The compiler has detected a shift count that is
                negative or is greater than or equal to the promoted
                size of the operand to be shifted.  This behavior is

 User Action    Correct the shift count.


 Message        <Context> potential side effects from the evaluation
                of "<operand>" will not take place.  This is because
                the first operand of a logical operator is a constant
                whose value requires that this expression must not be

 Description    The C language requires that if the first operand of
                a logical || or && operator determines the result of
                the expression, the second operand must not be
                evaluated.  This behavior is different from other
                operators.  The compiler has noticed that the second
                operand will generate code that may produce side
                effects that the programmer expects to take place.
                This message is to inform the user that the code
                generated for the second operand will not be

 User Action    Replace the logical expression with its first


 Message        The linkage has been mapped to:  #pragma linkage_ia64
                <name> = (<stuff>).

 Description    The pragma linkage directive contains
                architecture-specific information.  The Alpha
                register conventions are different from the IA64
                register conventions.  The compiler will try to map
                the Alpha registers to the corresponding registers on
                IA64.  This message details the mapping.

 User Action    Replace the linkage directive with the linkage_ia64
                directive that appears in the message.


 Message        <Context> HP C recognizes the standard keyword
                "signed".  This differs from the VAX C behavior.

 Description    VAX C does not recognize the "signed" keyword.  HP C
                will allow this, even in vaxc mode.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to compile
                the source with VAX C.


 Message        <Context> HP C recognizes the standard C keyword
                "signed" in member declarations.  The VAX C compiler
                does not and would treat the member as unsigned.

 Description    VAX C does not recognize the "signed" keyword in a
                member declaration.  VAX C will treat the member as
                an unsigned type.  HP C will recognize the keyword
                and declare the member as a signed type.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to compile
                the source with VAX C.


 Message        <user text>

 Description    The compiler has encountered a #pragma message
                (<quoted string>)directive.  It will output the
                message in the quoted string.

 User Action    Remove the pragma message.

716  –  SIZEBIT

 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is a bitfield, and so has no

 Description    A bitfield expression cannot be used as the argument
                to the sizeof operator or the __builtin_alignof

 User Action    Pass an expression with a valid type to the operator
                or builtin.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is of an incomplete type,
                and so has no size.

 Description    An expression that has incomplete type has no size
                and therefore cannot be used as the argument to the
                sizeof operator.

 User Action    Pass an expression with a valid type to the sizeof


 Message        <Context> "<type>" is an incomplete type, and so has
                no size.

 Description    A incomplete type has no size and therefore cannot be
                used as the argument to the sizeof operator.

 User Action    Pass a valid type to the sizeof operator.


 Message        <Context> "<type>" has function or void type and may
                not appear in this context.  The compiler will treat
                the type as if it were char.

 Description    A function or void type cannot be used as the
                argument of the sizeof operator or the
                __builtin_alignof builtin.  For compatibility with
                some other compilers, an output file is still
                created.  The result produced will be the same as if
                a char type was passed.  This may or may not be
                compatible with other compilers that accept this

 User Action    Pass a valid type to the operator or builtin.

720  –  STACKPOP

 Message        This "restore" has underflowed the pragma <stack
                name> stack.  No corresponding "save" was found.

 Description    One of the pointer-size stacks, managed by the
                #pragma pointer_size, #pragma require_pointer_size,
                #pragma required_vptr_size, and #pragma environment
                directives, contains more restores than saves.  This
                could signify a coding or logic error in the program.

 User Action    Make sure each restore has a corresponding save.


 Message        <Context> conversion of a link-time address constant
                to a floating type is required.  This is not allowed.

 Description    The initialization of an object with static extent
                requires a value that is a link-time constant
                expresion.  Link-time constant expressions cannot
                involve values of floating types (other than floating
                constants that are the immediate operands of casts).

 User Action    Remove the floating point types from the


 Message        <Context> the static object "<name>" cannot be a
                variable length array.

 Description    Only ordinary identifiers with block scope and
                without storage class extern or static, or ordinary
                identifiers with function prototype scope can be
                declared as variable-length arrays.

 User Action    Correct the declaration.


 Message        <Context> the linker will be unable to perform this
                static initialization if the initializer is defined
                in a sharable image.

 Description    A static initialization will require that a link-time
                constant be truncated.  If the constant is resolved
                in a sharable image, the linker will issue a
                diagnostic and be unable to perform the
                initialization.  This message is output on OpenVMS
                systems only.

 User Action    Rewrite the static initialization so that the
                link-time constant will not be truncated.

724  –  STDARG

 Message        <Context> stdarg.h macros might be required if the
                address of the parameter <name> is used to index
                through a parameter list.

 Description    Some older C programs will traverse a function's
                parameter list by taking the address of one of the
                parameters and then adjusting it to get to subsequent
                parameters.  In most cases, this technique will not
                produce the desired results on Alpha.  This message
                is specific to UNIX, and is only output if -varargs
                option is specified.

 User Action    If the address is used to walk the parameter list,
                recode the function to use the standard stdarg.h


 Message        Allocations to stack exceeded maximum stack size

 Description    A routine uses more stack space than is available on
                this platform.  This is most often caused by
                declaring too many large automatic variables.

 User Action    Reduce the size required by the automatic variables.


 Message        Psect <text> alignment is insufficient for allocation
                of <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        The placement of a storage-class specifier other than
                at the beginning of the declaration specifiers in a
                declaration is an obsolescent feature.

 Description    The standard states that this style of declaration is

 User Action    Place the storage-class specifier first in the


 Message        <Context> a storage class without a declarator is

 Description    This message is generated when the compiler
                encounters certain declarations that contain a
                storage class but no declarator.  For example:
                extern struct S { int a;};

 User Action    Either remove the storage class or add a declarator
                to the declaration.

729  –  STOREBIF

 Message        Built-in function <store-bif> is not available on
                this platform.  It may be converted to <swap-bif> if
                the source and dest parameters are identical.

 Description    The STORE version of this built-in function is not
                available on the IA64 platform.

 User Action    Use the SWAP version of this built-in function.


 Message        Allocations to <text> section exceeded growth bounds

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        This redeclaration of the static initialized variable
                "<name>" will have static storage class that differs
                from the VAX C behavior.  The previous declaration is
                at <location>.

 Description    In VAX C mode, if a variable is first declared static
                and then declared extern, the variable will be given
                extern storage class.  This matches the VAX C
                behavior.  If, however, the static variable is
                initialized, the storage class will remain static.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference.


 Message        <Context> a storage class modifier without a
                declarator is meaningless.

 Description    This message is generated when the compiler
                encounters certain declarations that contain a
                storage class modifier but no declarator.  For
                example:  readonly struct S { int a;};

 User Action    Either remove the storage class modifier or add a
                declarator to the declaration.


 Message        An additional <number> bytes of padding have been
                implicitly inserted prior to this member for proper
                alignment of this member.

 Description    The compiler has added pad bytes before a member so
                that it will be accessed efficiently.  This might not
                have been what you intended.

 User Action    Consider rearranging the order of member


 Message        Ill-formed string constant.

 Description    An invalid string constant was encountered.

 User Action    Correct the string constant.


 Message        <Context> a required set of braces is missing.

 Description    The initializer for this struct was not enclosed in
                braces.  While some compilers allow this, standard C
                requires braces around the initializer.

 User Action    Enclose the initializer in braces.


 Message        <Context> HP C provides only limited support for
                struct/union types larger than <n> bytes.

 Description    This struct/union type is larger than can be
                represented by size_t.  While HP C will allow a type
                declared to be this size, uses of the type are not
                fully supported and may cause unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the type.


 Message        Integer overflow occurred when computing the size of
                a struct or union type.

 Description    An struct or union type is larger than allowed on
                this platform.  Note that as the compiler computes
                the size of the type in bits, the limit on the size
                of struct/union types is eight times smaller than the
                size of other types.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the struct/union type.


 Message        Parameter substitution produced an invalid character

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will replace
                identifiers found within a character constant if they
                match a macro argument name.  This form of "old-style
                stringization" is provided for compatibility with
                older C compilers.  This message is output if this
                replacement forms an invalid character constant.

 User Action    Modify the macro argument so that a valid character
                constant is formed.


 Message        Parameter substitution produced an invalid string

 Description    In certain modes, the compiler will replace
                identifiers found within a string literal if they
                match a macro argument name.  This form of "old-style
                stringization" is provided for compatibility with
                older C compilers.  This message is output if this
                replacement forms an invalid string literal.

 User Action    Modify the macro argument so that a valid string is
                formed.  HP also recommends that the macro body be
                rewritten to use the standard C stringize operator


 Message        <Context> an array is being accessed outside the
                bounds specified for the array type.

 Description    The compiler has detected an array access that is
                outside the bounds of the array.  The array access
                might cause unpredictable behavior.  Note that in C,
                an array is declared using the number of elements,
                but the first element has subscript 0.  It is a
                common coding error to attempt to access the last
                element of an array of "n" elements using a subscript
                of "n" instead of "n - 1".  However, there are two
                common practices that intentionally employ
                out-of-bounds subscripts to useful/correct effects
                that are not reported by this message, but have
                separate optional messages.  First, taking the
                address of an array element that is exactly one
                beyond the last element of an array is completely
                valid in standard C as long as the address is not
                used to access memory.  The optional subscrbounds2
                message can be enabled to report taking the address
                of the array element exactly one beyond the last
                element.  Second, it is a somewhat common practice to
                declare the last member of a struct as an array with
                one element, and then allocate such structs at
                runtime with different sizes, recording the actual
                size in an earlier member of the struct.  The
                optional subscrbounds1 message can be enabled to
                report subscripts greater than zero applied to arrays
                declared with only one element.

 User Action    Specify an array subscript that is within the bounds
                of the array type.


 Message        <Context> an array type declared with one element is
                being accessed beyond the end of the array.

 Description    An array declared with one element is being accessed
                beyond the end of the array.  The array access can
                cause unpredictable behavior.  Note that in C, an
                array is declared using the number of elements, but
                the first element has subscript 0.  It is a common
                coding error to attempt to access the last element of
                an array of "n" elements using a subscript of "n"
                instead of "n - 1".

 User Action    Specify an array subscript that is within the bounds
                of the array type.


 Message        <Context> accessing the address of an array element
                that is exactly one beyond the end of the array might
                not be what you intended.

 Description    Accessing the address of an array element that is
                exactly one beyond the end of the array might be a
                coding error (e.g.  if the address is then used to
                access memory), or it might be fully correct (e.g.
                to compute a pointer value to be used as the upper
                bound on a loop).

 User Action    Specify an array addressthat is within the bounds of
                the array type.

743  –  SWAPBIF

 Message        Built-in function <store-bif> is not available on
                this platform.  The compiler was able to convert it
                to <swap-bif> because the source and dest parameters
                are identical.

 Description    The STORE version of this built-in function is not
                available on the IA64 platform.

 User Action    Use the SWAP version of this built-in function.


 Message        The signed or unsigned long expression "<expression>"
                is used in a switch statement.

 Description    A switch value has an integer type of signed or
                unsigned long int.  While this is perfectly portable
                under the C standard, the original K&R definition of
                C required that the expression have type int.  HP C
                accepts this usage in all modes, but there may be
                older C compilers that require type int in this

 User Action    Be aware that older, non-standard compilers might not
                accept this construct, or force the result to type


 Message        System register specified as external register.

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.

746  –  SYSTEM

 Message        <text>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        <Context> the tag "<name>" differs from the tag
                "<name>" used in an earlier declaration of this

 Description    This function declaration contains a parameter that
                is a pointer to a struct or union type whose tag
                differs from the tag of the struct or union type
                referenced by a pointer type in an earlier
                declaration of this function.  In most modes of the
                compiler, this will cause the function declarations
                to be incompatible.

 User Action    Multiple declarations of a function should use
                exactly the same parameter types.


 Message        Missing tag or "{".

 Description    The enum, struct, and union keywords must be followed
                by either an open brace or a tag.

 User Action    Correct the program syntax.


 Message        This <definition or tentative definition> of "<name>"
                is redefining the <definition or tentative
                definition> on <location>.  This is not allowed in
                C++.  <compiler__declare_tent_redef1>.

 Description    C will allow a tentative definition to be redefined
                later in the compilation unit.  C++ does not have the
                concept of a tentative definition.  Therefore this
                redefinition is invalid in C++.

 User Action    Either remove the previous tentative definition, or
                modify it to match the later redefinition.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies that it is
                text 1; It has been translated into an array of char.

 Description    When the CDD type "TEXT" is of length one, HP C will
                normally convert this to type "char" in order to be
                compatible with VAX C.  If however, the nullterminate
                or text1toarray keywords are specified in a HP C
                dictionary directive, the CDD type TEXT will be
                converted to type "array of char".

 User Action    No action is necessary as long as the type "array of
                char" is the desired datatype.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specified that it is
                text 1; It has been translated into an array of char
                because null_terminate was used.

 Description    The CDD type "TEXT" is of length 1 and has been
                converted to the C type "array of char" of size 2
                because the null_terminate keyword was specified on
                the dictionary directive.

 User Action    No action is necessary as long as the type "array of
                char" of size two is the desired C datatype.

752  –  TEXTCHAR

 Message        The CDD description for <name> specified that it is
                text 1; It has been translated into a type char.

 Description    When the CDD type "TEXT" is of length one, HP C will
                normally convert this to type "char" in order to be
                compatible with VAX C.  However, when the length of
                the CDD type "TEXT" is greater than one, the C type
                "array of char" is generated.  This means that CDD
                type "TEXT" will result in different C datatypes
                depending upon the length of the TEXT stored in the

 User Action    No action is necessary as long as the type "char" is
                the desired datatype.


 Message        The text library module form of #include is an

 Description    On OpenVMS systems, an #include directive whose file
                specifier is not enclosed in either quotation marks
                or angle brackets denotes an include from a text
                library.  This is an extension of HP C.  This
                directive will not work as expected on non-VMS

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        <Context> the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier cannot be used with a function type.
                Modifier is ignored.

 Description    Only objects can be declared with thread-local
                storage.  The storage class modifier is ignored when
                applied to an identifier with function type.

 User Action    Either remove the storage class modifier or change
                the type to one that is valid for __declspec(thread).


 Message        <Context> the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier is not implemented on this platform.  It
                will be ignored except to verify correct compile-time

 Description    Thread-local storage is only supported on UNIX
                platforms.  The compiler will ignore the storage
                class modifier except to verify that it is correctly

 User Action    Remove the __declspec(thread) storage class modifier
                or compile the program on a platform that supports
                the modifier.

756  –  THREADSTO1

 Message        <Context> the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier requires a storage class of extern, static,
                or none.  Modifier is ignored.

 Description    Declaring a file-scope object with thread-local
                storage requires that the object have a storage class
                of extern, static or none.  In other cases, the
                compiler will ignore the __declspec(thread) storage
                class modifier.

 User Action    Either remove the storage class modifier or change
                the storage class to one that is valid for

757  –  THREADSTO2

 Message        <Context> the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier requires a storage class of extern, or
                static.  Modifier is ignored.

 Description    Declaring a local object with thread-local storage
                requires that the object have a storage class of
                extern, or static.  In other cases, the compiler will
                ignore the __declspec(thread) storage class modifier.

 User Action    Either remove the storage class modifier or change
                the storage class to one that is valid for


 Message        <Context> the storage class modifier
                __declspec(thread) cannot be used with the -static
                option.  The storage class modifier is ignored.

 Description    Thread-local storage cannot be declared in
                compilations that are performed with the -static
                option.  The compiler will ignore the
                __declspec(thread) storage class modifier.

 User Action    Either remove the __declspec(thread) storage class
                modifier or do not compile with the -static option.


 Message        Too few actual parameters in the invocation of the
                macro "<name>".

 Description    A macro invocation supplied fewer actual arguments
                than the macro expects.  The macro arguments not
                specified in the call will be given a null value.

 User Action    Supply all arguments in the macro invocation.


 Message        <Context> "<function expression>" expects <correct
                number> arguments, but <actual number> are supplied.

 Description    A function has been invoked with fewer arguments than
                it expects.  In some modes this is a warning message,
                and the compiler will compile the program.  In this
                case, the function being called might not produce the
                expected results.

 User Action    Make sure the number of arguments passed to a
                function match those specified in the function


 Message        <Context> "<function expression>", which was declared
                with an old-style function definition, expects
                <correct number> arguments, but <actual number> are

 Description    A function that was declared with an old-style
                function definition has been invoked with fewer
                arguments than it expects.  While this is valid C, it
                might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Make sure the number of arguments passed to a
                function match those specified in the function
                declaration.  If the function is to be called with a
                variable number of arguments, it should use the
                facilities of <varargs.h> for old-style definitions.
                HP generally recommends that old-style function
                definitions be replaced by prototype-format
                definitions, in which case variable argument lists
                are specified using the ...  notation and the
                definition uses the facilities of <stdarg.h>.

762  –  TOOLONG

 Message        <Context> , "<expression>" is too long by <count>

 Description    A string initializer for a char array contains more
                characters than the array can hold.  This is not

 User Action    Reduce the number of characters to be less than or
                equal to the number of elements in the char array.

763  –  TOOMANY

 Message        <Context> , there are <actual number> elements, which
                is <extra number> too many.  The extra initializers
                will be ignored.

 Description    An initializer list contains more initializers than
                there are objects to be initialized.  This is not

 User Action    Reduce the number of initializers to be less than or
                equal to the number of objects being initialized.


 Message        Too many actual parameters in the invocation of the
                macro "<name>".

 Description    A macro invocation supplied more actual arguments
                than the macro expects.  The additional arguments
                will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the extra arguments from the macro invocation.


 Message        <Context> "<function expression>" expects <correct
                number> arguments, but <actual number> are supplied.

 Description    A function has been invoked with more arguments than
                it expects.  In some modes this is a warning message,
                and the compiler will compile the program.

 User Action    Make sure the number of arguments passed to a
                function match those specified in the function


 Message        <Context> "<function expression>", which was declared
                with an old-style function definition, expects
                <correct number> arguments, but <actual number> are

 Description    A function that was declared with an old-style
                function definition has been invoked with more
                arguments than it expects.  While this is valid C, it
                might not have been what you intended.

 User Action    Make sure the number of arguments passed to a
                function match those specified in the function
                declaration.  If the function is to be called with a
                variable number of arguments, it should use the
                facilities of <varargs.h> for old-style definitions.
                HP generally recommends that old-style function
                definitions be replaced by prototype-format
                definitions, in which case variable argument lists
                are specified using the ...  notation and the
                definition uses the facilities of <stdarg.h>.


 Message        More than <number> errors were encountered in the
                course of compilation.

 Description    After emitting a certain number of errors, the
                compiler will stop the compilation and issue this
                message.  The number of errors output before the
                compilation stops can be changed using the
                /ERROR_LIMIT qualifier on OpenVMS systems, or the
                -error_limit option on UNIX systems.

 User Action    Either reduce the number of errors generated by the
                program or give a larger value for the error limit.


 Message        only 64 gates maybe be used within a parallel region

 Description    For each parallel region there is a limit of 64
                different gates that can be specified in a #pragma
                enter gate/#pragma exit gate pair.

 User Action    Reduce the number of gates


 Message        Too many tokens in macro expansion.

 Description    An argument to the #line preprocessing directive
                contained a macro whose expansion generated more
                tokens than the #line directive expects.

 User Action    Either modify the macro definition or change the
                arguments to the #line directive.


 Message        Too many text libraries.  Library <library name> and
                subsequent will not be searched.

 Description    The compiler has tried to open more text libraries
                than it can support in its internal data structures.
                The specified library, and all subsequent libraries
                will not be opened.

 User Action    Reduce the number of text libraries the compilation


 Message        Object file section <text> has <number> relocations;
                maximum allowed is <number>

 Description    This message is emitted by the code generator.  It
                should never be output when compiling a C program.

 User Action    Please submit a problem report if you encounter this
                message when compiling a C program.


 Message        Trailing comma found in enumerator list.

 Description    Accepting an enumerator list that contains a trailing
                comma is an extension of HP C provided for
                compatibility with other C compilers.  An enumerator
                list with a trailing comma is not valid in C89, nor
                in C++.  The C99 standard does permit this syntax.

 User Action    Remove the trailing comma.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has more precision than
                "<target type>".  Assignment might result in loss of
                precision and/or range.

 Description    The destination of a floating-point assignment has
                less range and/or precision than the expression being
                assigned to the destination.  Because of this, the
                assignment might cause a loss of range and/or

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the
                assignment.  If not, cast the expression to the type
                of the destination.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" is a floating-point type
                being assigned to an integer type.  The assignment
                might result in data loss.

 Description    A floating-point expression is being assigned to an
                integer type.  This assignment might cause a loss of
                range and/or precision.

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the
                assignment.  If not, cast the expression to the type
                of the destination.


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a larger data size than
                "<target type>".  Assignment might result in data

 Description    The destination of an integer or pointer assignment
                is smaller than the expression being assigned to the
                destination.  Because of this, the assignment might
                cause data to be lost.

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the


 Message        <Context> "<expression>" has a larger data size than
                "<target type>".  Cast might result in data loss.

 Description    An integer or pointer expression is being cast to a
                size that is smaller than the expression.  Because of
                this, the cast might cause data to be lost.

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the


 Message        <Context> "<expression>", a 64-bit integer, is being
                cast to a 32-bit integer.  The cast might result in
                data loss.

 Description    On many platforms long integers are the same size as
                integers.  On this platform long integers are
                64-bits.  This cast could indicate a potential
                porting problem.

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the


 Message        <Context> "<expression>", a 64-bit integer, is being
                assigned to a 32-bit integer.  Assignment might
                result in data loss.

 Description    On many platforms long integers are the same size as
                integers.  On this platform long integers are
                64-bits.  This assignment could indicate a potential
                porting problem.

 User Action    Verify that no unexpected data can be lost by the


 Message        tune setting <text> overridden by arch setting
                <text>, tune forced to <text>

 Description    The program has specified a tune architecture that is
                older than the arch setting.  The arch setting is the
                oldest architecture that the code should ever run on.
                Asking the compiler to tune for an even older
                architecture is not reasonable.  The compiler will
                use the arch setting for the tune option as well

 User Action    Specify a tune architecture that is at least as new
                as the arch architecture.


 Message        <Context> _align cannot be used with the typedef
                storage class.  Modifier _align is ignored.

 Description    The storage class modifier _align is meaningless for
                typedefs.  The compiler ignores the _align.

 User Action    Remove the _align storage class modifier.


 Message        <Context> "<typespec1>" cannot be combined with

 Description    Two type keywords used in the same type specifier
                cannot be combined.  In some modes, the compiler will
                use the most recent keyword as the type specifier.

 User Action    Correct the type specifier.


 Message        In this function definition, "<name>" acquires its
                type from a typedef.

 Description    A function definition acquires its type from a
                typedef.  This is not allowed.

 User Action    Correct the function definition.


 Message        The declaration of the typedef "<name>" contains an
                initializer.  The initializer is ignored.

 Description    A typedef declaration must not contain an

 User Action    Remove the initializer from the declaration.


 Message        Accepting an old-style parameter name that matches a
                typedef is a language extension.

 Description    The HP C compiler will allow old-style parameters to
                have the same name as a typedef.  Many other
                compilers will not allow this.

 User Action    Recode the function definition to use the standard C
                prototype syntax.


 Message        In this declaration, "<name>" appears to be used as
                if it named a type, but there is no declared type of
                that name visible.

 Description    The compiler has encountered what appears to be a
                typedef declaration that provides a new name for an
                existing type, but the identifier used to specify the
                existing type is not the name of a type that is

 User Action    Declare the identifier for the first type, or correct
                its spelling.

786  –  TYPEEXPR

 Message        <Context> "<name>" is declared as <a label, tag, or
                typedef>, and so cannot occur as an expression.

 Description    An identifier declared as a typedef has been used in
                an expression when an object or function was

 User Action    Correct the expression.


 Message        The use of __typeof__ is a language extension.

 Description    Support for __typeof__ is a language extension
                provided for compatibilty with some other C
                compilers.  Although some other C compilers will
                accept this syntax, many compilers will reject it.

 User Action    Be aware of this difference if you plan to port this
                source to another compiler.


 Message        A type qualifier is not allowed in this context.

 Description    In Microsoft mode, the compiler used to accept a type
                qualifier after a comma used to separate declarators.
                This was refered to as a local type qualifier.  This
                message is output when a local type qualifier is
                applied to a declarator that can not be qualified.

 User Action    Remove the local type qualifier because this is no
                longer accepted.


 Message        Use of the keyword "static" or a type qualifier
                within the outermost array-bounds specifier of a
                formal parameter declaration is a new feature in the
                C99 standard.

 Description    The C99 construct may not be available in other
                compilers you use to build your application, in which
                case they will likely report it as a syntax error.

 User Action    You may want to conditionalize your code with the
                preprocessor so that you can take advantage of the
                feature on platforms that support it, without getting
                syntax errors from older compilers or language modes
                that do not support it.


 Message        Use of the keyword "static" or a type qualifier in an
                array-bounds specifier is invalid in this compilation
                mode.  Keyword/qualifier ignored.

 Description    Use of the keyword "static" or a type qualifier
                within the outermost array bound specifier of a
                formal parameter is a new feature in the C99 standard
                and is not supported in this language mode.

 User Action    Either compile in a mode that supports C99 features,
                or remove the construct from your code.


 Message        Use of this type qualifier in an array-bounds
                specifier is invalid.  Qualifier ignored.

 Description    Use of this type qualifier is not a permitted in the
                array bound specifier of a formal parameter.

 User Action    Remove the keyword.

792  –  UABORT

 Message        Compilation terminated by user.

 Description    This message is often output when the compilation was
                aborted by the user by hitting Control C.

 User Action    Do not abort the compilation.


 Message        The call iconv_open(<CODESET>, "UCS-4") failed
                because:  <STRERROR>.  UCNs will not be mapped to the
                native character set.

 Description    To translate Universal Character Name escape
                sequences to the codeset of the current locale, the
                compiler needs to call the iconv_open library routine
                with the specified parameters.  This call failed, for
                the reason shown.  Thus no UCN escape sequences in
                this program can be translated.

 User Action    Make sure your system has the specified codeset
                converter installed, or set your locale to use a
                codeset for which a converter from UCS-4 is
                available.  Alternatively, change your code to avoid
                the use of UCNs, e.g.  using hexadecimal escape

794  –  UCNNOMAP

 Message        A UCN escape sequence was recognized, but there was
                no translation for it into the current codeset.  The
                escape sequence will be used verbatim.

 Description    A Universal Character Name (UCN) escape sequence was
                recognized, but there was no translation for it into
                the current codeset using the iconv library routine.
                The complete escape sequence itself, including the
                backslash, will be used in the object module.

 User Action    Make sure your locale is set at compile-time to use a
                codeset for which a converter from UCS-4 is
                available, and which supports all of the characters
                that are expressed as UCNs in your program.
                Alternatively, change your code to avoid the use of
                UCNs, e.g.  using hexadecimal escape sequences.


 Message        An apparent UCN escape sequence was encountered, but
                UCNs are not supported in this language mode.  The
                backslash will be ignored.

 Description    Universal Character Name (UCN) escape sequences were
                added to C in the C99 standard.  The language mode of
                the current compilation does not process UCNs, so
                they will be treated as unrecognized escape
                sequences, which ignore the backslash.

 User Action    Compile in a mode that processes UCNs (C99, or the
                default "relaxed" mode), or remove the backslash.
                Relying on apparent escape sequences to be
                unrecognized is not good practice.

796  –  UCNUSED

 Message        A UCN escape sequence was encountered.

 Description    Universal Character Name (UCN) escape sequences were
                added to C in the C99 standard, and are processed in
                this language mode.  C compilers and dialects that do
                not specifically process UCNs will treat them as
                unrecognized escape sequences, and may silently
                ignore the backslash.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        Ignoring __unaligned type qualifier in declaration of

 Description    The __unaligned type qualifier has no meaning for
                function types.  It is being ignored.

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier.


 Message        The __unaligned type qualifier is a language

 Description    The use of the __unaligned type qualifier might not
                be portable to other C compilers.

 User Action    Be aware of this portability concern.


 Message        The pragma "<pragma name>" is not available on this

 Description    The compiler has encountered a pragma that is not
                currently supported on this platform.  The compiler
                will ignore the pragma.

 User Action    Compile the program on a platform that does support
                the pragma.  Otherwise, understand that this pragma
                will have no effect.


 Message        volatile access appears unaligned, but must be
                aligned at run-time to ensure atomicity and byte

 Description    The compiler has detected an unaligned access to a
                volatile variable.  In order to meet atomicity and
                granularity requirements of volatile, the access will
                be done using an aligned instruction.  This may cause
                an alignment fault at runtime if the access is

 User Action    Make sure volatile objects are aligned on a natural

801  –  UNCALLED

 Message        routine <text> can never be called

 Description    The compiler has detected a static function that is
                never referenced.

 User Action    Remove the unused function.


 Message        <Context> "<name>" is not declared.

 Description    An identifier used in an expression has not been
                declared.  The only time an identifier can be used
                and not previously declared is when the identifier
                specifies the function name in a function call.

 User Action    Either declare the identifier or remove its use.


 Message        There is no function declaration for the identifier
                "<name>" at the point of this #pragma <pragma type>

 Description    An identifier specified in a #pragma assert/hint
                func_attrs directive must refer to a function
                declaration at the point of the pragma.

 User Action    Either remove the identifer from the pragma, correct
                its spelling, or reorder the source to ensure that a
                declaration of the identifier as a function is
                visible at the point of the pragma.  Identifier must
                be a function declaration; no other kind of
                declaration (i.e.  typedef, var, etc.) is allowed for


 Message        There is no global declaration visible for the
                variable "<name>" at the point of this #pragma assert

 Description    An identifier specified in a #pragma assert directive
                must refer to a global variable declaration visible
                at the point of the pragma.  The identifier will be

 User Action    Either remove the identifer from the pragma, correct
                its spelling, or reorder the source to ensure that a
                declaration of the identifier as a global_variable is
                visible at the point of the pragma.


 Message        <Context> the enum "<name>" is not defined.

 Description    The enum tag used to declare an enum variable is not
                defined at this point in the compilation.

 User Action    Define the enum tag before using it.


 Message        An undefined escape sequence was encountered; the
                backslash is being ignored.

 Description    The character or characters following a backslash do
                not form a valid escape sequence.  The compiler will
                ignore the backslash.

 User Action    Correct the escape sequence.


 Message        The compiler was expecting a "<token>", but one was
                not found.  This condition could have occured because
                "<id>" is used in what might be a type cast, but
                there is no declared type of that name visible.

 Description    The compiler has discoverd a syntax error.  This
                error may have been caused because a cast operator
                used an unknown type.

 User Action    Correct the syntax error.


 Message        <Context> the expression "<expr>" modifies "<var>",
                and fetches its value in a computation that is not
                used to produce the modified value without an
                intervening sequence point.  This behavior is

 Description    The compiler has detected a case where the same
                variable has been modified and fetched in a
                computation that does not later modify that same
                variable.  Because the order of the variable fetch
                and store is not defined, this expression might
                produce different results on different platforms.

 User Action    Rewrite the expression so that if a variable is
                stored to, it is fetched only to determine the value
                to be stored.


 Message        <Context> the expression "<expr>" modifies the
                variable "<var>" more than once without an
                intervening sequence point.  This behavior is

 Description    The compiler has detected a case where the same
                variable has been modified more than once in an
                expression without a sequence point between the
                modifications.  Because what modification will occur
                last is not defined, this expression might produce
                different results on different platforms.

 User Action    Rewrite the expression so that each variable is
                modified only once.


 Message        <Context> underflow occurs in evaluating the
                expression "<expression>".

 Description    A floating-point underflow occurred while evaluating
                a constant expression.  The value of the expression
                is undefined.

 User Action    Correct the floating-point constant expression.

811  –  UNINIT1

 Message        The scalar variable "<var>"<declared in> is fetched
                but not initialized<inlineinfo>.  And there may be
                other such fetches of this variable that have not
                been reported in this compilation.

 Description    A variable's value has been used without being set.
                This might not have been what you intended.  The
                algorithms that detect this situation only report it
                once for a given variable, and not necessarily at the
                first use of the uninitialized value.

 User Action    Provide the variable with a value before the variable
                is used.  If you only provide a value for the use
                reported here, you may find that when you recompile
                your program another uninitialized use is detected.
                It is best to initialize variables as close as
                possible to the point of declaration.

812  –  UNINIT2

 Message        Part or all of the non-scalar variable
                "<var>"<declared in> is fetched but not
                initialized<inlineinfo>.  And there may be other such
                fetches of this variable that have not been reported
                in this compilation.

 Description    A non-scalar variable has had its value used and some
                or all of the variable has not been given a value.
                This might not have been what you intended.  The
                algorithms that detect this situation only report it
                once for a given variable, and not necessarily at the
                first use of the uninitialized value.

 User Action    Provide the variable with a value before the variable
                is used.  If you only provide a value for the use
                reported here, you may find that when you recompile
                your program another uninitialized use is detected.
                It is best to initialize variables as close as
                possible to the point of declaration.

813  –  UNINIT3

 Message        Variable "<var>"<declared in> is fetched but not
                initialized<inlineinfo>.  And there may be other such
                fetches of this field that have not been reported in
                this compilation.

 Description    The specified member of a struct variable has been
                used without being set.  This might not have been
                what you intended.  The algorithms that detect this
                situation only report it once for a given field, and
                not necessarily at the first use of the uninitialized

 User Action    Provide the struct member with a value before the
                variable is used.  If you only provide a value for
                the use reported here, you may find that when you
                recompile your program another uninitialized use is
                detected.  It is best to initialize variables as
                close as possible to the point of declaration.

814  –  UNINIT4

 Message        Byte offsets <start> to <end> of "<var>"<declared in>
                are fetched but not initialized<inlineinfo>.  And
                there may be other such fetches of this field that
                have not been reported in this compilation.

 Description    The specified byte offsets of a variable have been
                used without being set.  This might not have been
                what you intended.  The algorithms that detect this
                situation only report it once for a given field, and
                not necessarily at the first use of the uninitialized

 User Action    Provide the full variable with values before the
                variable is used.  If you only provide a value for
                the use reported here, you may find that when you
                recompile your program another uninitialized use is
                detected.  It is best to initialize variables as
                close as possible to the point of declaration.

815  –  UNINIT5

 Message        <fragment uninit5a><inlineinfo>.  Also the variable
                itself is not initialized.  And there may be other
                fetches of this variable that have not been reported
                in this compilation.

 Description    The specified storage location has been used without
                being set.  This might not have been what you
                intended.  In addition, as this fetch is outside the
                storage allocated to the variable, the behavior is

 User Action    First verify that the fetch is correct(code that uses
                the address of a declared object to access memory
                outside the address range allocated to that object is
                not likely to be reliable).  Then initialize the
                storage being fetched and, if necessary, the variable
                noted in the message.  If you only provide a value
                for the use reported here, you may find that when you
                recompile your program another uninitialized use is
                detected, since the algorithms that detect this
                situation only report it once for a given variable,
                and not necessarily at the first use of the
                uninitialized value.  It is best to initialize
                variables as close as possible to the point of


 Message        <Context> a required set of braces is missing.

 Description    The initializer for this union was not enclosed in
                braces.  While some compilers allow this, standard C
                requires braces around the initializer.

 User Action    Enclose the initializer in braces.


 Message        Unknown extern model.  Pragma is ignored.

 Description    The compiler was unable to parse a #pragma
                extern_model directive.  The extern_model must be an
                identifier that specifies one of the valid extern
                models.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        The function "<routine name>" is not a known
                intrinsic function and cannot be used with #pragma
                intrinsic.  Pragma not applied to this function.

 Description    A function identifier specified in a #pragma
                intrinsic directive is not a valid intrinsic function
                on this platform.  The pragma will not be applied to
                this identifier, leaving it to be treated as an
                ordinary function.

 User Action    Either correct the function name to specify an
                intrinsic supported for this platform, or remove it
                from the pragma.


 Message        Bad or missing command in pragma message.  Pragma is

 Description    The #pragma message directive must be followed by an
                identifier that specifies message-related action for
                the compiler to perform.  Either something other than
                an identifier was found, or the identifier did not
                specify one of the valid actions.  The compiler will
                ignore the pragma.

 User Action    Specify a valid action for #pragma message.

820  –  UNKMSGID

 Message        Unknown message id or group "<id>" is ignored.

 Description    A message identifier in a #pragma message directive
                did not specify a valid message id or message group.
                The identifier will be ignored.

 User Action    Update the identifier so that it specifies a valid
                message id or message group.


 Message        The specified linkage is undefined.  Pragma is

 Description    The linkage specified in a #pragma use_linkage
                directive has not been defined by an earlier #pragma
                linkage directive.  The compiler will ignore the
                entire pragma.

 User Action    Either define the linkage first or change the linkage


 Message        "<name>" is not currently defined as a macro.  It has
                been replaced by the constant zero.

 Description    An identifier found in an #if or #elif is not
                defined.  This might not have been what you intended.
                The compiler will replace the identifier with the
                constant zero.

 User Action    Verify the use of the identifier.


 Message        The pragma "<pragma text>" is unrecognized.

 Description    A pragma that has no meaning to HP C was encountered.
                The pragma will be ignored.

 User Action    Make sure that you did not misspell the pragma.
                Also, make certain you are running the correct
                version of HP C.  If the spelling and compiler
                version are correct, understand that this pragma will
                have no effect.


 Message        Unrecognized #pragma directive.

 Description    This #pragma preprocessing directive is not
                recognized by HP C.  The directive will be ignored.

 User Action    Make sure that this is the intended behavior.


 Message        Unknown psect attribute for extern model.  Attribute
                is ignored.

 Description    A psect attribute specified in a #pragma extern_model
                is invalid.  In general, the psect attributes
                accepted by HP C match those accepted by the
                assembler.  The psect attribute will be ignored.

 User Action    Correct the psect attribute.


 Message        Out of place #endif directive ignored.

 Description    An #endif preprocessing directive was encountered
                without a previous #if directive.  The directive will
                be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the directive.


 Message        An unnamed member does not have a bitfield, struct,
                or union type.  Member is ignored.

 Description    An unnamed member of a struct or union type has no
                meaning unless it is a bitfield or a struct/union
                type.  The compiler will ignore this member.

 User Action    If the member is desired, give it a name.  Otherwise
                remove the unnamed member.


 Message        In the definition of the function <name>, a parameter
                has no name.

 Description    This function declaration contained a parameter type
                but no parameter name.

 User Action    Provide a name for the formal parameter.

829  –  UNNECCDD

 Message        It is not necessary to include this dictionary
                directive, if other unused dictionary directives and
                unused include directives are removed.

 Description    There is some reference to this file from an unused
                include file or from an unused dictionary directive
                when using the current set of compilation options.
                If you remove the unused include files and unused
                dictionary directives, this dictionary directive
                could also be eliminated when compiling with the
                current set of compilation options.

 User Action    When compiling with the current set of compilation
                options, to increase compilation efficiency you may
                exclude this dictionary directive if you also remove
                other unused files.


 Message        It is not necessary to include this file, if other
                unused include directives are removed.

 Description    There is some reference to this file from another
                include file or dictionary directive that is not used
                when using the current set of compilation options.
                If you remove the unused include files and unused
                dictionary directives, this include file could also
                be eliminated when compiling with the current set of
                compilation options.

 User Action    When compiling with the current set of compilation
                options, to increase compilation efficiency you may
                exclude this include file if you also remove other
                unused files.


 Message        Code at or just after this location can never be
                executed<inline info>.

 Description    The compiler has detected code that can never be
                executed.  Often unreachable code represents a real
                coding error such as a label that is incorrectly
                spelled, or a statement that was inserted on the
                wrong line.  But sometimes it occurs in good code as
                a result of logical expressions that depend only on
                the values of constants (typically through macro

 User Action    Usually any code correction is obvious.  And often it
                is straightforward to rewrite compile-time logical
                expressions in terms of preprocessing constructs to
                avoid this diagnostic.  But in some programs it may
                be necessary to suppress this informational message
                explicitly in order to obtain a diagnostic-free
                compilation of production code, since rewriting the
                expression not to be evaluated at compile time would
                impact performance.


 Message        This local identifier is declared but not referenced
                in this module.

 Description    A declaration was found for an identifier which is
                not referenced in this module

 User Action    Examine your code to determine if this declaration is
                needed in this module.


 Message        This identifier is declared but not defined or
                referenced in this module.

 Description    A declaration was found for an identifier which is
                not defined or referenced in this module

 User Action    Examine your code to determine if this declaration is
                needed in this module.


 Message        The user label "<label>" is never referenced.

 Description    This user label has been defined, but there are no
                references to it.

 User Action    Remove the label.


 Message        A static variable is declared but never referenced in
                this module.

 Description    This identifier is defined but never referenced when
                using the current set of compilation options.

 User Action    Examine your code to determine if this definition is
                needed in this module.


 Message        A static function definition or prototype is found,
                but never referenced.

 Description    A static function declaration was found in this
                module, but is unused when compiling with the current

 User Action    Examine your code to determine if this function is
                needed in this module.

837  –  UNREFTYP

 Message        This type is never referenced in this module.

 Description    A type is declared but never referenced when using
                the current set of compilation options.

 User Action    Examine your code to determine if this declaration is
                needed in this module.


 Message        Unrecognized attribute for linkage pragma.  Pragma is

 Description    The compiler encountered an attribute in a #pragma
                linkage directive that it did not recognize.  The
                message should point to the offending attribute.  The
                compiler will ignore the entire pragma.

 User Action    Correct the directive.


 Message        <Context> the conversion of the unsigned char/short
                value "<expression>" to unsigned int shows one
                example of this program's use of unsigned-preserving
                integral promotion.  This differs from the
                value-preserving semantics of standard C compilers.

 Description    This expression shows one of possibly many places
                where this compilation uses unsigned-preserving
                semantics for small integer promotions rather than
                value-preserving semantics required of standard C
                compilers.  In cases where an unsigned char or
                unsigned short int is promoted to an integer, there
                are two different ways the convert could happen.
                Standard C requires that the type be converted to a
                signed int (value-preserving semantics) while some
                older compilers will convert to an unsigned int
                (unsigned-preserving semantics).  The difference in
                the choice of int or unsigned int can have an impact
                on results of expressions that use the converted
                value.  The compiler cannot determine whether or not
                a particular instance of this usage will cause an
                observable behavior difference in the program.  For
                more information, consult Section of the
                Rationale for ANSI C.

 User Action    Be aware that standard compilers might interpret this
                expression differently.


 Message        The declaration of a member that is an unnamed struct
                or union type is an extension and might not be

 Description    HP C allows a member of a struct or union to be an
                unnamed struct or union type.  This is an extension
                of HP C that other compilers might not support.  In
                addition this behavior does not conform to the C

 User Action    If portability is desired, provide a name for the
                struct/union member.


 Message        Hexadecimal floating point constants are not yet

 Description    Hexadecimal floating point constants are a new C99
                feature that is not yet supported on this platform.

 User Action    Please use traditional syntax for floating point


 Message        <Context> this argument to <function name> has a
                conversion specification "<incorrect conversion>"
                that is not supported or not fully supported on this

 Description    The compiler has detected a conversion specification
                that will not work as specified on this platform.

 User Action    Review the documentation for this function and modify
                the conversion specification as necessary to
                accomplish your objective.


 Message        Hexadecimal floating point constants are not
                supported on this platform.

 Description    Hexadecimal floating point constants are a new
                feature in C99 that is not being implemented on the
                VAX platform.

 User Action    Please use traditional syntax for floating point


 Message        The _FASTMATH version of this function has been
                specified, but _FASTMATH routines do not support the
                IEEE behaviors requested and will simply trap and
                terminate when given arguments or computing values
                outside the normal range.

 Description    The compiler has recognized a math intrinsic function
                that has a _FASTMATH version and the compilation has
                defined the macro _FASTMATH, but command line options
                have also specified IEEE trapping behaviors other
                than the default of flushing underflow to zero and
                aborting on all others.

 User Action    If the body of your code relies on IEEE denormals,
                infinities, or nans, but is careful to condition the
                arguments to math library functions to avoid passing
                or computing these values, you may ignore or suppress
                this warning.  Otherwise, you should either remove
                the options specifying non-default IEEE behavior or
                else undefine the _FASTMATH macro.


 Message        The CDD description for <name> specifies a data type
                not supported in C.

 Description    There is no HP C datatype to exactly represent this
                type.  HP C has created a declaration of the same
                total size as the unsupported data type.

 User Action    If the type provided by the HP C compiler is not
                satisfactory, change the CDD description to one that
                the compiler can represent more exactly.


 Message        This CDD record appears to be unused.

 Description    The contents of this CDD record are not used by the
                rest of the compilation.

 User Action    For compilation efficiency, you can exclude this
                dictionary directive when compiling with the current
                set of compilation options.


 Message        This nested include file appears to be unused.

 Description    The contents of this include file are not used by the
                rest of the compilation.

 User Action    For compilation efficiency, you can exclude this
                include file when compiling with the current set of
                compilation options.


 Message        This include directive does not contribute to the
                compilation, perhaps because the file has already
                been included.

 Description    The contents of this top-level include file are not
                used by the rest of the compilation.  This message
                can occur when the include file has already been
                included, perhaps by a nested include file.

 User Action    For compilation efficiency, you can exclude this
                include file when compiling with the current set of
                compilation options.


 Message        <Context> _align cannot be used with the <class>
                storage class.  Modifier _align is ignored.

 Description    The storage class modifier _align is meaningless for
                objects declared with register, globalref, or
                globalvalue storage class.  The compiler ignores the

 User Action    Remove the _align storage class modifier.


 Message        <Context> <noshare or readonly> cannot be used with
                the typedef storage class.  Modifier is ignored.

 Description    The storage class modifiers noshare and readonly are
                meaningless for typedefs.  The compiler ignores the
                storage class modifier.

 User Action    Remove the storage class modifier.


 Message        This typedef declaration is useless because it does
                not declare a typedef name.

 Description    This typedef declaration does not declare a typedef
                name.  This case can occur when a declaration tries
                to declare both a tag and a typedef, but the name of
                the typedef is not included.

 User Action    Either remove the typedef keyword or add a typedef


 Message        <Context> this type qualifier will have no effect.

 Description    A type qualifier is applied only to the declarators
                in a declaration.  Declarations that lack declarators
                are permitted if they declare a tag or an enumeration
                constant, but in such cases type qualifiers are not

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier, or change this to a
                typedef declaration that declares a name for the type
                and use that typedef name to refer to the qualified


 Message        __VA_ARGS__ may not appear except in a function-like
                macro that uses the ellipsis notation in the

 Description    The identifier __VA_ARGS__ may only appear in the
                replacement list of a function-like macro definion
                that uses ellipsis notation in the parameters.

 User Action    Either remove __VA_ARGS__ or change its spelling.


 Message        __VA_ARGS__ may not be used as a formal parameter.

 Description    The identifier __VA_ARGS__ may only appear in the
                replacement list of a function-like macro definion
                that uses ellipsis notation in the parameters.

 User Action    Rename the formal parameter.


 Message        <Context> the floating-point constant named "<name>"
                is not supported in "<fpmode>" representation.

 Description    The representation of an IEEE Infinity or NaN has no
                special meaning when used with non-IEEE
                floating-point operations.

 User Action    Replace the named constant with a conventional
                floating point constant.  The HUGE_VAL macros defined
                by <math.h> may be used in place of IEEE Infinities
                with any floating-point representation.


 Message        <Context> the conversion of the unsigned char/short
                value "<expression>" to signed int shows one example
                of this program's use of value-preserving integral
                promotion.  This differs from the unsigned-preserving
                semantics of some older C compilers.

 Description    This expression shows one of possibly many places
                where this compilation uses value-preserving
                semantics for small integer promotions rather than
                unsigned-preserving semantics used by some older
                compilers.  In cases where an unsigned char or
                unsigned short int is promoted to an integer, there
                are two different ways the convert could happen.
                Standard C requires that the type be converted to a
                signed int (value-preserving semantics) while some
                older compilers will convert to an unsigned int
                (unsigned-preserving semantics).  The difference in
                the choice of int or unsigned int can have an impact
                on results of expressions that use the converted
                value.  The compiler cannot determine whether or not
                a particular instance of this usage will cause an
                observable behavior difference in the program.  For
                more information, consult Section of the
                Rationale for ANSI C.

 User Action    Be aware that older, non-standard compilers might
                interpret this expression differently.


 Message        A declaration of a variant struct or variant union
                must have a single declarator that is an identifier.

 Description    A variant_struct or variant_union member was either
                not followed by a declarator or followed by more than
                one declarator.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Declare the variant_struct or variant_union member
                with a single identifier.


 Message        The anonymous struct or union member "<member name>"
                duplicates the name of a member in the enclosing
                struct or union.

 Description    As members of an anonymous structure or union are
                promoted to membership of the enclosing struct/union
                type, the names of each element of the anonymous
                struct/union must not match an element name in the
                enclosing struct/union.  This message can also be
                output when the variant_struct or variant_union
                syntax is used instead of the anonymous struct/union.

 User Action    Choose a new name for either the offending anonymous
                struct/union member or the matching member of the
                enclosing type.


 Message        variant struct or union is a language extension.

 Description    Declaring a member to be a variant_struct or
                variant_union is a language extension of HP C.  Other
                C compilers might not successfully compile a program
                that uses the extension.

 User Action    Consider using an anonymous struct or union (one
                without a tag or declarator) instead:  anonymous
                structs/unions are supported by HP C and some other
                vendors' C compilers.


 Message        A variant struct or union cannot have a tag.

 Description    A variant_struct or variant_union declaration
                specified a tag name.  This is not allowed.

 User Action    Either remove the tag or change the declaration to be
                a regular struct or union instead of a variant struct
                or union.

861  –  VARNOMEM

 Message        A variant struct or variant union can occur only as a
                member of a struct or union.

 Description    A declaration contained a variant_struct or
                variant_union in some place other than a member of a
                struct or union.  This is not valid.

 User Action    Correct the offending declaration.


 Message        Vertical whitespace within pp directive.

 Description    Unexpected vertical white space as been encountered
                within a preprocessing directive.

 User Action    Remove the vertical white space from the directive.


 Message        <Context> variable length arrays are a new feature in
                the C99 standard.  Other C compilers may not support
                this extension.

 Description    This is a new language feature in the C99 revision of
                the standard.  While having a standard specification
                for portability, the feature may not yet be available
                in all of the compilers you use.

 User Action    Determine whether or not the use of this feature will
                cause portability problems for this code.


 Message        The function "<name>" has return type void, and so
                must not contain a return statement with an

 Description    The current function was declared with a void return
                type.  The expression specified in the return value
                will be evaluated but will not be returned to the

 User Action    Either change the return type in the function
                declaration or remove the return value from the
                return statement.


 Message        The function "<name>" has return type void.  The
                return statement must not specify a return value even
                if the return expression has void type.

 Description    The current function was declared with a void return
                type.  Although some C compilers allow such a
                function to return a void expression, this is a
                violation of the C standard and may not be portable.

 User Action    Modify the program so that the return statement does
                not specify a return value.


 Message        Ignoring volatile type qualifier in declaration of

 Description    The volatile type qualifier cannot be used with a
                function type.  The compiler will ignore the type

 User Action    Remove the type qualifier.

867  –  WCHARCAT

 Message        A character string literal was concatenated with a
                wide string literal.

 Description    The C99 standard defines the behavior of adjacent
                string concatenation between character string
                literals and wide string literals, basically
                promoting the character string to a wide string
                before forming the wide string result.  The older C90
                standard gave this construct undefined behavior - it
                only defined concatenation between adjacent strings
                of the same kind (all character or all wide).
                Although this version of HP C always gives the C99
                behavior with diagnostics optional, some compilers
                (including previous versions of HP C) may give more
                severe diagnostics and/or different behaviors.

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.


 Message        Writable variable resides in nowrt extern model.

 Description    The current extern model places all external objects
                in a read-only section.  An object without a const
                type qualifier in such a section means that while the
                compiler will not diagnose writes to the object, any
                attempt to modify the object at runtime will cause
                the program to fail.  This might not have been what
                you intended.

 User Action    Place non-const objects in sections that can be


 Message        This statement performs an invalid transfer into a
                block that declares a variably modified type or
                object.  The identifier "<name>" is variably
                modified, and declared at <where>.

 Description    It is invalid to transfer control into a block after
                that block declares a variably modified type.

 User Action    Either remove the transfer, or move the declaration
                of the variably modified type.


 Message        Line number is greater than the 32767 specified by
                the C standard and might not be portable.

 Description    A #line preprocessing directive specified a line
                value that is greater than 32767.  While the value is
                supported by HP C, the C89 standard specifies that
                the value must not be greater than 32767.  Therefore,
                this program does not conform to the C89 standard,
                and the directive might not be accepted by other C

 User Action    Be aware of this if you wish to port the program.

871  –  ZERODIV

 Message        <Context> division by zero occurs in evaluating the
                expression "<expression>".

 Description    A divide by zero occurred while evaluating a constant
                expression.  The value of the expression is

 User Action    Correct the constant expression so that it does not
                contain a division by zero.


 Message        Division by zero in expression.

 Description    A divide by zero occurs in a preprocessor constant
                expression.  The result of the divide will be zero.

 User Action    Correct the preprocessor constant expression.


 Message        <Context> zero cannot be used as an element count
                specifier.  The specifier will be ignored, (leaving
                the member/parameter with an incomplete array type)
                in this context.

 Description    The C standard states that if an element count
                specifier is a constant expression then it shall have
                a value greater than zero.  For compatibility with
                some other C compilers, HP C will accept a zero
                element count specifier.  When appearing in a
                struct/union member or a parameter, the specifier
                will be ignored.

 User Action    Remove the zero.


 Message        <Context> zero cannot be used as an element count
                specifier.  It will be replaced with the constant one
                in this context.

 Description    The C standard states that if an element count
                specifier is a constant expression then it shall have
                a value greater than zero.  For compatibility with
                some other C compilers, HP C will accept a zero
                element count specifier.  When appearing outside a
                struct/union member or a parameter, the compiler will
                replace the zero with the value one.  This may or may
                not be compatible with the behavior of other C

 User Action    Use a valid element count specifier.
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