Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  LBXPROXY
    Starts a Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server.

    LBX is an X server extension that performs compression of the X
    protocol. LBX was developed for those configurations where the
    display server is separated from the client by a slow speed line
    such as a 56K dial-in modem or a wide-area network (WAN).

    The LBX proxy server appears to the client as any other X server.
    The proxy server accepts a connection request from a client
    program and acts as an intermediary between the client and the
    X server. Communication between the proxy server and the client
    uses the standard X protocol. Communication between the proxy
    server and the X server uses an LBX-enhanced X protocol.


    LBXPROXY [qualifiers]

1    /ATOMS


    Specifies the file that the proxy server should use for atoms
    control. The file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$ATOMCONTROL.TEMPLATE contains
    an example of an atom control file. This qualifier cannot be
    specified if the NOATOMS or NOLBX option is specified for the
    /OPTIONS qualifier.

    However, effectively the default is not to use atom
    control, because the installation process does not convert

    At startup, the LBX proxy server "pre-interns" the atoms
    specified in the atom control file. The atom control file also
    controls when the proxy server should delay sending data to the X
    server. This is done by specifying the following:

    o  Minimum data length required before the server delays any

    o  Which atoms should be delayed only when a window manager is
       running on the same connection.

    The format of the atom control file is documented in the

2    /CHEAT


    Specifies the level of cheating allowed on the X protocol for
    the sake of improved performance. The X protocol guarantees to
    the requesting party that all corresponding replies, events, or
    errors are returned to the requester in the same order as the
    original requests. The ERRORS option allows the proxy server to
    violate the X protocol with respect to errors. The EVENTS option
    allows the proxy server to violate the X protocol with respect
    to errors and events. The NONE option specifies that no protocol
    cheating is allowed.

    The default is /CHEAT=NONE.


       Some X applications may rely upon the correct ordering
       of events and errors. Enabling cheating may cause these
       applications to fail. Use this option at your own risk.


    /DISPLAY={"network-address" | logical-name | device-name}

    Specifies a network address, logical name, or device name that
    references the X server to which the proxy server should connect.
    A network address must be in the following form:


    This option is ignored for managed proxy servers.

    The default is /DISPLAY=DECW$DISPLAY.



    Specifies that the proxy server should fail to start if the
    server number specified by the /SERVER qualifier is not
    available. See /SERVER qualifier for more information about
    server numbers. This option is useful for starting standalone
    servers as detached processes. In this case, the proxy server has
    no method to return the selected server number. This option is
    ignored for managed proxy servers.

    The default is /NOFIXED_SERVER.



    Specifies the maximum number of X servers to which this proxy
    server can connect. This option is ignored for standalone
    servers. Specify a value from 1 to 63.

    The default is /MAXSERVER=20.

6    /MOTION


    Specifies the maximum number of pointer motion events that are
    allowed to remain unanswered between the proxy server and the X
    server. Specify a value from 1 to 32767.

    The default is /MOTION=8.



    Specifies the action taken when the proxy server encounters an
    internal error. This usually occurs when the proxy server looses
    its connection to the X server.

    RECONNECT   Specifies that the proxy server should clean up
                its internal state information and await further
                requests. If the proxy server is a standalone server,
                this option also specifies that the proxy server
                should reconnect to the X server. For managed proxy
                servers with multiple connected X servers, the proxy
                server will try to reconnect each server connection
                when it fails.
    TERMINATE   Specifies that the proxy server should exit. For
                managed proxy servers with multiple connected X
                servers, the proxy server will terminate only if
                all X server connections fail.

    The default is /ONERROR=TERMINATE.

8    /ONEXIT


    Specifies the action taken by this proxy server when the last
    client exits.

    NOACTION    Specifies that the proxy server should continue
    RESET       Specifies that the proxy server should clean up
                its internal state information and await further
                requests. If the proxy server is a standalone server,
                this option also specifies that the proxy server
                should reconnect to the X server.
    TERMINATE   Specifies that the proxy server should exit.

    The default is /ONEXIT=NOACTION.



    Specifies the optimizations to use for this proxy server. With
    the exception of the ALL and NONE options, each option has
    a NOoption form that disables the option. To enable a small
    number of options, use a combination of the NONE and the desired
    options. For example, /OPTIONS=(NONE,IMAGE) suppresses all
    optimization with the exception of image compression. To disable
    a small number of options, use a combination of the ALL and the
    undesired options. For example, /OPTIONS=(ALL,NOIMAGE,NOGRAPHICS)
    suppresses image and graphics optimization.

    ALL           Enables all optimizations. The ALL and NONE options
                  are mutually exclusive.
    NONE          Disables all optimizations. The ALL and NONE
                  options are mutually exclusive.
    [NO]ATOMS     Enables [disables] reading of the atoms control
                  file. The NOATOMS option is mutually exclusive with
                  the /ATOMS qualifier.
    [NO]GRABCMAP  Enables [disables] color map grabbing.
    [NO]COMP      Enables [disables] stream compression.
    [NO]DELTA     Enables [disables] delta request substitutions.
    [NO]GRAPHICS  Enables [disables] reencoding of graphics requests
                  (other than image-related requests).
    [NO]IMAGE     Enables [disables] image compression.
    [NO]INTERNSC  Enables [disables] short circuiting of InternAtom
    [NO]LBX       Enables [disables] all LBX optimizations
                  (equivalent to [NO]ATOMS, [NO]GRABCMAP,
                  [NO]GRAPHICS, [NO]IMAGE, [NO]INTERNSC, and
                  [NO]WINATTR). The [NO]LBX option is mutually
                  exclusive with any of the options controlled by
                  [NO]LBX. The NOLBX option is mutually exclusive
                  with the /ATOMS qualifier.
    [NO]RGB       Enables [disables] color name to RGB mapping in the
                  server. The NORGB option is mutually exclusive with
                  the /RGB qualifier.
    [NO]SQUISH    Enables [disables] squishing of X events.
    [NO]TAGS      Enables [disables] use of tags.
    [NO]WINATTR   Enables [disables] GetWindowAttributes/GetGeometry
                  grouping into one round trip.
    [NO]ZEROPAD   Enables [disables] zeroing out unused pad bytes in
                  X requests, replies, and events.

    The default is /OPTIONS=ALL.

10    /PARTIAL


    Specifies that this proxy server is allowed to initialize even
    when it cannot open all transport sockets specified by the
    /TRANSPORT qualifier. These transport sockets are used to receive
    client requests. Note that if the proxy server detects that one
    of the sockets is in use by another task, the server fails to
    initialize with the server number in use, and the next server
    number is tried (as discussed in the description of the /SERVER

    The default is /NOPARTIAL.

11    /RGB


    Specifies the file describing the color name to RGB resolution
    in this proxy server. This qualifier cannot be specified if the
    NORGB option is specified for the /OPTIONS qualifier.

    The default is /RGB=SYS$MANAGER:DECW$RGB.DAT.

12    /SERVER


    Specifies the server number to assign to this proxy server.
    Specify an integer from 0 to 63.

    The proxy server first attempts to initialize using the specified
    server number. If an active server is already using the specified
    number, the proxy server tries the next lower number. This
    process is repeated until an unused server number is found or
    until the proxy server tries the number 0 and fails. If the
    number 0 fails and the number specified was not 63, the server
    number wraps and attempts are tried starting with the number
    63. The process continues until all numbers have been tried. If
    all numbers are in use the proxy server fails to initialize and

    For managed proxy servers, the search for a free server number
    always starts at 63; any number specified by this qualifier is

    A standalone server started as a subprocess always prints out
    the server number finally used on SYS$ERROR. For standalone
    proxy servers that are detached processes, use the /FIXED_SERVER
    qualifier to force the server to use the specified server number
    or fail. Otherwise, there is no method to determine the server
    number actually used by the server.

    The default is /SERVER=63.



    Specifies the size of this proxy server's tag cache (in bytes).
    Specify the value 0 to disable tag caching.

    The default is /TAGCACHE=1048576 (2^20).



    Specifies the transports that this proxy server monitors for
    incoming client requests. If the /PARTIAL qualifier is not
    used, all transports specified by this qualifier must initialize
    successfully; or the proxy server fails to initialize with the
    server number in use, and the next server number is tried (as
    discussed in the description of the /SERVER qualifier).


15    /ZLEVEL


    Specifies the Zlib compression level used for stream compression.
    Specify an integer from 1 (least compression) to 9 (most

    The default is /ZLEVEL=6.
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