Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  LOCALE
   An OpenVMS XPG4 localization utility that:

    o  Compiles a binary locale file (LOCALE COMPILE).

    o  Loads a locale name into system memory as shared, read-only
       global data (LOCALE LOAD).

    o  Displays details of locales on your system (LOCALE SHOW).

    o  Unloads a locale name from system memory (LOCALE UNLOAD).

   For more information on the XPG4 utilities, including file
   formats, see the VSU C Run-Time Library Reference Manual.
   Also see help for the related commands GENCAT and ICONV.


        LOCALE option


   Converts a locale source file into a binary locale file.  The
   binary locale file is used by utilities and C routines that are
   dependent on the setting of the international environment logical


        LOCALE COMPILE sourcefile

1.1  –  Parameter


     The file specification of the locale source file.  This file
     defines each category of the locale.  The default file type for
     the source file is .LSRC.

1.2  –  Qualifiers



   Specifies a character-set description file (charmap) for the
   locale.  This file maps characters to their actual character
   encodings.  If a charmap is not specified, no symbolic names
   (other than collating symbols defined in a collating symbol
   keyword) are allowed in the locale source file.  The default file
   type for a charmap is .CMAP.

1.2.2    /DISPLAY


   Used with certain Chinese locales and terminals to
   specify that 4-byte characters occupy four printing
   positions (columns) on the terminal display. The default
   value (/DISPLAY=NOHOLE) specifies that 4-byte characters
   occupy two printing positions.



   Generates an output file even if LOCALE COMPILE issues warning
   messages.  Use the /IGNORE qualifier with caution because warning
   messages can indicate user errors that you might want to fix
   before using the resulting locale file.

1.2.4    /LISTING

     /LISTING[=filename] (Batch Default)
     /NOLISTING (Interactive Default)

   Specifies the name of the listing file.  The /SHOW qualifier
   controls the information included in the listing file.  If the
   filename is omitted, the default is sourcefile.LIS.

1.2.5    /OUTPUT

     /NOOUTPUT (D)

   Specifies the name of the output file.  If the /OUTPUT qualifier
   is omitted, the default output filename is sourcefile.LOCALE.
   Public locales are stored in the directory defined by the logical
   name SYS$I18N_LOCALE.  If the output file is in any other
   location, the locale is private.

   If /NOOUTPUT is specified, the compiler does not create an output
   file, even if the compilation is successful.

1.2.6    /SHOW


   Use /SHOW together with /LIST to control the information included
   in the listing file.  You can specify the following keywords:

   ALL                        Include all information.

   BRIEF                      Include a summary of the symbol table.

   [NO]CHARACTER_DEFINITIONS  Include/omit the charmap file.

   NONE                       Do not print any information.  If NONE
                              is specified, the listing file only
                              contains the error messages generated.

   [NO]SOURCE                 Include/omit a listing of the source

   [NO]STATISTICS             Include/omit compiler performance

   [NO]SYMBOLS                Include/omit a listing of the charmap
                              symbol table.

   [NO]TERMINAL               Display compiler messages at the

2  –  LOAD

   Loads the specified locale name into the system memory as shared,
   read-only global data.

   LOCALE LOAD is a privileged OpenVMS command, typically issued by
   the system manager, and requiring the following privileges:

    o  SYSGBL

    o  PRMGBL


        LOCALE LOAD name

2.1  –  Parameter


     A character string that identifies the locale to be loaded.
     This can be one of the following:

      o  The name of the public locale

         The format of the name is:


         LOCALE LOAD searches for the public locale binary file in
         the location defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE.
         The file type defaults to .LOCALE.  The period (.) and
         at-sign (@) characters in the name specified are replaced by
         an underscore character (_).

      o  A file specification

         Specifies the binary locale file.  This can be any valid
         file specification.  If either the device or directory is
         not specified, LOCALE LOAD first applies the current
         caller's device and directory as defaults.  If the file is
         not found, the device and directory defined by the
         SYS$I18N_LOCALE logical name are used as defaults.  The file
         type defaults to .LOCALE.

         Wildcards are not allowed.  The binary locale file cannot
         reside on a remote node.

3  –  SHOW

   Displays information about the locales and charmaps on the system.


        LOCALE SHOW option


   Lists all the character set description files (charmaps) in the
   public directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE.  A
   charmap defines symbolic names and values of characters in a coded
   character set.  Charmaps are used by the LOCALE COMPILE command
   when compiling a locale.  A charmap file has the file type .CMAP.



3.2  –  CURRENT

   Displays a summary of the current international environment, as
   defined by several international environment logical names.



3.3  –  PUBLIC

   Lists all public locales on the system.  The set of public locales
   contains all locales that reside in the directory defined by the
   logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE, as well as the system's built-in
   locales supplied with the VSI C run-time library.



3.4  –  VALUE

   Displays the value of one or more keywords from the current
   international environment.


        LOCALE SHOW VALUE  name[,...]

3.4.1  –  Parameter


     The name of a keyword or category.  If you specify a keyword,
     the value of that keyword in the current locale is displayed.
     If you specify a category, the values of the keywords in that
     category are displayed.  For integer keywords that have no value
     assigned, the value CHAR_MAX (127) is displayed.  When a keyword
     value includes semicolons, double-quotes, backslashes, or
     control characters, they are preceded by an escape character
     (usually a backslash).

3.5  –  Qualifiers

3.5.1    /CATEGORY


   Displays the category name before each keyword.  If /CATEGORY is
   omitted, the category name is not displayed.

3.5.2    /KEYWORD


   Displays the keyword name before the value of a keyword.  If
   /KEYWORD is omitted, the value of the keyword is displayed, but
   not its name.

4  –  UNLOAD

   Unloads the specified locale name from the system's memory.  If a
   process is accessing the locale when the UNLOAD command is
   entered, the global sections are deleted after the process
   deaccesses the locale.

   LOCALE UNLOAD is a privileged OpenVMS command, typically issued by
   the system manager, and requiring the following privileges:

    o  SYSGBL

    o  PRMGBL

   Only locale files loaded by the LOCALE LOAD command can be


        LOCALE UNLOAD name

4.1  –  Parameter


     A character string that identifies the locale to be unloaded.
     See the LOCALE LOAD command for acceptable formats for this
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