Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  DTM  COMPARE
   Compares the result file produced for each test description in a
   collection with its corresponding benchmark file.


     COMPARE  collection-name [/qualifier...]

1  –  Command Qualifiers


   Performs a character-by-character comparison of the results file
   with the benchmark file.

   The default is /SCREENS for interactive tests and /RECORDS for
   noninteractive tests.

1.2    /FULL

   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, the /FULL
   qualifier includes a complete listing of the text in the
   difference file that was identical and a listing of the
   differences encountered when the result file and benchmark file
   are compared.

1.3    /IGNORE


   The /IGNORE qualifier enables you to specify that various aspects
   of benchmark and result files are to be ignored during comparison.

   The following keywords apply to noninteractive and interactive
   terminal tests, only.

     Keyword          Result

     CASE             Ignores any differences between the case of
                      alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, .. . )

     FORM-FEEDS       Ignores form-feed characters

     LEADING_BLANKS   Ignores leading blanks and tabs

     SPACING          Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a single space

     TRAILING_BLANKS  Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

   For interactive terminal tests, if you specify the /IGNORE and
   /SCREENS qualifiers together, Digital Test Manager performs the
   comparison screen by screen and ignores the /IGNORE qualifier.

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. The output file (your
   result file) is not changed in any way by the /IGNORE qualifier.

   The following keyword applies to DECwindows tests only.

     Keyword    Result

     MASK       Ignores masked areas defined on DECwindows
                benchmark images

1.4    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

1.5    /MASK


   The /MASK qualifier selects one or more sets of mask patterns that
   will cause certain run-time data to be ignored during the comparison
   of screens for interactive terminal tests.  Such run-time data is
   ignored by substituting blank space for patterns in both the
   benchmark and result screens before they are compared.

   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Mask

     ALL           Specifies that all the masks in this table be used

     DATE          The date mask ignores comparison of date stamps

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   patterns to be ignored;  this list is not all

                     dd-mmm-yyyy     ( example: 17-OCT-1998 )
                     dd mmm yy       ( example: 17 OCT 98 )
                     yy.mmm.dd       ( example: 98.OCT.17 )
                     mm/dd/yy        ( example: 10/17/98 )
                     yyyy/mm/dd      ( example: 1998/10/17 )
                     month day, year ( example: October 17, 1998 )
                     month day, year ( example: Oct. 17, 1998 )
                     day.month.year  ( example: 17.October.1998 )
                     year-month-day  ( example: 98-October-17 )

     TIME          Ignores time stamps with the following forms:

                     hh:mm:ss.xxxx   ( example: 15:37:53.22 )
                     hh:mm:ss        ( example: 15:37:53 )
                     hh:mm           ( example: 15:37 )
                     hh:mm xm        ( example: 3:37 PM )
                     hhHmmm          ( example: 15H37m )
                     hhHmm'          ( example: 15H37' )
            h         ( example: 15.37 h )
                     hh h mm"ss s    ( example: 15 h 37"53 s )
                     hh h mm min     ( example: 15 h 37 min )
                     kl        ( example: kl 15.37 )
                     h         ( example: h 15.37 )

     VERSION       Ignores file versions on file names

     FILE_NAMES    Ignores file names of the form FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Ignores directory specification fields of
                   the form DISK:[DIRECTORY]

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.  Masking of is performed in
   the order of the keywords shown above.

1.6    /PARALLEL


   Specifies whether the lines that do not match in the result and
   benchmark files are formatted side by side.

   If you specify the /[NO]PARALLEL and /SCREENS qualifiers together,
   Digital Test Manager performs the comparison screen by screen and
   ignores the /[NO]PARALLEL qualifier.

1.7    /RECORDS

   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, the /RECORDS
   qualifier performs a record-by-record comparison of the result and
   benchmark files. The default is /SCREENS for interactive tests and
   /RECORDS for noninteractive tests.

   Records are identical only if they contain the same characters.
   Use this type of comparison only when you expect the record in
   which a string appears to be the same each time a comparison is

   Use caution when specifying the /RECORDS qualifier for an
   interactive test because the records in the result file are not
   guaranteed to be written the same way each time the test runs.
   You might want to use the /RECORDS qualifier for an interactive
   test whose result file is not generated by Digital Test Manager, for
   example, if you rename a test output file to be DTM$RESULT.

1.8    /SCREENS

   Performs a screen-by-screen comparison of the result and benchmark
   files for an interactive test. The default is /SCREENS for
   interactive tests and /RECORDS for noninteractive tests.

1.9    /SENTINEL


   Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to
   be ignored during the comparison of result and benchmark files for
   noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to 256 characters
   per line, and must be unique. Any text between and including the
   delimiters is treated as if it did not exist.

   If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation marks,
   they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of the
   files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you
   include spaces, tabs or commas, they must be enclosed in
   quotation marks.

1.10    /WIDTH


   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests that were
   compared with the /CHARACTERS or /RECORDS qualifier, the /WIDTH
   qualifier specifies the maximum width allowed for the differences
   report. The minimum width is 48 columns and the maximum width is
   511 columns. The default value is 132 columns.

2  –  Example

   %DTM-I-SUCCEEDED, the comparison for the test MAIL_TEST succeeded
   %DTM-I-SUCCEEDED, the comparison for the test SEND_MAIL_TEST succeeded
   %DTM-S-COMPARED, collection MAIL_COLL compared

   This example compares the results for all tests in the
   collection MAIL_COLL. For each test, Digital Test Manager deletes
   the result files for tests whose benchmark and result files
   match, and it creates a difference file for tests whose
   benchmark and result files differ.
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