Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  LANCP  SET

1  –  ACP

    Modifies the operation of the LANACP LAN Server process. Requires
    SYSPRV privilege.


      SET ACP

1.1  –  Parameters


1.2  –  Qualifiers

1.2.1    /ECHO

       /NOECHO (default)

    Enables partial tracing of received and transmitted downline
    load messages (the first 32 bytes of the data portion of
    each message). Note that the last one or two MOP messages
    are displayed in full: the memory load message with cluster
    parameters, and the parameter load with transfer address message,
    where present in the load.

    The data is written to a log file SYS$MANAGER:LAN$node-name.LOG.

    To obtain the entire contents of each message, use the /FULL
    qualifier as follows:


1.2.2    /FULL

       /NOFULL (default)

    When /ECHO is enabled, displays the entire contents of received
    and transmitted downline load messages.

1.2.3    /OPCOM

       /OPCOM (default)

    Enables OPCOM messages from LANACP LAN Server process.

    Messages are generated by the LANACP LAN Server process when
    a device status changes, load requests are received, and
    loads complete. These messages are displayed on the operator's
    console and included in the log file written by LANACP,

1.2.4    /STOP

    Stops the LANACP process. It can be restarted by reexecuting the
    SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP command file.

1.3  –  Example


      This command enables tracing of received and transmitted
      downline load messages. The /FULL qualifier displays the entire
      contents of received and transmitted downline load messages.

2  –  DEVICE

    Sets or modifies LAN device parameters. Requires PHY_IO


      SET DEVICE  device-name

2.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a device to be entered in the LAN volatile device
    database, or whose parameters are to be modified. The device
    name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the
    controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are
    specified as the name of the template device which is unit 0. For
    example, the first DE435 Ethernet device is specified as EWA0,
    the second as EWB0.

2.2  –  Qualifiers (General)

2.2.1    /ALL

    Sets data for all LAN devices. If you specify a device name, all
    matching LAN devices are selected, for example: E to select all
    Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all
    Ethernet PCI Tulip devices.



    Allows some device-specific parameters to be adjusted. These
    are useful for debug purposes or for experiments while doing
    performance measurements. Like other LANCP commands which affect
    devices, this command requires SYSPRV privilege.

    Specify the negated qualifer to clear all device-specific
    parameter data.

    These functions are described in a text file on the system,

2.2.3    /DLL

       /DLL or MOPDLL=(enable-option, exclusive-option, size-option,

    Provides the MOP downline load service settings for the device.

    Note that defaults apply to creation of an entry in the device
    database. If an existing entry is being modified, fields not
    specified remain unchanged.

    You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:

    o  enable-option

             DISABLE (default)

       Specify ENABLE or DISABLE to indicate that MOP downline load
       service should be enabled or disabled for the device.

    o  exclusive-option

             NOEXCLUSIVE (default)

       Specify EXCLUSIVE to indicate that no other provider of MOP
       downline load service is allowed on the specified LAN device
       at the same time as LANACP. Specify NOEXCLUSIVE to indicate
       that the LAN MOP downline load service can coexist with other
       implementations (in particular, the DECnet Phase IV and DECnet
       Plus implementations that include MOP support).

       Note that when you select NOEXCLUSIVE, LANACP responds only
       to MOP downline load requests directed to nodes defined in the
       LAN node database.

    o  size-option


       Use SIZE=value to specify the size in bytes of the file data
       portion of each downline load message. The permitted range
       is 246 to 1482 bytes. The default value is 246 bytes, which
       should allow any client to load properly. Note that some
       clients may not support the larger size.

       The recommended size for better load performance and less
       server overhead is the largest size that results in successful
       loads of all clients. The 1482 value is derived from the
       maximum packet size for CSMA/CD (Ethernet) of 1518 bytes less
       the 802e header and CRC (26 bytes) and MOP protocol overhead
       (10 bytes).

       You can override the size on a per-node basis. See the SET
       NODE commands for details.

    o  knownclientsonly-option

             NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY (default)

       Specify KNOWNCLIENTSONLY to indicate that MOP downline
       load requests should be serviced only for clients defined
       in the LAN permanent node database. When you select
       NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY, LANACP searches the LAN$DLL directory
       for any images requested by clients that are not defined in
       the LAN node database.

       Note that this option is not available when NOEXCLUSIVE mode
       has been selected. When NOEXCLUSIVE mode is selected, LANACP
       services MOP downline load requests only for clients defined
       in the LAN node database.

2.2.4    /MAX_BUFFERS


    Sets the maximum number of receive buffers to be allocated and
    used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.

2.2.5    /MIN_BUFFERS


    Sets the minimum number of receive buffers to be allocated and
    used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.

2.2.6    /PERMANENT


    Updates the device entries in the LAN volatile device database
    with any data currently set in the permanent database. This
    allows you to update the volatile database after changing data
    in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for
    each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.

2.2.7    /TAG


    Specifies the IEEE 802.1Q tag for the VLAN device.
    value is the IEEE 802.IQ tag number.

2.2.8    /TRACE

       /TRACE=size-option, mask-option, stop-option

    Provides the LAN driver trace settings for the device. By
    default, most LAN drivers do tracing of error conditions and
    state changes. Tracing is controlled by an event mask that
    selects the events to trace, a stop mask that specifies when
    to stop tracing, and the size of the trace buffer.

    You can change tracing settings at any time. The LAN driver
    allocates the trace buffer from non-paged pool. You can calculate
    the amount of pool needed by multiplying the number of entries by
    the size of each entry, 32-bytes.

    The impact of tracing on the system is negligible for error
    and state change events, more significant when all events are
    selected, and very significant when full packet tracing is

    The command SHOW DEVICE/TRACE displays trace results as well as
    the trace mask.

    You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:

    o  size-option


       Use SIZE=value to specify the size of the trace buffer in
       entries, each 32 bytes. The default is 2048 entries. The
       permitted range is 256 to 1000000.

       The size MOD 3 encodes the amount of packet data to include,
       either 35 bytes, 66 bytes, 97 bytes, or the entire packet.

    o  mask-option


       Use MASK=(value1,value2) to specify the trace mask to select
       which type of entries should be collected in the trace
       buffer. The first 32 bits consist of events common to most
       LAN drivers. The second 32 bits consist of events specific to
       the LAN driver for the specified device.

    o  stop-option


       Use STOP=(value1,value2) to specify the trace mask to select
       which type of entries should stop tracing. When a trace entry
       is made that matches one of the bits in the stop mask, the
       trace mask is cleared so that you can look at the trace data
       accumulated so far.

2.2.9    /UPDATE


    Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN permanent
    device database to that database. The initial entry for the
    device uses default values for all parameters. To update the
    permanent database with current information from the volatile
    database, use the DEFINE DEVICE command with the /VOLATILE
    qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /VOLATILE qualifiers
    in a single DEFINE DEVICE command.

2.2.10    /UPDATE

       /UPDATE (SET DEVICE only)

    Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN volatile
    device database to that database. The initial entry for the
    device uses default values for all parameters. To update the
    volatile database with current information from the permanent
    database, use the SET DEVICE command with the /PERMANENT
    qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /PERMANENT qualifiers
    in a single SET DEVICE command.

2.2.11    /VLAN_DEVICE


    Specifies the physical LAN device that is to host the VLAN
    device. The /NOVLAN_DEVICE qualifier requests deactivation of
    the VLAN device.

    When deactivating the VLAN device, the device-name is not
    required because the VLAN driver knows which device is hosting
    the VLAN device.

    Note that a VLAN device cannot be deactivated if any applications
    continue to use the device.

2.2.12    /VOLATILE


    Updates the device entries in the LAN permanent device database
    with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows
    you to update the permanent database after changing data in the
    volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each
    updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database.

2.3  –  Qualifiers (Ethernet Devices)


       /AUTONEGOTIATE (default)

    Enables or disables the use of auto-negotiation to determine the
    link settings. You may need to disable link auto-negotiation
    when connected to a switch or device that does support auto

2.3.2    /FLOW_CONTROL

       /FLOW_CONTROL (default)

    Enables flow control on a LAN device.

2.3.3    /FULL_DUPLEX

       /NOFULL_DUPLEX (default)

    Enables full-duplex operation of a LAN device. Before full-duplex
    operation results from the use of this qualifier, additional
    device or network hardware setup may be required. Some devices
    may be enabled for full-duplex operation by default. Some devices
    may not allow the setting to be changed.

    The /NOFULL_DUPLEX qualifier disables full-duplex operation.

2.3.4    /JUMBO

       /NOJUMBO (default)

    Enables the use of jumbo frames on a LAN device. Only Gigabit
    Ethernet NICs support jumbo frames.

2.3.5    /MEDIA


    Selects the cable connection. Normally, the selection is made
    during device initialization using a limited autosensing
    algorithm that selects twisted pair, but fails over to AUI
    (Attachment Unit Interface) if twisted pair does not appear to be
    functional. Thereafter, a cabling change would require a reboot
    of the system to take effect. This command allows you to change
    the selection without rebooting.

    Acceptable values are AUI (10Base2, 10Base5), TWISTEDPAIR
    (10BaseT), and AUTOSENSE (reperform the limited autosense
    algorithm). The default value is AUTOSENSE.

    Some devices, such as the DE435, require a jumper change on the
    Ethernet card to switch between 10Base2 and 10Base5 (thinwire and
    thickwire). Other devices, such as the DE434, DE436, and DE500,
    have only twisted pair connections.

2.3.6    /SPEED


    Sets the speed of the LAN.

    Valid values are 10, 100, 1000, 10000, or autonegotiate; the last
    choice, autonegotiate, selects the 10 Mb/s for Ethernet, 100 Mb/s
    for Fast Ethernet, 1000 Mb/s for Gigabit Ethernet, and 10000 Mb/s
    for 10-Gigabit Ethernet. If you select autonegotiate, the LAN
    driver repeats autonegotiation.

2.4  –  Qualifiers (LAN Failover Devices)

2.4.1    /DISABLE

    Disables the devices in a LAN Failover set. When disabled, LAN
    devices can be added to or deleted from the Failover set.

2.4.2    /ENABLE

    Enables a Failover set, which activates the Logical LAN device.
    The LAN Failover driver selects a LAN device from the LAN
    Failover set as the active device and then allows I/O to the
    Logical LAN device.

2.4.3    /FAILOVER_SET


    Specifies the members of a LAN Failover set.

2.4.4    /PRIORITY


    Sets the failover priority of a LAN device. Priority is given to
    the LAN failover device with the highest priority when choosing
    the active LAN device. When a LAN device with a higher priority
    becomes available, a failover transition to the newly available
    device is performed. This allows a system manager to set a
    preferred device by setting one LAN device to a higher priority
    than others. The LAN failover driver uses the preferred device
    when it is available.

2.4.5    /SIZE


    Sets the packet size of the LAN failover device.

    Valid values are STANDARD (the default) or JUMBO:

    o  STANDARD is the Ethernet maximum packet size of 1518 bytes.

    o  JUMBO is the oversize packet size available with Gigabit
       Ethernet devices.

       JUMBO is allowed only if all the LAN devices in the LAN
       failover set are Gigabit devices.

    Note that the size specified for the LAN failover device
    overrides the size set on the members of the LAN failover
    set; that is, the JUMBO frame setting of a LAN device is of no
    consequence when the size is determined for the LAN failover

2.4.6    /SWITCH

       /SWITCH (SET DEVICE only)

    Forces a LAN failover to another member of the LAN failover set.

    You can test LAN failover operation by using this command to
    switch from one device to another.

2.5  –  Qualifiers (FDDI Devices)

2.5.1    /RING_PURGER

    Enables the ring purger process of the FDDI device.


    Sets the requested token rotation time for the FDDI ring.


    Sets the restricted token timeout time for the FDDI ring.


    Sets the valid transmission time for the FDDI device.

2.6  –  Qualifiers (Token Ring Devices)

2.6.1    /AGING_TIMER


    Sets the amount of time in seconds to age Token Ring source
    routing cache entries before marking them stale. This timer
    expires when no traffic is sent to or received from the remote
    node in this amount of time. The default value is 60 seconds.

    Increase this value when idle connections bounce between the
    stale and known states. Setting this value too low may cause
    unnecessary explorer traffic to traverse the LAN.



    Sets the number of entries to reserve for caching Token Ring
    source routing address entries. The default value is 200 entries.

    If your system directly communicates to a large number of
    systems, you may want to increase this number.

2.6.3    /CONTENDER

       /NOCONTENDER (default)

    Specifies that the Token Ring device is to participate in
    the Monitor Contention process when it joins the ring. The
    /NOCONTENDER qualifier, directs the device not to challenge the
    current ring server.



    Sets the number of seconds to wait for a reply from a remote node
    when performing the source Token Ring routing route discovery
    process. The default value is 2 seconds.

    If you have nodes that respond slowly on your extended LAN, you
    may need to increase this number to reduce the amount of explorer
    traffic that traverses your LAN.

2.6.5    /EARLY

       /EARLY (default)

    Enables Early Token Release on the device. The /NOEARLY
    qualifier, disables Early Token Release.

2.6.6    /MAP


    Maps a standard multicast address to a functional address.
    Token ring devices do not support IEEE 802 standard globally
    defined group addresses. They do support functional addresses. A
    functional address is a locally administered group address that
    has 31 possible values. Each functional address sets one bit in
    the third through sixth byte of the address and bytes 1 and 2 are
    03-00 (C0:00 in bit reversed format).

    The /NOMAP=(MULTICAST_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the
    mapping established for the specified address.

    Specify the functional address as follows:

    o  The MULTICAST_ADDRESS argument requires a standard 6-byte
       multicast address.

    o  The FUNCTIONAL_ADDRESS argument requires only the last 4
       bytes of the functional address (the preceding 03-00 bytes
       are automatically prefixed).

    o  The address variable, given as hexadecimal byte characters
       separated by hyphens, specifies the canonical form of the
       address. Use a colon as the separator character to indicate
       the bit-reversed form of the address.

    For example, to map the multicast address CB-00-01-02-03-04 to
    the functional address 03-00-00-80-00-00 on the Token Ring device
    IRA0, enter the following command:

    SET DEVICE IRA0/MAP=(MULTI=CB-00-01-02-03-04,FUNCT=00:01:00:00)

    For the default address mapping, see the following table or issue
    the command SHOW DEVICE/MAP device-name.

    Multicast Address  Address            Description

    09-00-2B-00-00-04  03-00-00-00-02-00  ISO ALL ES
    09-00-2B-00-00-05  03-00-00-00-01-00  ISO ALL IS
    CF-00-00-00-00-00  03-00-00-08-00-00  Loopback Assistant
    AB-00-00-01-00-00  03-00-02-00-00-00  DNA MOP Dump/Load
    AB-00-00-02-00-00  03-00-04-00-00-00  DNA MOP Remote Console
    AB-00-00-03-00-00  03-00-08-00-00-00  DNA L1 Routers
    09-00-2B-02-00-00  03-00-08-00-00-00  DNA L2 Routers
    09-00-2B-02-01-0A  03-00-08-00-00-00  DNA Phase IV Primary Router
    AB-00-00-04-00-00  03-00-10-00-00-00  DNA Endnodes
    09-00-2B-02-01-0B  03-00-10-00-00-00  DNA Phase IV Prime Unknown
    09-00-2B-00-00-07  03-00-20-00-00-00  PCSA NETBIOS Emulation
    09-00-2B-00-00-0F  03-00-40-00-00-00  LAT Service Advertisement
    09-00-2B-02-01-04  03-00-80-00-00-00  LAT Service Solicit
    09-00-2B-02-01-07  03-00-00-02-00-00  LAT Xwindown Service
    09-00-2B-04-00-00  03-00-00-04-00-00  LAST
    09-00-2B-02-01-00  03-00-00-00-08-00  DNA Name Service
    09-00-2B-02-01-01  03-00-00-00-10-00  DNA Name Service Solicit
    09-00-2B-02-01-02  03-00-00-00-20-00  DNA Time Service
    03-00-00-00-00-01  03-00-00-00-00-01  NETBUI Emulation
    03-00-02-00-00-00  03-00-02-00-00-00  RIPL

2.6.7    /MEDIA


    Selects the type of cable media used to connect the adapter to
    the Token Ring Media Access Unit (MAU) for devices that do not
    automatically detect this. Acceptable values for this are either
    unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP). The
    default value is STP.


       /SOURCE_ROUTING (default)

    Enables source routing on the Token Ring device. If you only have
    one ring in your LAN or you use transparent bridging, use the
    /NOSOURCE_ROUTING qualifier to turn off source routing.

2.6.9    /SPEED


    Sets the speed of the Token Ring LAN.

    Valid values are either 4 or 16, indicating 4 megabits per second
    or 16 megabits per second. The default value for Token Ring is
    16, unless the LAN adapter supports a nonvolatile mechanism for
    setting this parameter.

2.6.10    /SR_ENTRY

       /SR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address, RI=routing-information)

    Statically defines a specific source-routed route for a specific
    node. The default value is no routes specified. This caching
    remains valid while used or until the aging timer expires.

    Use this qualifier only as a last resort when isolating
    communication failures on extended LAN topologies.

    The /NOSR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the
    previously defined static source routed route.

    The address is a standard 6-byte LAN address (given as
    hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens), which
    specifies the canonical form of the address. Using a colon as
    the separator character indicates the bit-reversed form of the

    The routing-information is the source routing field, specified as
    a series of two-byte hexadecimal characters (each byte separated
    by a hyphen). The field consists of a two-byte routing control
    field followed by up to 14 two-byte segment identifiers, each
    containing the ring number and the bridge number used in the hop.

2.7  –  Qualifiers (ATM Devices)

2.7.1    /ATMADDRESS

    /ATMADDRESS=LES sets the LAN emulation server (LES) address for
    asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Usually the address is not user
    specified, and this qualifier is used only if you want a specific
    address. By default the address is determined by software from
    the configuration server for the LES.

    The /ATMADDRESS=LES qualifier's syntax is as follows:


    /ATMADDRESS=ARP sets the address resolution protocol (ARP) server
    address for Classical IP over ATM. This qualifier is required
    before a LIS is enabled if the local host is not the ARP server.

    The /ATMADDRESS=ARP qualifier's syntax is as follows:

    SET DEVICE/ATMADDRESS = (ARP=atm_arp_server)

2.7.2    /CLIP

    Sets the Classical Internet Protocol (CLIP) over ATM (RFC1577).
    The CLIP qualifier implements a data-link level device as a
    client and/or a server in a logical IP subnet (LIS). This allows
    the IP protocol to transmit Ethernet frames over the ATM network.
    The /CLIP = ENABLE command causes the system to join the LIS. The
    /CLIP = DISABLE command causes the client to leave the logical IP

    Note that a LIS requires a server, and there must be only one
    server for each subnet. Communication between subnets can only be
    performed by a router. There can only be one client for each ATM

    The /CLIP qualifier's syntax with standard Internet dotted
    notation is as follows:

    SET DEVICE/CLIP =(ip_subnet=a.b.c.d,
                      name="ip subnet name",
                      enable, disable
                      type = client|server)

    The meanings for the syntax for /CLIP are as follows:

    Option                 Meaning

    ip_address             Specifies the IP address of the CLIP
    ip_subnet              Specifies the subnet mask of the CLIP
    parent=devnam          Specifies the parent device name.
    name                   Specifies a name for the LIS to aid in
                           operations and diagnostics.
    type=client            Starts up a classical IP client only. This
                           is the default.
    type=server            Starts up a classical IP server. Only one
                           server for each LIS is allowed, and the
                           server needs to be started first.
    type=(server,client)   Starts up a classical IP server and

    Keywords and their meaning for /CLIP are as follows:

    Keyword  Meaning

    Enable   Joins the logical IP subnet.
    Disable  Causes a client to leave the logical IP subnet.

2.7.3    /ELAN

    The /ELAN qualifier has two values: enable and disable. With
    /ELAN=ENABLE along with the keyword STARTUP, the LAN emulation
    is loaded when LANACP starts. With /ELAN=DISABLE, the same
    parameters used with ENABLE can be invoked.

    The /ELAN qualifier's syntax is as follows:

    DEFINE DEVICE/ELAN =(parent=parent device,
                         name="ELAN NAME to join",
                         description = "description string,")

    The meaning of the syntax for /ELAN is as follows:

    Option       Meaning

    parent       The ATM adapter device name. An example of the
                 parent device for DAPCA is: HWn0, where n is the
                 controller number. An example of the parent device
                 for DGLTA is: HCn0, where n is the controller
    name         Optionally specified if you want to join a specific
                 ELAN. The default is null.
    size         Maximum frame size of the LAN you want to join.
                 Valid sizes are 1516, 4544, or 9234 bytes. The
                 default is 1516.
    type         Support currently only for CSMACD, which is the
    description  A method of describing the ELAN for display purposes

    Keywords and their meanings for /ELAN are as follows:

    Keyword  Meaning

    Enable   Begins a join on a specified emulated LAN. It also loads
             the driver, if not already loaded.
    Disable  Causes a client to leave the emulated LAN.

2.7.4    /PVC


    Sets the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to be used by a
    Classical IP over ATM client. This is an optional qualifier.

    A list of PVCs is defined for use by CLIP clients. This command
    should be used before enabling the CLIP client. The PVC has to be
    set up manually in the ATM switch.

    The vci is the VCI (Virtual Circuit ID) of the PVC to be used.



    Enables monitor contention, UTP cable media, source routing and
    disables early token release for Token Ring device ICA0.


    Sets the media type to twisted pair for the second Tulip Ethernet
    device, EWB0.


    Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, leaving the
    remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.


    Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, in exclusive
    mode with the data transfer size of 1482 bytes, leaving the
    remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.


    These commands enable LANACP MOP downline load service for:

    o  LAN device EXA0 in nonexclusive mode

    o  LAN device FXB0 in exclusive mode for only known clients

3  –  NODE

    Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an
    existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


      SET NODE  node-name

3.1  –  Parameter


    Supplies the name of a node to be added to the LAN volatile node
    database or an entry to be modified. Typically, the node name is
    the same as that given in the system parameter SCSNODE, but it
    does not need to be. The node name is limited to 63 characters in

3.2  –  Qualifiers

3.2.1    /ADDRESS

       /NOADDRESS (default)

    Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address
    as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The
    address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the
    address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified).

    If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name,
    each combination may be given as a node name with an extension,
    for example, VAXSYS.EXA for the EXA device on node VAXSYS, or
    VAXSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VAXSYS.

    If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains
    unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field.

3.2.2    /ALL

    Defines data for all nodes in the LAN volatile node database.
    If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for
    example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.

3.2.3    /BOOT_TYPE


    Indicates the type of processing required for downline load
    requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with
    this qualifier:

    o  VAX_SATELLITE-a VAX satellite cluster boot

    o  ALPHA_SATELLITE-an Alpha satellite cluster boot

    o  I64_SATELLITE-an OpenVMS Cluster Integrity servers satellite

    o  OTHER-the specified image; noncluster satellite loads that do
       not require additional data

    The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite
    loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the
    load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is

    If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting
    remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field.

    Note that Integrity server satellites boot using TFTP rather than
    MOP services. This boot type is included so that the information
    in the node database can be maintained, not because it is needed
    for booting purposes.



    Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the
    address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxx.

    If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then
    the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier
    clears the field.

3.2.5    /FILE


    Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the
    downline load request does not include a file name (for example,
    OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is
    limited to 127 characters.

    If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads
    default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_
    LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX.

    If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains
    unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field.

3.2.6    /IP_ADDRESS


    Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address
    in the standard dotted notation,

    If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the
    setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears
    the filed.



    Updates the node entries in the LAN volatile node database with
    any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows
    you to update the volatile database after changing data in the
    permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each
    updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.

3.2.8    /ROOT


    Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the
    file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier
    specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service,
    this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file
    specification or the file name given in the boot request includes
    the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory
    specification is limited to 127 characters.

    If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains
    unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field.

3.2.9    /SIZE


    Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each
    downline load message. The default is the load data size
    specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482
    bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less
    server overhead.

    If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains
    unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting.

3.2.10    /V3


    Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be
    used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested
    format. This allows systems to load that have a problem with MOP
    Version 4 booting. This qualifier causes the requesting node to
    fail over from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response
    has been made to a MOP Version 4 load request.

    If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains
    unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting.



    Updates the node entries in the LAN permanent node database with
    any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows
    you to update the permanent database after changing data in the
    volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each
    updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database.

3.3  –  Examples

    1.LANCP> SET NODE VAXSYS/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 -
                            /FILE=APB.EXE -
                            /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

      This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as an Alpha
      satellite into the cluster.

      The APB.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14:
      supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included
      in the root definition.

    2.LANCP> SET NODE VAXSYS/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 -
                            /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE -
                            /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

      This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as a VAX satellite
      into the OpenVMS Cluster.

      The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14:
      by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the
      root definition.


      This command changes the LAN address associated with node
      VAXSYS and clears the current root specification.

    4.SET NODE CALPAL/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33/FILE=APB_061.EXE

      This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an InfoServer
      image. It defines the file that should be loaded when a load
      request without file name is received from node CALPAL.

      Because the file does not include a directory specification,
      the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to locate the file. You
      could give directory specification using the file name or by
      using the /ROOT qualifier.

      Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the boot
      command overrides the file name specified in the node database
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